Atlas: Back to the Present – Time Travel + Post Apoc + OP MC

CHAPTER 50 : Four Moves

The excitement in the locker room was a shot in the nuts, a buzzing energy that felt almost tangible as it coursed through the team. Everyone was nervous, jittery, and anxious to find out if their intense training would pay off. Atlas stood at the front, flanked by Alicia and John, his eyes scanning the room filled with his fighters.

"All right, everybody," Atlas began, his voice steady and calm despite the nervous energy around him. "I know you're excited—probably a little nervous, too. But here's something I'd like to remind you of: 'Every fight is just a fight.'"

A few puzzled looks flickered across the team’s faces. Atlas grinned, adding, "That’s a fake Bruce Lee quote, but hey, it sounds like something he could’ve said, right?"

The room erupted in laughter, the tension breaking like a wave crashing against the shore. Atlas waited for the chuckles to die down before continuing, the mood lighter now but the focus still razor-sharp.

"Now that you’re all relaxed, let’s talk about something important: numbers. I want you to think about one, two, three and one, three, five.

Isabella, standing near the back, furrowed her brow. *What’s he talking about?* she wondered, but she kept quiet, trusting Atlas to explain.

"One is for the 1v1," Atlas said, holding up a finger. "I’m taking this fight. It’s only worth one point, but even though it’s only worth one point, it’s also number one. Our first official match, anf the first official point of the season for us. We need to set the tone right here."

The team nodded, understanding the importance of the first match.

"Two," Atlas continued, "that’s how many points the second fight is worth. We’re gonna need a couple of solid fighters. I’m going with Isabella, Wang Bo, and Wilfredo."

He turned to Wilfredo, who straightened up at the mention of his name. "Wilfredo, remember, it’s a tag team 3v3. I’m putting you up first. Do as much damage as you can so that the attrition stacks up."

Wilfredo nodded, his face determined. "All right, boss."

"Three," Atlas said, "is how many points the 5v5 is worth. Now, this is the big one. I’m putting Alexander, the ‘Golden God,’ as our lead with your two-handed sword."

Alexander smirked at the nickname, but there was a seriousness in his eyes.

"Hank, the Tank," Atlas continued, "you make sure no one gets hurt when we take that spawn point. Stu, you’re in the flanks with Kingsley and Evelyn-with-an-H. You’re gonna be our main DPS and attack team. This is the fight we need to win, so give it everything you’ve got."

"Yes, coach!" the team chorused, their voices echoing through the locker room.

Atlas turned to John. "Anything to add?"

John nodded. "Remember your training. We’ve spent a lot of time on this, especially the 5v5. I bet we’ve worked more on cross-country maneuvers than anybody else in this league. You’ve all been busting your asses the last three months, working through the range, working as a team. Now it’s time to show them what we’ve got."

*He’s right,* Atlas thought.

*All those hours with the crossbows, perfecting our dodging, drilling formations, it's going to pay off. I know the crossbow training is really for the portals but, this will work here in the arena too.” 

He could see the confidence growing in his team, the nervous energy slowly transforming into steely determination. This was what they had trained for, and now was their chance to prove it.

"All right, everybody," Atlas said, his voice rising as he prepared to send them out. "Get ready and go out there. Give me a big old Portal Crushers!"

"Portal Crushers!" they all yelled, their voices united in a powerful battle cry.

As the team dispersed, heading to their respective spots, Atlas felt a sense of pride swell within him. This was his team, forged in the fires of training and discipline. They weren’t just fighters—they were a well-oiled machine, ready to dominate the arena.

Atlas walked out to the waiting area, his presence immediately commanding the attention of the crowd. As the announcer’s voice echoed through the arena, calling for the 1v1 fighters, the murmur of the audience grew into an excited buzz. They all knew who Atlas was—his reputation preceded him. The fact that he was stepping up for a 1v1, a match worth only one point, was a shock to everyone watching.

"All right, let’s see who they picked," Cotton said, his voice tinged with curiosity.

As Atlas stepped onto the platform, the crowd erupted into a mix of cheers and gasps.

