Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 718

Chapter 9 . Is the light there as before?

Huron Don Menethil, the only son of His Majesty Abad Menethil, the grandson of His Majesty Diktor Don Menethil, the great-grandson of His Majesty Kalia Menethil, Dick The true bloodline successor is also the only bloodline remaining in the Azeroth star field after his disappearance.

He is also rare in Azeroth. He was one of the people who had the qualification to enter the Ulduar Temple freely when he was born. The blood in his veins has already become one of the symbols of Azeroth. In the circle, the Huron line is also called “the person closest to God.”

However, Menethil’s exhibition somewhat disappointed Elune, the star spirit of Azeroth, who was born in Dick’s blood, but in the third generation, even a legendary person never appeared, let alone like their ancestors. Step into the road of Titans as well.

They value the power of the dunya too much, but considering the other half of Huron’s blood, this is nothing but a serious matter.

At this moment, in the Great Pyramid of the Star of Origin, on the edge of the Pruuk region, Huron stretched out his hand towards the soul stone suspended in the center of this mysterious space. It appeared as black as ink, and it was not even on the outside. A ray of light seemed to be full of a mysterious sense.

His fingertips touched the surface of the crystal, and there was a slight coolness, like a direct feeling in the bottom of his heart, but soon, it seemed that he was aware of the approach of foreign objects. The crystal vibrated slightly, and a little heat came from the coolness. Appeared, entwined at Huron’s fingertips.


There was a soft noise in the box behind him, and Tisharacher felt the awakening of the sleeping soul. This creation soldier seemed to be calling for his master. After thousands of years, its long wait finally came. The return.

There was also a touch of excitement in the wind-grabber’s compound eyes. Huron took a deep breath, as if he wanted to smooth the restless soul, but the next moment, a bright silver light appeared from the crystal and swallowed everyone present. Into the light.

It’s not blazing, it’s not scorching, and it’s not hurting. Some is just a gentle breeze, like a pair of warm hands hugging everyone, after the dazzling silver light has dissipated, it will be seen by everyone. Yes, it is a grassland blown by the wind.

The sky is blue, the breeze is gentle, the sun is radiant and not overbearing, the eyes are full of green grass swaying with the wind, and in the air, there is an unimaginable freshness, entering this place from the place where the environment is so anxious. In a kind world, this makes everyone feel like a world away.

And not far in front of everyone, a lush tree stands in the grassland. The tree is very low. Under the tree is a table and 7 chairs. A man in a white robe is facing away. Sitting on that chair while standing with them, it seemed to be savoring this rare peace.

“Is that him?”

The orc took two steps forward, then turned his head to look at Kerruk and Lakish, the only ones who had seen Dick here. These two titans who had come from the era 2ooo years ago nodded and then strode. forward.

“Manager, we have crossed the vast sea of ​​time, and finally… see you again.”

Lakish knelt on one knee at a distance of 5 meters from Dick, while Kerruck did a mantid courtesy. In exchange for this greeting, Dick got up. He turned around and looked. A gentle smile appeared at the corner of his mouth when he had dealt with someone before.

“Ah, you are here.”

The Paladin shrugged, “You guys came much earlier than I thought. Azeroth has already reached this level in only two thousand years… Kerruk, how is Kel’Thuzad?”

This unfamiliar name made the people present a little puzzled, especially for Kelman and Baslon, who were born in the interstellar age, they just know that the worm’s leader is called “Master”, which is a mysterious existence. , Even the bloodline nobles like Huron and Gris just knew that the ruler was once a human being, and his name has become a taboo existence in the Azeroth Federation.

When faced with Dick’s question, Kerruck leaned respectfully and replied,

“The situation of the master is very good. If it weren’t for the war with Karakhi that didn’t make him a clone, he would probably come to welcome you personally.

“Welcome me?”

Dick laughed blankly. “I think it’s better to avoid meeting him in my current state. Maybe that guy will do weird experiments with me.”

This joke is not something Kerruk can evaluate. He took a rational step back, and Dick turned his attention to Lakish again.

“So, I guess, my old friend Velen hasn’t been sent away by time?”

Lakish nodded.

“After hearing your news, my father planned to come in person, but his physical condition is not optimistic. The longevity of the draenei is at an end, but he can see old friends before entering the Hall of Valor. I think my father will do it too, but I regret it last.”

“Well, I also miss him very much. In the old dreams that occasionally emerge, I have dreamed of the years of fighting with those old friends more than once. Ah, the thousand-year waiting has finally come to an end. This is a good thing.”

Dick smiled over Lakish, his gaze swept across the rest of the crowd, and the souls of the colonel and the major immediately became weak and powerless. With their existence, even the gaze of the Titan Spirit Unable to bear it, but fortunately, Dick looked away in time, and finally stayed on Huron and Grice.

“You…you should be Garrosh’s child, right?”

Dick told Gris that the latter wanted to say something, but when he faced the person in front of him, he finally nodded and replied in an orc-specific voice.

“Yes, Lord Dick, I am the great-grandson of Garrosh Hellscream, Grith Hellscream, the Fleet Commander of the Pruuk region! I am honored to meet you, this day will be the most glorious day in my life. one day!”

