Astrology Card Maker: Start with Pleiades Star Official

Chapter 326 Ten Thousand Kingdoms Island

"Just say a few words."

Jiang Zhao curled his lips and adjusted his collar to make himself look more handsome.

Although we have been together for two generations, this is also our first time on TV.

At the same time, Qin Hongyu's side has already started broadcasting the program, "Hello everyone in front of the TV, today is a day worthy of being remembered by history..."

After an emotional speech, there was a relaxed and pleasant interview introduction session.

"Come, let's follow the camera and take a look at the heroic appearance of my Daxia athlete~!"

Qin Hongyu raised her hand and directed the camera towards the boys and girls on the boat.

"Here are the contestants from our Daxia inner court team. Look at the vigor on each of their faces, just like the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning..."

Jiang summoned everyone with strange expressions on their faces as they listened to this familiar statement, and their memories inexplicably returned to the school sports meeting in junior high school.

By the way, who wrote the manuscript for these ladies?

It's a bit too cliché.

Of course, clichés are clichés, as long as the majority of people in front of the TV buy it.

Then, under the guidance of Qin Hongyu, the Seventh Inner Courtyard Master and Bai Dajin's group briefly introduced themselves one after another.

The contestants in the inner court were nervous but not nervous, but their personalities were a bit dull.

It wasn't until the camera fell on the three "elderly groups" that the style of painting changed slightly.

"Ahem, I am Gao Chi, a contestant in the inner courtyard group this time. Dear fellow villagers far away in my hometown, please rest assured that we will work hard and with high morale to rebuild the glory of our Great Xia!"

Teacher Gao is worthy of being Teacher Gao, and his words are indeed more official.

Then, Luo Yunfeng and Xie Mengyan also spoke and introduced themselves.

Then, the camera turned to the boys and girls in the outer courtyard group.

Boys and girls are vying to squeeze into the camera, full of youth.

"My name is Luo Changfeng. Please remember this name. You may have to take the cultural course of the college entrance examination in the future." Xiao Luozi likes to brag and show off as always, "Hey~ you guys, please stop crowding and let me say a few more words."

" name is Lu Qiaoqiao, from the Lu family in Fanxing City. Come on, we Daxia Star Soul Masters are the best!"

The camera fell on Man Xiaoli's face.

Man Xiaoli was full of energy, "Man Xiaoli, fourth grade college, our generation of star soul masters will definitely carry the banner of reviving Great Xia!"

Zhao Fei on the side said: "Me too."

Tang Xianzhen followed closely behind, "Tang Xianzhen, fifth grade student, do your best!"

Then, the camera finally came to Jiang Zhao.

"Hello everyone in front of the TV, Jiang Zhao, I hope you will support us, and we will not disappoint everyone's expectations and win this turnaround for Daxia!"

"Very good, you are worthy of being the seed player in the outer courtyard group this time. Come on, my sister is optimistic about you~!"

Qin Hongyu winked at Jiang Zhao playfully. After all, he and Jiang Zhao were old acquaintances.

Afterwards, elites from major social groups also spoke one after another and introduced themselves.

After the introduction session ended, the live program began to get on track, with the daily life and dynamics of the contestants being broadcast live throughout the process.

Seeing that there were suddenly a bunch of cameras on the ship, the boys and girls' joking and joking became a little more restrained.

Unknowingly, the Southern Cross had left the Daxia waters and entered the high seas.

At this moment, it is not far from Wanguo Island.

He Mingzhong gathered the players together and began to explain some of the rules and details of the competition. He also briefly introduced the special island of Wanguo Island.

In history, many disputes between countries were settled on this island, so Wanguo Island is also called the Island of Peace.

All previous Academy Invitational Tournaments will basically be held on Wanguo Island.

Now, after many years, Daxia once again came to this special island as a participating country.

The last time I came here, after the dispute over the Dark Sea ruins, various countries held peace talks here.

"By the way, Dean, for such an important competition, didn't you allow us to collect some information in advance?" the president of the Machinery Club raised his hand and asked.

"In a contest between countries, intelligence is of little significance. The intelligence you can collect may not be true intelligence." He Mingzhong said with a smile.

"Ah? Then you have to know which country's team is stronger, right?"

He Mingzhong smiled slightly, "This is something you have to observe and experience for yourself, and this is also the most important part of the preliminaries."

Then, He Mingzhong began to explain the rules of the preliminaries.

"The rules of the preliminaries are very simple. All contestants from the two groups inside and outside will enter the trial space of Wanguo Island to compete for the spot in the preliminary round. This stage is also a place for players from various countries to observe each other's strength. Therefore, in the preliminaries stage, everyone can ensure their advancement. Under such circumstances, try to retain as much strength as possible.”

Hearing this, everyone took a breath of surprise.

"I'll go, let's have a big melee? What if we all get together?"

"Teaming in groups is strictly prohibited in the preliminaries. Everyone is a competitor, but players on the same team can choose to avoid competition. Once the referee team determines that they are in a group, they will be disqualified." He Mingzhong said with a smile.

"That's okay." Jiang Zhao nodded thoughtfully, "What specific comparison is it?"

