Avenrise: Shadow of The Abyssal

Chapter 3: Eridessa City

Chapter Three: 

It had taken less than a day to arrive at the Free City of Eridessa, thanks to the assistance of the caravan Shinva had joined. He had discovered that being friends with Harolt and Lanon had been enough to earn him a spot in their caravan. The leaders did not care about bringing along another person; they cared even less about the displeasure of the mercenaries they hired when they complained about Shinva's presence. 

The merchants were all from the Elvish Empire, Aelastar. This small but powerful nation was located northeast of the Thalassas Republic and directly east of the Zhaoyun Empire. Their culture promoted skilled and talented people. Those who lacked these qualities were often ignored and forced into grueling work. 

Knowing this, it was unsurprising that they had listened to the request of the two soldiers who they valued, and cared nothing for the complaints of the grunts. 

Shinva sat next to Harolt on the stiff wooden bench of a cart being pulled by a durnok. Harolt held the reigns to guide the creature, and to his right, Lanon was marveling at the view of the city. Harolt was describing the city, acting as if he was doing so out of his marvel, but Shinva caught on to the fact that this was done for his benefit. 

He failed to comprehend why these men, specifically Harolt, were being so kind to him. He had accepted the original act of kindness being offered due to their sympathy for a fellow veteran, but to go this far meant that they were either incredibly kind people or that there was a reason he could not infer. 

The city of Eridessa was an awe-inspiring masterpiece of architecture. It was an ancient port city that had existed since the earliest days of recorded history and was filled with both incredible wonders and horrifying legends. 

The walls loomed impossibly high, towering above all others in the world. Beyond them, Eridessa unfolded in breathtaking splendor—a city of white marble and stone, its buildings arranged in precise tiers that descended toward the walls the closer one came to the sea. The streets were immaculate, bustling with life, while vast artificial rivers, drawn from the ocean, wove seamlessly through the city. Eridessa itself was a masterpiece of deliberate beauty, where lush greenery, vibrant flora, gleaming marble, and the crystalline blue of manmade streams blended into a harmonious display of nature and artistry.

The caravan lumbered up to the gates, approaching a large group of guardsmen. Shinva himself had never seen the city, but he had heard tales of its splendor. While many territories had not been absorbed into the six major powers of the continent, none had defied their power in the way that Eridessa had. The city was located in perhaps the most secure and valuable location on the continent, being the perfect location to control the Averian Sea meant that all trade that passed through was subject to Eridessa's control. Unable to ignore the value of such a city, every single one of the six major powers had attempted to conquer it, failing every time. 

As Shinva could hear the sounds of the city growing closer, he was quickly met with a familiar sensation. A wave of power washed over him and the others that entered the aura's range. Rather than being a single aura, there were a total of four that washed over the group, the individuality of each one making them easy to distinguish. It was not the smaller three auras that surprised Shinva, as iron-ranked knights were also used to guard important access points back home. It was instead the bronze-ranked aura that startled him. 

Unlike iron-ranked Runic Knights, those that reached bronze were significantly more valuable, so much so that they would never have been assigned guard duty back in his homeland. Shinva was more than used to being suppressed by auras of iron rank as he had previously fought alongside many of such knights. However, the bronze rank aura, which the knight seemed to be exuding without any attempts of control, caused the hairs on his arms to stand up and a cold sweat to break out on his brow. 

Having experienced a few bronze-ranked auras before, he handled it better than most of the other people in the caravan. Harolt and Lenon, who sat beside him, shifted uncomfortably but were otherwise fine as they too had experienced similar auras. It was the other mercenaries that suffered the most. 

He could hear groans of pain and nausea coming from the less experienced escorts. The merchants, who traveled within a larger carriage, he could not see but he assumed that they would be suffering a similar level of discomfort as the escort soldiers. 

Shinva was surprised to learn that he was incorrect in his assumption. Orders immediately were shouted by the driver of the merchant carriage to halt. Soon after the merchants emerged from the carriage.

