Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 69

Chapter 61 : Acting Chief

Blood, killing, plunder, madness.

Endlessly killed the red-eyed monsters, and quickly extinguished the fire that hadn’t been burning for a long time. Inside the Vichymiris Fortress, they were dancing with excitement.

The orcs are searching for all kinds of trophies in the sea of ​​blood in the dead mountain. A heavy-fitting big guy pulled out a short fortune stick from his waist, and his thick left hand fingers gently lifted a cold and stiff pale lips, and his right hand waved the fortune stick and slammed it down. Immediately smashed four or five **** front teeth from the gums of the cold corpse.

Although the orcs trade with foreign races, they usually barter. However, there is still a stable currency within the green skin group—the teeth. No matter what kind of biological teeth, the bigger the better, the sharper, whiter, and flawless teeth, the more valuable!

The teeth of the pink-skin dried shrimps, although not as big as the fangs of the green-skinned kids, are inferior. But the accumulation of more steel is also a huge sum of money! What’s more, there are other good things in them. For example, the leather armor on the body, the ironware on the hand, and the fancy, seemingly unclear wood carving amulet.

A green-skinned kid even took off five Roman iron helmets and put them all on his head. The five iron helmets overlapped each other with a shaky and funny appearance, making the nearby green-skin laugh.

Gary Vickers lay inside his chariot pulled by six-headed huskies, leading his merchant clan, and arrogantly rushed into the city. Thousands of residents were caught between two groups of monsters. There was no way to go to the sky and no way to go to the ground. One by one curled up on the ground and shivered. Shout “kindness.” in lingua franca.

At the same time, they have both brutal and cowardly personalities. They are very weak goblins who like to torture the weak. They waved the ropes in their hands, and young and healthy humans were all caught up as slaves. Well, the vampires entrenched in Transylvania are in desperate need of slaves and are close to them. You can consider selling them to them.

As for the rest of the old, weak and sick, thrown at the cannon fodder soldiers at the bottom of the clan, let them vent their killing intent and anger.

Accompanied by the sound of horseshoes like a drum, Christian also brought together ethnic groups, livestock, and Pain Hess. They found an Eastern Gothic wooden cart, covered it with four or five layers of thick sheepskin, and carefully placed the sleeping Christina in it.

In this crazy feast of writing and sharing the spoils, read as looting, the people focused on plundering human livestock. Obtained more than 20,000 cattle and sheep, and hundreds of thin workhorses. A predator happened to break into the smithy of the Gothic barbarian and hurriedly asked the animal companion to notify Curonia.

After hearing the news, the predator leader’s eyes lit up and he immediately led people around the blacksmith shop to prevent any monster allies from entering. Like a violent wind, the leaves are swept away, and hundreds of primitive iron ingots, spearheads and arrow cluster molds are rolled out in one go!

The Bloodfury clan lacks everything, that is, there is no shortage of pack beasts specially used for transportation, and the load-carrying capacity of humans and horses is several times that of humans!

As for the lizard people, these backward aboriginal creatures, they grab everything and everything. He maintained an extremely strong curiosity about everything about his old enemy. Many humanoid creatures with scales were amazed with the Eastern Gothic eating utensils, farming tools, and tsk.

Chief Hist took his group of druid priests, turned around and returned to the battlefield by the sea, awkwardly brandishing the iron axe that had just been captured, and chopped off all the heads of the Gothic barbarian corpses. While praying to their gods in terrifying dragon language, he threw hundreds of heads into the rough Black Sea.

In the darkness, there seemed to be a deep blue ray of light, piercing through the thick clouds, shining on the priests, making them more business-rich and natural.

There is really a **** in this world. Painhurs looked at the savage and primitive Lizardmen, but the **** sacrifice was indeed effective, and he was stunned.


Following the monster carnival, after plundering for a few hours, the pale white horse, covered in blood, sat on the ground tiredly. Every time he kills a life, every time he casts a spell, he gets stronger. Can also explore the deeper arcane secrets in the bloodline.









At the end of the battle against the Romans, there was another arcane, like the blue flames of the cold touch, which automatically exploded outside of his body. Turned into a layer of invisible armor, covering his huge body, blocking the deadly crossbow arrows of the Roman Legion, so that he did not die under the enemy’s arrow rain.

His pale coat was too conspicuous in the dark, and the opponent set fire to him.

“This arcane art hasn’t dissipated until now. It’s really a powerful force.” Feeling the invisible armor around his body, Painhus waved his Roman dagger in admiration and slashed the fingers of his left hand gently-but the sharp blade seemed to be Hit an invisible wall and stopped in the air, unable to move forward a bit!

“You are here, come here! Everyone is looking for you in a hurry!”

Suddenly, a beautiful and clear voice, like a nightingale, came into Painhurs’ ears, awakening the sorcerer who was intoxicated in arcane arts. The pale white horse looks back

, A petite and lovely black mare, shaking her soft waist, and a pair of full and attractive brown mountains, hurried to her side.

