basketball storm

Chapter 155 NBA in action

Chapter 155 NBA in action

The media conference after the game, every press conference is the most distressing time for Liang Zhan.

However, as the team's leader Liang Zhan, there is no such thing as rookie protection. He has already started to participate in the post-match press conference.

Li Ren and Liang Zhan attended the press conference together.

The reporters at the press conference asked a lot of questions about the competition, and Liang Zhan was able to answer them with ease.

"What do you think of your opponent Lin An?"

Liang Zhan replied sincerely: "To be honest, I am looking forward to the match with Lin An, I was looking forward to it when I was in Cuba.

Today is my wish. To be honest, his dribbling is no better than him in the league in my opinion. I can't imagine what it is like to be a player who can steal him. "

After Liang Zhan answered some questions in a satisfactory manner, a reporter stood up and asked a question that made Liang Zhan dumbfounded.

"Will you participate in the 03 NBA draft?"

Now not only Chinese people are paying attention, but even American journalists are paying attention. In Pengcheng, a big city, there are more foreign journalists, so foreigners will ask this question.

And the media reporters on Tianfu's side are also curious, and now there are all kinds of rumors outside.

Liang Zhan still gave the official answer, "The NBA is a good basketball stage. It is the place where Michael Jordan fought. I would like to see it if I have the chance. As for whether I will be drafted next year, the key is to see my team. I am As a professional player, playing every game right now is what I care about."

Apparently, Liang Zhan's answer left reporters empty-handed again, but some reporters asked Liang Zhan what his goals are for this year.

Liang Zhan is no longer modest and reserved.

"I think MVP is what I want!"


Every time a reporter asks himself whether to participate in the NBA draft.

The next day the media published the content of yesterday's game.

"Lin An's 38 points are hard to be a savior, Sichuan Province still needs to work hard to build a team"

"31 crazy shots, the team hero is still a cancer"

"Zhuangyuan Lang once again contributed 40+, telling the world that CBA has no room for him"

"Liang Zhan bluntly said after the game that he wanted to compete for the MVP, but he needs to pass the level of Liu Guang and Zheng Kailong"

"Liang Zhan is suspected of being dissatisfied with the team management and wants to land in the NBA"

"Zhao Yong - Sichuan Province's Pointing Forward"

"Is Zhang Gao the Next Yao Ming?" "

"How close is Sichuan Province to the No. [-] lottery? "

"Is the new establishment of the Pioneers the favorite to win the championship? "

Articles about ghosts and ghosts have appeared, and some articles are purely rumors without any authenticity.


Chicago Bulls Headquarters
"Mr. Claus, what do you want me to do?"

Bill Cartwright wondered why the general manager came to him when he had nothing to do.

"Bill, you read the newspaper."

Cartwright looked at the newspaper on the table. It was a newspaper he couldn't read, but the entire page was occupied by a photo.

It was a yellow-skinned young man who took a photo of a black player.

Cartrell recognized this young man. He was Liang Zhan from the Huaxia World Championships.
However, someone thoughtfully wrote an English translation on the side of the newspaper. After reading it carefully, Cartrell understood what it meant.

Liang Zhan led his team to defeat the opponent, and Liang Zhan scored a high score.

But what concerned him the most was that Liang Zhan hit multiple key three-pointers in the game.

"This is the dunk guy Liang, I know him, he and his teammates took down Team USA hard."

The general manager of the Bulls also made a long story short, "Bill, to be honest, I want to get him! What do you think?"

Cutler didn't expect the general manager to have his mind set on him.

"To be honest, Liang reminds me of Carter, he is the most talented Chinese person I have ever seen, and his skills are polished very well.

He has the potential to be an All-Star, and if the team is willing to acquire him, he is a good choice in my opinion. "

Klaus did not expect that Cartrell supported his decision, and instantly became happy.

"You know, Fizer has no talent, and Jaylen Rose is 30 years old, Liang is a superstar.

The most important thing is the market behind him. "

Well, the last estimate is Krause's favorite.

"Okay! But what price do we need to pay to get him? He's already in the professional team. Yao's matter is well-known in the league."

"Don't worry, there is always a solution for this kind of thing, and didn't Yao also come to the NBA in the end? It's a pity, we missed Yao."


Headquarters of the Miami Heat.

At this time, Sut Riley called assistant coach Van Gundy over.

And he called Van Gundy over for one purpose—Liang Zhan.

Not surprisingly, the Heat will compete for the lottery pick again, so they began to plan a new draft.

Before that, they wanted to strengthen the team to compete for the playoffs, so Riley turned his attention to the far east.

But things didn't go well. The Heat set their sights on Liu Guang, who has a strong immediate combat capability, but Li Su from the Great Wall didn't even give him a chance to negotiate when he heard that the Heat wanted Liu Guang.

It directly let the Heat shut the door.

And the Hurricanes didn't want to trade Zheng Kailong so early, otherwise the team would have to go through a long construction period, so they rejected the Heat's deal about Zheng Kailong.

The Heat finally targeted Liang Zhan. Riley wanted to get Liang Zhan through the draft, and the reason for choosing Liang Zhan was the same as the Bulls.

Superstar image plus Huaxia market.

In the office, a large TV continuously played various wonderful performances of Liang Zhan.

Both Riley and Van Gundy looked straight.

"Damn it, I hope Pioneer isn't as arrogant as the boss of the Great Wall. I need to understand Pioneer's weaknesses and our trading plan!"

Pat Riley said strongly.

Van Gundy said: "Now there is only one question left, and that is where Liang Zhan will be in the draft. If the team does not have a high draft lottery, I am afraid it will not be able to get it."

Riley did the math and felt that Liang Zhan's pick should still hover in the top five, and the possibility of the top three is less.

However, the Nuggets may suddenly get involved.

"I'll let the scouts keep watching,"

As for Van Gundy's indifference to Liang Zhan, but Riley is the boss, he can choose whoever he likes, and finally Riley made a decision:

"James Anthony is still our first choice, Wade and Liang are backup options."

In addition to the Bulls and the Heat moving their minds on Liang Zhan, some NBA teams have also moved their minds on Liang Zhan.

After all, Carter's success is right in front of him. Why not choose Huaxia Carter, who has a huge market?

Some teams can't wait to find the Blazers to make an offer.

Li Guoliang was a little helpless looking at the various quotations and plans.

After all, a small team is a small team, and good players still can't keep it.

"Let's do it!"

If Liang Zhan can be sold for a good price, it will also help the team.


On the other hand, Liang Zhan had a two-day rest after returning to Pengcheng for the home game. According to AJ's arrangement, an offline fan exchange event will be held in Pengcheng.

This is a rare brand event for CBA stars in the original time and space.

(End of this chapter)

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