The elven group all stood tall, as if unaffected by the aura, one man stepping ahead of the others. He was tall standing a full head taller than Shinva and his black silky hair cascaded down to his lower back highlighting his soft pale skin and deep amber eyes. His robes were of elaborate design and were a deep crimson, the primary color being highlighted by golden buttons and cufflinks. At the man's waist hung a beautifully crafted sword. The hilt of the weapon was long enough for a two-handed grip and was made of a stunning dark gold color. While the length of the blade was concealed within its shieth, a single burning yellow crystal could be seen, implanted at the very top of the hilt, directly where the hilt and blade would begin to merge. 

Shinva could not see the man but instead heard the soft whistle of Harolt to his side who muttered in surprise, "A Runeblade?"

Suddenly, an aura that surpassed even the bronze-ranked guard washed over Shinva and the others. Despite the incredible power, the oppressive effects that the caravan had been suffering were gone, instead replaced by a protective feeling of warmth and safety. 

"Silver Rank," Shinva whispered in awe. He had very briefly met silver rankers in the past, but he had never been subjected to their aura nor interacted with them more than briefly. 

Iron rankers were considered the most elite of the soldiers, bronze rankers were valuable combatants who could single-handedly change the tides of a battlefront if employed correctly, but silver rankers were beyond even the overwhelming power of bronze rankers. Strong enough to dominate entire battlefields, those who reached silver rank were put in command of entire armies, becoming leaders of unparalleled importance. The fact that this merchant group was being led by a man of silver rank meant that this was more than a simple trading caravan.

"Withdraw your aura from my men." the elven man barked, his deep yet elegant voice booming out unnaturally loud, his tone radiating a sense of authority. The guards at the gate as well as the other traders and travelers all seemed unaffected by the silver-ranked aura. However, a single knight who stood taller than the rest and who was equipped with runic gear took the full force of the silver-ranked aura, stumbling backward half a step and grimacing. 

"This is Eridessa City! You have no authority here elf!" he roared back, unsheathing his sword and leveling it at the silver ranker despite the clear difference in their power. While not as extravagant as the sword at the elven man's hip, this blade was still a runic weapon. A small red gem was embedded in its hilt, pulsing faintly with latent energy. Forged from Atheric materials, the blade shimmered beneath the sunlight, its otherworldly metal reflecting an array of shifting hues. To the common eye, it seemed almost mystical, its surface subtly shifting as it moved through the air. Along its length, a series of dormant runes were masterfully engraved, waiting to be awakened.

Shinva could feel the tensions building on both sides, the waves of power clashing in the air. He could not help but curse his lack of sight. He panicked slightly at the thought of a clash, reaching his hand into his robes, and grasping the smooth wooden hilt of his dagger, which he kept hidden on his person.

What would happen if a fight did break out? Did he have any chance of surviving? Could he fight without his sight? Would he be better off remaining seated and hoping they spared him? Thoughts raced through his mind as he did his best to keep his breathing calm. 

He hated these feelings of confusion and insecurity. They ripped at him, desperate to latch onto and tear away his sanity. Without his vision, all those years of training and all the effort he had put into rising above his humble beginnings were useless. He was back to being a leaf that the wind of life could blow to wherever it pleased. 

His knuckles turned white from the intensity of his grip on the dagger hilt, his arm trembling. He could hear his heart thundering in his chest as scenarios raced through his mind. Scenarios where he would die, helpless and alone.

It was at that moment that he felt a strong grip on his elbow, preventing him from pulling out the dagger. The grip was firm but reassuring. "Oi, it'll be aight Shinva boy. Da elves wouldn't dare start a fight here."

Harolt's voice was quiet but firm, pulling Shinva out of his stupor. Releasing the tension from his body and relaxing the grip he had on his dagger, he nodded his head, "Thank you Harolt. I apologize." he said.

Harolt nodded, squeezing Shinva's arm slightly in reassurance before releasing it. Harolt was correct, the elves did not escalate the issue, instead using the situation to gain the attention of a higher-ranked member of Eridessa's Guards. 

Through the gates stepped a young man, his demeanor calm and his sharp eyes glowing with a soft red light. His skin was a deep obsidian, as dark as his jet-black hair. Faint lines of molten orange pulsed beneath the surface, tracing his veins like ember-lit channels.

