Aurora Scroll

Chapter 339 - Politeness

“That’s one hell of a weather,” Viers said with resignation.

“Whoa! A cow monster got swept up by the wind! Master, look!” Boram pointed with amazement.

“Guess we have to stay here for a while.”

Viers and Boram were traveling to places that were rumored to have soul-healing properties to awaken Clarissa’s comatose soul. The destination was mostly Power Spots in the wilderness, such as the ruined temple they were in.

The path here was treacherous and the weather was very extreme thanks to the abnormal mana in the region. It took quite a bit of effort from the pair to make the journey.

After clearing the monster-infested dilapidated temple not unlike a classic game dungeon, Viers reached his destination. In the deepest reaches of the temple, they found a mural. It depicted a god of old with an unknown name. It was still working despite the picture having been quite damaged by the cruel hand of time.

The mural indeed had an effect on the soul, Viers and Boram both felt it directly and gained some benefits from visiting it but it was not enough to heal Clarissa.

This is the tenth place… At this rate, should I try true love’s kiss?

But Viers’ true love was currently power chasing so it was useless for Clarissa either way. He put the idea to the back of his mind.

As they were exiting the temple, they were attacked by stormy weather.

“Fuu! Fuuuuuu!”

“Someone is happy at least,” Viers smiled looking at the cloud elemental dancing in the wind outside. “Don't go too far, okay?”

The two sat on the floor and meditated in silence, furthering their respective Pathseeker way. It was almost second nature to them, a couple of hours doing this was nothing.

The temple’s enchantments provided shelter. The rumbling was quite loud but the old temple stood strong. Viers was thankful for that. He maintained a steady mind despite the howling winds.

“Fuu! Fuu!” Futon came back quite agitated.


“Master?” Boram asked because Viers made a face.

“Futon says there are people coming this way. On your guard.”

Just as he said, two people in traveler’s garb emerged from all the wind and dust approaching the temple. Futon already hid inside Viers’ badge.

“We made it. Hurry, young lord. The temple must be near.” the older of the two said while looking behind him.

“Yes… Alfred, there’s people ahead,” the younger said. According to his physique and voice, he should be a young teen.

“What?” The one called Alfred didn't expect the presence of Viers and Boram in the temple.

Alfred took a measure of the two. In his eyes, Viers and Boram were Level 2 Pathseekers. He was especially surprised that a child-like Boram that should not be walking the Path of Power was already a Level 2. Viers’ face was masked but he should be around 18 years old, Level 2 was normal.

Alfred frowned, these two were unknown variables. Just when he couldn't afford it.

“You two,” Alfred said. “You should leave post-haste. This place will soon become a battleground.”

“We’re sorry to bring this upon you,” the teen said. “But if you stay, you might get implicated. Please hurry, while they haven't seen you.”

Viers looked at the wary Level 4 and the non-Pathseeker. His thoughts were hidden. “Even if you say so, where are we going to go?”

The roaring winds had gotten fiercer as if nature was answering Viers’ question. The boy was only able to survive the mana hurricane because the Level 4 was protecting him. For all intents and purposes, Level 2 was truly powerless before such a wrath of nature.

“I know it is a tall order but there’s a Level 4 among those who seek us,” Alfred said to Viers. “It might be better for you to brave the storm.”

Alfred expected the two to panic but their expression was normal. He found it odd but the teen rustled up a ring from his possession and gave it to Viers.

“This ring should be able to protect you both. These people are dangerous. Go on. Quickly!”

“Wait, that’s-!”

Alfred wanted to protest but the teen stopped him. “I don't want any more people to die because of me.”

Further development was halted because a group of people approached them. They were protected by a magical bubble. The closer to the temple, the milder the winds became. Once they were near the entrance, the winds were mild enough to not warrant such magical protection.

“Tsk! They’re already here!” Alfred removed his cloak.

“Scum…” The teen scowled at the group of nine people with hate in his eyes.

“Is the hide and seek over already, Your Highness?” A man stepped forward. He was a Level 4 with a murderous aura.

“Your Highness?” Boram gasped and glanced at the two. “Wait, it doesn't matter right now. Master, aren't they…”

Viers stayed silent. He’d seen these people. They were the ones that killed the villagers a few days back.

“If you want me, come after me! Why massacre the villagers?” The teen said.

“Set the bushes on fire to lure the rabbit to the open. It’s simple hunting tactics, young prince. And so here you are. It only took four villages. I figured it would take more. I suppose I overestimated your protector.”

Viers thought he got a grasp of the situation. These people were chasing the two people in hiding. They burned the villages around the area. Shouldered with guilt and not wanting other people to get implicated anymore, the young teen who was most likely a prince, went to a remote site, which was here.

