Chapter 23: Jeyuln's Manumission Part 1
It is a crowded afternoon, the sun is beaming, and the sky is orange. Several white clouds pepper the sky as yellow birds swarm the air and set camp on the roofs of beige homes. The streets of Jeyuln are crowded, people hurry to get home after long hours of work.
A long-haired young man passes out newspapers and an older gentleman sits on a brown wooden bench. In a restaurant, one bearded man slams a table causing someone's coffee cup to stir. Heavyset citizen: "Hey, what are you making all that noise about?!"
Bearded man: "I'm sick and tired of the Fire nationals getting special privileges. Did you see how that one guy stormed here and looked at all of us like we were RODENTS!! He came and got his coffee for HALF PRICE!!"
A diner worker comments, "Sorry, government discount."
Bearded man: "My buttocks!! Every Fire Nation citizen gets that same discount."
Diner worker: "Because they represent the government since they are citizens of the motherland."
Bearded man: "Motherland? You mean the conquerors!!"
Diner worker: "Please just stop before I have to kick you out. You can be as angry as you want but it's not going to change anything."
A young woman interrupts, "But he's right. Fire Nation citizens also get less probation, straight up dismissals in court, and pardons. They are never held accountable for anything, but you think we are just supposed to be cool with that."
The diner worker becomes frustrated, "I didn't say that, but that doesn't mean you should sit and complain."
An older lady screams, "And they have hiring discrimination for top roles at any business worth salt!! My son is more experienced and qualified than most of those Fire Nation businessmen, but he never gets promoted at Carpo Plus. A new noble for Fofarja came and got it instead." Carpo Plus is the top carpentry company in Jeyuln, which has been taken over by the reigning government.
The grey-haired and light green eyed mustached diner owner steps in and slaps two pans together. Bearded man: "Ok, I'll see myself out. I can clearly see I caused too much commotion here."
The diner owner raises his right hand, "No, you are completely right. These fire nationals have gotten out of control. We need to do something, to assert our rights but I fear it would get very ugly before things become any better."
Veins pop out of the diner worker's forehead, "Which is why we should let all of this go. We have no chance of defeating the Fire Nation. Didn't you hear? Ba Sing Se, the rotting capital just fell. The Dai Li betrayed us, most top generals have been taken captive, our country is no longer organized, we don't have a hope or a prayer. We might as well just submit."
Diner owner: "You sound like Desku-Pho!! We CAN'T JUST SUBMIT!"
Diner worker: "Jeyuln is hopeless. If the capital couldn't beat them, no one can. We're just a medium sized dusty town!"
Tyson steps in, "I don't think Jeyuln is that dusty and it's special for what it is. Who cares if it is medium sized, it's YOUR TOWN! And that should be enough. Jeyuln matters because every one of you matter."
The diner worker cringes, "That's so corny, people could actually die. Do you think this is a joke?"
Moriana enters, "Some things are worth dying for."
Diner worker: "Then you all can do the dying, just leave me out of it."
Tyson: "That's NOT a bad idea. We are here for anyone who is willing to die. For anyone who is so fed up with this nonsense that they would rather risk that than the alternative of living like a slave. Because I think I'm worth it, I believe you're worth it, and I think Jeyuln is worth it."
Moriana adds, "That's right, we think you and this city are worth dying over. And we are prepared to, we want to know who else is."
Diner worker: "Don't you selfish clowns realize that people like you can get hard working people like me fired, beaten, or humiliated just for being around you? Your ideals impact everyone you know and care about, they do NOT exist in a vacuum."
Tyson scratches his head, "I honestly did not think about that."
Moriana puts her hands on her hips, "Oh well, we're going to fight anyway, and we are inviting anyone who believes because we think WE CAN WIN. The Fire Nation isn't unbeatable. They rely on people who think like you, who enchain themselves. Revolutions only work when ENOUGH people believe and try to fight."
The diner wipes a table, "Then you're putting your life on the line on the basis of what others do. What exactly do you think would inspire that many people to help you?"
Tyson: "We have a friend."
The diner laughs, "So what? Does he have some kind of crazy gift?"
