Bao Ma restored hundreds of millions of supplies in the apocalypse

Chapter 96 Where did your hand come from?

Suizhu stood in the distance, watching Ye Feihong carry Mu Wanqing away, get into the car, and prepare to drive to pick up the Xiangcheng administrators.

But Mu Wanqing limped open the passenger door and squeezed into the car.

Suizhu felt a little relieved, picked up the phone and looked at the signal grid again.

She estimated the distance between her current location and the signal tower to the west, so she told Wang Zexuan that she was going to go to the signal tower alone.

She was worried that Piggy would be scared if she couldn't contact her for a long time.

As a result, Bai Zhi followed Suizhu before taking two steps.

Suizhu walked on the ruins, turned around and asked Bai Zhi,

"What are you following me for?"

Bai Zhi shrugged.

"The boss went to the Western Front to assess the damage. He asked me to follow my sister-in-law and be responsible for protecting her."

As the garrison commander of Xiangcheng, he could not always abandon his garrison and only make a special trip to protect Suizhu.

Zhan Shen also has Zhan Shen's responsibilities to do.

Suizhu didn't say anything. If she could refuse Bai Zhi's protection in this environment, it would seem a bit pretentious.

The two braved the heavy snowstorm and walked with difficulty among the ruins.

Soon I found the signal tower that had collapsed into a pile of iron frames.

Bai Zhi looked at the pile in front of her and frowned.

"It's all ruined like this. How many years will it take to repair it?"

He knew that each part of this kind of thing might cost a lot of money.

Of course, money is not an issue now. The main issue is where to get the parts?

Bai Zhi turned to look at Suizhu, "Sister-in-law, let's go back."

In fact, this place is not that safe.

Because these signal towers are on the west side.

Although a new round of earthquakes once again blocked the zombie wave from the periphery of the ruins,

But zombies will appear from time to time.

Just as Bai Zhi finished speaking, the roar of zombies could be heard faintly in the howling wind.

He turned around and saw that in the dark sky, several zombies were dangling on the ruins, walking towards Suizhu and Bai Zhi at the speed of an adult.

The expression on Bai Zhi's face turned cold, and he stood in front of Suizhu.

Suizhu said to Bai Zhi,

"You go deal with those zombies and protect me by the way. Let me see if there is any possibility of repairing this pile of useless signal base towers?"

Is there any possibility of repairing this?

Bai Zhi opened her mouth and wanted to say something.

But the zombies on the opposite side came too quickly, and Bai Zhi didn't dare to be distracted.

While he was protecting his sister-in-law behind him, he opened his hands and grabbed the nearest zombie in front of him. In his hand was a blue crystal core.

Suizhu raised his eyebrows and saw that Bai Zhi's superpower was really quite good.

He doesn't have to come into close contact with the zombies, nor does he need to cause any destructive damage to the zombies' bodies.

As long as the crystal core is taken out of the zombie's brain, the zombie will be like a corpse, motionless and limp on the ground.

Suizhu squatted on the ground, started repairing the signal tower, and said to Bai Zhi, whose back was turned to her,

"The power of these zombies comes from the crystal nuclei in their brains."

"The energy of the crystal core is sufficient, allowing a zombie to power its body without ever eating any food."

"Theoretically, it's perfectly fine for you to directly take away their crystal nuclei, but won't those zombies that fall on the ground grow crystal nuclei again?"

Suizhu has never seen Bai Zhi with such superpowers.

But in the previous life, the Xiangcheng management system made some strange statistics.

Suizhu remembered that at that time it was said that some zombies had more than just one crystal nucleus in their bodies.

They will grow two or more crystal nuclei.

Bai Zhi had never heard of such a possibility.

He turned around with a bunch of blue crystal cores with great interest, but he saw the Xiangcheng signal base tower that had been erected behind him.

Bai Zhi suddenly looked horrified, "Where did this come from?"

Suizhu raised his hand with a puzzled look on his face and patted the signal tower next to him.

"Yeah, where did this come from? I thought it was your superpower that sucked it from somewhere in the world."

Bai Zhi almost believed Suizhu's nonsense.

He looked down at his hands in confusion.

Are his powers really that powerful? How could a brand new signal tower be moved from some unknown place through the air?

