Aurora Scroll

Chapter 364 - Must Die

Lava is hot.

That was what the 40th Prince of Latias experienced. He felt like he was swimming in mud, only far far hotter. He protected himself with an ability to keep functioning in the anti-life situation, something that even a Level 3 could do, let alone a Level 4. Marvin kept pummeling the ape that nonsensically tried to do a double-suicide with him but the Rank 3 beast would not let go, even after he disemboweled its stomach.

Something like this won't kill me. Die, you fucki-

Marvin could have sworn the ape was showing him a grin before opening its mouth. Since they were in a bear hug, the distance between their faces was very close.

Inside the ape’s mouth, there was a seed, germinating a single leaf.

Marvin felt a disorienting sensation, a consequence of a teleportation.

When the process was over, he saw he was surrounded by greenery for a split second before an explosion took him.

The ape, already super injured from the lava and Marvin’s attacks, initiated a self-destruct.


The naked prince bore the brunt of the explosion being at ground zero.

It huuuurts!!

The Rank 3 monster’s explosion was not fatal but certainly injured him.

When he tried to ascertain the condition of the crazy ape, finding its mangled corpse perhaps, he instead saw the visage of a man amidst the smoke.

“I AM HERE!!!”

Before the last syllable was spoken, Marvin was already punched in the face. The guy also tried to shank him with an enchanted knife to the neck but his defenses broke the blade before it pierced his skin further.

“Who the fuck are you!” He said to the man he never met before.

“A villain!” The youth with a big grin on his face said. “Prince Marvin, prepare to be meatbagged!”

The youth, more or less his age, conjured multiple swords of water in the air that launched at him. Marvin raised a barrier of oil.

After successfully defending, Marvin got some time to find his bearings after the multiple stages of confusion. The guy in front of him was a Level 3. Weak, compared to him. He was ambushed while naked, leaving a significant amount of useful magic items behind. He still had some though. He was taken forcefully somewhere else but he was still fine.

“...I’m in a bad mood. Don’t think you’ll die an easy death by my hand.”

These water swords were fast and powerful, but only for the Level 3 standard. The Arte wasn't a threat to him. Since his ambush failed, he wouldn't get another chance at it again.

Marvin decided he would pummel this weaker opponent and get back ASAP.

“Are you sure about that?” the man’s stupid grin wasn't interrupted.

“Fuu! Fuuu!”


”Beside him, two elementals appeared, a cloud hovering on his left, a fire on his right. The former released a swirling gale and the latter shot a scorching ray.

The thought those two were kinda cute was summarily erased from Marvin’s mind. They had Level 3 battle strength too.

“Even if there’s two more… What?”

Marvin was so confident that the raw power of his defense wouldn't be surmounted by three lousy Level 3s, yet the reality was his oil shield was beginning to unravel. Through some form of elemental mixing, these three attacks elevated each other to even greater heights.


Th-these are… How can these be so powerful!?

Marvin was gritting his teeth to maintain his shield from a trinity of Hydro, Pyro, and Anemo battering that Viers and his familiars masterfully weaved.

Viers’ elemental reaction attacks had been further strengthened thanks to his familiars’ diligent training. When they fought together, their true worth shined.


Marvin emitted a dome of energy that blocked Viers’ attacks. Magical tattoo-like markings appeared on Marvin’s body.

Even after depriving him of his wealth, he still has some of his wealth power embedded in his body, huh? Well, as I expected.

Viers had planned to ambush Marvin from the start, that was why he disabled Marvin’s yacht and marooned him here. After making excuses to Croix and acting separately, he went back like a tiger finishing his uneaten meal. For what he intended to do to Marvin, it would be better if the good-hearted prince wasn't around. Even though Marvin tried to kill him, Viers suspected that Croix might have spared his life even if they all fought together and won.

Besides, Viers didn't intend to share his meal with anyone.

He infiltrated the yacht while Marvin was busy tinkering with the engine. By supercharging his healing factor, he swiftly recovered from his injuries. It cost him a lot of lifeforce but it didn't really matter: he had so much.

So, so much.

Wiping out the other Pathseekers under Marvin was also in preparation for this. Then, he waited for the opportune time.

And what an opportunity it was: Marvin who was about to have a session of segs removed his many, many troublesome magical items on his own.

Viers jumped at the opportunity, literally.

To be honest, Marvin’s many magical items were a pain even for Viers. As expected of a wealthy Arrogant Young Master prince.

After that, he aimed at the lava pool, T-800ed himself, and warped them both to Viridis, before initiating a self-destruct sequence for real.

