basketball storm

Chapter 179 2003 All-Star 4

Chapter 179 2003 All-Star Four

The fans on the sidelines were also talking.

"Holy shit! Awesome! It feels like someone has opened up the two veins of Ren and Du in Huaxia's basketball in the past two years, and geniuses follow one after another."

"I strongly agree. I thought last year's talent was just a coincidence. I didn't expect this year's rookie to swell my face."

"There is a new player coming up, won't he be a fierce man?"

"No way! If you still come, it's too exaggerated."

And Kotaro also hoped that the players replaced would be a little more ordinary with a fluke mentality.

But everyone's guesses and hopes were shattered.

Hu Deqiao hated Xue Yuyang as soon as he came on the court, and Tang Bifei ran forward after picking up the basketball.

Faced with Mao Jun's pressing, Tang Bifei threw the ball near the basket without looking at the pass.

Hood Joe flew into the air with his back to the basket, and a large back dunk ended the battle.

The stadium that was quiet for a while was once again lit by Hood Joe.

The commentator was also taken aback by Hu Deqiao, who was as physically fit as Mao Jun.

Zhang Weiping sighed again and again. You must know that in their era, the guards dribbled the ball across the half court to the inside and received the inside pass to shoot.

Now China's backcourt players will play an important role more and more.

And Tang Bifei also started his own performance. After a pick-and-roll, he drifted a jumper and hit a long two-pointer.

Then the ball was passed from the crotch to Qi Shijian's hands, and Qi Shijian abused the frame with both hands.

Looking at the huge figure of Qi Shijian swaying under the basket, the photographer under the basket was trembling for fear of being hurt by the big man.

Wang Haoyu was excited by the performance of the three Dayuan workers, and he approached Zheng Kailong.

"Old Zheng, I wanted three of them back then, and the championship should be mine."

Zheng Kailong replied: "Then think about it, what will happen to the three freshmen from Huada and our first team?"

Wang Haoyu was choked and speechless.

And the new players from the Southern team also refused to admit defeat.

Chen Fengxia ignored Tang Bifei after a few dribbles, stepped back and made a three-point jumper, facing Tang Bifei's interference and hit a three-pointer.

Chen Fengxia's template is Fredette, the famous CBA foreign aid god of loneliness, a man who scored points in the CBA as easily as drinking water.

And Yang Meng is also unusual, he is a fierce man who came to Sichuan University from Tibet to study, in an attack, he turned around to fight against Wang Lei, and dunked with both hands.

His template is Liaodong's meritorious foreign aid Brandon Bass, who has superb physical fitness, and the defensive Huang Haibei and Wang Lei are powerless.

Huang Haibai complained: "Are college students so aggressive nowadays?"

But when he thought of the fierce men in his team, he was relieved again.

The most surprising thing is Chen Jianghua. Although he is still very thin at the age of 14 and has become a defensive colander in the Xingrui competition, his talent is impressive.

I saw Chen Jianghua near the midfield, a large crossover passed Sun Yue, and came to the penalty area to fight against Cheng Wendong and scored a layup.

And the DJ played Chen Jianghua's age in a timely manner, and the fans on the sidelines exclaimed.

"Is a 14-year-old kid so fierce?"

"I dare not say that I can beat children anymore."

"Fuck! This is too much like Iverson! More like Lin An."

"Yes! This speed is too scary!"

And the eyes of NBA scouts light up.

Good guy!He is only 14 years old. If he is brought to the NBA, he might be a new Iverson in the future.

"Huaxia people have broken my perception of the cowardice of yellow people. I thought Yao was a minority."

"I think about the horrible fact that the NBA may not be able to host so much foreign talent! Those racists won't allow it."

"So we have to pick and choose."

"Are they willing to come to the NBA?"

"Of course! No one can refuse the temptation of the NBA."


The two teams played against each other in the first three quarters.

