Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 54: Yanxia is a partner, and the sun and the moon in the pot are Chanjuan.

Chapter 54: Yanxia is a partner, and the sun and the moon in the pot are Chanjuan.

After battling wits with the air for a day, Kong Qing finally ended today's wool gathering.

The bald... monks in Zhuangyan Temple didn't bother him today, which made Kong Qing feel a bit unexpected.

Have these monks changed their sex?
Impossible, according to the information obtained from the gang of monks by the identification technique, the senior management of the Zhuangyan Temple should be a bunch of decisive guys, and revenge is never overnight.

And now I have a lot of their secrets...

Even if Kong Qing were to switch to the position of those bald... monks on the opposite side, he would definitely use the strongest hole card of Zhuangyan Temple to mess with himself without hesitation.

If you succeed, you can solve the problem once and for all, and even if you fail, you can find out your own details.

As for spending money to solve the problem, no matter how he thought about it, Kong Qing felt that it was a bad strategy to wait until he found that he could not solve the opponent quickly.

As we all know, such a thing as peace will only appear when the difference in combat power between the two sides is not too great.

So when Kong Qing came here today, he had already thrown all the things that he had drawn in the lottery that could be used in the battle into the demon refining pot and brought them here, just waiting for today's fierce counter-killing of these bald monks .

It turned out that nothing was used!

Why is this?

Kong Qing used the heart of a monk to measure the belly of a Taoist priest after thinking about it for a while, and came to a conclusion.

These bald monks must be trying to numb themselves, and when they relax their vigilance, they will make another surprise attack and quietly fix themselves...

That's right, these monks are really insidious!
It's not that Kong Qing thinks of them badly, the key point is that Kong Qing feels that he has no way to think good of these bald monks.

Out of the dozen or so bald men I brought down yesterday, only one fell short of Kong Qingzhan's standard of selflessness.

It is not an exaggeration to say that all the staff are bad guys...

"Xiao Langjun, why are you so worried?"

A person who can speak so well, naturally came to help Kong Qing pack his things again, Kunlun Numoli, who is more Tang Chinese than him, a descendant of Yanhuang with a straight root.

This old black is definitely a Tang Guotong, the standard of a thief in Luoyang Zhengyin.

True Spirit Tangren!
Compared with him, Kong Qing, who can still come up with some mantras from his previous life from time to time, is more like a so-called barbarian.


Kong Qing smiled apologetically at Mo Li, but did not express his thoughts.

It may be due to prejudice in previous life. Although Moli has always been very kind to Kong Qing, when Kong Qing faced Moli, he always felt that there was something hidden under the dark skin of Moli that he could not see through.

That's right, Kong Qing had seen Moli with the identification technique, but Kong Qing himself didn't seem to be mentioned in the other party's future.

"It's just that the rainy season is coming, and there are still some houses in Qingdu Temple that are in urgent need of repairs, so I'm just a little upset."

"Small things, why are they enough to bother you..."

After hearing Kong Qing's words, Mo Li immediately patted his chest, and said in a big way. "The old slave is not talented, but he also has little wealth. If the gentleman does not give up, the old slave is willing to do his best to repair the Qingdu temple."

Kong Qing smiled awkwardly.

The restoration of the Qingdu Temple is definitely not a small amount, even if Mo Li has money, he will have to bleed a lot.

This favor is too heavy.

It may not be uncommon in this era to agree with each other and repay the family, but Kong Qing himself neither can do it nor wants to accept it.

"It's not necessary..."

Kong Qing still kept the expression that an expert should have on his face, and waved his hand gently. "I have already chosen the person who will do this meritorious deed. Molly, do you still remember what I asked you to do?"

"Oh! Is the gentleman talking about Yu Wenli, the evil official in the West Market?"

Kunlun Numoli nodded as if suddenly realized. "Indeed, this person has saved a lot of ill-gotten wealth in his hands in Xishi, and it is indeed enough to repair the Qingdu Temple..."

"Then what I told you, Mo Li..." Kong Qing asked again.

"Your Majesty, please don't worry, this old slave has always been impeccable in his work,"

Mo Li patted his solid chest, imitating Kong Qing and raised his thumb.

"Now in the West City, it has been spread all over the West City that Lang Jun's iron mouth is straight, but the matter of exorcising ghosts and gods, and the old slave who went to Yu Wenli's house to inquire has already been arranged, and it will definitely not delay Lang Jun. It is a major event to repair the Qingdu Temple."

"So laborious..."

With a smile on his face, Kong Qing nodded slightly at Mo Li.

"Thank you, Pindao!"

"Where did you come from, Mr. Lang?"

Molly waved his hands again and again with a look of panic.

"The old slave is a barbarian. The gentleman is so handsome, and he is also a nobleman of the upper kingdom. He can actually treat the old slave with respect. The old slave can do some trivial things for the gentleman. How can there be a word of thanks."

The corner of Kong Qing's mouth twitched slightly.

Well, he, who came from 1000 years later, still lacks the sense of superiority that a citizen of a big country should have.

After packing up his things, he left all his things at Mo Li's house as usual, put today's income in a bag, and asked Mo Li, who volunteered, to send himself back to Qingdu Temple on his back.

"You're back, Headmaster..."

