Chapter 21: Jeyuln Crackdown Part 1
The Honor Envoy meets in an abandoned building that is surprisingly well maintained. The walls are sand yellow, the floor is wooden, and the ceiling is sage green. Everyone sits around a steel table with cushioned fur chairs and the room is illuminated by mounted torches.
Tyson throws his fists up, "So what is the plan? What do you want from us? How do you plan to help us pay our bills and take care of us?"
Sada answers, "You don't need to worry about rent, we'll always make sure you have somewhere to stay whether that be an apartment, a hotel, or..."
Moriana finishes her statement, "An abandoned building..."
Calveko grunts, "You ungrateful swine."
Kashen points at his buddy and nervously grins, "Don't pay him any mind."
Kett crosses his arms and leans against the table, "We're going to free Jeyuln, one step at a time. And we are so close, it is at the dawn of liberation."
Tyson looks at Moriana, "Now this guy is talking crazy! Do you know how many Fire Nation soldiers are stationed here?"
Calveko finishes his statement, "Easily thousands, perhaps tens of thousands if we don't stop the Overseer now before he completes his project."
Moriana inquires, "Project, what is this Overseer doing?"
Sada: "The Overseer is working on drilling deep in Jeyuln's surface to extract valuable rare minerals. This will take away from the land's soil but will give the Fire Nation immense riches. Enough to guarantee more and more people will come to protect it."
Tyson gets chills, "Can me and my companion talk for a second?"
Kett looks at Sada. Sada nods for him to let them talk. Kett comments, "Alright." Tyson and Moriana step outside.
Tyson: "Mori I don't know about this. It sounds like these lunatics are setting us up to end up in caskets."
Moriana: "And what other choice do we have? I'm sick of being pushed around by these ashmakers."
Tyson: "But I'm pretty sure Kett is one, he has gold eyes."
Moriana crosses her arms, "Well, their society."
Tyson: "You've lost your mind."
Moriana: "Fine Tyson, go be a slave. But I'm going to stand here and fight. I thought you were a tough guy."
Tyson: "Being a tough guy got me into a lot of unnecessary trouble, things are different now."
Moriana gives him puppy eyes, "Then I guess you'll let me get myself killed on my own."
Tyson looks away, "I guess I will, you're on your own Mori."
Moriana steps to join the others and Tyson exits. Kett looks up, "Is your buddy coming back." Moriana doesn't answer.
Kashen: "Right, well the adventure continues. When do we move Kett?"
Kett looks up out the window at the sky, "By sunrise."
Hard Day's Work
Kett, Sada, Kashen, Calveko, and Moriana travel together in Jeyuln's streets in the center of the city plaza. Many locals sell fruits, vegetables, meats, jewelry, lotions, liquors, or perfumes. People of all ages roam the streets on a hot day as the sun beams down on all of them.
Two Fire Nation soldiers watch the crowd. One has a sword clutched at the hilt and another has a spear strapped to his back. Two archers stroll a rooftop as they look down at spectators. In an alley a few disgruntled citizens gather with Moriana swaying people into it.
The Vindicated Avenger stands in his majestic battle armor. It shines as a flicker of sunlight bounces into the alley. Meanwhile Calveko and Tyson sneak and slap flyers on walls and windows in the city streets. The flyers say things like "free Jeyuln", "slay the dragon", and "earth season".
The earth season flyer comes with a drawing of nature that represents a rejuvenation of the local culture. Free Jeyuln shows a photo of a woman in labor who is undergoing birth pains, hinting that freedom is the coming. Slay the dragon shows a photo of an earthbender defeating a dragon, dragons symbolize the Fire Nation itself.
A man in a dark grey uniform with black and bright red markings strolls down the streets. He has two guards standing with crimson red and solid black armor; both are firebenders. As they stroll, the Overseer turns left and sees a "free Jeyuln" flyer. He immediately rips it off a wall and rips it up.
The imperialist erupts, "Arrrrraaaaaaaaggghhhaaa!! Find whoever is responsible for this!!"
Three firebenders head back from a patrol laughing, "I can't believe that man gave up his grandmother's necklace. Guess he didn't have a choice." They suddenly stop and their eyes widen as they notice the local government station has been vandalized. Lots of green paint, mud stains, and leaves have been littered around the structure.
Several bugs have taken refuge around it. A Fire Nation sergeant swats two flying bugs away, "Ahhh, darn earthbender rebels. They have been very active recently." Five more Fire Nation soldiers arrive but they are drenched in mud.
One of the swordsmen crosses his arms, "What happened to you all?"
Fire Nation trooper: "We were transporting a wooden wagon that was supposed to hold oil. Suddenly it exploded but there wasn't any oil in it, instead it was filled with mud."
Fire Nation sergeant: "This is getting out of hand." The Overseer stands at his desk at the government headquarters. The room has marble dark grey floors with black and white specks, light brown walls with gold markings, and a ceiling that has been repainted ruby red.
Several pristine portraits of land and people are plastered on walls. Images of Earth Kingdom figures have been taken down and replaced by Fire Nation icons. The Overseer sits outside of a high-rise room with multiple long windows that create a spectacular view.
Two guards stand with long platinum spears. A lieutenant fearfully passes a letter to the Overseer. The foreign elite's eyebrows protrude, and his fists tighten. Veins emerge across his neck and hands. The lieutenant immediately ducks as the man jumps from his seat.
The Overseer slams his desk multiple times, "I've had enough with this nonsense. It is time for a complete crackdown!! We will make the city of Jeyuln weep and then the people will know why the Fire Nation is to be feared. They will remember me, the Overseer of this land!"