“Killing a royal is a severe crime, even for your cult. You think you can bear the repercussions?” Alfred readied his sword.

“Heh,” the opponent Level 4 shrugged. “There are hundreds of you so who cares if one or two little mice go missing? Besides, my employer is also a royal.”

Alfred and the prince looked shocked.

“I’ll have you spit out the name from your death throes, Traitorous Knight Gram!”

“Since you’ve been avoiding me all this time, I thought the rumor of your valor is exaggerated. Looks like there’s still some bite left in you. Come!”

“Imaginary Domain!”

Alfred and Gram clashed. Unexpectedly, the former used darkness while the latter light. Viers caught a glimpse before their Domain obscured their figure. The other eight with Gram were also swallowed by the two raised Domains.

The young prince, Viers, and Boram were left.

Witnessing the clash between Level 4s brought back memories of Valkut inside Viers.

Domain, huh? I also want one soon. Domain Expaaaansion! Yeah!

Because Viers was Viers, he already chose his hand seal. Unlike that series, it wasn't necessary to invoke the Domain but Viers wanted it as a symbolic gesture.

“Well, shouldn't we use this chance to run?” Viers asked.

“Alfred will be okay, but it might be best if you two take the chance to run. The ring should give you a safe passage. Stay safe.”

“Welp, I take that back.”


Viers gestured with his chin, in that direction, three more people were in hiding. They were with Gram. One Level 3 and two Level 2s.

“Stay behind me!”

The prince activated a magical barrier using an enchanted item covering all three of them. For a non-Pathseeker, he was quite brave in his actions in Viers' eyes. Although, he was a bit reckless since he included strangers in the barrier. If Viers wanted to harm him, it would be over there and then.

Normally, only Pathseekers were able to use magical items. Those usable by non-Pathseeker were much rarer and more expensive. Since he's a prince, it wasn't impossible.

“That should hold them off until alfred… Oh no! How can this be?”

The barrier was strong, comparable to Viers’ own Level 4 insurance. It was usable multiple times to boot. By all means it was plenty to hold off the three attackers but they too had a magical item. The black spear that they got was slowly penetrating the prince’s barrier. At last, the shadow of worry clouded the teen’s face.

“That spear is enchanted in a very specific way, as if specialized to break this one barrier… Guess someone that knows you have this barrier gave them the key to open it.”

Viers’ words implied that one of the prince’s relatives truly was the one behind this.

“Don't hate us, kid,” one of the assassins said. “This is just a job.”

“If you want to blame someone, blame your fate for being born as a cheap royal.”

The prince didn't answer.

Well now, what should I do in this situation? Viers pondered.

“Master, what should we do?” Boram asked but Viers told him to be silent with a hand gesture.

A crack appeared on the prince’s barrier. It would only be a matter of time.

Viers heard the prince take a deep breath and he faced Viers before bowing his head.

“My name is Croix Ash Latias. 51st son of King Lahar Ludwig Latias of the Latias Kingdom. Despite my title and birth, I am a weak person that requires protection. That said, my standing allows me to have unique privileges. I beg you both to lend me your aid.”

Croix spoke clearly and without hesitation to two strangers he’d never met.

“Why do you ask us for help?” Viers opened his mouth.

“Because even in this situation you keep calm and show no fear.”

“Maybe because they aren't targeting me? Have you thought about that?” Viers said.

“Maybe. I could be wrong but these brutes massacred villages just because we spent the night, even children were not spared. I don't believe they’ll leave you alone.”

“Oi oi, brother, don't tell me you got a heroic intent inside your head.” the Level 3 pushing the spear said. “We just want the princeling.”

“Don't make a decision that you might regret.”

“Let us do our job and we’ll leave you be.”

Viers was impressed by their shamelessness. One of them was wearing a necklace made of severed ears, considering the size, those weren't ears from adults.


Further away, Alfred broke out of the Domain with his hand extended because he sensed his lord was in danger.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Gram pushed Alfred's head to the ground.

Half of Gram’s men were already dead and the rest were heavily injured but Alfred was tied down by Gram and unable to assist in time.

In the end, it was up to Viers. Every second Viers didn't answer, Croix's nervousness grew. He didn't want to die. It was that simple.

The black spear punctured the barrier and it crumbled with the sound of shattered glass. It was about to run through Croix’s chest from the side.

Viers stopped the spear with one hand.

“See Boram? Be polite. Be respectful. That is how you should treat others, especially strangers that you don't know. That can be the difference between dying like a dog or a helping hand.”

Boram already punched the other two assassins away with his fist before Viers finished talking. “Yes, Master.”

“You’ve made a terrible mistake, brother,” the one with the black spear said.

“Who the hell is your brother?”

Viers made the guy fly backward with a Force Lightning to the face.

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