Bai Zhi quickly realized that no, this brand new signal base tower was definitely not brought here by his superpower.

He set his eyes on Suizhu's face again,

"Sister-in-law, don't make fun of me. Where did this signal tower come from?"

Suizhu shrugged and did not answer Bai Zhi. He only took out the mobile phone in his hand and looked at the small signal that had been restored.

She sent a text message to Zhuzhu’s phone watch,

【Parents are safe!

Zhuzhu’s text message came back quickly, [Zhuzhu is safe too. 】

He is really a smart and sensible child who knows how to protect himself at this time so as not to burden his parents or make them worry.

So Piggy didn't panic at all. He just stayed in the fortress built by his mother and waited obediently for his parents to come back.

Putting away the phone, Suizhu led Bai Zhi towards the northwest.

The entire northwest line was in ruins. The only road on which a car could still be driven was the road connected to the water plant from the duplex community built by the administrators of Xiangcheng.

If he wanted to return to the duplex community as soon as possible, Suizhu could only walk to the water plant with Bai Zhi.

On the way, Bai Zhi looked at Suizhu and hesitated several times.

But in the end, he still refrained from asking anything.

Everyone has a secret. Before the end of the world, didn't Zhan Shen, Ye Feihong, and Bai Zhi all try their best to disguise themselves as ordinary people, without even daring to reveal the peculiarities of their bodies?

As a result, Bai Zhi didn't ask Suizhu, but Suizhu curiously asked Bai Zhi,

"Why don't you have arms?"

She watched Bai Zhi walk forward, and when the wind blew, his empty sleeve fluttered in the wind.

Bai Zhi said with a smile, "I was cut off when I was escaping from the laboratory."

Suizhu was stunned.

She thought Bai Zhi's arm was injured on some battlefield.

In the end, Bai Zhi actually gave her such an answer.

For a moment, Suizhu didn't want to ask any more questions.

She intuitively felt that this was a very heavy story.

But Bai Zhi didn't notice Suizhu's silence at all.

Since Suizhu asked, Bai Zhi told her sincerely.

"The apocalypse hadn't come yet at that time, but I had already revealed a lot of peculiarities, so I was targeted by some very strange organizations abroad."

"A strange institution?"

Suizhu looked confused,

"For example, some supernatural research institutions that appeared before the end of the world?"

She probably knew a little bit, but not much.

Because Suizhu's previous life did not awaken his powers before the end of the world.

Although in her life, she awakened her powers one month before the end of the world.

But society was already in chaos at that time, so who would care about anything unusual about Suizhu?

Bai Zhi nodded as she walked,

"They wanted to find out what happened to me, so they knocked me out and tied me to a bed. I broke an arm trying to escape from the bed."

Bai Zhi said it very calmly, but a person had a broken arm.

Just thinking about the true tragic situation of this story, I know that it will never be as lighthearted as Bai Zhi said.

Suizhu stood still. She turned her head and looked at Bai Zhi beside her and said,

"I suddenly want to try it on you."

Bai Zhi looked at Suizhu blankly, with a horrified expression on her face.

"Sister-in-law, what are you talking about? Try it on me? Isn't that bad?"

He has absolutely no interest in his sister-in-law’s literature!

However, Suizhu reached out and grabbed his hand.

Bai Zhi subconsciously wanted to shake it off.

But Suizhu held it tightly,

"Don't move. It will be fine soon. I just gave it a try. If it doesn't work, forget it!"

She wasn't sure if her own power, after repairing Zhan Shen, could repair others.

So I didn't dare to praise Haikou to Bai Zhi.

Can only give it a try.

Bai Zhi just wanted to scream.

At the incision of the broken arm, a numb and itchy feeling suddenly spread throughout her body.

Bai Zhi's face suddenly turned pale. What happened to his arm?

Gradually, Bai Zhi felt a pain from the itchy incision. The pain was like the growing pain caused by the growth of bones.

There was even a painful sensation of the flesh being pulled back and forth.

By the time Bai Zhi came back to his senses, his empty arm had become full.

He tilted his head numbly and looked at the arm hanging down by his side.

Suizhu, who was standing in front of him, suddenly turned away, his vision went dark, and he fell backwards.

"sister in law!"

Bai Zhi supported Suizhu who fainted, and he only used one arm as usual.

