Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 680

Chapter 34 .Destroy

Destruction witches are very rare demons. In fact, in the Burning Legion under the control of Sargeras, the number of destruction witches is likely to be less than 2,000. First of all, it is difficult for a brute force destruction demon like Roshan to be born. Wisdom is a power woman, and secondly, to become a witch of destruction, she must serve the darkness with her whole body.

Even the devil can hardly do this.

And there is a misunderstanding: the Burning Legion is only made up of demons, but it is not the home of all demons. In fact, there are always some unruly guys who are not willing to join Sargeras’ desperate organization, but for the Dark Titans He didn’t even have the thought of interrogating those guerrillas.

The Destruction Witch Club is the most powerful Destruction Witch Organization under his command and the leader of all Destruction Witches. The four of them are extremely loyal to Sargeras and have great destructive power. He sent it to Argus for Corrupt Aggramar and Iona.

There is no doubt that the destruction witches have this ability. Aggramar is the proof. Not all the spirits of the Titans have Dick’s mental protection ability. After losing the entity, they are very bad for this kind of spiritual destruction. Resistance has dropped too much.

But that’s the case. They took a full year to corrupt Aggrama. This is a difficult process. However, compared to the will of Aggramar warriors, Iona should be simpler. The premise is , They can catch the words of the Spirit of Titan under the interference of Dick.

After the leader of the Witch Society was pierced by the sword of the Angel of Order, this hope became more and more faint.

It stands to reason that demons of this level cannot die if they are pierced into the heart. Their vitality has reached an unimaginable position. They can hold on for a while in the face of an attack from a starship, but it is a pity. , Dick’s sword is not as simple as it seems.

“Thunder, Light, Order…”

Iona looked at the leader of the Witch Club who was hung on the blade by Dick, her eyes flashed with pleasure. For thousands of years, she was almost tortured to death by these nasty guys. The noise that originated from deep in her heart interfered with her will almost all the time.

As the first generation of Protoss, Iona has fought with Chaos. This way of temptation and degeneration may have been learned by Sargeras and those Chaos. This makes Iona somewhat unacceptable, but it makes her feel even more unacceptable. To my surprise, Dick’s mixed power is almost the three most positive energies mixed in Dick’s body, and a nearly perfect balance has been reached.

At the moment that the long sword pierced and destroyed the witch, three completely different powers exploded in her body. Thunder and lightning destroyed all protection, the Holy Light purged all filth, and Order was responsible for suppressing the rebound, without any doubt. After Sargeras was lured into the darkness by the chaos, these demons who accepted the power of Sargeras also possessed the attributes of chaos.

Suppressed by order!

It was definitely not the first time that Dick had killed people like this. He used it very skillfully, and almost instantly cut off all the surviving possibilities of the Destructive Witch.

Even if it occupies the element of the raid, the mysterious existence that came to aid her made Iona a little curious.

With a flick of the long sword of the Angel of Order, all power was lost. Even the dark soul was burned and the body of the Destruction Witch fell into the mist below the mountain. The long sword in his right hand was flicked lightly. Throwing the non-existent filth aside, the darkness under his silver-white hood lifted up, unable to see his gaze, but the three sluggish destruction witches on the opposite side could clearly feel the malicious gaze. Stayed on them.

The purple-skinned destruction witch screamed and waved six arms. She took a step forward. When she reappeared, she was already standing in front of Dick, and the six heavy weapons shining with fel turned toward him like a storm of sharp blades. Dick smashed it down.

“Go to hell! Revenge for Snariel!”

Her eyes no longer had that kind of calmness, anger dominated her mind. This is also the biggest drawback of creatures like demons. They are slaves to emotions. This is the weakness engraved in the deepest part of their manic bloodline. Glass has no way to change all of this.

Driven by her, the other two destruction witches also took action at the same time. They stood in the distance, six arms drawn mysterious and strange runes in the air, destructive, making Iona feel tricky. Under their control, the dark green evil energy and pale death energy quickly converged to the center of the magic circle.

The next moment there will be violent energy that can destroy a city. 3V1, the situation of being surrounded by the Angel of Order has not been alleviated, but in the face of the sharp blade and the magic that will be poured down at any time, the Angel of Order did not choose to use the super Dodge at a fast speed.

Because Iona, who has been exhausted and lost her last self-defense weapon, is behind him. In this state, Iona’s resistance has reached the lowest point. Although she will not be killed, she is dragging a severely injured Titan. It is difficult for Dick to escape from the Spirit, so he chose to resist.

After the lightsaber turned back, his left arm crossed in front of him, and six rays of light swept toward the front with the wings of six rays of light. Along the way, six dark spatial rifts were even drawn. The light blooming throughout the Angel of Order converged and fixed at this moment The shield of Aggramar on his left arm armor began to shine.

The khaki halo swelled violently in front of the Angel of Order, as thick as a mountain!

At the moment I saw the shield, Iona cried out.

“Shield of Aggramar!”

Yes, one of the weapons used by the Titan Avenger Aggramar has now obeyed Dick’s will, especially after arriving at Argus, maybe he felt that the previous owner had fallen into the dark and couldn’t help himself. Dick felt The fit between this artifact and oneself is rising rapidly.


