basketball storm

Chapter 108 CBA New Foreign Aid Policy

Chapter 108 CBA New Foreign Aid Policy

After the match against New Zealand, Faye Wong conducted a normal post-match interview.

Faye Wong first praised her opponent, although she won the game, she still had to maintain her demeanor.

But media reporters did not buy it.

Especially American media reporters, they have only one main question today, and that is to know whether these Chinese players will land in the NBA?

In fact, after this series of games, everyone was amazed by the young players of the Huaxia team.

Many NBA teams publicly shouted that they expect more Chinese players to enter the NBA.

Faced with this question, Faye Wong replied: "I am just the head coach of the national team, responsible for the national team's game matters, as for the players' own future, it is up to the players and the club to decide.

You must know that most of the players are rookies in our league, they are already professional players, thank you! "

Faye Wong's meaning is obvious. Whether they go to the NBA or not has nothing to do with me. They have signed with clubs, and I want to make connections by myself.

In addition to this small episode, many shocking things happened that day.

For example, the US team lost again!

Yes!Lost to Argentina just like the historical track.

You must know that after the blow of the Huaxia team, the dream team became more serious than before, but they still lost the game against Argentina.

After all, this dream team has too few players who can score, and the teamwork is not good.

The Argentines have been playing together a long time ago, and they know what color pants their teammates wear.

So what if this dream five team is serious.

The final score of the two teams was 87:80, and the Dream Team was the latter.

Although the score is very close, anyone who has watched the game knows that although the Dream Team took the lead, Ginobili's sudden attack in the second half directly crushed the Dream Team.

The Spurs were overjoyed watching Ginobili's performance, and wished he would leave the national team to participate in the training camp.

But the German team struggled a bit. The original time and space lost to Russia. As a result, Nowitzki showed his power, and the 43 points from the gods directly took the game away.

And this victory also saved the German team and enabled the German team to qualify for the promotion.

At the end of the night, all the competitions ended, and the results of the E and F groups were finally as follows.

Group E: 1, Puerto Rico

2. Yugoslavia

3. Spain
4. Brazil

Group F: 1, Huaxia

2. Argentina
3. United States

4. Germany

After the butterfly effect, Group E has also changed with history. Yugoslavia has changed from No.3 to No.2, which means that the United States still has not escaped Yugoslavia.

According to the strength of Yugoslavia, I am afraid that the probability that the US team will miss the semi-finals again is very high.

The Huaxia team will play against Brazil in the quarterfinals.

It is considered to be the weakest team in the quarter-finals, Faye Wong breathed a sigh of relief, he has no plans to compete for the 5-8 ranking.

The order from the leader of the basketball management is to strive for medals, and it would be best if he could win a gold medal.

After the rankings are out tonight, the fight will start tomorrow.

Fortunately, the playing time of the players in this game is very balanced, and there is no risk of injury.


The World Championships in the United States is still in full swing, and Huaxia is not idle here.

The CBA team began to look for foreign aid to prepare for the next season, but the CBA company issued a new regulation that made the clubs jump with anger.

That is the foreign aid policy. These years, the foreign aid policy changes every year, just like the original time and space.

In the final analysis, there are still differences in the viewing of the game and the training of domestic players.

If foreign aid is not brought in, then the enjoyment of the game will decline, and even the team that is close to it has not scored 70 points in four quarters, which is a bit embarrassing.

But as soon as there is foreign aid, the coaches of the team will incarnate Tyronn Lue and hand over the damn ball to the foreign aid.

At that time, domestic players will become spot-up shooters again, which is why many players in later generations can't dribble smoothly, because you don't use it at all in the game.

Breaking through with the ball is a matter for foreign players. You can just squat on the three-point line and wait for the pass.

Therefore, Chen Xinglian simply adopted a compromise method and promulgated the salary limit for foreign aid.

This time all teams can spend the same amount of money on foreign aid.

All the same less at the same time!

Teams can only spend $60 on team foreign aid, and can only hire a maximum of two.

This is the salary obtained by the CBA company through investigation.

With an average salary of $30, you can't get any super scorers in the player market. At this price, you can get many defensive champions or jumpers.

To put it bluntly, Chen Xinglian is guiding the team to spend money outside to find defensive experts, making the league more difficult.

This has several advantages.

One is that the ball will not be excessively concentrated in the hands of foreign players, and domestic players can be trained.

The second is to increase the appreciation of the league. You must know that although super scorers cannot be bought, there are still some jumpers. At that time, there will be more high-visibility actions such as alley-oops, dunks and blocks, which will attract fans to watch on the spot. ball.

The third is to increase the strength of the league and purify the league. You must know that after the defensive level is improved, the bastard will be beaten back to its original shape.In the past, I could score five or six points by receiving passes and shots from foreign players, and then clocked in to get off work.

Now there is no foreign aid to feed the ball, but the defensive foreign aid will target this kind of pitcher. At that time, they will not have any real skills, and they will really not be able to stay in the game.

And a commercial team will naturally kick the bastard out of the team in order to make money.

Some people say that you are too ruthless. Most players come out of youth training, how can they survive without playing.

That's because you think too much, there is no CBA to play, you can go to the NBL!
Besides, Chen Xinglian is now vigorously advocating private forces to build a player training system, you can go to sea to open a training class.

Moreover, the CBA company itself has the ability to consume this group of court bastards, allowing players to transition to other jobs.

In a word, starve you to death!
After this policy came out, some teams that received investment were so angry that they were going to flex their muscles. What kind of foreign aid can we buy with this little money.

The best domestic players are being smothered by various clubs, and now some weaker teams can only wait for a year to rely on the draft or the provincial youth training to produce outstanding young talents.

As for the use of foreign aid, Chen Xinglian is very generous. There are no regulations such as a few players in four quarters or a single player in a single quarter.

In other words, you can use it casually, and you can let the two foreign players in your hand play for 48 minutes.

The reason why there are no restrictions is also to cultivate coaches intentionally. The restrictions of future generations will really waste the brain cells of coaches. When arranging foreign aid, you have to calculate which quarters you can play two games, and which quarters you can only play one game. Small foreign aid.

The head coach is almost driven crazy, but even so, it does not hinder the efficiency of foreign aid, occupying the vast majority of the top [-] scoring list.

However, there are only one or two domestic players in the top [-], not to mention how embarrassing it is, and they still scored a domestic scoring champion just like that.

Are you worthy of being the scoring champion?
After this policy came out, the South China Tigers in Eastern Guangdong were extremely worried.

Jackson alone squeezed out the salary of the entire foreign aid, which means that Guangdong East has no money to buy a second foreign aid.And Jackson's salary has reached 80 US dollars, so the team has to pay a luxury tax.

Director Li was also a little worried, but when he saw the figure on the field, he resolved many worries.

I saw a two-meter-tall teenager on the field receive a pass from rookie Li Dong and came to the half court. A large crossover that didn't belong to a big man passed the defensive player, rushed inside and made a dunk with both hands full of bows.

The program effect is full.

Director Li was a little shocked.

"This kid's talent is unique!"

 Guess who the last boy is
(End of this chapter)

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