The next day, the Honor Envoy steps foot in Lorno's Clock Store. This store comes with many clocks, watches, sand glasses, calendars, timers, and different devices of that sort. Lorno himself is a heavyset bald man with a brown beard, dark green eyes, dark yellow skin, a pointy nose, attached ears, and small lips.
He stands beside Kett. Lorno holds his belly and laughs, "No problem my friend! No problem at all."
Moriana looks at Tyson, "That man's weird."
Calveko interrupts her, "Hey, show some respect girl."
Tyson: "She's just saying her opinion."
Kashen: "I'm all one for opinions, but that opinion doesn't matter. That man right there is one of the lead hosts of the resistance. He facilitates a lot of things and keeps track of tons of stuff. Without Lorno, none of the local revolution would be possible. So, show some respect, he's part of the reason we have access to our hideout. He maintained that empty building and made it somewhat of a safehouse."
The pair of friends are silenced. Sada enters and waves. Sada: "Get ready everyone, in a few days we will meet for the Grand Freedom Rally. This is our chance to unite the discontented people of Jeyuln. It's going to be something amazing."
Calveko's eyes light up, "I'll say."
Kashen leans against a shelf and accidentally knocks several things down, "Oh, crap." Kashen starts picking things up and replacing them.
Sada waits for him to finish, "Were you going to say something, Kash?"
Kashen scratches his head, "I forgot. I'll ask again later when it comes back to me." Calveko chuckles. Kashen blurts, "What are you laughing at dork?"
Calveko glares at him then looks at Sada, "He's such a downer, isn't he?"
Sada ignores him, "I don't have time for this." Sada speaks to Kett.
Moriana glances at Tyson yet again, "Are you ready?"
Tyson flexes his muscles, "I was born ready."
Calveko shakes his head, "Oh, I'm cringing."
Tyson replies, "Then keep on cringing."
A Word With the People
Hundreds of citizens meet outside Jeyuln's outskirts on a hilltop. Moriana, Tyson, Calveko, and Kashen watch in the crowd. Many are visible hungry, tired, and wear tattered clothes.
Some of the citizens are even ill from the local medicine people being forced to raise their prices after the Fire Nation took a certain cut of their supplies without charge. Chatter carries the area until they all fall silent.
Sada clears her throat, "People of Jeyuln, it has been an honor to be hosted in your lovely country. I never imagined I'd be here. I came from a small village in the Western Water Tribe. I've been fighting for my people ever since I was a little girl. I worked with my friends on the Eastern Tribe to free Fikku where I met some of my greatest enemies or so I thought. That was until one of my enemies because one of my best friends."
Sada adds, "Behold, I reveal to you the Vindicated Avenger. A firebender who was called to fight against the injustice of his own people." People in the crowd boo. Sada comments, "He played a big role in saving Sogo from utter destruction. He is a big reason we are all here united together. The Water Tribe did not have to come here, we chose to aid our Earth Kingdom brothers and sisters because the tyranny of one group of people is the tyranny of all."
Elder: "But how do you know we can trust this firebender? How do you know he will not betray you when his greatest opportunity arises?"
Sada: "I know because he gave up so much for us and risked his life. I saw him defeat Colonel Hurayo and this isn't the first Earth Kingdom area he's assisted." The Vindicated Avenger steps forward and nods for Sada to step aside.
The Vindicated Avenger briefly looks up in the sky before he stares back at the crowd. For a second, he is overtaken by the moment. The hero speaks potently, "I gave up everything for this moment. Why? I don't truly know, but sometimes destiny speaks a lot differently than plain reason or logic."
Kett continues, "I gave up everything because I felt the same way you do. I grew up hearing all that nonsense that you have probably heard before too. I grew up hearing that you have to accept whatever is in your culture. I'm sure some of you know people from crime families who say it is ok to steal from someone else. But for me, it just never felt right. So I'm asking you to do what you know is right for you, not anyone else."
Kett: "Because we all came in this world alone and we will probably leave it that way to. And when those spiritual scrolls are opened, if we are judged, I bet it will be based on our own legacies. What legacy do you want? The one of someone who sat back in the face of oppression, as a coward? As a victim? Or do you want to be remembered as a hero that fought for better or worse, because that was just right?"
Kett: "I was born a commoner. They told me I'd never be as good as the nobles or royals. That it was my mission to serve a greater cause and trust the wisdom of the high born. It was my blessing to live under them since they gave us more than they stole from people like you. Well, I'm here to say that's all a bunch of manure. How about we tear the whole complex down?"
An Earth Kingdom nobles interrupts, "Wait, but I'm a noble? You want me to give everything up when these Fire Nationals go down?"
Vindicated Avenger: "I'm not saying that, but something needs to change. Instead of tearing each other down, why don't you work together? You are all Earth Nationals, you don't have to compete. You do not need to kill or fight each other. All you need to do is talk and stop limiting each other's progress. The United Way exists to stand against division."
Vindicated Avenger: "Please do me a favor, when this ends, when we take down the Fire Nation, please promise me you will not let this go to waste. You will stay committed to the fight for freedom and not just let some other group of people whether that is other Earth Nationals like earthbenders oppress some other group like nonbenders or nobles oppressing commoners. From now on, you will work together toward solutions."
The crowd cheers. Tyson: "I wonder how long this will last. Even the Avatars can't keep peace forever."
Sada joins her friends in the crowd, "We don't have the ability to make everything perfect, we aren't gods. But we can make things better by trying and striving to be just. That is all anyone can reasonably ask of us."
Moriana nods, "I agree Sada. Let's do it."
Sada shakes her hand, "For liberty."
Moriana repeats her, "For liberty."