When he reacted, his other arm moved quickly. The two arms were a little uncoordinated. He picked up Suizhu and ran towards Zhou Weiran.

After just two steps, he saw Zhan Shen patrolling here with a garrison who was missing an eye.

"Boss, Liu Chunxin!"

Bai Zhi had a mournful face, hugged Suizhu who had fainted, and ran towards Zhan Shen.

Zhan Shen and Liu Chunxin ran over quickly and took the beads from Bai Zhi's hand.

"what happened?"

Zhan Shen yelled at Bai Zhi.

Immediately, Zhan Shen was stunned. Looking at Bai Zhi's intact arms, he looked down at Suizhu, who had fainted.

Zhan Shen suddenly remembered the magical phenomenon that happened to him when he was in the ruins.

So Zhan Shen whispered to Bai Zhi, "Keep it secret and don't tell it."

Bai Zhi nodded hurriedly.

He knew the seriousness of the problem. If such things were told, it would be very dangerous for Suizhu.

There are so many people in this world who are missing arms and legs, and everyone is struggling on the edge of life and death. If Suizhu had such ability, she would have endless troubles.

Zhan Shen took Suizhu with him and went all the way to find Zhou Weiran.

Liu Chunxin, who has only one eye, hasn't realized what happened? He asked Bai Zhi,

"Where did your hand come from? Did you steal it from someone else?"

It's really amazing that Bai Zhi's ability to pick up things from a distance is amazing.

As long as something appears on Bai Zhi's body, the first thing others will think is that he got it from somewhere else.

Bai Zhi did not explain, but grinned at Liu Chunxin.

Follow Zhan Shen to see Suizhu.

In the ruins in the west of Xiangcheng, Chang Yuhong looked at the collapsed building and his teammates who were all bruised and bleeding.

Sanyu Hong was so angry that he almost wanted to scold his mother.

What kind of luck is this? After finally forming a team of several thousand people, Chang Yuhong felt that he was gradually taking control of the entire Xiangcheng.

But an earthquake killed many of his people.

Forget it, the materials that Chang Yuhong had collected for so long were all piled into this building. Now those materials are buried in the ruins.

It takes a lot of effort to clear out the supplies bit by bit.

The key is that in such a cold weather, the north wind blows on people's faces like a knife, almost peeling off a layer of their skin.

Chang Yuhong's people had no place to rest. If they were allowed to stay in the snow for just a few hours, they would probably freeze to death.

Seeing Chang Yuhong jumping around, a teammate whispered,

"Captain, look at that duplex community that was not destroyed by the earthquake."

Most of the unit buildings in western Hunan were collapsed by the earthquake, and the units that were not destroyed looked shaky.

It definitely can't be inhabited.

After hearing what his teammate said, Chang Yuhong cast his gaze in the direction of the duplex community in the distance.

There is also the Xiangcheng Management Building, which is also a tough one. It stands firmly in the snow without any movement at all.

A teammate pointed in the direction of the Xiangcheng management building.

"Captain, many survivors have gone over there. They have no place to live, so they can only go to the Xiangcheng administrator to find a solution for them."

After Chang Yuhong heard this, he spat on the ground.

"Only incompetent people will base their hopes on the cowardly and incompetent administrators of Xiangcheng. I am different. Let's go to the commuting community."

He pointed to the duplex community where Suizhu lived.

A group of strong men with bloody heads followed. Behind Chang Yuhong.

Chang Yuhong shouted loudly,

"Cheer up and check how many people are left in our team. We've changed places."

"From then on, that duplex community became our stronghold, an eternal stronghold."

Houses with excellent construction quality can withstand earthquakes and will certainly be able to withstand many crises in the future.

Chang Yuhong discovered the value of the duplex community. He encouraged his teammates that everyone must win this community.

A large group of people arrived at the gate of the duplex community, and there were many ordinary survivors following Chang Yuhong.

Among them are Chen's mother, who is neither alive nor ghost, and Chen Xi.

Following behind them were Chen Baobao and Chen Beibei, who were skinny and had not grown in height since the end of the world.

The two of them were small, and it was difficult for them to keep up with their grandmother and mother.

But then, the two children were distanced by their grandmother and mother.

10 minutes later...

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