back home as anchor

Chapter 22 You will regret it

Chapter 22 You will regret it

Upgraded to an intermediate anchor, Liu Xiaoguang's live broadcast level has improved significantly,

After another busy day, Liu Xiaoguang was already exhausted.

In the past few days when he returned to his hometown, Liu Xiaoguang had almost no time to rest, and was busy all the time. Although he was physically tired, he felt very happy.

After dinner, Liu Xiaoguang went to bed early. Since returning home, Liu Xiaoguang's sleep quality has been much better than before.

It may be that these two days have been too hard. When Liu Xiaoguang woke up in the morning, he didn't get up immediately.Looking at the rising sun outside the window, Liu Xiaoguang turned over and prepared to go back to sleep.

Just when Liu Xiaoguang found sleep, there was a knock on the door outside the yard.

"Is this Liu Xiaoguang's home?"

Liu Xiaoguang was a little strange, not knowing who was looking for him.He got up from the bed, opened the door and went out.

Outside, the dazzling sunlight made Liu Xiaoguang's eyes narrow.

At the gate of the courtyard, a young man stood.

It was an unfamiliar face, and it looked like he was not from the village, with a smile brighter than the sun.

"Liu Xiaoguang, alas, it's not easy to find you!"

The man looked familiar.

Liu Xiaoguang was a little dazed. Judging by his posture, the other party should know him, but he couldn't remember when he had met this person.

Seeing Liu Xiaoguang's blank face, the man introduced himself, "Liu Xiaoguang, you don't know me. I'm a water friend in your live broadcast room. I have a good eye for discovery. The person who wanted to buy a millstone from you before."

Having said that, Liu Xiaoguang remembered.In the live broadcast room before, the eyes that are good at discovering once asked Liu Xiaoguang the price of the millstone. He wanted to buy the millstone from Liu Xiaoguang's house, but Liu Xiaoguang refused.

Unexpectedly, this guy actually came to the door.

"How do you know that I live here?" After figuring out the other party's identity, Liu Xiaoguang immediately became alert.He never disclosed his home address in the live broadcast room.How did this guy find him?
"Haha, don't be nervous, I'm not a bad person! I usually do some antique business, and I often go to the countryside to collect things. I'm familiar with your surrounding area. I can roughly guess it after seeing the scenery and dialect in your live broadcast room. A location, if you inquire around here, you will find your home."Seeing the vigilance on Liu Xiaoguang's face, his discerning eyes hurriedly explained to Liu Xiaoguang, and handed Liu Xiaoguang a business card.

Liu Xiaoguang got his business card, with a few large gilded characters on it, "Gao Shengcai, Chairman of Yunfeng Antique Store."

Antique shop and director?

Who is this fooling!
"Boss Gao, I don't plan to sell that millstone, and I'm sorry for making you go so far!" After saying that, Liu Xiaoguang was about to close the gate of the courtyard.

"Don't, brother, don't be in a hurry to close the door!" Goldman stretched out his hand to block the hospital door, "Brother, I'm not here to tell you about buying millstones, I have other business I want to talk to you about."

As the saying goes, don't reach out and hit the smiling face. Goldman Sachs just came here, and he was always smiling. Liu Xiaoguang couldn't do too much, so he had to open the courtyard door to let Goldman come in.

Goldman Sachs walked into the courtyard of Liu Xiaoguang's house and looked around, "This small courtyard is really nice. When I get old, I will definitely find a place like this to retire."

The two sat down on the stone chairs in the yard, leaving Liu Xiaoguang to ask Gao Shengcai, "What kind of business do you want to talk about, let me hear."

However, Gao Sachai was not in a hurry and said, "I am very thirsty all the way here. Please give me some time."

Liu Xiaoguang poured Gao Shengcai a glass of water, but Gao Shengcai didn't drink it, and looked into the vegetable garden.

"Are there any tomatoes in the garden? I'd be fine if I had a tomato."

This guy is really annoying!

Liu Xiaoguang's impression of Goldman Sachs is getting worse and worse.

Liu Xiaoguang picked tomatoes and cucumbers for Gao Sheng, and Gao Sheng didn't wash them, rubbed the tomatoes on his clothes twice, and ate them directly.

"These tomatoes that don't use chemical fertilizers and pesticides are just different. They taste amazing!" Goldman Sachs ate a tomato as big as a bowl in just a few mouthfuls, and then started eating cucumbers.

