Bao Ma restored hundreds of millions of supplies in the apocalypse

Chapter 55 I don’t have a woman for the time being, so there’s no inconvenience

Originally, according to Zhan Shen's plan, it would take less than half a month for Xiangcheng to be rescued.

But it has been almost two months now. They have swept the entire Xiangcheng city. Looking back, there are always new zombies popping up in every street and alley.

Zhan Shen started the work of cleaning up the zombies in the entire Xiangcheng without stopping.

"If all the signal towers are destroyed, the communication of the entire Xiangcheng survivors will become a problem. They will not be able to exchange information, and it will be even more chaotic than now."

"We don't know where is safe and where is dangerous. If they all rush to dangerous areas, it will only add to the chaos of our garrison cleaning work."

Zhan Shen didn't mean to act pitiful, he just stated the facts.

But Suizhu suddenly felt that Zhan Shen was a little bit pitiful. In fact, with Zhan Shen's ability, he could survive alone in the apocalypse.

And doing well.

But he has taken up this important role. There is no reason for the management to be a hands-off boss at this time.

Suizhu promised Zhan Shen that she could go out at any time, because the broken signal tower that Zhan Shen said was actually behind Suizhu's community.

This time there was no need for Zhan Shen to take over, Suizhu could go to the signal tower by himself.

Before leaving the community, she came to the rough room on the first floor and threw a handful of heating materials on the ground. The small handful of heating materials instantly expanded into a large pile.

Just standing next to this pile of heating materials, Suizhu could feel a faint warmth.

She specifically searched the Internet for this kind of heating material, which would generate heat on its own when exposed to cold air.

But if summer comes, the auxiliary heating material will not change in any way.

This kind of auxiliary heating material is expensive and belongs to foreign black technology. It is impossible for ordinary people to popularize this kind of auxiliary heating material in their homes, let alone use this kind of auxiliary heating material to spread on the ground and put a layer of soil on top for farming. .

No rich man can have such a big hand.

Why do rich people with so much money use such expensive heating materials to farm? Isn’t it okay to spend some money to buy whatever you want to eat?

What's more, the annual output of this kind of heating auxiliary material is extremely low, and even if you have money, you can't buy much of it.

The duplex building on the first floor has a backyard. The backyards of the two duplex buildings are connected, and there is a large area used for farming.

Suizhu clapped his hands, took out the small crawler he made, and controlled the small crawler to transport the heating materials from the rough room and spread them on the ground in the backyard.

She put on her backpack and headed to the signal tower.

Today, Wang Zexuan and the survivors are killing zombies on the road. The entire road leading to the signal tower is clean.

Not a single zombie is around.

Seeing Suizhu coming out of the small door of the community, Wang Zexuan hurriedly brought a few people forward and asked diligently,

"Azhu, why did you come out?"

Suizhu motioned to the signal tower in front, "I'm going to fix that thing."

Wang Zexuan immediately looked at Suizhu with admiration. In his mind, Suizhu and Zhou Weiran were both special talents.

One knows how to heal, and the other knows how to repair signal towers. They are much better than people like them who can only rely on brute force to kill zombies.

"We'll take you there."

He waved and led a large group of survivors to follow Suizhu towards the signal base tower.

Originally, Suizhu thought there was no need for it. Although the zombies have evolved to the third level, Suizhu's technique for killing zombies has also matured, and his physical fitness has also improved a lot.

The zombies on the road are not scary at all.

But considering that Wang Zexuan's current team of survivors is not small, he asked Wang Zexuan to make a circle near the signal base tower every day so that the signal base tower would not be frequently destroyed by zombies.

Suizhu nodded and asked Wang Zexuan to follow him, and soon came to the signal base tower. As expected, there was a group of zombies wandering here.

After several male survivors quickly eliminated the zombies, they looked towards Suizhu.

She had climbed up the signal tower, took out the tools from her backpack, and started repairing the signal tower.

The male survivors exchanged glances with each other.

"Sure enough, this woman has something going on with Captain Wang. You see, Captain Wang had to escort her when she came out of the community."

"She's not bad looking. No wonder Captain Wang would give up his own wife for her."

I saw Suizhu busy in a circle and climbed down from the signal base tower.

Immediately, a survivor waved to Suizhu, and he pointed to Wang Zexuan,

"Come and sit here, I've left a seat for you."

Suizhu looked up and saw an ambiguous smile on everyone's faces.

