Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 64

Chapter 56 : Drive Sheep Tactics

Rotten scale lizard people have lived in the coastal areas of Crimea for generations, leading a primitive fishing and hunting life. The soft webbed claws and dorsal fins allow them to swim at a speed comparable to that of fish. The coldly fangs and sharp claws can also shred the thick skin and fine scales of their prey. The sturdy and lightweight blue-gray scales on the body are as strong as iron armor, and it can resist the attacks of most predators.

However, this inherent strength has also become a heavy shackle that restricts their technological development. I don’t need a fishing net and harpoon, and I can still live very comfortably. Then, why bother to invent and forge without claws? What about simple weapons that work?

The old and backward concept of the lizard people has been greatly impacted in recent years-the Eastern Goths, these barbarians from the north, are more difficult than all the races that the lizard people have seen. They are strong, cunning, and numerous. Iron axes, javelins, and weapons are complicated. The strongest group of soldiers is even equipped with steel armor that he can’t shake at all!

The fangs and claws of the tribesmen, and the cone-shaped shells fished out of the sea, couldn’t break the strong iron armor of the other party. But the giant iron axe forged by the enemy can split the hard scales that he is proud of, and chop his compatriots into a **** broken corpse!

In just a few months, the prosperous primitive kingdom of the Lizardmen has turned into excellent sea ports, filled with Gothic wooden ships.

And that scene is now reappearing in front of Chief Hister! Two hundred desperate warriors wearing full-body chain mail, steel helmets, and armed to the teeth, are like two hundred tireless killing machines, raising their iron tomahawks in their hands, and falling heavily, rushing all the way, just like two hundred tireless killing machines. In the land of no one, stepping on countless flesh and blood scaly corpses, the lizardman’s scattered formation was torn in half!


Chief Hist let out an angry roar, leading his druid priests, and greeted the Gothic barbarian frontally. The slender figure of the six lizardmen swelled instantly, becoming extremely burly and huge. Countless dense and thick brown hairs drilled into the gaps of dark green scales. The low, dumb, cold neighing of reptiles has also turned into the bloodthirsty, terrifying roar of the predatory behemoth!

The druids, who had turned into six brown bears, landed on the ground with four claws, stepped out of the heavy steps that the other earth trembles, and slammed in front of the enemy! They erected their burly bodies as high as nine feet, shrouded the barbarian enemies under their terrifying beast shadows, brandished a pair of huge bear claws, and slapped the decisive warrior in front of them fiercely!

An iron helmet squashed by a bear’s paw, wrapped in the broken and sunken head of the Gothic barbarian, traversed a scarlet arc in the air.


“Gredinian belongs to the Eastern Goths!”

The militia group, brandishing a wooden shield and hand axe, followed the **** passage torn out by the dying warrior and poured into the army of rotten scale lizards. Engwal, shouting the battle slogan feverishly, blocked the stabbing of two cone-shaped angle stones with a wooden shield, and slashed an axe on the neck of the scaly monster.

The shock force from the hard scales made Engwal’s arm sore that he could hardly hold the iron axe in his hand. But the opponent’s scales were also torn apart in one hit with his full strength, and the shocking red blood of the big beach was gushing out.

The Gothic barbarians panted and shook their sore wrists, preparing to continue killing the enemy. However, he was suddenly shoved and shoved on his back, almost standing unsteadily, and fell under the webbed claws of the lizardman.

“What a squeeze! If you want to kill the enemy this way, stand in front of me!” Engwal reluctantly stabilized his figure, hurriedly used a wooden shield to block the enemy’s claws, and turned his head angrily.

“I didn’t mean it!” The infantry behind him took another step forward, speaking innocently. “I was also pushed by someone behind, and I accidentally fell on your back-hell, this black lamp is blind, and I don’t know what happened behind!”


Back in time a few minutes ago

General Asana deployed the spearmen on the two wings. She does not expect these conscripted militias to create much feats. She only hopes that they will use the wooden shield and short spears in their hands to cover the flanks of the main force, so that the drastic fighters and the militia can charge forward without any scruples and crush the disgusting eggs. lizard.

The spearmen who were treated as cannon fodder also lazily raised the wooden shield in their hands, resisting the attack of the lizardmen, and stabbed the short spears in their hands to the front from time to time, rubbing against the wet and solid gray scales of the opponent. A shallow white mark is drawn.

“The morale of these monsters is really terrible. Knowing that the defeat is set, they are still fighting in blood.” A spearman standing in the middle of the team, responsible for lighting the torch, yawned tiredly. At this point on weekdays, I should be covered with straw. On the bedding of animal skins, enter a sweet dreamland······

Wait, what sounds are there from time to time in the east?

The spearman rubbed his ears, and turned his head to the left uncomfortably-in the dark night, the sound of intensive drumbeats slowly sounded, and it became more noisy and rapid. Like a series of muffled thunders, it exploded in the sky.

Suddenly, in the dark and cold sky, a series of grim and stern sounds rang out. Like hundreds of terrifying ghosts, screaming in the low clouds! At the same time, countless pale demons broke through the dark night and stabbed their compatriots fiercely, splashing shocking waves of blood!

Painhurs is fearless in heavy armor, yes

At the sparks in the distance, four rounds of bone dysprosium were shot in succession, with that horrible sound, destroying the fighting spirit of the enemy, and then pulling out the two-handed battle axe hanging on the side of the horse, like a silver-gray thunder, ruthlessly Slashed **** the trembling bodies of the militiamen!

These one-ton, fast-moving behemoths smashed into countless conscripted spearmen in an instant, as if they were devastating, completely overwhelming the enemy’s formation. The sharp giant axe set off a blood storm mixed with countless stumps and broken arms.

In the dark and dim night, the spearmen had no idea how many enemies there were! It was dark in front of me, and I couldn’t see anything. The ears are full of terrifying screams, the wild roars of horses and horses, and the miserable cry of comrades-in-arms! This unknown flustered mood maximized their inner fear-in just one round of charge, the morale of the two hundred soldiers was completely destroyed by the armored fearless!

Seeing the enemy fled in all directions, Painhurs was wearing heavy armor and fearless, and at a speed far surpassing the infantry, like a Caucasian dog driving the flock, driving the ruined army, letting them squeeze into the militia and mess up the enemy’s A neat formation, squeezing the living space of the barbarians!

“Run! A bloodthirsty monster with a half-man and half-horse was killed in the east!”

“Move to the west! Giant! A giant wielding a big axe appeared in the east!”

“Retreat! Retreat! Endless green skins, like huge filthy and smelly waves! Sweeping the world!”

Panic is like a virus, growing and spreading crazily in the dark and terrible dark night, in order to find a reasonable explanation for the defeat and retreat, and to repair his broken self-esteem. The trembled army tremblingly spread the enemy more and more evil, causing a new round of panic. Many civic groups were shocked by the increasingly terrifying rumors, and their legs trembled.

By the time the information reached Asana’s ears, this version had become “a group of white dragons, with the cold wind and heavy snow covering the sky, killed from the east”! ! !

Who do you lie to?

“Runaways, kill! Those who disturb the morale of the army, kill! Those who turn their backs on the enemy, kill!!!” The barbarian general roared and smashed the skull of a deserter, with a hundred heavy armored priests, formed in the decaying tide. The indestructible shield wall blocked the route of the defeated army. The pastors have no regard for the fellowship of the past. Wielding a heavy hard-headed hammer, he smashed the head of his fellow robe, killing hundreds of deserters in one breath, and barely restrained the momentum of fleeing.

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