Moriana: "Um, not really."
Tyson: "But he has quite the story."
Diner worker: "Yeah?"
Moriana: "And he's an ex-firebender."
The bearded man muffles, "A firebender..."
Moriana: "That's right."
The diner worker sarcastically replies, "So the people that caused our problems will fix them?" Tyson and Moriana step out.
Tyson looks at his longtime friend, "He just doesn't believe, some people can't be convinced."
Moriana: "All we can do is talk for those that listen." Three people step outside of the diner and look at the duo.
Young man: "We want in."
Tyson: "You've got a point Mori, come on y'all. We'll show you how it's done." Several days later Tyson and Moriana stand triumphantly in front of a crowd of dozens of citizens. Two United Way recruiters wait in violet robes with white markings as they sign recruitment papers for interested individuals.
Sada steps between them, "Welcome recruits, now is your chance to finally fight against the tyranny of the Fire Nation war machine!" The citizens go through multiple drills as they run, lift heavy objects, complete obstacle courses, and spar each other. A heavy rain breaks out yet still they train.
Someone slips in the mud, but a companion pulls him back up and they continue their jog. People punch boxing bags and launch bricks into bullseye targets. Recruits duel with wooden staffs. Tyson has people wrestle each other while two big men beat heavy drums.
The training passes from day to night. The United Way recruiters light torches while the rebels keep training. Tyson: "Keep going, don't stop! I know you're weary, but that's when breakthroughs occur. Keep fighting."
Recruits fight more diligently despite their fatigue. Tyson: "You all will be free soon, whether in the spirit realm or this one. Fight with and for your whole being, fight for what Jeyuln is and what it can be."
Sada looks proudly at Tyson and Moriana, "You are training them well. I don't even have to do much. I'm impressed."
Tyson shrugs, "Well, we learned from the best."
Sada puts her hands on her chest, "Oh me, I don't think I'm the best."
Moriana: "Well, whatever or whoever that is can't be much better."
The Sally
The Overseer stands outside in front of an organized group of around fifty Fire Nation troopers. The soldiers are dressed in slick black and red garments. The Overseer wears two dark grey gloves that he rubs together which emits smoke into the air. The officer leans forward and exhales, "Emmm."
The man turns back and notices two bounty hunters. They have brown garments with beige and grey markings. The duo wear feather collars. The one on the right (Hulko) has a crossbow, shield, and two long metal boots. The prize chaser on the left (Yofazzi) has a sword, spinning stars, and two long metal boots.
Overseer: "Ah, the Surge Brothers. I can only hope you are as useful as my analysts estimated. Legend has it you took down an entire small city once." Both hunters remain silent. Hulko has a long brown beard, fair skin, long thin lips, dark green eyes, and a thick nose.
Yofazzi has fair skin, early grey hair, faded green round eyes, a medium sized nose, and small pearly white teeth. Yofazzi seems to be in his late twenties while Hulko looks to be more in his early thirties. Two guards stand beside the Overseer's guards both have maroon armor that has white markings and durable platinum spears.
Both guards seem to be in spectacular shape with veins showing from their hands, arms, and necks. The guards even have black capes to match and maroon helmets with white square shaped visors.
A few days later, a wave of citizens protest outside. People hold wooden signs saying things like "stop treating us like trash", "cut down taxes", and "we deserve equal wages". Eight Fire Nation troopers stand out with metal clubs and rectangular shields.
Four archers monitor the roofs above them. The sharpshooters stand in directions left and right of the crowd. Fire Nation Captain Buzaiah watches the commotion alongside four standard Fire Nation army soldiers. Two of the soldiers have swords, one is a bender, and another has a spear.
Buzaiah has a thick black beard, heavy lips, a large nose, big orange eyes, wavy hair, a hefty body, tan skin, and a powerful voice. Buzaiah has a sharp war shovel strapped to his back that is sharp enough to hack a man in two. The shovel blade has a slimmer hilt than a typical shovel, making for a unique design.
Buzaiah pulls out a blow horn, "CITIZENS OF JEYULN, by might of the Fire Nation, I order you all to disband immediately!!!" The citizens hold their ground and respond with a mountain of cries. The imperial has no patience nor empathy for such demands.