“What’s the matter? Christian.” Painhurs straightened his body wearily, looking down at the black-skinned bard, and asked puzzledly.

“The Chieftain’s injury needs to be raised for at least one month. The Bloodfury clan needs a new acting chief at this moment.” The bard raised his exquisite face full of exotic customs, and a pair of blood-colored eyes that were as beautiful as her sister flashed. Crazy light of excitement and anxiety. “The remaining leaders and bosses gathered together to prepare for the election… Please! Please vote for me!”

“Okay, no problem.” Painhurs pondered for a moment, and without hesitation he agreed to the black mare’s request. The old druid died heroically, and Charney also died under Alpharis’s dagger. Then the remaining bosses, aren’t they the greedy predator leader Kuronia, and Caen and Luga the two reckless men? Christians are all more suitable for this position.

“Wait, I am a chief guard, why should I vote?”

The white horse raised his eyebrows and suddenly found something wrong.

“Because your magnificent military exploits have been recognized by the people.” After getting Painhuis’s promise, Christian sighed for a long time. In the beautiful red eyes like a ruby, there was less anxiety, but more It’s a palpitating madness.


The two of them shuttled in the mighty sea of ​​green skin, stepping on blood corpses everywhere, and slowly approached a strong house made of stones, dirt, and piles. This should be the house of the leader of the Ostrogoths, the hall is surprisingly tall, and can even accommodate five tall and burly horses.

“Painhurs! Christian! You are all back!” The scarred Caen showed a tired smile. “Hurry up, everyone can only vote. Everyone has almost plundered. After the election, leave here immediately-the orcs and goblins have already begun to fight for the spoils and have a small-scale conflict.”

“Under the gaze of the **** of nature and community, I! The eldest daughter of the former chief Anna: Christian. Apply to become the acting chief!” Caen’s voice did not fall. The petite and weak Christian stood up excitedly, and said proudly in front of a crowd of tall people. “In terms of strength, I am a powerful spellcaster. In terms of bloodliness, I am more noble than all of you here. What’s more, of the five people present, only I am a female! I am more qualified to serve as the acting chief of the Bloodfury clan!”

“A terrible white disaster, a ferocious foreign enemy, will not take your life without plundering your property because you are a female! Tiny dwarf!”

The three stallions living in the matrilineal society all showed disdain. Among them, Luga was the most direct, laughing out loud and ridiculing loudly! “If you weren’t for Anna’s eldest daughter, Christina’s sister, you wouldn’t have survived now! All your backers are gone! Dwarf!”

“Shut up! Let’s just say a few words that nobody treats you as a dumb.” Kuronia reluctantly covered Luga’s mouth, but under the black feather cloak, the icy face of the shameless bird looked towards this reckless man. His words showed an expression of approval. “Well, under Skerrit’s fair gaze, agree to Christian’s raising hand as the acting chief.”

In the hall, a big pale hand with a target bracelet, and a dark arm trembling slightly because of anger and grievance were raised.

Painhurs looked at the situation in front of him in surprise. I did feel the prejudice against dwarfs of the blood-nurs. But unexpectedly, this kind of discrimination is so terrible!

“Christian has two votes.” Caen gleefully coughed twice. Raise your hands high to attract your attention.

“Listen to me. When Chief Christina landed, she was assassinated by a sinister villain! At that time, the human army rushed into a chaotic and fearless force like an overwhelming wave of world extinction! At that time, Without the help of Chani and the command of the chief, even I cannot reintegrate the most elite fearless force of the clan!

At that time, nearly half of the people even tried to escape. At the critical juncture, Painhurs turned the tide and reintegrated everyone together! And relying on an excellent strategy, defeated the Gothic barbarians! I Caen admire him! Willing to make him the acting chief! ”

“Yes,” Kuronia stretched out a slender arm full of muscles from the black feather cloak. “Among you, he is the only one who has defeated the chiefs of other clans! And twice! Barbarian Claw! Beast Leonardo! They are all defeated by him! In this extreme situation, I think pure The power of the people is more convincing than the so-called descent of some people.”

“Three votes in favor.” Luga shrugged and raised his arm. Although both of them seem to be annoying to him, the tall and handsome white horse is always a little more pleasing to the eye than the thin dwarf.

Three to two, Painhurs won.

“It’s not… I’m here for the first time, and I am not familiar with the internal situation of the clan! And I am still a young recruit! How do you think it is more suitable for this position to be Christian!” Painhurs stared at the three in amazement. The arms raised high, said in amazement.

“A few hours ago, when you ordered the heavy armor to obey your will and fight bravely, it was quite awe-inspiring, acting chief.” Caen said amusedly. “Where did your aura go?”

“That’s a special case!”

“All right

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