basketball storm

Chapter 139 Overseas broadcast rights

Chapter 139 Overseas broadcast rights

The story of the South China Tigers' victory over an NBA team also spread throughout Asia.

Everyone suddenly discovered something - we were all fighting monsters and leveling up, and the rabbit next to us was already at full level.

Rabbit's Great Wall team only lost [-] points to the Rockets, not to mention that the Rockets still have a No. [-] pick in the Rabbit.

And this directly broke the mentality of the Korean media next to it, bluntly saying that the team's home whistle in the Huaxia League is too serious, and the American father is so great, how could he lose to Huaxia Smecta.

And Japan is very interesting, they think this is a sign of the rise of Asians.

It can reflect the ambivalence of the Japanese, you say he left Asia and entered Europe!He sometimes feels that he is better than the West.

They are all of the yellow race, and if you are strong, I am just as strong.

So many Japanese fans began to pay attention to this Asian league.


TV TOKYO office
Director Takahashi Yuichi looked at the newspaper in front of him and fell into deep thought.

I saw a newspaper on his desk, which published news about the NBA Clippers losing to the South China Tigers, and described the content of the game in detail.

Takahashi is full of curiosity about Yi Jianlian. In his opinion, it is inconceivable that a tall man of more than two meters can have such strong athletic ability.


TV Tokyo was also aiming to grab the news before, but it still couldn't do the other four.

TV Tokyo changed its mind in a fit of anger, hey! ~ I will stop introverting with you.

So the TV station began to broadcast some cartoons when important news was hot, which can be called a mudslide in the industry.

But it's not interesting to keep showing cartoons, so some innovation is necessary.

Takahashi suddenly had a bold idea - how about we play the CBA league!
I don't have the money to buy NBA broadcast rights, and I can't fight for the five major leagues. It's better to buy CBA broadcast rights. Although this league is very young, it can't be cheap!And with so many strong players, it may not be uglier than the NBA.

The Clippers lost to the CBA team!
He said he would act immediately, but Takahashi did not intend to be reckless, he decided to test the water first, let the sports program broadcast the main games of this year's World Championships (mainly the games of the Huaxia team), and see how the market reacts.

It’s okay if there is no reaction, or a negative reaction. If it’s a big deal, let’s not do it.

So TV Tokyo decided to start a bold attempt.A teaser popped up after a morning news broadcast.

"The strongest fight in history!The rising Chinese men's basketball team challenges the basketball god Team USA"

The content is to broadcast Liu Guang's tomahawk-style split dunk and Liang Zhan's double-dunk dunk, as well as Yao Ming's hot pot, which seems to be very effective.

Some people feel baffled, what does the World Championships between China and the United States have to do with us?

However, some people who like basketball think it is good. After all, they only learned that the Huaxia team defeated the Dream Team through the news before, and now they can watch the live broadcast, which is not so good!
So some people decided to watch the World Championships at night.


"Dad, which men's basketball team is stronger, China or the US team?"

Kotaro asked, as a fan, Kotaro's father still understands.

"The Huaxia team is much stronger than this dream team. Although the Huaxia people took advantage of the arrogance of the Americans and did not send the strongest players, but I have to admit that at least the Huaxia people are ahead of us in basketball. "

After the game started, the two were also very shocked. Liu Guang and Zheng Kailong's mid-range shots, as well as Lin Anhua's dribbling, directly beat the US team.

Especially when Liang Zhan appeared on the stage, the father and son who had watched the slam dunk blurted out directly - isn't this Xiandao Akira?
Watching the point difference between the two teams widen.

As an NBA fan, Taro's father has never seen NBA players so embarrassed.

All kinds of exclamations came out of his throat.

When Liang Zhan directly buckled Da Ben to the ground, he almost spilled his own beer.

Fuck!When did we Asians become so awesome?

And his son Taro is also obsessed with the Huaxia team's game, he thinks they are so cool!


The next day, TV TOKYO's media investigation phone calls were blown up. Many people praised the Huaxia team's game and hoped to continue to broadcast the Huaxia team's matches with other teams.

After all, it's so cool to watch a team with the same skin color as me beat the US team!
When the investigation results came out, Takahashi had a clue in his mind, and immediately arranged for someone to continue broadcasting the World Championships, and then let the negotiators communicate with the CBA.

Chen Xinglian, who was far away in China, was in a daze.

"Although I plan to sell overseas broadcast rights this year, I don't plan to find Japan? Don't they prefer American culture?"

Chen Xinglian was planning to leave for Malaysia and Singapore.

Because I met the boss of a major local TV station through overseas Chinese relations before, and wanted to promote the CBA.

The other party was also very satisfied after watching the game. After all, the game was very exciting, and the layout of the arena was not much different from that of the NBA. They finally decided to buy the CBA's overseas broadcast rights.

The two parties negotiated, and Chen Xinglian, as the boss, decided to lead the team himself to show his sincerity.

In the end, Chen Xinglian decided to go east to Japan after visiting Southeast Asia.


"Mr. Chen, you are really young and promising! Hahahaha!"

The director of Malaysian TV is a Chinese, surnamed Huang, and he is also a Chinese whose ancestry is from Fujian Province.

As soon as Chen Xinglian came over, he chatted with him in Hokkien.

Chen Xinglian has been out for too long, so he doesn't have much chance to speak his native dialect. Although he can understand it, he can't speak it well.

But it's okay to be embarrassed for money.

The two parties began to chat about basketball.

At this time, Master Huang asked a question that surprised Chen Xinglian.

"Mr. Chen, when can we foreigners enter the CBA without occupying the foreign aid quota?"

Chen Xinglian didn't know why he asked that.

Huang Taichang smiled and explained: "I watched the cuba finals, Huaqiao University has us three Malaysians, and their strength impressed me deeply.

Although they are far behind Zheng Kailong, Liang Zhan and He Siyuan in terms of strength, I am still very optimistic about their future.

However, I have learned about the regulations of the CBA. Foreign players must be foreign players to enter the CBA, but I think this is very unfriendly to the three children. Can Mr. Chen help with this? "

Chen Xinglian did not expect that the other party would pay attention to this. Gugani, Chen Wei and Peng Hui did have the opportunity to enter the CBA from the original time and space.

"Taiwan Huang, I understand what you mean. This foreign aid policy is intended to protect domestic players. It is not a permanent policy. Our basketball association has held a meeting and thinks that we can relax the control on Asian players. .”

When Taichang Huang heard that there was something interesting, a clear smile appeared on his face.

"When will it be executed the soonest?"

Chen Xinglian doesn't want to reveal too much about this sensitive policy, just let him know.

"Taiwan Master Huang, you know, we have a secret here, but we won't let you down."


In the end, the two parties signed a one-year [-] million contract.

And Singapore also signed a one-year 1000 million broadcast rights.

When this incident was reported back to China, the domestic media people were shocked.

But what was even more shocking was yet to come.

(End of this chapter)

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