Buzaiah shakes his head, "I've had enough of this nonsense. Knock some sense into them!" Three firebenders step ahead of Buzaiah and they hurl fireballs in the air over the crowd. The balls explode into small sparks which burn the citizens, but do not fatally harm them.
However, the burns are great enough to give the people boils. Several men and women moan, fall, and whale as they patch their first-degree burns. Buzaiah yells, "Consider that an act of generosity, now get out of my sight!" Most of the protestors scatter but a few stray or straddle along.
Buzaiah looks at the men with shields and clubs, "Help direct the slow ones." The guards step forward, and more people flee. The captain laughs, "They are so weak. You people are not good for anything but cheap labor."
One protestor bellows, "Jeyuln's manumission has come!" Buzaiah lifts an eyebrow. Suddenly Sada thrusts herself across a roof behind two archers on the right end of the formation. The Western waterbender immediately freezes them solid. Likewise, a United Way warrior in a violet robe slides behind the other two archers and cuts one down.
The other archer gasps but a rebel sneaks behind him and slits his throat. Buzaiah howls, "What is the meaning of this?! Men, get in battle formation!! And someone alert the Overseer, let's quell this uprising before it gets momentum."
Two brown wooden beaver-hippo driven carriages roll up. They both open and unleash eighteen rebels. Some hold swords, others have spears, and a few are earthbenders. The men cry out fiercely, "For JEYULN!!"
The guards with shields and clubs run headfirst into the crowd. Three rebels are immediately battered down. One rebel swings down but his attack is blocked by a shield then the trooper smacks him with a backhand swipe. A tooth flies out of his mouth along with some bright red blood before he is laid clean out.
Another soldier swings but a better trained freedom fighter knocks his club out of his grip. The man backpedals but keeps hold of his shield before drawing his spare knife. The three firebenders stand behind the shield wielders and toss three fireballs in the air like motors. The motors zip past the people in front of the crowd but crash into four of the rebels further behind.
Three resistance fighters are instantly killed, and one is injured. The rebel force on the ground has already been knocked down to ten people. Sada shakes her head but is still proud that the citizens were willing to help. The United Way guard and rebel quickly get to work and climb down a letter, disappearing from visible fight.
Sada notices three Fire Nation army troopers leaping across rooftops to catch her. One has a sword but the other two are benders. The UW champion immediately shoots a barrage of ice knives at them. The firebender in the center is hit square in his chest before he plummets.
The firebender on the right ducks and the swordsman slashes the knife ahead of him. Sada stretches both her hands and knocks them several feet back with two giant waterfists. The waterbender gets to work as she swishes her hands until she generates a big waterball.
Sada tosses it down and it blasts the guards aside with a potent gush of water. Four of the guards are knocked out or badly hurt but the other four begin to recover. Before they can completely get back to their wits, they are overwhelmed and beaten by the ten rebels.
The three firebenders open fire and blast three of the rebels. One rebel throws a spear through a firebender's belly. Another rebel bends a series of rocks into a firebender and the last firebender hurls a gust of flames at two rebels.
Another rebel blocks the fire with an earth barrier before breaking that same wall into fragments and directing those debris into the soldier. The seven rebels push on as they stand before Buzaiah and his four troops. Buzaiah smirks, "Hahaha, I've been wanting to smash you clowns to bits for some time."
A swordsman and earthbender head directly for the captain. Buzaiah points his shovel at the earthbender and emits a blaze of fire from it, pulverizing the man. The swordsman hacks at him but Buzaiah intercepts the hit with his shovel before swatting it out of his hand and popping a fireball from his free left hand into the man's gut.
Another rebel pushes his sword through a Fire Nation swordsman's midsection. A firebender is vertically sliced in half. The fire spear warrior lunges but a rebel slips right and forward past the hit before elbowing the man in his nose. The spear imperial falls and is stabbed in his throat.
A brick is flung into the fire swordman's face, sending him to sleep. Buzaiah quickly finds himself alone, "Fine, I'll take you all on!" The captain slashes right at a swordsman who dips under the cut while an earthbender flings a sharp incline through his chest.