“No, no, the glory of Hellscream will always exist on the battlefield, between blood and fire, instead of meeting an old man who should be eliminated by time.”

Dick stretched out his hand and patted Gris on the shoulder, “You will be a good fighter, I believe Grom and Garrosh will be proud of you!”

This evaluation made Grice’s eyebrows happy. Although the glory of the bloodline aristocracy does not require other people’s recognition, the existence in front of him is too special, and this evaluation also appears to be full of gold.

In the end, Dick’s eyes fell on Huron.

His eyes became softer, and Huron’s speciality could not hide the gaze of a Titan Spirit. He could see the connection between the young man in front of him and him at a glance, the kind of faint response that existed in the blood, even if The entity has been lost, but the inheritance engraved into the bone marrow cannot be faked.

“Child, tell me, what’s your name? Kalia… is she okay?”

Huron was originally anxious because of meeting his ancestors. Dick’s scrutiny gaze made him more nervous. After knowing that this problem occurred, the young man’s body stopped trembling. Like Dick, he also felt It was the connection between this great existence that I had never seen before, and him.

He raised his head and looked at Dick.

He has a black head, not handsome or even some ordinary looks, wearing a normal white robe, no noble and elegant, but only those eyes, when looking directly at those eyes, Huron felt two Existing like a vortex, he must absorb his energy and attention completely.

In the glimpse of the whirlpool, he seemed to see the entire universe and the endless starry sky, but when he returned to his senses, he appeared to see nothing. Everything before was a dream.

He lowered his head slightly, and replied with a younger generation’s tone and an unconcealable indifference,

“My name is Huron, Huron Don Menethil. My old grandmother passed away before 1341. She waited for you for 2ooo years. Even after death, she will become a hero. Waiting for your return in the Ulduar Temple, you let her down for 2oo years! My father once told me that even when she died, she still looked at the stars in the sky with hope, she would be there every night Between hope and disappointment, a whole 2ooo year!”

There is always resentment, especially after witnessing the grief of the closest person, the kind of almost desperate waiting. When recalling the tragic life of Queen Kalia, Huron forgot the identity of Dick and the two of them. The gap between, forgetting everything, his eyes flushed, staring at Dick,

“And Jaina, Liadrin, Sylvanas, and Anvina…my elders are watching **** the top of the cold mountains…you let them down!”

“You let them down for 2ooo years!”

“Okay, Huron…Stop talking.”

Grieth watched Dick’s increasingly sad face, and pulled his friend’s arm in fear. In fact, in his opinion, the waiting of those mistresses was never a lucky one. He had seen a lot of loved ones. The person who died was completely defeated the moment he received the news.

Huron fights against his elders, but he hasn’t thought about it. Maybe the kind of waiting with hope is actually a kind of happiness for the mistresses.

“Child, I…I really sorry for them…I…I actually miss my lovers every day I stay here, but I’m like a prisoner…”

Dick laughed and replied, “I can’t move even the slightest bit, and my will can only be shrouded in this pyramid. Those mortals, I teach them as much knowledge as possible. That is the last attempt to exhaust my last strength, but They finally let me down. Their first thought after entering the sea of ​​stars was to turn around and kill me, trying to take everything from me. Not every civilization can become Azeroth… I was in anger. If you want to destroy everything, you will fall into darkness in just a little bit, but I finally persisted. I know you will come.

Dick opened his arms and gently hugged Gries and Huron, who were at a loss, into his arms.

“Thank you, boys…you really came, when I was about to despair.”

“You… haven’t you awakened already?”

After Dick let go of them, Grice looked around in surprise and asked, “You can even create dreams that cover the Great Pyramid.”

“Oh, that’s a good question… Gries, when will you dream?”

Dick smiled and looked at the orc, he shook his head.

“The existence of the Titan Spirit is beyond your imagination. I can only tell you that I have not awakened, and the current me is the weakest state ever. If it were not for the protection of Tisharacher, I would probably be in those rebellious In the mortal counterattack, he became the first Titan to be killed by a mortal.”

“Only when I return to Azeroth, after the Titan energy is infused, can I really wake up. What you see is just a trace of my consciousness.”

The Paladin took two steps back. He looked at Gris and Huron. After the two people’s emotions calmed down, Dick’s expression became serious.

“So… Huron, Grice, tell me, is Azeroth now as brave, upright, and unyielding as before?”

“Yes! Your Majesty!”

Gries responded loudly, “After you brought a new dawn to Azeroth, our civilization has entered the stars. In the 2ooo year of war, we have never let down the infinite future you have won for us. Did not succumb to any opponent!”

“Where the battle flag of Azeroth flies, it is our territory!”


Dick breathed a sigh of relief, and he turned to Huron. His bloodline heir had recovered from the anger and was looking at him with scorching eyes.

“Then, tell me, Huron, is the light in my homeland the same as before?”

“Yes, Azeroth is still as beautiful as it used to be, and its existence has become more brilliant and great because of your will. That world is looking forward to your return, old grandfather… We are looking forward to your return. !”

Seeing Huron’s finally peaceful and slightly moist eyes, Dick’s smile grew wider and wider.

“Okay! Then let us go home… let me go home…” 74


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