Atlas: Back to the Present – Time Travel + Post Apoc + OP MC

CHAPTER 48: Crossbow Training

The team piled into the company limos—a new perk of their elevated status—and they were driven through the outskirts of Calgary. As they settled into the plush leather seats, there was a palpable sense of excitement in the air. This was no ordinary ride; it was a taste of the high life, and they all felt like big shots. The sleek black vehicles glided through the city’s industrial landscape, which soon gave way to more rugged terrain, and they pulled up to what looked like a massive outdoor gun range.

Atlas led the way, his usual confidence evident as he approached the front entrance. “Larry, hey! This is the team. Are you ready?”

Larry, a grizzled range master with years of experience, nodded. “You bet.”

Isabella, who had been frowning in confusion, finally spoke up. “What are we doing at a gun range? He’s not going to teach us how to shoot, is he? That definitely has nothing to do with SFB.”

Atlas turned to face the team, anticipating their doubts. “I know what you’re all thinking. Guns and SFB don’t mix.”

“Yeah, they’re completely different,” Wilfredo added, his skepticism clear.

Atlas held up a hand to silence the murmurs. “We’re not here for guns. What we’re working with today is this.” He pulled out a sleek black crossbow from a case, its design modern and lethal.

Isabella frowned. “Even though those are crossbows and not guns, we don’t use them in SFB. They’re not allowed—no projectiles.”

Atlas nodded. “I know. But there’s a reason for it, and you’ll figure it out soon.”

As Larry began setting up the team on the tactical course, the excitement that had been brewing during the limo ride bubbled to the surface. This was something new, something different. The chance to train with such advanced equipment, in such a professional setting, was a far cry from the standard gym sessions they were used to. They felt like they were on the cusp of something big, and the luxury of the limos had only heightened that feeling.

It was a grueling exercise: running, dodging, and shooting with their crossbows, all while navigating obstacles designed to push them to their limits. They were learning how to use cover for shots and even how to sneak up for close-range work. The session lasted two exhausting hours, the team’s skills honed under the relentless pace that Larry set.

As they finished the final drill, panting and sweating, Atlas called them together. “Good job, team. Let’s get you back to your dorms.”

Alexander, still catching his breath, looked bewildered. “That was a heck of a game boss, but what was that all about?”

Atlas just shrugged, smiled and said, “You’ll see.”

Wang Bo, leaning against a wall to steady himself, let out a chuckle. “You’ll get used to it. Just another day with Atlas.”

Hong Sha was ecstatic; this new coverage was way more exciting than what most gyms would have to show off.

As the limo drove them back, the team began to realize that this was just the beginning of something more. The sense of excitement from earlier hadn’t faded; if anything, it had only intensified. Atlas had a plan—something that went beyond SFB’s traditional boundaries, and they were all being shaped to meet whatever challenges lay ahead. The team might not fully understand it yet, but they were on a path that would demand every ounce of skill, strength, and adaptability that they had.

And as Atlas looked out the window at the sprawling landscape of their new city, he felt a sense of satisfaction. The groundwork was being laid stone by stone, not just for the team’s survival in the portals, but for something larger—something that would change the game entirely. The wasteland would have no idea how prepared they were.

After the team had settled back into their dorms, Atlas gathered them for a debrief. “So, how was the training?” he asked.

“It was fun,” Isabella said, still buzzing from the intensity of the session.

“Do you still think it’s useless?” Atlas inquired, his tone light but curious.

“It was interesting,” Barbara replied, “especially the part where we had to simulate a teammate was injured and I had to perform medical treatment.”

Atlas nodded. “I know crossbows don’t have anything to do with SFB, but think of ALL the mental preparation you’ve been doing in the portal room. Has this helped it?”

“Definitely,” Isabella said.

The recruits all agreed that adding the new crossbow training had been worth it.


Meanwhile, as the Portal Crushers were winding down from their intense training session, Jim found a quiet moment to step away from the group and make a phone call. The sun was setting over Calgary, casting long shadows across the newly set-up arena. Jim walked to a secluded spot near the edge of the property and dialed his son’s number.

"Hey, Johnny, how’s it going, son?" Jim’s voice was warm, but there was an underlying tension that he couldn’t quite shake.

"Well, Dad... uh, it’s weird not having you home—not even in the evening," Johnny replied, his voice sounding small over the phone.

Jim sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I know, buddy. But you know, I gotta do what I gotta do to make the bucks. This new gig, it’s... well, it’s a lot of work. But it’s gonna be worth it, I promise."

There was a pause on the other end of the line. Jim could almost hear the wheels turning in Johnny’s head, the unspoken thoughts weighing heavily in the silence.

"How’s your mom?" Jim asked, trying to keep his tone casual.

Johnny didn’t answer right away. The silence stretched out, and Jim felt a familiar knot tightening in his stomach. He knew what was coming, but he wasn’t sure he was ready to hear it.

"I guess... you probably know we’re getting a divorce," Jim finally said, breaking the silence himself.

Johnny stayed quiet, and Jim could feel the distance between them—more than just the physical miles separating them. "She’s seeing a new man," Jim continued, his voice tightening, "and... that’s definitely not gonna be alright, so we’re splitting up. But don’t worry, Johnny. We both love you, you know that, right?"

There was another long pause, and then Johnny’s voice came through, softer this time. "Can I come live with you, Dad?"

Jim’s heart ached at the question. He wanted nothing more than to say yes, to bring his son out to Calgary and have him close. But he knew it wasn’t possible—not with the contract he’d signed, the demands of the job, and the life he was trying to build for them both.

"I wish you could, Johnny," Jim said, his voice heavy with regret. "But the contract states that we have to live by ourselves while we’re on this job. It’s... it’s just the way it is. But don’t worry, I’ll be back on the weekends. We’ll still have our time together."

There was a muffled sniffle on the other end, and Jim’s heart broke a little more. "Okay, Dad," Johnny finally said, trying to sound strong. "I understand."

"Good man," Jim said, forcing a smile he hoped Johnny could hear in his voice. "We’ll get through this, Johnny. I promise."

"Okay," Johnny said again, his voice barely above a whisper.

They said their goodbyes, and Jim hung up the phone, staring out at the horizon as the last of the daylight faded away. He felt a deep sadness settle over him, a weight he knew he’d carry for a long time. But he also knew that he was doing what he had to—for Johnny, for their future. He just hoped that one day, Johnny would understand.


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