Back To Eighty

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Old Cow Eating Grass

When it came to the new house, Lu Huai’an’s face turned black.

The four bedrooms in the house are all enough, and he has always lived in the side bedroom, so how could he be arranged in this side room?

Did he remember it wrong?

“What’s the matter?” His father glanced at him and coughed, “Your mother said you should live first and move back to that house after a while.”

Lu Huai’an thought for a while, it seemed that when Shen Ruyun was pregnant with the child, they would live in that room because the partial room was leaking.

But he was still reluctant. He wanted to change to a different house. He didn’t want to live in this old house, not to mention the side house that was used to raise pigs, and it smelled bad.

Shen Ruyun didn’t know anything, so she happily sat in, her little face couldn’t help but smile.


Having not returned to the old house for too long, Lu Huaian felt inconvenience everywhere.

The mother-in-law didn’t know where to go. The main room was clean and there was nothing. The mother-in-law and the others didn’t know where to sit. A group of people crowded in the corner, holding their teacups in a daze.

Lu Huai’an panicked when he saw their nervousness. They were fine with everything, but they were too honest.

He grabbed his little brother who was jumping around and shouted, “Where’s the chair?”

The younger brother was startled, and when he looked back to see him, he grinned: “Mom moved her house and said that there are too many people and chairs blocking the way.”

“Go, move here.” Lu Huai settled for a while, then caught him again: “Forget it, I’ll go with you.”

The door was closed tightly, but when she pushed the door and went in, Zhao Xuelan, who could not be found anywhere, was lying on the bed, her face pale and her breath sullen.

“Mom, what’s the matter with you?” Lu Huai’an was a filial man, and was startled when he saw it.

Zhao Xuelan closed her eyes, groaned, had a headache, was uncomfortable, and was about to die.

“Go, call…” Lu Huai’an subconsciously wanted to call the doctor over, but he couldn’t remember the name of the doctor at this moment: “Forget it, just go to the hospital and call Dad over.”

“Don’t go to the hospital!” Zhao Xuelan sat up with her eyes wide open, and she turned back when she saw his shocked face: “I’ll just lie down, it doesn’t cost me the money.”

Lu Huai’an looked at her for a few seconds, and suddenly remembered what Shen Ruyun said later.

“Your mother pretended! She likes to pretend! She’s in good health, and she’s already in her 80s and still jumping around, so you believe her nonsense!”


When he died, his mother didn’t die. He was in good health and could eat two bowls of rice at a time.

Are you really pretending?

There was a lot of noise outside, Lu Huai’an remembered the group of people who were still standing stupidly, decided to talk about it later, picked up a few chairs and walked out.

His brother also picked up a chair, but his mother sat up again: “Where are you going? What are you doing?”

Standing at the door, Lu Huai’an finally understood.

His mother put something on her face, and her chin rubbed against the quilt, so that a large piece of white was left on the quilt. When she sat up, the powder puff rustled down.

For a while, he couldn’t tell what he was feeling.

He didn’t say anything, just dragged his chair and left.

The mother-in-law and the others finally had a place to sit, holding tea in their hands and looking cramped.

Lu Huai’an folded his body and dragged a stool, scooped up a pot of fried peanuts and came over: “Mom and dad, eat first, I’ll go out and have a look after dinner.”

“Hey, it’s fine.” My mother-in-law cheered happily.

After catching his dad in the kitchen, Lu Huai’an ignored his doubts and pushed him to the main room: “My dad just went to make tea, come over to chat with you.”

“Hey, it’s fine.” The old man also smiled.

Seeing his father accompany the guests, the uncles also had a reason to join, eating peanuts and drinking tea, the main room was very lively for a while.

Lunch is a full meal, but there are really few dishes.

There were only three tables set up, and Lu Huai’an couldn’t help but think about his little granddaughter. Full Moon Wine has set up thirty tables.

The food wasn’t that good, so Lu Huai’an took a few bites and started toasting.

Shen Ruyun also came out and followed him to toast.

