Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 732

Love and Family-Taelan’s Story

I sat at the table and waited for the story to continue. Old Fording glanced at me and said with a smile, “It’s rare to see a quiet adventurer like you now. I care so much about the story of an old man.”

I also smiled at him, stretched out my finger and shook it,

“First of all, you are not an ordinary old man. Secondly, I like to hear stories like this. I know that Triyge is not dead. He is still in the think tank of Orgrimmar as Thrall, so speak up and let me listen. What happened after hearing this story?”

Old Fording nodded, put the pipe in his mouth again, and said slowly,

“When the flames burned, I thought Treyger was dead, and I also thought I would lose that friend, but a few seconds later, the cloudless weather suddenly became hazy, and then a torrential rain hit Stratholme. , Can you imagine that situation? Suddenly a heavy rain poured out and everyone was shocked. Only me and the veterans knew that an enemy was coming. This was obviously the shaman’s elemental spell, but the nobles were terrified. , Especially after the torrential rain extinguished the flame.”

“The orcs rushed into Stratholme’s square. The blue-eyed orc was led by Thrall. He personally brought the orcs to rescue Triyg. They didn’t kill even a human being and rescued the orc prisoners of war. He went out and brought me. Obviously, Thrall also heard about me and Trieig.”

Old Fording took a deep breath of the pipe, and in the smoke, he took the pipe from his mouth.

“That was the first time I worked with the orcs. I took them to avoid the pursuit of the Silver Hand. I know, my brothers released the water. They knew that I was among the orcs, so the most elite veterans. I didn’t send out, just let the inexperienced recruits come out to practice. I have to thank them, my old brother, even in the toughest time, they never gave up on me.”

“But Treyger is dying. He was dying from the scum, and burned by fire. Thrall’s elemental magic could not even save him. In the harbour of Hillsbrad Hills, he was dying. Up.”

“At that moment, I knelt on the ground in grief, praying to the holy light to save this kind orc in front of me, he shouldn’t die here! If I still have the power of the holy light, I can save him, and the result… the result is unexpected. When something happened, the Holy Light responded to me again, can you imagine? A paladin who had been abolished the power of the Holy Light was actually recognized by the Holy Light again.”

Old Fording shook his head, his left hand opened, and a warm holy light floated in the palm of his hand. This scene stunned me.

“Look, the Holy Light also thinks that I did nothing wrong, so it didn’t abandon me benevolent.”

Fording’s face was full of smiles, warm and peaceful, he looked at me,

“The story of Triyg is over. I finally declined the offer of Thrall and Triyg to invite me to Kalimdor. I returned here alone, the Sordo River, where I can protect my family, although They all thought I was dead.”

“My wife got a serious illness 3 years ago. I went back to see her quietly. She was proud of me to death, but I was sorry for her. Her last wish was to let me see our son Tairan truly I will certainly do that when I grow up. That is the most important thing in my life.”

“Taelan has also grown up. Like me, he became a Paladin. On the day of his promotion ceremony, I hid in the crowd and watched my son put on the knight armor and was caught by the Holy Light. At the moment I agreed, I was extremely happy, did you know? That kind of happiness is beyond words.”

Having said this, Old Fording’s expression was sad again.

“But Taelan made a mistake. He saw with his own eyes how the fallen Prince Arthas killed his civilians and resurrected them into the evil process of the undead. He saw Lordaeron’s annihilation. A disaster, I also experienced this disaster, my brother Uther, died in the battle with his disciple Alsace, I wanted to help him, but facing the endless sea of ​​undead, Not even me.”

“The entire Lordaeron has become a dead place full of death and disaster. Taelan vowed to stop all of this, so he joined the Scarlet Crusade, but you and I know that the organization is crazy, his leader , Are my former comrades-in-arms, General Abydis and Grand Attorney Ethanlion. The two of them have fallen into fanaticism, regardless of the enemy’s beliefs. This is very dangerous. I don’t want my Tai Lan has also become a madman just like them.”

“So I beg you to help me find the battle flag, and the toy warhammer I gave to Taelan when I was a child. That thing was placed west. They made a “crypt” for me, and Taelan personally took the warhammer. Buried there, I was hiding in the forest and watching. There was another beautiful oil painting that I asked the artist to paint for our family. It should be kept in Stratholme’s archives. They regarded it as mine.” “Criminal evidence” stay there and get these things to prove my identity, and then I will go to Hearthglen with you, and Taelan will be stationed there. I can’t get near the Light’s Hope Chapel, and I can’t let the old brothers know about me. Being alive, this will cause unnecessary trouble to Tailan.”

Old Fording looked at me one last time, and he solemnly bowed to me.

“Please help me, help an old man who is eager to save his son.”

I shrugged, this request is really impolite, which means I have to go deep into the tomb that is now occupied by ghouls, I have to look for a battle flag in a place surrounded by trolls, and finally I have to go to Stanshor Hm.

Half of the **** place is now controlled by the undead, and the other half is controlled by the Scarlet Crusade.

Old Fording is right. The Scarlet Crusade is a group of lunatics. They don’t care if I am a life or a dead soul. They will not believe me except their own.