The score came directly to 100:103, and the Southern team led by three points.The overall strength of the two teams is about the same.

In the fourth quarter, the head coaches of both sides began to arrange tactics tacitly.

Their goal is simple - to win the game.

Too many dunks made the fans a little tired, until the fourth quarter of the game, the two teams began to increase their defensive strength, which made all the fans shine.

Both teams showed their housekeeping skills, and among them, the abilities of Qiao Yuliang and Mao Jun stood out.

The two became the most assured players of the two teams.

And the MVP of this star competition is very likely to be born among the two.

At this time, Mao Jun scored 24 points, while Qiao Yuliang scored 22 points.

Liu Zhizhou's defensive problems were magnified in the fourth quarter. There were no restrictions on Qiao Yuliang's back-up or face-up. In the end, Yang Meng, a swingman in the third and fourth positions, came to defend.

The northern team's three-pointer against the southern team is also a headache.

Zhu Zhun and Chen Fengxia both shot three-pointers.

Fortunately, with the explosion of Hu Deqiao and Chang Le, the North team continued to score three points, otherwise the North team might collapse in half of the fourth quarter.

The game came to the last moment.

Qiao Yuliang singled Yang Meng with his back, turned around and faced the frame to connect with the cross step, and then directly pulled up, hitting two points.

With just 15 seconds left in the game, the North lead by one point.

Everyone thinks that there is a high probability that the northern team will win this victory.

Director Faye Wong called a timeout, arranged tactics nervously, and handed over the last shot to Zhu Zhun for execution.

After the game came back, the audience was very nervous at this time, afraid of missing every frame.

Hao Man, who was serving the ball, watched his teammates run, and as expected, an accident happened in this book, and Zhu Zhun did not run out of the open space.

Seeing that the time was about to run out, Mao Jun threw Qiao Yuliang away, went around to Tang Zhengdong to catch the ball and threw it away.

Qiao Yuliang was delayed for a while, but he still did not give up and continued to come forward.

Qiao Yuliang straightened his hands and retracted his feet to prevent Mao Jun from being injured, and stood in front of Mao Jun like a pillar.

And Mao Jun made a hasty shot under Qiao Yuliang's defense.

Everyone watched the high-flying basketball fall from the highest point and fall into the basket.

Three point hit!

Mao Jun succeeded in the lore.

In an instant, cheers erupted from the sidelines!

Bravo!All fans feel that today's game ticket is really worth it!
"Damn it! Mao Jun is awesome! You can make a shot like this!"

"It's just murderous. Mao Jun's killing shot in front of Qiao Yuliang directly snatched Qiao Yuliang's MVP!"

"Goodbye lore, two lore on New Year's Eve, and another one today, I even wonder if this is a CBA script!"

"Even if you have a script, you have to be able to hit it."


Qiao Yuliang put his head in his hands and looked at the scoreboard in despair.

Victory is clearly at hand.

He felt that his life was full of tragedies, but fortunately Liu Guang came over to comfort him, he could understand Qiao Yuliang's mood, and said:
"Xiaoliang, your performance today is great! Failure hurts, but you can't beat you! I hope you can work harder and come back."

On the other side, Xiao Jinghua was very satisfied looking at the film in the camera, there was enough for him to develop.

And Xiao Yuan stared blankly at Qiao Yuliang, not knowing what to say.


On the other hand, Mao Jun was celebrating wildly with his teammates.

After the game, he won the MVP of Xingrui Competition.

Chen Xinglian presented the trophy as the guest of honor.

And encourage young people.

The next program was Chen Xinglian's speech. Chen Xinglian was wearing an exquisite Tang suit today. He had been the general manager of the CBA company for a year, which gave him an aura of calmness and prestige.

Most of the media and fans did not leave the stadium. They knew that Mr. Chen is not a person who likes to talk nonsense, and there must be some exciting news waiting for them.

 Chapter 3 send it in the morning
(End of this chapter)

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