When he walked to his father’s side, his father grabbed him and said, “Tell your daughter-in-law to call your mother out. You still have to drink a glass of wine.”

“I’m not free.” Lu Huai’an smiled: “Dad, go ahead, I’m toasting!”

When Zhao Xuelan came out, it happened that the couple were respecting their mother-in-law.

This time, I don’t have so much attention to it. Toast a glass of wine and change your mouth, even if you are married.

They even got their marriage licenses several years later, because they are not old enough now.

Thinking of this, Lu Huaian suddenly froze. Shen Ruyun, she is now… only eighteen years old, right?

Looking at her pretty face, Lu Huai’an despised himself deeply.

But after thinking about it, you seem to be only nineteen?

Okay, it’s all old cows nibbling on the tender grass, let’s not talk about anyone else.

Remembering that he was still a tender grass, he couldn’t help but bring a smile on his face.

Turning his face, he saw his mother sitting on the table with a drooping face.

The powder on the face was washed off, but the nose is not the nose, and the eyes are not the eyes.

So Lu Huai’an knew that she was going to make trouble again.

Every time she looks like this, she just wants to make trouble.

Lu Huai’an simply turned the glass around and faced his dad: “Dad, Mom, toast you.”

Before his mother could speak, his father had already drank a little too much, and nodded cheerfully: “Hey, hey, alright, drink, drink.”

Before the mother could react, the toast was finished.

Taking Shen Ruyun to the seat, Lu Huaian filled her with a bowl of rice: “Hurry up and eat.”

Looking at the white rice in the bowl, Shen Ruyun was restless.

The Shen family is so poor, it is rare to eat a meal, most of which are cornmeal and sweet potatoes. Only those who celebrate the New Year can add some rice.

Shen Ruyun didn’t dare to look up, she tugged at the corner of Lu Huai’an’s clothes: “Will it be too much…”


Lu Huai’an glanced at her in surprise, how much! Didn’t she have to eat two or three bowls every meal, saying that she was always not full before?

“Not much!” He glanced at her slender wrist and gave her a piece of meat: “Eat it, if it’s not enough, add more.”

This is really open to eating.

Looking at her bulging cheeks, Lu Huaian muttered in his heart: Let’s eat, let’s eat, don’t talk about not giving you enough food in the future. UU Reading

After the villagers finished eating, they each went back with their bowls, tables and chairs.

There are very few tables, chairs, tableware, and chopsticks to prepare wine at this time. Everyone borrows them and takes them back when they finish eating.

Shen Ruyun sat back in the room again, with her mother-in-law and her sister-in-law talking to her inside.

She sent some fried peanuts over. When Lu Huai’an came out, she heard that her mother-in-law said that Shen Ruyun’s marriage was a blessing.


Why do you feel guilty?

Lu Huai’an sneered inwardly. The young daughter-in-law, who is white and tender, will become a yellow-faced woman in less than two years.

Thinking of Shen Ruyun’s face, he really didn’t understand.

Obviously, the Shen family is even poorer, so how could she toss herself into the ghostly appearance she later did in his family.

I don’t remember most of what happened back then, but I can take a good look at it now, so as to save her from going through the old accounts in the future, he has forgotten everything, and there is no room to pay back.

The family is small, but luckily there are many brothers and sisters, so there are still many beds. The mother-in-law and the whole family squeezed together and barely made it for one night, so there was no need to borrow it from someone else’s house.

Rice is also leftovers, no one said anything bad.

Lu Huai’an was actually quite worried, and looked at his father-in-law from time to time.

Strangely, the old man never complained from the beginning to the end, instead he always praised him for being sensible and promising.

It doesn’t seem that he was bored with him because the food was not good.

After going to the relative’s house to deliver things, Lu Huai’an returned to the room under the teasing eyes of everyone.

He didn’t react until he was in the room.

By the way, they are newly married and will definitely live together.

But Lu Huai’an looked at Shen Ruyun’s face and knew that this was his wife, but he really couldn’t do it.

This is too small.

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