Chapter 4: chapter 3
One day before Friday Barbara you moved Ivy asked yeah if I'm telling you today cuz I just finished all the moving oh yeah ivy after the trip why come out over and hang out sure why not Ivy says may I ask why not now though I'm going to be busy for the next week or so doing some things there's just some security system to get plugged in and all that and I don't want you to get bored and it's going to take a while sure okay.
Oh yeah I got text yesterday from Ace asking if we me and you both wanted to go to her place to hang out during the weekend sure why not Barbara says let's just get to stay over with as they went into the school and finish today with classes has Barbara went home she reached into her pocket and put in the headset and said Oracle are you ready yes has she walked into the belfry.
well I guess it's my first time wearing my new suit yes this suit has all the elements that you have also asked for that I can help with Detective mode is in this suit.
also just so you know from what I can tell this isn't the most powerful form of this suit o you mind telling me why well from what I can tell this suit isn't fully made out of vibranium it can stop gunshots yes but it will not be permanent until you get the full suit made out by vibranium and by looks of it I would say you won't get the full suit until the base reaches level three but after the night if everything goes well you should reach level two do you know what happened to know what gets add to the belfry well you get the bat cycle and you'll get massive cloaking improvements for the base it will now be immune to any type of spelling satellite everything will look like it's normal from a satellite's point of view if you're ever in the bat suit near the entrance or drive out the bat cycle okay is there anything else.
You will also gain access to a teleporter oh a teleporter yes you can teleport to any minor base that you have most of these bases still will be automatically generated by the system and place Underground and you can drive the bat cycle out from there so you can get any work with we but you will not be able to fully access it until reaching level 3 you only unlock the teleporter and the location near your dad's house okay well let's get out there as Batgirl puts on her bat suit by pressing the ring in the middle and the metal covering her and turning into her bat suit let's get going.
As Batgirl try out of the belfry she raised her hand and start grappling across the city and gliding standing on a rooftop Barbara ask is there any crimes going on in the sea right now they're quite a few going on right now Barbara but there's something that might catch your entrance there's a murder scene two blocks from here maybe you should go there and see if you can find out any information sure that's back girl got to the scene of where it was for no police were there yet so she quickly landed and starts getting and looking for Clues as she was scanning she knows something weird hey Oracle is it just me or did he die from a gun shop from a weird location.
Yes from the angle of Where The Gunshot came from looks like it ricocheted off the wall let's forward to see if we can find the shooter as Batgirl was looking around the location far off the distance amen looking through binoculars Caesar and goes in his head who the heck is she as Becker was looking around she found clues of him going in One Direction started head that way as he saw this he started he got ready to get up as Batgirl saw who it was all she could think was I knew it Deadshot as she got up the guy into a fight you're really good little missy but I have to ask who are you my name is Batgirl and then back girl says I have heard about you though Deadshot the man who never misses.
But I will say if you ever go after a person named Amanda Waller make sure she's gone may I ask why all I will say is that lady is a psychopath Hosanna Another Universe a while ago and she created a team called The Suicide Squad where she plants bombs and criminals heads so I'm just saying if you ever see her don't trust her ever he even kidnapped your daughter in that universe just don't tell me when I told you that though and deadshot. If she's telling the truth she needs to go they fought for another couple minutes and finally Deadshot side it's enough and threw something in the air blinding back girl for a minute and escaping Barbara asked Oracle did you see where he went no wherever you just used was not just a flashbang they also jammed all surveillance cameras so he got away.
Great well let's get back home then has she left she also knows a message for my system gain 400 points for surviving Deadshot for the first time gain another 400 points for the first time Deadshot escaped level 2 unlocked needs another 5,000 points to upgrade to level 3 has she heard that okay I wasn't expecting to get points even when he escaped so I guess I'll get points regardless then but when I defeat them and put them in jail probably be more but I'm wondering why did it give me 400 how much does it give me for the feeding Deadshot she asked a system Deadshot is one of the more dangerous super villains so his point range is about a 1,000.
Has she got home she took off her suit and went to bed has Barbara was on our way to school she bumped into ivy and Ivy said hey did you see the news last night no why well because last night when the the the GCPD got a call last night about someone being murdered as they got to the scene with some news crews they heard some fighting from the rooftops and they looked and they saw two people fighting one of them the police officers that saw saw one with silver mask with a red glowing eye from the information I was able to get off for my friend that was overheard it this morning said supposedly it was Deadshot Barbara said really.