Hell, I have to deal with the three most difficult forces in Eastern Plaguelands at once.

I looked at Old Fording and hesitated.

“Okay! I promise you. This is the reward for this wonderful story. Wait for my good news, Mr. Fording.”

————————————————– ————————

I lowered my steps and walked on the streets of Stratholme. There was no other sound besides the meaningless roars of walking corpses and skeletons.

I hate this **** place, of course, I have said this sentence countless times.

The process of searching for the warhammer in the tomb went smoothly. The ghouls never even noticed that I was there. The brainless idiots only used their noses to find their prey, but I was an assassin, and removing the smell was easy for me.

The process of finding the battle flag is not that difficult. Zulmasha’s moss-rotting trolls have been infected by the undead plague. Most of them have become walking corpses, and the battle flag that Old Fording said was thrown. Going into the lake there, thank God, there was no plague in the lake, so I spent 2 hours in the mud at the bottom of the lake and found the broken battle flag.

The last one is the painting.

This is the most difficult task. I got the specific location of the painting through some of my friends who specialize in inquiring news. It was a headache. The painting was disguised by Old Fording and then thrown into the blood. In the Crusader’s warehouse, this means that I have to get past the surrounding of the undead that occupy most of the city, and then sneak into the area controlled by the Scarlet Crusaders, praying that I won’t be found by those lunatics, and steal the painting. .

Damn it, I regret it!

You shouldn’t agree to Old Fording’s request for help, this is simply killing your life!

As long as I show a trace of clues, the Scarlet Crusaders will rush forward and tear me to pieces. God is up, I look at their eyes, the viciousness and indifference revealed in the numb eyes, it is just like There is no difference between those undead outside!

But fortunately, I have a good mentor, and I didn’t let go of those hard-practised skills. Under the protection of the shadows, these paladins didn’t find me. I passed them and walked in slowly. The Scarlet Crusade is in the fortress inside Stratholme.

The rough traps they laid out along the way didn’t hurt me a single bit. Those guys thought that these clips, which can only be used to catch mice, could deal with a skilled assassin?

They are almost daydreaming!

Yes, I did it!

Hidden in the shadows, I looked back at the traps all over the place, and I couldn’t help but gesture to myself with a thumb, long live the night elves!

I moved my fingers and walked slowly in this fortress that was supposed to be the great barracks of Stratholme. I had to find the warehouse, find the painting, and get another stroke by the way.

I heard that after Stratholme was burned by Prince Alsace, those belongings have not been transferred. My colleagues are afraid of this place, and few people come here to take risks. Most importantly, they do not have the precise map provided by Old Fording. , Maybe I will be the first lucky one to get a share of the pie.

Soon, I found the secret warehouse!

A Scarlet Crusade officer with glasses was sitting inside and working. I took a glance behind him. He was writing and drawing in his notebook, which seemed to be calculating something, too complicated to understand.

I turned the dagger upside down and knocked it accurately on the back of the unlucky ghost with the handle. This guy immediately covered his head and lay on the table. A few seconds later, the snoring sound rang. I have already used this trick. Countless times, he had to faint for at least 4 hours.

But looking at the dark circles on his eyes, this might be a good opportunity for him to rest.

I jumped out of the shadows, moved my arms, and then began to pick and choose in this warehouse. In one corner, I found the camouflaged painting. I tore the landscape painting on the surface. A very beautiful oil painting jumped into my eyes.

Sure enough, it was Old Fording. At that time, he was still young and mighty. He was wearing a noble black dress and elegant monocles. Next to him sat a graceful and noble lady with a veil, but At first glance, she is a real lady, gentle and peaceful.

Finally, the little boy standing next to them, 4 points similar to Old Fording, wearing a little dress and holding a cane in his hand, behind them, is the sparkling Lake Dalungmir, at that time, there It is also the fief of the Barov family, a beautiful place only for the nobles to play.

At the bottom of the oil painting, there is a line of elegant text,

“Love and Family”

“Rifley’s gift to Mr. Tirion’s family.”

This should be the name of the painting, and it really suits the situation. I nodded and put it in my backpack. If Old Fording doesn’t want this painting, I must get it. It must be a masterpiece. Even if it isn’t, I take it back and store it on the Black Sea for 200 years before taking it out. It will definitely buy a big price.

It’s only 200 years. I’m a night elf. I can live for at least 10,000 years. Look, this is the advantage of age.

I hummed triumphantly and prepared to leave, but when I turned around, I found a box in the corner, which was very old and burned by flames. I walked over and pried it with a dagger. Open, and what did I see?

A box full of pearls, each exuding a soft and holy light.

I couldn’t help biting my tongue to judge if I was dreaming. The pain told me, no!

I’m rich!

This kind of small pearl that is born with evil-breaking properties is called the Crusader Orb. It can be sold at a really good price anywhere. As long as you sell this box, no, you only need to sell one-third of it. I have lived a truly rich life in my hometown of Black Sea.

Gee, thank old Fording!

Thank him for making me a rich man, but before that, I have to find a way to transport this box out, which is not difficult for the great night elf assassin.

Trust me, it’s very simple.

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