As soon as Kong Qing entered the gate of Qingdu Temple, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

If it wasn't for Kong Qing's sharp eyes and ears, he could see the appearance of this figure clearly in a short time, and recognized that the other person was Cong Houfu, the accountant Taoist of Qingdu Temple, I'm afraid he would have kicked him directly on conditioned reflex.

"A happy event, the head of the courtyard, there is a great event..."

Cong Houfu rushed to Kong Qing with an excited face, and said with dancing.

"Someone wants to give money to help us repair our house in Qingduguan."


Kong Qing blinked, puzzled. "Someone wants to help us repair the house in Qingduguan..."

What's happening here?
Obviously Pindao had decided on a candidate to repair the house, that is, the security guard Yu Wenli from the West Market. The action on that side had not yet been finalized, so why did a person suddenly appear who wanted to repair the house for Pindao.

Just when Kong Qing was full of doubts, Cong Houfu couldn't wait to grab the money bag on Kong Qing's shoulder and pull it hard.

"Headmaster, hurry up and follow me..."


clap la la...

After a crackling sound, more than a dozen strings of copper coins were seen pouring out of the cloth bag on Kong Qing's shoulder like a tide, and fell to the ground with a splash.

Cong Houfu was immediately stunned.

The corner of Kong Qing's mouth twitched silently...

"This one……"

Cong Houfu, with a simple and honest face, was holding a money bag that was broken into two pieces in his hand, and he shook at Kong Qing in embarrassment.

"Your purse seems to be a little weak!"

Kong Qing blinked, silently asking the sky at a 45-degree angle.

Logically speaking, I should be angry at this time, but why is the scene in front of me so happy?

What kind of team did my cheap master Xuan Cheng leave for him?

An awakened milk cat opened its sleepy eyes on Kong Qing's shoulder, looking at the strange human in front of him.


One minute later, Kong Qing went to the living room of Qingduguan in fluttering white clothes, leaving behind the scattered money and Cong Houfu who was packing up on the ground with a broken money bag.

In the living room, Kong Qing saw Yan Fengzong, his Taoist Prisoner, a middle-aged man with a haughty face and gorgeous clothes, and two servants holding gifts.

"Surely you are the Qingwei Daoist of Qingduguan, right? As expected, you are as handsome as the rumors say, with a graceful demeanor."

After seeing Kong Qing appearing, the middle-aged man who had an arrogant face immediately left Yan Fengzong behind, put on a springy smile, and bent over to meet him. "This is the Yisi of Linhai Princess Mansion, a certain surname is Wang..."

"It turned out to be Wang Yisi,"

Xuanmen expert Kong Qing went online again, stretched out his robe sleeves, and bowed gracefully. "It's really impolite for the poor Taoist to wait for a long time."

"Where, where..."

This Wang Yisi was full of smiles, and when facing Kong Qing, he didn't look like he was domineering because of his royal background. "It's because a certain family didn't notify the real person before they came. Come, the real person, please sit down, please sit down!"

As he said that, Wang Yisi had already lured Kong Qing to sit down on the futon in the living room, and before sitting down, he even thoughtfully dusted Kong Qing with the sleeve of his robe.

Seeing the courteous look of the other party, Kong Qing wondered who is the master here.

"Someone came to the door today to ask for something."

After Kong Qing and Wang Yisi settled down on the futon, the middle-aged man across from him revealed his reason for coming with a smile on his face.


This Wang Yisi was a man of culture and spoke very well. Kong Qing understood the purpose of the other party's visit after listening for a quarter of an hour.

"So Princess Linhai wants to use the name of Mr. Pei Ji and Mr. Pei to help Qingduguan repair the house, but Pindao can't make it public here. It's best not to let anyone know that Mr. Pei repaired the house. Is that what you mean? ?”

"The Taoist priest really has the root of wisdom... No, the Taoist priest is really smart..."

Wang Yisi gave Kong Qing a thumbs up.

"That's what my princess means!"

"Pindao understands,"

Kong Qing nodded calmly, with an expression of not worrying about anything.

"However, Pindao feels that Princess Linhai still misunderstood what Pindao meant. Pindao didn't say that donating money to monks has no merit, but donating money to Pindao has merit.

The so-called those who benefit the heaven and the earth are called merit, and those who are beneficial to living beings are called virtue!
Only by doing things that are beneficial to the creatures of the world can there be merit, so Princess Linhai's kindness is well-intentioned, but I ask the princess to use the money that I plan to give to the poor Taoist temple to repair bridges and roads, and do things that benefit the public. "

Wang Yisi blinked, and seemed a little surprised to see Kong Qing.

To be honest, it was the first time he saw someone pushing money out of the door...

"Daoist Qingwei, do you mean that you rejected the princess' proposal?"

"Of course!"

Kong Qing nodded, and then with a high-spirited expression on his face, he shook Yiyine, floated up, nodded slightly at Wang Yisi, turned and went out, leaving the other party with a carefree look. back...

...and a poem!

"Who in the world would say this, don't worry about fame and fortune. Wait for ten minutes of wine, and sing a hundred chapters when you are happy.

Haze outside the object is a partner, and the sun and moon in the pot are Chanjuan.Where did he go when he was full of achievements, and drove the cloud car straight into the cave. "

(End of this chapter)

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