Yeah and supposedly was finding some girl dressed in a bat suit I wonder if it was the Batgirl I saw what you saved me when Ivy said this Barbara I couldn't help herself and said you make it sound like you have a crush on her Ivy's face turned bright red and she just said I don't know Barbara who is just teasing heard this and turn bright red as well because that wasn't the answer she was expecting as they walked into their school and we're seeing in class has Barbara and Ivy were on their way to the library Barbara knows something in the corner of Roy she grabbed Ivy's arm and moved into the corner she also saw Ace and grabbed her hand and pulled her over.
They both are pulling them in the ass why are you pulling us all Barbara says no time follow me in that right now and I'll explain in a minute as Barbara was having them follow after she let go she reached into her pocket and put something into her ear Ace and Ivy both knows this and they both heard Barbara say Oracle skin the cameras around our school for the last 30 minutes for anything exhibitious understand Barbara and Barbara went towards a tower and and she pulled them into it and close the door they both looked her and they said you do know this is Tower is closed off right to the students.
I know that but if you saw what I just saw you would understand why I pulled you here oh what did you see well I just saw people moving towards the school with guns and a lot of them Barbara said Oracle has anything happened within the last few minutes Miss I don't know what's going on but I can say this these people are looking for something in the school by the looks of it and I don't know what all I can tell from what I could hear from their conversations if they're looking for something excific and artifact is what they get calling it.
Is there anything else they've said no or else I was able to pick up is that they're looking for three of them and one of them just happens to be here Barbara says oh great why do I feel like this is going to turn into something big much later I really don't want to do this but I have to well I'm going to say this now why I'm going to do you are not allowed to tell anyone you got it Ivy and Ace said why you will know in a minute has he pressed on her bat ring and her bat suit started to form she also said to Oracle erase me coming out of the Tower make it look like nothing happened.
Ask Barbara ran out stealthy and started taking out thugs and Barbara couldn't think I'm so glad I have this suit right now meanwhile with Ivy and Ace they both looked at each other with mouthwides open Ace couldn't help but say she's Batgirl Ivy couldn't help but stay I was not expecting that and then she remembers her conversation with Barbara earlier and couldn't help put blush.
As they were in their mind their phone in their hands send Voice through said I'm sorry to interrupt your two moments but that girl said to send you this recording it's of her explaining oh and you can also call me Oracle they both looked at each other again and listen to the recording.
Back with Batgirl she was taking care of the thugs and finally thought she was done saw one of the thugs running shoes about to go after him until the corner of her eye she saw the police coming in so she quickly left went back to her friends and took off her bat suit and waited as they were searching they found Barbara Ace and Ivy hiding in a tower and the police couldn't help but ask why are you here the police asked we saw some guys coming towards our school with guns so we came here to hide has Jim Gordon came in you okay dear Jim ask.
No everything's fine I just saw some people with guns coming to our school from the corner of my eyes we were walking to the library so I grab my two friends here and pulled them over here without saying at the thing and came here to hide all Jim could say good girl and Barbara says Dad stop that I'm an adult now stop and Jim Gordon couldn't help but say you always be my little girl and Barbara completely embarrassed shrinks into the corner.
As the police were interviewing the witnesses and arrested the arm goons that were tied up they all heard that the Batgirl showed up and took out the thugs then all of a sudden on Jim Gordon's phone a message popped up saying from Batgirl those guys were looking for some type of artifact I'm assuming they found the one that's at the school there should be others from what I heard there should be four in total so you should probably keep your ears out bye Batgirl.
Jim looked at his phone and didn't know what to say and as he was trying to think how she got his phone number he then remembers he gave out his phone number on to the GCPD website for tips call me as soon as that's how she got he thought well girls I should get going then all right I'm going to take my friends to my new place okay so can you do me a favor and call Alfred and tell him that his granddaughter is going to come visit my place for the night sure Gordon said well let's get going there's no way school's going to attend you now.
That's the three of them walked toward the belfry Ace and Ivy said this is your new place huh yes I own this building but I'm not taking you to the floor I live on I'm taking you to another floor as they walked towards the belfry they saw Barbara turn and go down towards the wall as all three of them walked towards it the wall opened and they all walked in and then they walked into the elevator going up to the belfry and all Barbara could say welcome to the belfry.
To be continued