"Wow," Bob said, barely able to hide his surprise. "This is going to be an interesting fight."

Cotton scoffed. "Interesting? I think the only thing interesting about this is how fast it’s going to end. What do you think, Bob? A minute?"

Bob chuckled. "Less than a minute, if I’m being honest."

The two fighters squared off. Atlas’s opponent, a young, brash fighter from Rogue Stand named Cameron, was known for his power. But against Atlas, power alone wasn’t going to cut it.

The bell rang.

Cameron darted forward, aiming to close the gap before Atlas could react. But Atlas was ready. His eyes locked onto Cameron, calculating every step, every movement.

**First move:** Atlas sidestepped Cameron’s initial charge with a fluid grace, his body shifting just enough to avoid the hit.

**Second move:** As Cameron stumbled past, Atlas's arm shot out, grabbing the back of his tunic and yanking him backward.

**Third move:** With a swift, controlled motion, Atlas spun Cameron around and delivered a precise, punishing elbow strike to his ribcage, knocking the wind out of him.

**Fourth move:** Before Cameron could even register the pain, Atlas swept his legs out from under him, sending him crashing to the ground.

The crowd watched in stunned silence as Atlas pressed his boot against Cameron’s chest, holding him down. Atlas gave him the coup de grâce with a single sword strike. The match was over before it even began.


The System whistle, signaling the end of the fight.

"Unbelievable," Bob muttered, shaking his head. "That was less than thirty seconds."

Cotton was silent for a moment, then let out a low whistle. "Well, I guess the only thing interesting about that fight was how darn fast Atlas took him down. And why he chose the 1 point fight."

The crowd erupted in cheers, a mixture of awe and excitement filling the arena. Atlas gave a slight nod to his team before turning and walking back to the locker room, his expression calm, almost indifferent. For him, it was just another fight. Another step closer to the real battle that lay ahead.

As the Portal Crushers watched Atlas walk off, they couldn’t help but reflect on the journey that had brought them here. The endless hours of practice, especially with the crossbows, had been exhausting. They had pushed their bodies to the limit, honing their skills, and perfecting their strategies for moments like this.

"I think that went well," Wang Bo said, breaking the silence. "Wow, that was fast. We’re ready for this."

Wilfredo nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we’re ready for this fight. We’ve got the guts, the speed, and the coordination. We just need to execute."

"Exactly," Isabella chimed in, her voice filled with determination. "We’re not just going to fight—we’re going to win. Every move counts, and every move we make is going to bring us closer to victory."

The team exchanged confident glances, the memory of their rigorous training sessions fueling their resolve. This was their moment, and they were ready to seize it.

The announcer’s voice echoed through the arena once again, calling for the next round of fighters. The crowd roared in anticipation, the energy in the arena reaching a fever pitch. As the Portal Crushers prepared for the next match, the excitement was almost overwhelming.

Suddenly, a commotion broke out in the stands. Two fans, both clearly intoxicated, were arguing loudly. It seemed that one had spilled his beer on the other, and the situation was escalating quickly.

"Hey, watch where you’re throwing that!" one of them shouted, his face red with anger.

"Oh yeah? Maybe you shouldn’t be standing there like an idiot!" the other retorted, pushing the first guy back.

Within seconds, the argument turned physical, with fists flying and drinks spilling. The crowd around them tried to move away, not wanting to get caught in the brawl.

"Looks like we’ve got a fight outside the ring!" Cotton commented, his voice filled with amusement.

Bob laughed. "These fans are almost as wild as the fighters."

Security quickly moved in, grabbing the two men and pulling them apart. The crowd booed and jeered as the security team escorted the brawlers out of the arena.

"Well, there’s your excitement for the evening," Bob said, still chuckling. "I guess not everyone can handle their beer."

As the brawlers were led out, the crowd’s attention shifted back to the arena, where the real action was about to unfold. The Portal Crushers were ready, their minds focused, and their spirits high. The fight was about to begin, and they were determined to come out on top.

Atlas observed his team. *The SFB doesn’t matter, This is all like a big tutorial for the life and death fights that they’ll face in the wasteland.*


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