Awakening With An Expert Identification Skill

Chapter 59: Lin Fan applied for 1 action

     Camel Mountain.

   The goal this time is there, I need to go through a forest.

   The special team rushed quickly, but would slow down a bit from time to time to let the students keep up.

   Among the first middle school team, it feels the easiest to hurry.

   Lin Fan asked in a low voice next to Duan Chuan: "Brother Chuan, that second middle school female teacher is good, that **** is your favorite type, did you just have a hot face and a cold ass?"

   Duan Chuan glanced at Lin Fan, and said contemptuously: "Boy, you know what a fart!"

Lin Fan raised his **** and was boring on the road, and continued: "That female teacher obviously has a bad temper. Brother Chuan, you should be considerate of a man. It is useless to lick a dog. Such a woman should not use this method to conquer. , You are kind to her, she doesn't appreciate it at all, and she may think you are mocking her."

   Duan Chuan glanced at Lin Fan in surprise, think about it, a few times, it seems that it is indeed like this, and said: "I'm not licking a dog, I just explained it kindly."

   "Hmm, you are a super warm man."

   Lin Fan did not refute, the super warm man is also licking the dog, just another name.

   No, Duan Chuan is very satisfied with the word, "Then tell me, if I don’t like this kind of woman, but if I chase this kind of woman, how can I do it?"

Lin Fan curled his lips, and suppose, why don’t you say that you have a friend who likes this kind of woman? You can ask, he is really tired, and he has to help his teacher worry about marriage. Think about Duan Chuan, who has been single for so many years. It makes sense.

   "This kind of woman, you should defeat her! Conquer her!"

   Duanchuan looked shocked, "Are you asking me to beat her?"

"No, you should try to get rid of this kind of woman first. When she doesn't understand, you ridicule her fiercely, that is, treat the other person as your object of ridicule and expose her. This is also to explain to her, so that you can Let her impress you first."

   "Then she can't wait to kill me? How could she fall in love with me?"

"This is the first step, which is to make her angry, but she can't beat you again. To a certain extent, she has already admitted your strength, and then at the right time, come to a hero to save the beauty, or to show your strength in person. This will allow her to have a qualitative change in her original impression of you, and you will plant a seed in her heart."

   Duanchuan disdain, "So old-fashioned, but also a hero to save the United States."

   Lin Fan was speechless, "There are many prerequisites, but that is just one of them, and if you care about it, it works."

   "So too."

   Duanchuan still feels a little bit reasonable, and his heart is moved: Do you want to try?

   At exactly this time, a student in the second middle school in front slipped and fell directly to the ground, and the student behind also fell to the ground.

When Duan Chuan's figure flashed, his conditioned reflex wanted to help, but he immediately stopped and said coldly: "Wu Yan, as a teacher, shouldn't you ask students to wear shoes suitable for traveling in the mountains and forests today? They have no experience. Are you inexperienced?"

   Wu Yan's face turned black suddenly, "It's your shit! Many of your students wear shoes that are not suitable for mountains and forests."

   Duanchuan's face was very calm, "I was to train them, let them learn a lesson, and I'll know next time."

   Wu Yan, "I also want to train students."

   Duan Chuan, "Heh! You just don't understand, you pretend to understand, you are an idiot."

   Wu Yan stared at Duan Chuan fiercely, and Lin Fan and the others just caught up. He ignored Wu Yan and set off first.

   Lin Fan gave a thumbs up, "Teacher, good job! That woman has almost become your shape."

   Duan Chuan's face flashed with a small smug, and then he immediately converged, and yelled: "Bah~ kid, what nasty things I said, I said it from the bottom of my heart, this woman's mouth is too stinky, just teach her a lesson."

   Then along the way, Duan Chuan seized the opportunity to taunt, and often made Wu Yan want to rush to kill Duan Chuan immediately.

   Lin Fan was very happy watching this scene. Many students also watched this scene, and they only felt that Duan Chuan was too much.

   Guo Zhen muttered: "Brother Fan, I feel that if Brother Chuan goes on like this, he will never find a wife."

   Lin Fan glanced at him, "You know what a fart! Sooner or later this woman will become the shape of Brother Chuan."

   Guo Zhen, "I don't believe it!"

   After nearly four hours on the road, it finally stopped.


   "My feet are bleeding."

   "I'm so tired, my legs are like full of lead."

The students were already exhausted and sweating profusely. They sat down on the tree with a better image, and many of them were spread out on the ground and didn't want to move. Among the students, only Lin Fan was full of energy, as if it had no effect. .

Xin Jian came from the front and saw the students like this, not surprising, but seeing Lin Fan still standing with Duan Chuan talking and laughing, as if there was nothing wrong at all, he was surprised, but his face was still calm. Ruthless.

  " Rest on the spot, our secret whistle will come over immediately. You can stay away and watch. When someone breaks through the encirclement, the three teachers and the students will encircle and suppress Xin Jian said.

   How can they actually let people break through, unless they are a lot stronger than them, but they have already observed that those who can break through their encirclement can only be released appropriately in the end to let the students practice their hands.

   If you say this at the beginning, the students must have blown up the pot, and they all disagree, and they must say that they should rush forward.

   But now I am exhausted, it is intentional and powerless, and no one refutes it at all.

   Lin Fan suddenly said expectantly: "Team Xin, can I act with you?"

   Xin Jian was silent for a while, shook his head, "No!"

   Lin Fan's strength should be good, but he lacked experience, he finally considered not agreeing, and rushed to the forefront, very dangerous, lack of experience, it is easy to be injured or even die!

   Duan Chuan suddenly said: "Team Xin, let Lin Fan follow! You can stay a little further behind you. After all, he is not experienced enough to prevent your actions from sabotaging, but he can still fight."

   Xin Jian gave Duan Chuan a surprised look. He was really surprised this time. He didn't expect that Duan Chuan, the leader of the team, would speak and honestly said: "It's dangerous, maybe... will die."

   Duan Chuan smiled, "Hehe~ It's okay."

   And when he saw Lin Fan, he looked more excited, hesitated and nodded, "Okay! You will be farther away then, do you want a weapon?"

   He has clearly stated the dangerous relationship, and the difference between Lin Fan and other students makes him feel different.

   "Just give me a standard machete!" Lin Fan said.

   "Well, okay, come with me."

   Han Miaotong looked unwilling, she wanted to say that she wanted to follow, but she was so tired that she could only hold back.

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