Blood pumps through his body and soaks the bottom of his beard while he crawls on the yellow grass. Buzaiah violently coughs until he is left silent. After seeing their success the five rebels inspire a few others. Their number turns to forty-two as they storm further in the streets and knock down a few scattered troops along the way.
An army goat-wolverine rider gallops to the Overseer's City Hall and screams, "The rebels are coming!! I saw dozens of them, they have an army!!"
Overseer: "Then let them come, we will destroy all our enemies in one glorious strike." Twelve Fire Nation archers wait with twenty soldiers behind them. The soldiers are a mix of swordsmen, spear troops, and firebenders. The archers immediately open fire and shoot down eight of the rebels.
Earthbenders start hurling a storm of rocks, bricks, and stones which level all of the bow wielders. Men fly, flip, and stumble side-to-side as their bones are crushed. The other soldiers charge at the rebel crowd but not before popping flames into two insurrectionists.
Both sides clash in the center square. Another squad of Fire Nation troopers rush into the fray while a few more resistance fighters join the fight from seemingly nowhere.
The Honor Envoy sneaks around the fighting by using a backway. Five of the violet clothed United Way ambassadors do the same. The United Way members break off and go on their own quest cutting down some fire nationals from behind enemy lines before entering the City Hall.
Sada, Calveko, Kashen, Tyson, and Moriana stand together but Kett is missing. Sada: "Alright, let's hit that city hall."
Tyson's chest beats heavily, "I was made for this."
Moriana pats him, "You've got this." Five spear and shield warriors step out of the city hall while many people clash in the background. Moriana runs and Tyson launches her in the air by lifting her from the ground with bending. Moriana spins around diagonally while shifting the ground and creating a small earthquake which pulls in the soldiers.
Moriana lands and Tyson pulls the earth in, closing the hole and smashing the men. Three arrows are launched from a roof. One flies at Tyson, another at Moriana, and a third at Sada. Calveko leaps and knocks the arrow that nearly hits Sada. Sada gasps in relief.
Calveko brags, "See, you need us too."
Sada: "I never said I didn't." Moriana turns and generates a stone guard before knocking her arrow. Tyson ducks. The bounty hunter Hulko jumps down and Yufazzi leaps at his side.
Tyson comments, "We'll deal with them."
Sada signals for Calveko and Kashen to follow her in the building but Desku-Pho steps outside with six orb owls. The orb owls are earthbenders that have pledged allegiance to the Fire Nation. Desku looks at Sada, "So, it is the waterbender. The United Way's great diplomat."
Sada: "I uplift my people and all people. You only wish to bring yours' down."
Desku crosses his arms, "How do I bring them down? By being realistic? By telling them to choose the winning side?!"
Sada: "You think this is winning? Being a second-class-citizen..."
Desku sighs, "That only happens to the defiant people and towns, you should know that."
Sada: "Waterbenders never had much of a choice, you realize my kind was hunted. The waterbenders in the Southern region were nearly wiped out. Only Katara remains. How can you bare to live with such injustice?"
Desku-Pho: "Move on from the past. It's not too late to surrender and tell these fools to stand down."
Sada laughs, "Do you honestly think I'd do that?"
Desku looks at the crowd. Sada briefly glances and notices several rebels being slaughtered. Desku: "Our men have superior training, weapons, and abilities yet you led them to a direct fight in a city. It is only a matter of time before they'll be worn down and exterminated. Stand down! I won't ASK TWICE!"
Sada quips, "Never."
Desku-Pho: "See, it's that insanity that will cause many to suffer but through the ashes, some people will finally get it. They'll make wise decisions and get the best deal out of a crappy situation. These are dark times; it is about time people come out of fantasy world and accept the truth."
Calveko and Kashen enter their battle guards as they stand beside one another. The six earthbenders circle them. Kashen: "You up for this?"
Calveko: "They're just benders, we've been through too much to not at least put up a fight."
Kashen: "That's right buddy, if not, it's been nice knowing ya."
Calveko: "What kind of pep talk is that?"