"Cucumber is crispy and sweet, delicious!" After eating a cucumber, Gao Sheng spat out a cucumber tail.

Liu Xiaoguang sat quietly opposite Gao Shengcai, watching Gao Shengcai eat and drink.

Goldman Sachs smiled and then said, "Brother, I'm not here because of your millstone. Although your millstone is old, it's not worth a trip alone. I'm here because I want to talk to you. cooperate."

"How do we cooperate? I don't understand your antiques." Liu Xiaoguang picked up the water glass and took a sip of water.

"Who said that I want to cooperate with you on antiques? I am here this time because I want to cooperate with you on live broadcast."

What Goldman Sachs said surprised Liu Xiaoguang.

"I don't usually have any hobbies. Apart from work, I like to watch live broadcasts. I have watched all your live broadcasts these days. This Liujia Village is a good place with rich resources and outstanding people. I plan to cooperate with you. You I'm in charge of the live broadcast, and I'm in charge of the planning, we two will definitely be popular." Gao Sachs stared into Liu Xiaoguang's eyes and said seriously.

Without even thinking about it, Liu Xiaoguang directly refused, "I'm fine now, and I have no plans to cooperate with anyone."

"Hey, brother, I know that you have made some money from live broadcasting these two days. You believe me, the little money you make now is nothing at all. Do you know that Xu Yingxiong, the anchor of Daxiong live broadcast, live broadcasts for a year? How much can you earn?"

Goldman Sachs just stretched out a finger and shook it in front of Liu Xiaoguang, "[-] million, Xu Yingxiong's annual income is [-] million. Although the content of your live broadcast is good, it is not enough if you want to make a lot of money. You need to operate. To tell you the truth, I am a professional in this field, known as Xiao Zhuge, as long as we cooperate, I guarantee you can earn this amount."

Goldman Sachs was frothing at the mouth when he said it, but found that Liu Xiaoguang acted very indifferently.

The state of the two people formed a sharp contrast.

"Are you done?" Liu Xiaoguang asked when Goldman Sachs stopped.

"One hundred million a year, brother, this is a deal." Goldman Sachs tapped the stone table with his index finger.

"I'm not interested in cooperating with you." Liu Xiaoguang said lightly.

Goldman Sachs didn't expect that Liu Xiaoguang wasn't impressed at all after he said so much.

"Why? You have to have confidence in yourself. Your abilities are no worse than that of Xu Yingxiong. As long as we work together, we will definitely succeed." In Gao Sachs' view, the reason why Liu Xiaoguang rejected him was because Liu Xiaoguang was not confident.

After all, he is a rural boy, and it is normal to have low self-esteem, so Liu Xiaoguang needs a master like Goldman Sachs to guide him.

"If we cooperate, how will the proceeds be distributed?" Liu Xiaoguang asked.

"If we cooperate, [-]% will be divided into [-]%, I will be [-]% and you will be [-]%. Don't worry, it will definitely earn more than you do now." Only then did Goldman Sachs realize that Liu Xiaoguang's heart was moved, and this cooperation should be successful.

"Haha," Liu Xiaoguang smiled.

"Why, you think it's too little, how much is 4000% of [-] million, [-] million, you are not satisfied?" Goldman Sachs was a little speechless, this kid is quite greedy.

"What if I tell you that I can earn [-] million without you?" Liu Xiaoguang asked Goldman Sachs with a smile.

Gao Sheng was stunned for a moment. Before, he thought this kid was not confident enough, but unexpectedly, this kid was too confident.

"Brother, you don't have the skills. Let me tell you, there is a lot of knowledge in this live broadcast. I think you are just starting out in this industry. You need to learn too much." Goldman Sachs took on the attitude of a senior.

"Then we have nothing to say. Please come back." Liu Xiaoguang didn't plan to say anything more to Goldman Sachs.

Liu Xiaoguang has a super live broadcast system and is very confident about his future.Goldman Sachs is the so-called partnership, and Liu Xiaoguang doesn't even think about it.

"You will regret it!" Goldman Sachs was no longer as pleasant as before, "It is definitely a wrong choice not to cooperate with me."

Liu Xiaoguang didn't say anything, just made a gesture of please.

Only then did Goldman know that it was useless to talk more, so he snorted coldly, got up and left.

(End of this chapter)

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