6 Weapons were cut on the light curtain almost at the same moment. The space where they crossed was shattered, and the area where the two people were fighting was a mess, and the next moment, a purple-black one, a pale one The colored beams of light spewed out from the hands of the Destruction Witch, like two light spears across the sky, hitting the arc-shaped light curtain frontally.

In the crisscrossing energy impact, the residual energy that escapes can be described as crazy attacking the original energy frame of this plane, which is connected to Iona. At this moment, the creator uttered a painful groan. She clutched her head and staggered against the mountain wall.

But now, she can only hold on with her teeth. Once she collapses first, the blockade of this plane will be completely opened. At that time, they will face a collective attack from the starships of the entire Argus star field.

No matter how strong Dick was, there was no way to take her away in that situation.

The earth-yellow light curtain and the energy bombardment of the Destruction Witch are like slaughtered beasts, which are inextricably killed. There is also a Destruction Witch with a weapon in the defensive field of the Shield of Aggramar. , The Angel of Order did not sit still, this defense was just for a better offense.

“In my name! You need to be humble!”

The sound of steel overwhelmed the alternating collisions of energy at this moment. Behind the dark green-skinned witch who was guiding the fel energy, silver chains appeared from the void and clasped tightly on her limbs, accompanied by the khaka. With the sound of the chain twitching, her attack power was forced to the lowest point at this moment.

The purple-black magic energy suddenly condensed, Dick’s pressure eased, and his free hand waved forward in the air. Four bright sun spears appeared in the sky behind him. Under Dick’s steel will, that The four spears staggered across the space, and at the moment when the destroying witch that guided the magic energy was bound by the chain and unable to fight back, it stabbed in the direction of the destroying witch who guided the death energy at the other end.

The first shot opened a crack in her energy shield.

With the second shot, the energy shield shattered.

The third shot was dodged by the screaming witch, and the fourth shot that followed severely pierced her shoulder, flying her body upside down, and the uncontrollable death energy exploded on the spot. , Like an exploding black hole, swells suddenly, and converges in a thousandth of a second.

Only a black hole was left behind, and then it was quickly sealed by Iona with her own power.

This blow could not kill her, but the scene of the trio’s siege has been destroyed, and the witch who brandished a weapon and brought up a chaotic space storm to attack Dick felt bad, and her body quickly retreated, but At this moment, Dick drew the order sword behind his backhand and clenched his hands.

The silver light exploded in the long sword, and it spread rapidly to the left and right up and down, and soon a silver blade was formed outside Dick’s body, which was exactly the same as the tuning-fork blade of the order long sword. Then he Dancing with both hands, cut down the long sword.

The blade fell from the sky and enveloped the body of the retreating Witch Witch. She screamed in horror and wanted to tear the space to escape, but the energy permeating the blade forced the surrounding people in an oppressive posture. The space is completely blocked.

Can’t break! You can only close your eyes and wait for death, or try your best!

The devil chose the latter. A dark green light curtain burst under the blade, just like the defensive enchantment supported by the shield of Aggramar, but under the pressure of the epee, it only lasted. In less than 3 seconds, it was shattered, containing the holy light and order, and the sword blade entwined with the scorching thunder and lightning swept down, almost cutting the entire sky in half.

In front of the witch who was bound by the rules of humility, a figure with a throbbing silver thunder had appeared before her eyes. The demon finally showed a trace of weakness, but she hadn’t said her begging for mercy yet, a sharp sword. The blade has pierced her body.

Seeing her being swallowed by the beating silver flame in the wailing, the dark face of the Angel of Order could not see a trace of weakness, his figure flashed, and like a shooting star, he rushed towards the last witch who desperately fled towards the real estate speculator. past.

Iona raised her head and saw the silver shooting star across the sky.

She took a deep breath. Dick in this state… really makes people feel terrified, extremely cold, and seems to have abandoned all the emotions that mortal creatures should have, and truly entered a level of waving power and waving death. .

From the eyes of the creator, she could see the essence of the Angel of Order at a glance. This is actually the body that Dick walked on the path of Titan. When he reaches the last step, his spirit will achieve complete detachment, and this The body will become a container for the detached soul.

To put it bluntly, this is more like a stronger armor, used to protect his soul and maintain his existence.

Dick is it, but it will never be Dick.

It is just a weapon, a weapon that exists to fight against chaos.

It is… the perfect weapon!

The sparkle of silver light interrupted Iona’s association. The Angel of Order stood in front of Iona carrying a dying witch of destruction. He was holding the witch that had been pierced in the abdomen with one hand, and he moved forward. After taking two steps, the silver flame was completely restrained at this moment, revealing Dick’s not handsome face.

At this moment, all the emotions returned to his body. He looked at Iona in front of him, and looked at the slightly dim body of the creator of the Titan spirit. He leaned slightly and threw the body of the destroyer on At the feet of Iona,

“Adhering to the will of Lord Elune, we are here to save you, Lord Creator! Sorry, we are late.”

“No, my children, it’s good if you are here… I have to thank you and my little sister, Elune… It’s a nostalgic name, it seems that she has lived up to our expectations, nor did she live up to it. Everything we did for her.”

Iona let out a sigh of relief, her figure shrank quickly, and a ferocious green vine sprang out from the ground, and rolled up the struggling Witch Witch and pulled it into the ground, without seeing her again.

Who said that Titans have no hatred?

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