Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 61

Chapter 53 : Alpharis

The big green-skinned man took a deep breath of the cold and humid air, closed his eyes intoxicated, and felt the biting cold wind, like a sharp blade, whizzing across his cheeks.

The two-footed wyvern covered with blood and minced meat under his hips awkwardly traversed a huge arc among the silver-gray clouds, and then aimed his head at the fortress wall again, fanning a pair of huge blood crazily. Flesh Wing, like a scarlet, ferocious meteor, rushed to the shrimp in front of you! The horrible speed caused the Xie Ri boss to open his arms and scream with excitement!

“Stop! You **** beast!” Looking at the huge monster, he got closer and closer. A trembling half-elf mage tried to calm down, concentrate, and communicate with the deeper magic net. The metal club in his hand was instantly crushed into powder by arcane energy, and was engulfed by an invisible arcane torrent, howling and drowning the flying wyvern.

In an instant, the flying beast’s eyes widened in horror, and the evil and cold snake-shaped pupils instantly shrank to the size of a needle. Every nerve and every muscle in my body seemed to be completely necrotic in an instant, making myself immobile! Without the aid of wings, the huge monster fell down quickly, slamming against the city wall, making a loud noise.

The mage glanced down, the monster’s terrifying head, twisted to the left at an extremely abnormal angle, even if it is not dead, it is estimated that it will lose the ability to fight.

“Nice work!” Quintuchus praised the mage under him, and the Roman general quickly gathered the remaining troops and reorganized the defense work. Flying dragons towards the sky, Cun shot waves of heavy steel crossbow arrows.

Immediately afterwards, he tuned a team of centuries up the city wall. The elite fighters wearing heavy chain mail and scarlet cloaks waved the big shields and spears in their hands, and pushed the ugly goblins who climbed up again. Under the wooden city wall up to eight meters high! The hands of the war priest also flashed with divine warm golden light, healing the wounded, allowing them to get up and continue fighting!

At this moment, the Skugs also gnawed the wooden door of the Gothic barbarian for the second time, swarming in like the tide of a breaking bank.

Of course, the evil flame orcs also suffered the same sad situation as the wave of green skins-at the exit of the narrow corridor, they hit the impervious shield wall of the Roman legion, and then they were sent forward, left, right, and three at the same time. The steel spear stabbed in the direction stabbed into a **** corpse! In this narrow terrain, their advantages in number and speed can’t be used at all!


“General Asana! Quintuchus!” Just as the war was in full swing, a flying eagle swiftly threw away the two-legged dragon flying in the sky and turned back into a human Drew. The appearance of Yi landed on the city wall. “The cavalry report! Thousands of lizardmen and more than forty horses have landed a few kilometers to the south! Moreover, they used Roman ships!”

“Lucius is defeated?!” Quintuchus said incredulously. The south of this fortress is really a small village without any defensive measures! Three centuries are not enough to fill in the loopholes! This broken wall (Roman standard) is absolutely impossible to withstand the monster’s front and back attack!

“You continue to fight here! I’ll stop them!” Asana also realized the seriousness of the problem, her beautiful brows squeezed together, and hurriedly ran down the wall. Except for hundreds of archers deployed on the wall, the rest More than one thousand five hundred people have been acting as reserve teams, gearing up!

Four hundred conscripted militias armed with wooden shields and short spears, eight hundred Gothic warriors in leather armor, with skinned wooden shields and iron short axes, and one hundred barbarians in chain mail and two-handed battle axes. people. A hundred hussars riding horses and holding javelins.

Finally, there is the treasure at the bottom of Asana’s box-a hundred barbarian priests who have converted to the **** of punishment. Although most of them have only one priest level, these big men wearing chain mail, holding a hard-headed hammer and wooden shield, were once powerful warriors or barbarians!

The barbarian female general assembled the army as quickly as possible. Humans, monsters. Two armies, one south and the other north, were approaching at the same time. It is as if two high-speed trains collided in a flat open space.


