basketball storm

Chapter 185 20022003-[-] Cuba Divisional Competition

Chapter 185 20022003-[-] Cuba Divisional Competition

After the CBA All-Stars are over here, the CBA team continues the regular season, and the teams aspiring to compete for good results have started a new journey.

In addition to the CBA game, another game has also begun to attract the attention of fans.

That is the cuba game.

Last year's cuba division and knockout rounds brought countless wonderful moments to the fans.

10 minutes into Wang Haoyu's fourth year at Huada University, Wu Tianze forced out the strongest Lin An, Lin An shed tears after being defeated by Liu Guang, Liu Guang carried the team and scored [-] points in a fierce battle with Huada University...

Every moment can still make fans talk about it, and last year's cuba also gave birth to countless young talents.

What surprised the fans most was that last year's rookie-based national team defeated the American Dream Team and took third place in the World Championships.

This incident directly shocked the basketball circles of China and the United States.

And the entry of these geniuses into the CBA directly caused earth-shaking changes in the CBA. New and old players succeeded alternately and entered a new era.

All of the above have made fans look forward to this year's cuba divisional match.

Not to mention that this year, the media exposed the talents of colleges and universities who were still in the grassroots competition early this year.

Qiao Yuliang, Mao Jun, Zhu Zhun, Tang Bifei, Cheng Wendong, Qi Shijian, Chang Le, Xu Bu, Liu Zhizhou, Hao Man, Chen Fengxia, Yang Meng, Zhou Quanrui...

Many experts predict that the draft quality of the 03 generation will not be much worse than that of 02.

Therefore, fans have no reason not to pay attention to cuba.

The provincial competitions in mid-February are almost over, and after the break, the regional competitions in March will start.

This year's competition venues for the four major divisions are Huaxia Renmin University in the capital of the Northeast Division, Suzhou Jinling University in the Southeast Division, Sichuan University in the Southwest Division, and Jinzhou University in the Northwest Division.

A total of 20 college teams participated in the competition, [-] more than last year.

Cuba has therefore changed the competition system.

25 teams from each region will be divided into five groups by lottery, No.1 in each group will qualify, and No.2 in each group will go on a group tour, and the top three will advance.

Finally came to the knockout stage is still 32 teams.

To sum it up, the game is more brutal.


in a regular meeting of cuba
An official from the Cuba Association wondered why it wasn't expanded to the knockout round of 64?

And Chen Xinglian explained at the meeting: "At present, the strength level of most schools needs to be improved. Too many knockout matches will lower the level of the league. After the team is stronger, it can be released to the top 64 knockout matches."

In terms of financial report analysis, the relevant person in charge reported the latest data.

Cuba's commercial sponsorship this time is much more than last season, and CBA predicts that Cuba's revenue this time will reach [-] million!

Four small goals!
The reason why such a high amount of money is mainly in sponsorship fees.

This year, Best Coke, Eucalyptus, Tebu, and Aodi Auto have a large amount of sponsorship fees and local broadcasting fees. In addition to these big brands, other small endorsements have also made the association a lot of money.

Compared with the cleanness on the CBA player jerseys, there are many advertisements on college jerseys.

Broadcast fees are also a major source of income.

Cuba Chen Xinglian is still afraid to ask CCTV for money, but Chen Xinglian of the local TV station is not polite.

After all, the cost of broadcasting sports events is a very important income, and major TV stations bid high prices one after another after tasting the sweetness.

The division match Cuba is broadcast by four TV stations, and the knockout match is handed over to one TV station.

It can be said that the biggest change in this year's cuba compared to last year is that it has a stronger ability to attract money.

And the CBA will get half of the proceeds from this competition, and the rest will be divided among the major universities in the regional competition according to the weight of their rankings.

However, the non-top 32 teams got less. Chen Xinglian asked people to prepare enough funds for these weak teams to build basketball. According to regulations, these teams can only continue to invest in the construction of the Cuba school team after getting the money.

The bonuses of the top 32 teams are higher than each other, and Chen Xinglian does not restrict the top 32 colleges and universities.

In addition to the fixed ratio of investment required by Chen Xinglian, it must be basketball, and other funds from the top 32 universities can be used to aid the construction of other disciplines.

This trick has greatly stimulated the desire of major colleges and universities.

You must know that most of the country's educational allocations are given to the top universities, while the remaining universities receive very little.

There are legitimate ways to generate income these days, which is very attractive to some less prestigious universities.

These colleges and universities will definitely build basketball school teams desperately, which will further weaken the influence of famous colleges and universities.

Strive to improve the ability to protect yourself before crazy admission to prestigious schools.It avoids the status quo that the efforts of ordinary colleges and universities to engage in basketball are not as good as a paper diploma from prestigious colleges and universities.

"Mr. Chen, what if these schools force students to sign five-year contracts for their own strength?"

A person in charge asked worriedly.

Chen Xinglian smiled, "Then let me ask you, if it were you, would you choose to enroll in this kind of university?"

The staff immediately understood what Chen Xinglian meant.

Today is still the era of going to the sea, business opportunities are surging everywhere in the whole country, and everyone is not too keen on taking the exam.

It is a good thing for students to be able to enter CBA earlier, so they will choose more tolerant colleges and universities.

In addition, the meeting also determined the time for Cuba to hold a press conference.

The time for the regional competition is set from March to mid-April, and the knockout round will start in May.

After the meeting, Chen Xinglian rushed to the next meeting without stopping.


In addition to paying attention to Cuba, Chen Xinglian gradually shifted his attention to games of lower age groups.

First, I went to listen to the work report of the Huaxia Youth Basketball Association.

Now Chen Xinglian's power can be said to be growing.

Now Chen Xinglian is the consultant of the basketball management appointment system, the vice president of the Basketball Association, the vice president of the University Basketball Association, and the vice president of the Youth Basketball Association.

As a person engaged in talent introduction and recruitment, Chen Xinglian used the role of consultant to participate in management at the beginning.

As Chen Xinglian's work is getting better and better, the basketball management also intends to let Chen Xinglian participate in more work.

In other words, Chen Xinglian's appointment in the Basketball Association is a matter of compliance.

And to give Chen Xinglian more and more positions, the original intention is to let him take over the development of Huaxia basketball in an all-round way, so that the right people can do the right thing.

Now everyone in the Youth Basketball Association has a very respectful attitude towards Chen Xinglian, which is very different from the mutual respect and equality of the Basketball Association.

After all, it is because of Chen Xinglian's campus sports that everyone gets attention, and everyone naturally respects Chen Xinglian.

"Mr. Chen, the middle and high school leagues in major provinces have been formed and have started competitions. Next season, we will increase our support for some provinces in the central, southwestern and northwestern regions."

Chen Xinglian then asked: "Can the number of matches be guaranteed?"

"We have carried out the Winter Cup and the Summer Cup. On average, each cup can guarantee [-] games, and there are [-] games in a school year."

Chen Xinglian is very satisfied with this number. Too much will affect teaching, and the cultural class of students will be too severely squeezed. Too little will not work, and players will not get exercise.

After the work report, Chen Xinglian praised everyone.

And finally said: "Little basketball can start."

(End of this chapter)

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