Since he knew his monster transformations were free lives, how could a man like Viers not make use of them? The Water Fur ape was one of such throwable stocks he had. It was a common monster but quite tough.

Here at Dia’s Biome, Marvin must die.

“This Victa signature… It’s you! The lightning and the water… You’re the Fatty!” Marvin fumed.

“O yeah? What part of this is fatty to you?” Viers changed his face and body using the Impersonator Mask. Currently, he doesn't have a round belly. “Come now, I’m just a stranger danger, all right?”

“Hahaha, you think you’re funny? Die!!”

Amidst the rain of water, fire, and wind, Marvin dashed. He recited short spell words and two spectral armored warriors appeared. These two fought with Futon and Faiya. With those two elementals out of the way, his disposal of ‘Fatty’ would be swift and smooth.

Just like before.

Or was it?

With the grin of All Might but with the killing intent of All For One, Viers struck.


Viers hit Marvin with a punch that packed so much force the Level 4 staggered a few steps back while holding his stomach. Plus the fact Marvin was naked made it a touch more comical. If Viers was a more decent man he would've let Marvin at least put on some pants for his dignity, but Viers was Viers.

Instead, he took it as an invitation. Taking the opening of Marvin’s confusion, Viers pulled out a stick of solid metal from his Thousand Treasures Casket and made a golf swing.

It hit the ball. Rather, two balls.


Marvin’s vision blanked into a scape of white. Meanwhile, his ears heard Viers’ maniacal laugh as he heaped Arte upon Arte upon his defenseless body.

“MOB-FU babbieeeh! Ahahahaha!!”

Viers previous defeat was by design.

He was still Level 3 and Marvin was still Level 4. Marvin was still stronger and all the facts remained. It was just that Viers didn't fight seriously before. Three reasons. He wanted to ‘harvest’ Marvin for himself, didn't want to expose his true power to Croix and Alfred, and wanted to minimize risks, hence the Biome. Therefore, using the Mob-Fu was the obvious choice. Clarissa saving him was a nice miscalculation but was not necessary.

“AAAAAAHH!!! I’m going to destroy you!”

Marvin brandished his golden mace that appeared on his hand.

Even though he left his inventory items behind, it seems he still has items stowed somewhere… inventory space?

Viers dodged the swing aimed to his head. Inventory space shouldn't be usable for a Level 4 but Marvin might have it by burning money.

“Hufff! Huff! You’ll be mincemeat!” Marvin attacked while holding back pain and disheveled hair. His confidence rose after taking out the mace. To be fair, the mace was indeed a terrifying and powerful enchanted weapon. This was not something simple like a solidified oil shaped into a mace.

“Hm, hm, hm~”

Viers dodged the frenzied swings while humming. He wished he didn't have to see Marvin’s manhood swinging too. A memory that he would dispose of later. He observed Futon and Faiya had the upper hand against their opponents but needed some time to triumph.

“Why won't it hit!?” Marvin was agitated.

“Six thousand and a hundred hours.”


“That is my combat fight time against your weapon type.”

Against hammers or mace-type weapons, Viers had ample training with Boram. In the virtual reality of the Grid, sometimes he fought Boram directly, sometimes the boy’s simulacrum, and sometimes other expert warriors from extracted soul memories. Viers’ training menu was deep and extensive.

Marvin boy, you don't scare me nor awe me with your cheap gold. I’ve defeated Radagon of the Golden Order!

The fact he had incredible training length was true but the six thousand hours was a bluff. Viers didn't really time it. He had more important things to do.

But it seemed Marvin was shaken all the same.

“Let me elucidate you, Prince Marvin, why you are unable to defeat me.”

It was because Marvin was lacking as a warrior.

He might be a genius but by his own admission and confirmed by Viers’ soul search, he didn't train. He never fought against his equal. He also made use of his load and load of magical items in his battles. Those gave him an edge against his enemies, no doubt about that, even Viers was struggling to peel those hundreds of defensive layers straight up.

But in a straight-up fight, Marvin couldn't hold a candle to Viers. His footwork, swing, follow-up, were all a mess. His specs were higher but not to the degree of unbridgeable by skill. Viers might not be able to surpass him in strength or speed as a Level 3 but his Horizon and skillful use of Artes gave him enough combat ability to seemingly toy with the prince.

Now Viers could leak the information like those villains that like to preach about their superiority, but Viers wasn't that nice.

Also to prevent the cliché power-up moment. Marvin didn't seem the type but Viers wasn't taking any chances.

Instead, he told him this:

“It’s because you are a tiny limp dick.”

With a pitying face and eyes looking at a certain point below Marvin's navel.

Marvin looked like he was about to burst an artery.

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