Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 21

Chapter 14 : Goblin’s Trade

Just fine, let me say, isn’t it just a group of wooden fortresses built by humans! Several rounds of rockets go down, and then a cluster charge! ”

“Don’t even think about it, our combat power is not enough to break down that wooden fortress.” A brown centaur with both arms wrapped around emerald vines interrupted the illusion of the predator leader. “A few days ago, I turned into a crow and looked at the wooden fortress in his mouth. The pine wood wall is about 18 feet high and 6 feet wide. The surface is also covered with a thick layer of solidified mud. You can give up the fire attack. I thought about it. At the foot of the city wall, there are still densely packed wooden horses. Even if you charge in a swarm, you are looking for death! Even if our combat power is doubled, we will hit the head and bloodshed in front of the human fortress. completely annihilated.”

“You are too conservative! I don’t believe it! One day, I will… Wait, why is my eagle back?” Curonia argued unconvincingly. But he was not finished yet, a huge black eagle with a wingspan of nearly 8 feet, flapping its vigorous jet black wings, landed precisely on the left arm of the horse and horse tied with brown leather armor.









The leader of the predator immediately made a mysterious gesture with his right hand, and cast an [animal

Conversation technique]. I heard shocking words from my animal companion.

“East, countless, green, little monster. Approaching fast!”

“Agner! Go and inform Christian! I will take the predator over to see!” Curonia’s unruly face suddenly became extremely solemn. With a beckon, the fifty-odd predator immediately drew the bow and arrow behind him, and recalled his animal companions. Following the steps of their boss, they galloped eastward like a roaring wind. In a short while, a hundred ugly little green things came into the eyes of the horses: a short body, wide and sharp ears, a big ugly nose, and a pair of dim and dark pupils: this is one. Goblin community.

However, these goblins are already hungry and skinny. On the filthy and stinking chest, countless pairs of small ribs are clearly visible, and the limbs are like small withered and decayed branches, which can be completely blown off by a gust of wind. What’s even more strange is that these nearly a hundred goblins did not carry any livestock or pack animals. They did not wear any weapons or armor on their skinny bodies. They did not appear to be migrating herders or looting. Robbers of livestock. This strange scene. Can not help leaving more than thirty predators into confusion.

“Don’t let go! Don’t let go! We’re here to trade!” Seeing more than 30 terrifying men and horses who are more than twice as tall as their own, they pointed sharp arrows at their heads, and they were hungry one by one. The skeleton goblins were so frightened that they shouted hoarsely in common language.

“You goblins look starving to death. What can you do? Volunteer to become our slaves to exchange for a bowl of rice?” Kuronia said with contempt. The curved bow drawn into the full moon in his hand was slowly released because of arrogance.

“Gold! We have countless golden human gold coins! We are willing to buy some sheep belly at five times, no, ten times the price!” The leading goblin dragged the body he described as haggard, and pulled out tremblingly. A package of animal skins scattered dozens of Sudlers gold coins on the white snowy field. “This is a deposit! As long as you give us some lactating ewes and let us survive this cold winter, we will tell you where the clan’s treasure is buried! Powerful people!”

“Joke! Livestock these years are more valuable than precious metals! Not to mention the milk-producing ewe!” Kuronia said with a sneer. “Our life is also very tight, not to sell!”

After hearing the voice of refusal from the crowd, the group of goblins who were about to starve to death suddenly heard pitiful wailing sounds, and the pairs of small pupils also exuded a dim look of incomparable despair.

“We also have iron ore!” the goblin elder wailed loudly in a sentence almost begging. “You can use it to forge strong armor, sharp arrow clusters, and arm more warriors!”

“Without that condition, the furnace is too heavy and we have long been thrown on the migration road. The pastures around here won’t last for a few weeks, and we will continue to migrate sooner or later. Now, iron ore can only add to our burden.” Ku Ronya waved his hand in disdain.

“Magic items! We have magic items in our hands! As long as we can live! We are willing to give you all the treasures!” After being rejected twice in a row, the goblin elder seemed to be forced to the edge of the cliff. He gritted his teeth hard, extraordinarily Screamed desperately.

“Huh?” Curonia raised her eyebrows in surprise. This group of goblins who are about to die of starvation actually have extremely rare [magic items] in their hands? When I was a child, I used to listen to a bard telling a fairy tale, to the effect of a greedy rich man, starving to death on his mountain of gold coins. Didn’t expect such a stupid person to meet in the real world? ? ?

See you for a long time, see you for a long time.

“We used to be a powerful goblin kingdom! A thousand miles in size! With a million armor! But it was defeated by humans half a year ago! The invincible bear goblin chief was also cut off by the human king! The people are like duckweed in the rain. Wandering! And I! I am the Chief’s advisor! Now only I know where his treasure is buried! Where did he accumulate wealth for many years, a large number of gold coins are like a stream, gurgling in countless groups of precious and exotic treasures. Between the mountains!” Seeing the skeptical look of the people in front of him, the old goblin immediately made up a story that didn’t know whether it was true or not, trying to win the trust of the predator leader.

“Okay.” Kuronia gave a greedy smile, looked at each other, and nodded tacitly. After more than fifty predators pulled the compound longbow into a terrifying full moon again. The sharp flint arrow pointed firmly at the forehead of the goblin elder. “I also propose a deal! You have to use the gold coins, iron ore, and magic items you said to redeem your poor life! How?! If the things are in good condition, I will consider giving you some rams. Yes! You can also drink its [milk] to survive! Hahaha!”

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