He wore a crisp green uniform adorned with golden clasps, marking his rank as a commander. His very presence exuded an aura of quiet power like a living embodiment of lava, radiating a subtle heat that made his authority unmistakable.

"Stand down Garith." The man ordered the bronze-ranked guard who had opposed the elven man. The bronze knight did not hesitate before sheathing his sword, bowing his head in respect for the commander. 

The commander turned to the elven man, walking forward till he was only a few lengths away from the caravan. "I understand your displeasure, but this is Eridessa. Even a man of your standing must respect the way we do things." 

The elvish man withdrew his aura, studying the volcanic man in front of him with a curious gaze. "Commander Zelif of the Kallidon family. I apologize for my rudeness. I went too far with subjecting your knight to my aura."

Seeing the elven man's cooperative nature, the commander named Zelif relaxed. "I accept your apology. I can understand a desire to protect your people from what you deem as harsh treatment. However, I must ask, why is a silver ranker from Aelistir coming to us without prior notice?"

The elven man leaned forward, whispering into the ear of the commander for a moment. Zalif's eyes widened before nodding his head, gesturing to the elven man to come inside, inviting him to a more private location for their discussion. 

The commander waved the caravan through the gates, not bothering with an inspection. As the caravan began to move, Shinva sighed in relief. 

"Harolt, could you please explain to me why in the aether storm you are escorting a silver-ranked runic knight?" He asked cursing, his voice light-hearted with both genuine curiosity and exasperation. 

"Errr. Tha's whatda ya call it. Err. Complicated?" He explained with a shrug, struggling to find the words. 

The two silver-ranked knights left together, a small number of the other elven merchants accompanying their leader. As the carriage rolled through the gate, Shinva couldn't resist asking Harolt about the reason he was being so kind. 

"Harolt, not that I do not appreciate the kindness you have demonstrated to me, but I must inquire about the reason that drove you to do so." His voice was soft but serious, causing Harolt to glance over at the blind soldier. 

The city was buzzing with sounds of life as people crowded the streets, the clattering of work and play filled the air. Harolt gazed over the city, taking in its beauty as he considered Shinva's question. 

"Mah wee brother is much like you Shini." He said, pausing before continuing his explanation. "He may be different, as he was born wit'out sight but I thinks' you remind me of the lad." He said calmly, his deep gruff voice quiet and his accent thick. 

Shinva paused, his other questions fading away as the pieces of the puzzle that was Harolt fell into place. Shinva remained quiet unsure of what to say as an uncomfortable air settled around them.

The wagons rolled up to a large building near the gate. The building was taller than most others and was apparently the place where the caravan would store its supplies while waiting for the upcoming auction night. The caravan had brought with it many valuable objects and items that could be used in the crafting of Aether tools. These items were fairly common within the elven homeland but were extremely difficult to find outside of it. 

"Thank you for your assistance," Shinva said, earnestly thanking Lenon and Harolt. If it weren't for these two, it would have taken him significantly longer to reach the city and he would have been forced to part with even more of his coin. 

The two soldiers smiled. Harolt then placed his hand on Shinva's shoulder. "Good luck, boyo. Don't be gettin yurself into trouble," Harolt said with his friendly bravado.

Lenon, who was the quieter of the two, also bid Shinva his goodbyes before turning and heading back towards the building to assist with the unloading of goods. 

Shinva remained standing in front of Harolt for a moment as he slung his pack onto his back and readied his staff. "Harolt, thank you for your kindness again."

The older man laughed off Shinva's thanks and gazed at the blind man with a very soft look of compassion. He said no more as there was nothing more to say. He could feel his gut that there was nothing more he could do. Shinva was not his brother and he was not as helpless as he appeared. Harolt had already done all he could afford to do.

After the two bid each other farewell, Shinva turned and began to make his way towards the center of the city. The streets were crowded making his progress slow as he headed towards the direction he had been pointed to. As he walked, he thought about what Harolt had told him about the city. He could feel the cool breeze blowing in from the ocean and the warm sun shining on his back. He could not suppress the disappointment of being unable to truly appreciate the beauty of Eridessa. 

