basketball storm

Chapter 113 Guohe Heroic Treatment

Chapter 113 Returning to China and Heroic Treatment

Everyone returned to China collectively, including Yao Ming, who will also go back and prepare to come to the United States to participate in NBA training.

Although the men's basketball team got No.3 good results, only No.1 in this World Championships can directly get the Olympic tickets, so the next Asian Games is also very important.

However, considering the long-term layout, the leaders of the Basketball Association also intend to let most of the players return to their respective leagues directly.

But since they won the award, there are a lot of activities waiting for them in China, such as the interview with Yang Ma.

In order to allow Yao Ming and Bart to perform better in the NBA, the Basketball Association chose not to recruit them all in the Asian Games.

Everyone in the national team made an appointment to return home together.

After the fans learned of the news of the national team's return, the players' supporters immediately took action and organized them to the entrance of the training center.

The official will hold a meet and greet at the training center, and fans will be able to meet their idols at that time.

The reason for doing this is that Chen Xinglian does not want to cause trouble to the airport, and the second is that the fan meeting can increase the enthusiasm of the fans.

Therefore, the players were notified in advance of the event, and the players were asked to take more rest in the United States to ensure that they had energy on the day of the event.

However, there are still some fanatical fans who plan to drive and follow the national team vehicles all the way from the airport to the training center.


The special plane carrying the national team landed at the airport.

Originally, the airport asked if they wanted to be greeted by Watergate, but Chen Xinglian refused the kindness, bluntly saying that one day they won the championship and they will be greeted by Watergate.

But the players felt the difference from the moment they got off the plane.

For example, the reception staff at the airport are very friendly.

Liang Zhan watched a young flight attendant approaching him, wondering what the other party was going to do?

Looking at the starry eyes of the other party, Liang Zhan knew something, took out a signature pen familiarly, and signed his name on the flight attendant's poster with Liang Zhan's dunk on it.

And the airport girls around Lin An gathered the most, and they also wanted to sign.

It can be said that the staff took advantage of the convenience of work to get the signature of the star.

On the other side, Liu Guang was not used to it.

"Need my signature?"

The middle-aged uncle nodded excitedly.

Liu Guang asked what the other party wanted.

"Our family likes to watch you play. Can you bless my son? Although my son doesn't have much talent to play, he likes you very much. Can you wish him success in the college entrance examination? His wall is full of your posters."

After listening, Liu Guang carefully wrote down his blessing and signature.

There are fans around everyone in the national team looking for their autographs.But time passed quickly, and the players had to leave immediately, after all, the travel time was relatively short.

This time, in order to prevent fans from gathering inside the airport, the players were directly allowed to go through the membership channel, but they were also reminded in advance.

The players were still taken aback when they left the airport.

Because a lot of fans outside the airport are holding KT support boards.

He Siyuan said with emotion: "It seems that we have really become stars."

Zheng Kailong also nodded in agreement with He Siyuan's statement.


"An'an! Good job!"

There was a female fan with Lin An's photo stickers all over her face, holding up a KT board with Lin An's portrait.

"Team Zheng! Team Zheng!"

There are also many fans who are fascinated by Zheng Kailong's domineering temperament. There are men and women, all of whom are high school students or have just entered college.

At this time, a bunch of people gathered on both sides of the road is quite spectacular.

As the players walked out, fans cheered.

The players also greeted the fans one after another.

Faye Wong said with emotion: "The playing environment is good now, and everyone is recognizing the sport of basketball. I never thought that players can be like stars,"

Kuang Lubin also said, "Is this what Mr. Chen is going to do?"

Everyone in the national team quickly got on the prepared bus and set off to the training center.

Some fans' vehicles followed the bus.

Finally the bus came to the training center.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the scene in front of them, because there were already crowds of people around the built stage.

There is no end in sight.

When the players got off the bus, the fans erupted in appalling cheers.

"Hero! Hero! Hero!"

The fans shouted for heroes, and in their view, those who can win for the country and the fans are heroes.

The host warmed up at the beginning, making the enthusiasm of the fans reach the highest level.

"Next, let's invite everyone from the national team to come on stage!"

The audience in the audience became more restless.

So the host called out the names of the players in alphabetical order.

Players also appeared on the stage as their names were called.

Players receive cheers from fans.

And Dayao was elected by the players to speak on behalf of everyone.

"It's a great honor to be able to gather with everyone and share the joy. It is the credit of everyone in the national team to win this time.

At the same time, there is support from fans!
Although it is a pity that we are out of the semi-finals, we believe in the future!I believe that we can win the championship in the future! "

The fans in the audience immediately applauded. Everyone believed that what Yao Ming said was not a dream, but a fact.

Everyone can see the strength of the Huaxia team this year.The turbulent offensive of the Huaxia team made the fans talk about it the most.

Even the Dream Team couldn't hold back.

Next is the question-and-answer session for the fans, and the players will answer questions for the fans.

The most puzzling thing is to ask Lin An's object standard.

Immediately afterwards, each player will send out the relevant cultural shirts of the national team, with personal portraits, or printed with symbols that symbolize the national team's victory.

The players threw out the cultural shirts made into balls one by one.

When it came to Liu Guang, someone in the audience behind shouted that the one behind didn't get it.

Liu Guang immediately showed his muscles and threw it hard. The throwing distance once again amazed the fans.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Guang threw out all the cultural shirts in his hand.Fans have to feel that Liu Guang is responsible for the strength of the national team and Bart this time, and his strength is enough.

The activity lasted for a while and then ended.

The fans also left reluctantly.

According to the process, the players will set off for the CCTV building to accept the CCTV interview the next day after the rest.

Faye Wong was about to leave the training center for a meeting in the basketball management building. Chen Xinglian and other leaders of the CBA company and members of the Basketball Association were also called to the meeting.


A group of executives sat in the basketball management's conference room.

The topic of discussion today is nothing else but the next Asian Games in Busan.

Although the result of this World Championships is No.3, according to the regulations, he still needs to participate in the Asian Games to be eligible for the Olympics.

And this time the Asian Games only has one place to go to the Olympic Games.

So everyone is talking about the list.

People from the CBA company believe that for the development of the league, players should be given a good rest.The basketball management side hopes that this time some members of the team can work harder than in the previous Asian Games, and at worst, the proportion of players' wages in the club's salary cap will be increased a little bit.

But everyone agrees, that is, the Asian Games is bound to win!

(End of this chapter)

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