Wang Zexuan and others were tired of killing zombies. They were sitting under the signal tower to rest. There were many open spaces, but Suizhu pointed them to Wang Zexuan.

By coincidence, Suizhu's phone rang at this time, and it was Zhan Shen calling.

He asked Suizhu, "Where are you? I'll come to pick you up."

Zhan Shen had already driven his car to the entrance of Suizhu's community.

"I'm not in the community. I've been repairing parts at the signal base tower for half a day."

A male survivor next to Suizhu saw that Suizhu was only focusing on the phone and did not go to Wang Zexuan, so he asked:

"Why don't you go over? Captain Wang is waiting for you."

They were really doing unnecessary things. Wang Zexuan had no thoughts about Suizhu. Suizhu was his great female figure, and Zhou Weiran was also his great female figure.

Moreover, Wang Zexuan's eyes were not looking at Suizhu.

He was holding his mobile phone in his hand, looking at the full signal on his mobile phone with satisfaction. He was carefully feeling the convenience that Suizhu had brought to the survivors after repairing the signal tower.

Suizhu shook the phone in his hand and said to the survivor,

"My husband's phone number."

She used this lie to tell all the survivors who followed Wang Zexuan that there was nothing like that between her and Wang Zexuan.

The survivor who originally had ambiguous eyes restrained his attitude towards Suizhu.

Waiting for Suizhu to pick up the phone again,

"There is nothing wrong with me here. The signal tower has basically been repaired, so you don't have to come over. I will find someone to patrol the signal tower regularly. If there is a problem with the mobile phone signal in our area, I will come and fix it myself."

Zhan Shen was silent for a moment on the other end of the phone.

After a while, Zhan Shen asked, "The man I saw last time was not your husband?"

Suizhu didn't quite understand what Zhan Shen meant.

She saw an armored vehicle parked not far away. Zhan Shen was standing by the door of the armored vehicle, a pair of sharp eyes falling on her.

He saw Suizhu's current environment clearly, and naturally he also saw Wang Zexuan.

When Zhan Shen came to pick up Suizhu last time, he thought Wang Zexuan was Suizhu's husband, but it turned out that was not the case at all.

A survivor next to Suizhu said, "There seems to be a garrison there."

Wang Zexuan and others looked up and quickly spotted Zhan Shen.

Everyone stood up one after another, and Zhan Shen also walked over generously. He took his mobile phone and shook it at Suizhu.

"When I called you, I happened to be nearby and was going to your community."

After learning that Suizhu had been building the signal tower for most of the day, Zhan Shen came directly over.

Immediately, a survivor exaggeratedly said, "That's right, Azhu, your husband is actually the garrison commander of Xiangcheng."

Suizhu looked embarrassed because she had just told Wang Zexuan's teammates personally that the person who called her was her husband.

At this time, in front of Zhan Shen and all the survivors, how can she be asked to clarify?

Suizhu: "Uh, that"

Unexpectedly, Zhan Shen nodded towards the survivors,

"Thank you for escorting her to repair the signal tower. I've been very busy. It's good to have your help."

Everyone's eyes were more ambiguous and clear than before, and even Wang Zexuan had a look of sudden realization.

No wonder Suizhu has a garrison background. No wonder the commander-in-chief of the garrison personally came to pick up Suizhu at the door of their community. No wonder Suizhu was able to get a large amount of supplies from the garrison.

It turns out that Suizhu's husband is the commander-in-chief of the garrison in Xiangcheng.

This misunderstanding is really big.

Suizhu looked embarrassed and couldn't explain it at this time.

When no one was paying attention, Suizhu whispered to Zhan Shen,

"I'm sorry, you know I'm a woman, so in this kind of world, it's always a little inconvenient."

Zhan Shen nodded, his eyebrows deep.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you don't mind."

He also came out on his own without Suizhu's consent, and Suizhu didn't say that her husband was the commander of the Xiangcheng garrison.

Therefore, Zhan Shen also bears some responsibility for this matter being misunderstood.

He looked back at the signal tower, "How many projects are there to be completed here?"

"There's still a little bit left, a few days."

In fact, Suizhu wanted to say that she could repair the entire signal tower today.

But doesn’t that feel strange?

Even if an undamaged signal tower needs to be completely overhauled, it will take many people and many days.

Zhan Shen's eyes full of scrutiny fell on Suizhu for a while, then he slowly opened his thin lips,

"Thank you for your hard work."