He had heard much about the city even before his plans to come to the place. Eridessa firmly gripped its title of the most beautiful city in the world or the Garden City. His mood soured as he continually struggled to find the Thassian Archives. 

As he traveled deeper into the city he asked multiple people for directions to the place only to receive extremely brief directions of 'Go that way and you will find it.' or other variations of that.

His short time with the caravan had helped reduce his stress and frustration at his situation as Harolt and Lenon had been extremely kind to him, even if Harolt had done most of the talking. Now that he was alone again, people reminded him of exactly why he had struggled so much for most of his journey. He followed road after road using his staff to guide himself only to find himself once again in the wrong direction. 

Nearly two hours passed as he attempted to find the Thassian Archives. Finally, after all this time he had found a merchant who had given him fairly decent directions which were detailed enough that he could find his way. The man had told him to follow the river until he could hear the flow of water turning left, then to turn right, and then left again once the sound of rushing water returned. 

Shinva continued to follow the man's directions, turning right as he heard the sounds of the water veering left. As he turned down the road, a sudden force struck his left shoulder causing him to fall off balance and stumble a few steps. Thankfully, he had been able to use his staff to steady himself. Shinva was about to apologize when a harsh voice barked out at him.

"Watch it, fucking cripple bastard." The voice came from the man whom Shinva had bumped into. 

Shinva felt the hot liquid of hatred bubble to the surface at the man's provocation, but he suppressed the emotion, not looking to give the other fellow any excuse to start something. Instead, he simply rebalanced himself and began to head back down the path. Unfortunately for Shinva, the man did not need an excuse to cause trouble. 

"Hey! You fucking cunt, did you not hear me? How dare you ignore me." He growled.

Shinva heard the man storming towards him and spun to face the man. Suddenly, before he could react, the man's hands grasped his robes near his neck pulling him close. Now only inches separating the two men, Shinva could feel the stink of drink on the man's breath.

"Goddamn cripple. You're fucking disguising, filth like you should just leave our city. You're not even a local. Dam parasite."

Spittle from the man's mouth landed on Shinva's face and his hot putrid breath pushed Shinva over the edge. Ever since he had been wounded, his life had gone to hell. He had been ignored, insulted, avoided, discharged from the army, and discriminated against all because he couldn't see. 

Despite being unable to see, the man was positioned directly in front of Shinva and even had a grip on his robes. He didn't need vision to deal with a drunk brute. Moving with speed and precision, Shinva struck. Frustration and anger boiling over, he moved with practiced efficiency fist crashing into the man's chin. The drunkard's mouth snapped closed as he stumbled back. Before he could regain his footing, Shinva's foot buried itself in his stomach, knocking the man to the ground. 

Despite his lack of vision, Shinva had not slacked off since leaving the army. He had diligently maintained his body through training and he had continually practiced his kata's which had long since been drilled into him. In all except sight, Shinva was the equal to even the best of Zhaoyun imperial soldiers. 

Unfortunately for Shinva, the burly drunkard he had sent crashing to the ground had not been alone. He hadn't noticed the other two men thanks to his focus having been solely on the boisterous one who had violently approached him. 

He did not remain unaware of their existence for long. A fist he hadn't known was coming had crashed into his face sending him sprawling to the ground. It was swiftly followed up by a kick to the gut which sent him tumbling another few feet. Shinva gasped in pain at both strikes which had caught him completely unprepared. 

As he attempted to struggle to his feet, the burly man whom he had taken down grasped his head, pulling him forward before bashing him across the face again. Shinva's head snapped back and his mind began spinning from the blows he had suffered. 

"Should we kill him?" One man asked, his voice different from the burly man who had insulted him. 

"No. Too many eyes here and the guards will investigate if they discover a dead body. Take him to the alley boys. The city guards won't give a dam about a beat-up cripple much less a foreigner."

Shinva struggled against the grips that seized him and began dragging him towards a daar alleyway, desperate to escape the situation. Unfortunately, he was too hurt and his mind was too foggy to put up much of a fight. Unable to escape his fate, Shinva was dragged into the alley, staff and sack both gone.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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