"The preliminaries trial space is divided into four major areas, sea, land, air, and dead zone. When entering, you can choose your own advantageous area to compete, and then you will be randomly transported to a certain location in the area."

Jiang Zhao was slightly startled, he didn't expect such an operation.

"What if the four major areas are all advantageous areas? Do you have to choose one?"

"Of course, you can also select all or multiple selections, but the emergency difficulty will also be doubled. If you choose the four major areas, then you have to collect four different promotion badges. If you select a single area, you only need to get one. Just get the promotion badge.”

“Are there any benefits to choosing four?”

He Mingzhong smiled and said: "Those who advance with four badges can skip the first round of the preliminary round. Those who advance with three badges can get two winning points in the preliminary round. Those who advance with two badges can get one winning point. The rules of the preliminary round are random debates. Five Win three games.”

"That's it." Everyone nodded in understanding.

Although the four badges in the preliminaries can skip the next round of preliminary rounds, it will also expose you to more strength in the preliminaries.

Taken together, they are actually pretty much the same.

Unless you are sure to win the four badges in the preliminaries without revealing too much strength.

To put it bluntly, the four-badge promotion is for the top players.

"Oh, it's better to play it safe. If you don't even make it to the preliminary round, you'll be in trouble." Hu Dajun muttered in a low voice: "Don't you want to be beaten to death by my dad when you go back?"

"Indeed, it would be wiser to advance steadily." Zhao Fei agreed deeply, "I don't want to be eliminated in the first round."

"Having said that, the badge obtained in the preliminaries is also an honor." He Mingzhong said with a smile: "If I remember correctly, there will be a badge ranking after the preliminaries, counting the number of badges obtained by each country, as well as the number of different badges The number of players who advance.”

"What are the benefits of ranking first?" Ruan Yunyun asked curiously.

"Yes, it can make the people of Daxia feel proud."


Although this answer is a bit speechless, isn't this the purpose of their expedition?

"What does the dean think we should prioritize, the honor on this list or the number of people promoted?" Jiang Zhao asked.

"It's still unclear what the United States is doing, so it's better to be safe first," He Mingzhong pondered, "Of course, capable little guys can still fight for it."

Everyone nodded in understanding and began to set goals for the preliminaries based on their abilities.

For the inner court group, the priority must be stable promotion. After all, the Starry Sky Inner Court has just been rebuilt and is at a disadvantage in all aspects.

Although the Seventh Son of the Inner Court and Bai Dajin are very strong, they are still young after all.

On the other hand, in the inner courtyards of other countries, there are many "elderly people" of the same age as Gao Chi and Luo Yunfeng.

In other words, the Gao Chi trio can strive for a few more badges.

As for the outer team, if you can get more badges, you must get as many badges as possible, but it's not something you can get as many as you want.

The four major areas of sea, land, air and dead zone still impose great restrictions on players, unless your deck is comprehensive enough.

Taking Ruan Yunyun as an example, there is no problem with the Sky Emblem and the Land Emblem, but the Sea Emblem and the Death Emblem are a bit forced.

So to be on the safe side, it’s definitely safest to get two badges.

"As a future champion candidate, I will definitely win them all." Luo Changfeng began to boast again.

Although he doesn't have ocean-type cards, he can't resist the fact that Zhen Waterworm is a water-type card.

"Don't make trouble, it will be bad if you lose it." Shen Wanshan reminded.

"What a joke~ With my current level, can I still get away with it?" Luo Changfeng was full of confidence.

Hearing this, everyone was secretly helpless.

But it should not be said that with Xiao Luozi's current strength, he will indeed not be eliminated. As for how many badges he will get in the end, it is not certain.

"By the way, Dean, what are the criteria for judging a group?" Jiang Zhao added.

"As long as two players of the same nationality attack other players together, it is considered a team."

"It'll be fine if one of them doesn't take action, right?"


"That's okay." Jiang Zhao nodded clearly.

In other words, the big guys can gather together in the preliminaries, but during the fight, both sides can only fight one-on-one.

As he spoke, a huge island appeared on the sea level ahead.

In the center of the huge island, a mountain peak stands majestically, with some small islands scattered around.

Not long after approaching Wanguo Island, the originally uninhabited high seas became obviously much more lively, and many ships traveling to and from the high seas could be seen.

"Just dock on that small island. That will be our competition station in Daxia."

He Mingzhong pointed to a relatively large island in front of him.

Although Wanguo Island does not belong to any country or force, the small islands surrounding it have their own belongings.

The small island in front of Daxia is under the jurisdiction of Daxia.

But when everyone landed on the island, a black line appeared on everyone's head.

Compared with the stations in other countries far away, the station in Daxia can be said to be full of the atmosphere of time and nature.

"Ahem, it's a bit shabby, but it's okay to live alone." He Mingzhong smiled awkwardly, "And the association has sent people to repair it a few days ago. It has everything inside, but it looks a little ahem from the outside. …well…ancient.”

"What? This has been repaired?" Luo Changfeng said in a fuss.

Feng Potian on the side looked a little helpless in his embarrassment: "I can't help it. We haven't participated in the competition in Daxia for many years, and time is so tight. It's great to be able to repair it like this."


Fortunately, everyone is not a spoiled person, so the environment in the Sharp Knife Class training camp is already quite good.

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