All the old employees in the maintenance department of the entire Xiangcheng management class were sent by him to perform maintenance on the remaining three signal base towers.

According to the current progress of the project, the damage assessment on the periphery of the maintenance tower has not yet been completed. Suizhu is only a few days away from completion.

Zhan Shen really wanted to remind Suizhu that if he wanted to hide something, he should also give him a reliable time limit.

For example, it would take one or two months to completely repair the signal tower, which is more in line with the actual situation.

Zhan Shen's lips moved, but he didn't speak after all.

Wang Zexuan next to him came over excitedly,

"Commander, what do you think about me being a garrison?"

He opened his mouth and chatted. Suizhu listened for a while, then turned around and continued to repair the signal tower.

Zhan Shen patiently listened to Wang Zexuan recommending himself for more than ten minutes, then raised his hand and patted Wang Zexuan on the shoulder.

"You are developing very well among the people now, and the survivors among the people need people like you to lead them, and don't make detours."

It was said very tactfully, but in fact, he refused Wang Zexuan to be stationed.

But Wang Zexuan was very happy. He saluted Zhan Shen,

"Yes, I promise to complete the task."

On the way back, Wang Zexuan and others saw Zhan Shen preparing to go in another direction and immediately asked:

"Commander, won't you come back to the community with us?"

Zhan Shen and Suizhu are husband and wife, so his home should be in their duplex community.

Zhan Shen glanced at Suizhu and explained to everyone, "I still have a very important mission, so I won't go back for the time being."

He followed Zhu very well.

Suizhu raised her eyes to look at Zhan Shen, and just in time to meet Zhan Shen's gaze, she looked away.

When Suizhu returned to her room, she sent a message to Zhan Shen,

[Commander, if there is any inconvenience, I will clarify it with Wang Zexuan and others. 】

Zhan Shen's message came back quickly, "I don't have a woman for the time being, so there's nothing inconvenient about it." 】

Even if this lie is settled like this.

Suizhu couldn't distinguish the complicated emotions in his heart. Should he breathe a sigh of relief? You should still think more about the meaning behind Zhan Shen's words.

Not long after Suizhu returned to the community, all the survivors in the community knew that Suizhu's husband was the commander of the Xiangcheng garrison.

For a moment, everyone looked at Zhong Xuelian with a hint of schadenfreude.

After all, Zhong Xuelian had categorically said before that Suizhu was the mistress and the culprit who ruined her relationship with Wang Zexuan.

As it turned out, her husband was the commander-in-chief of the garrison. In terms of ability and status, he was much higher than Wang Zexuan.

Zhong Xuelian couldn't get off the stage for a while, so she held her neck and said,

"The woman in Building 2, No. 801, already has such a good husband, but she still keeps arguing with my husband. Our garrison commander in Xiangcheng is really blind."

Everyone just took it as a joke and did not answer Zhong Xuelian's words. However, Qian Senyuan frowned after hearing this.

"It's better to find a way to build a good relationship with Zhu. Look at the world outside. If we can really get involved with the garrison, it will only be good for us in the future, and there will be no harm."

Grandma Qian, who had a scar on her face, nodded.

Wang Zexuan killed all the zombies in the community, but the relatives of the Zhong family who lived in Granny Qian and Qian Senyuan's home did not leave.

The main reason is that there are rough houses everywhere in this community, and the relatives of the Zhong family are unwilling to live in rough houses even to death.

In order to let her relatives live well in the home of Qian Senyuan and Granny Qian, Zhong Xuelian's attitude towards Qian Senyuan became more and more ambiguous and intimate.

To others, it seemed as if Zhong Xuelian was Qian Senyuan's wife.

People who don't know what's going on will even directly discuss the relationship between Zhong Xuelian, Wang Zexuan and Qian Senyuan in front of Zhou Weiran.

And these Sui Zhu don't care much.

Suizhu's small crawler continuously spreads heating materials into the back garden on the first floor 24 hours a day.

Suizhu has set up a small program on it. If this small crawler runs out of power, it will run to the charging pile of the sweeping robot to recharge.

Within two days, Suizhu took Zhuzhu's hand and went to the back garden to take a look. The snow in the back garden was obviously much thinner than the snow elsewhere.

At this time, it had been snowing in Xiangcheng for many days, and the snow in the community had reached everyone's knees.

People everywhere in Xiangcheng are panicking, and a snowstorm is coming.

What are you doing?

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