“Chief! Wait!” Just as the Bloodwrath Chief was preparing to command the army and crush the Eastern Gothic army before him, and then fought the Romans back and forth with the evil flames and the merchants, a slightly aging female centaur, anxiously Rushed to his eyes. The wet brown hairs all over her body were stuck together, and her chain mail was missing, looking very embarrassed.

It seemed that this unlucky guy fell into the icy sea during the naval battle. With the help of the lizardmen, he removed the heavy armor and barely emerged.

“What’s the matter? Charney?” Christina recognized the female’s heavy armor and fearlessness at a glance. She is also a veteran, and she has followed her mother in the South and North Wars and made great achievements. Even when he and his sister were born, they served as personal guards for the two.

“Dear Chief! I have an important piece of information that I must not let the Lizardmen know! There are a few druids among them who can understand our conversation. Therefore, please allow me to whisper in your ears.”

Cha Ni’s charming face showed an expression of incomparable anger and horror. While beating and forgiving the rotting lizards around, she lowered her voice, using the wooden

Speaking anxiously.

“Let’s talk, what happened? Make you, who is usually as calm as a mountain, so flustered.” The **** chief glanced suspiciously at the friendly scaly nearby, wondering what the veteran who watched him grow up wanted to say. Some hidden secrets.

“Actually… the Charney in your mouth has been sleeping forever on the bottom of the Black Sea.”

Charnie, no, Alpharis walked forward slowly, pressed against the soft ears of Rouge Lima, and gently said a word that made him creepy! With his right hand at a speed that the naked eye could not catch, he drew an extremely sharp dagger from his waist and pierced it precisely into Christina’s defenseless heart! ! !

“Go to hell! Barbaric monster chief!!!”

The rouge horse felt that his strength was being lost and dissipated at a terrifying speed. The slender and elegant horses’ hoofs could no longer support the weight of the body. The four hoofs softened, and the whole person instantly collapsed to the ground, with countless visceral fragments. The blood rushed to her delicate lips, and her dilated pupils were also covered with an unlike shadow, and she could not even see the appearance of the horse in front of her!


The danger of going to war with the Romans far exceeded her imagination. On the first day of the Roman legion’s landing in Gredinian, Alpharis infiltrated several clans in turn and obtained many secrets. In the end, he learned about the people and horses from Herniwell’s mouth.

As a result, the dagger in the shadow of the empire turned into an inconspicuous little animal, hung in the corner of the cabin. In the chaotic naval battle, the gods unknowingly assassinated a ship of monsters, including Christina’s trusted veterans of war, and gained her status.

Lucius has only a hundred people in his hands, and even if he kills the chief now, he cannot change the outcome of this naval battle. Will also scrap a hard-earned identity.

As a result, Alpharis looked indifferently at his comrade-in-arms who had been talking to each other, and died in front of him one after another.

As a result, Alpharis looked at the monster army indifferently and landed on Gredinian unstoppably.

As a result, Alpharis looked at the Eastern Goths army indifferently, and killed them mightily from the north, and then showed a cruel bloodthirsty smile.

The enemy is now, now is a good time to kill their leaders and let these monsters chaos themselves!


Seeing the dying centaur chief who was spitting out the big beach of red blood in front of him, and the surrounding roar, he rushed to his half-man and half-horse frantically. Alpharis did not dare to stay for a long time, and the whole person quickly turned into a rope with three arms and three legs. After the stone monster relied on the hard rock to drive the shell and blocked the heavy armored and fearless giant axe, the whole person instantly disappeared on the land stained by Christina’s red blood, without a trace.

“The mission is complete! Equipped with primitive lizardmen, it is not a concern on the land! After the centaurs lose their leader, they will eventually be in chaos! This war is won by the empire! Then, the next thing is private grievance! Lu Xiu Si, I will definitely chop off the head of that pale white horse for you!”

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