Ashlani’s Reincarnation [a LitRPG Adventure]

Chapter 39

Without conscious thought, I rushed towards the sounds. Oncli didn’t stop screaming in wordless horror and agony, and I sprinted ever harder trying to reach wherever he was. Finally, I saw the source of his suffering: a massive terrorbird had him suspended in the air as it chomped down on him again. 

Terrorbirds lived up to their names: massive flightless birds taller than an adult human with massive beaks built for tearing flesh from bones at the end of their long, sinuous necks. They didn’t have noteworthy wings, but their legs were also long and powerfully built, able to kill a man in a single strike if he was unlucky. Oncli was only barely too large to fit into the beast’s maw, and he had evidently been bitten once or twice in addition to what was happening now. As we approached, the terrorbird turned its head and observed us, seemingly unconcerned with the struggling keelish within its maw.

I barely reached its knee in height, yet I didn’t hesitate as I shrieked a battle challenge and threw myself at its chest, both hands readied to slice deep into flesh. The terrorbird easily stepped aside and lashed out with one foot, which I only barely sidestepped myself. The terrorbird shook Oncli once, the sharp hook of its beak digging deeper into his leg and he cried out again in agony. Even without the scent of blood spurring it on, [Bloodlust] activated, and I again screamed with all the force I could muster to try to drag the beast’s attention. 

My scream reverberated in my skull and nearly stunned me with its sheer volume, I could feel my teeth rattle in my jaws, but I didn’t stop. I rushed forward, trying to hobble the beast. If I could keep it from being able to run or kick, then we would be able to kill it quickly. 

Hopefully before Oncli was killed. Not letting the thought settle into my mind, I again pressed closer to the terrorbird, only to be pushed back with a warding kick. The rage continued to build within me, I needed to act, to shed blood, to do something. Took rushed in, flanked by Brutus and Treel, all three weaving as best as they could towards the beast. Treel was forced to dodge, and Brutus took a heavy hit to the side the sent him sprawling, but Took was able to dig her fangs into the terrorbird’s ankle and began to tear.

The bird, of course, didn’t allow that to continue and lifted the leg to shake her off. I took the opportunity to close in on the terrorbird and lunged higher on its other leg. Its feathers were thick enough that I didn’t find purchase in the fleshy leg, but I could feel just below my bite the target. If I could tear into the muscles there it would be crippled, but its vestigial wing swung down, smashed into my skull, and knocked me loose with a ringing in my ears. I thudded to the ground and tried to quickly rouse myself.

I could see that the terrorbird was readying itself to flee, with Oncli still in its jaws. No, I needed to hurry, I couldn’t let it escape with him, he couldn’t survive like that. With another rallying cry, I pressed forward, calling for the rest of the pack to follow, to fell the beast. Again, I was warded off with a strong kick, but others were able to reach our prey’s legs. Yes, we would be able to fell it. I knew it.

I was about to fully lose myself in the [Bloodlust] when Oncli’s voice cut through the descending madness of my [Skill]. With a force of will, I listened to the nearly imperceptible voice of my Beta, my friend.

“Forged in battle… and tempered in my blood, I follow–”

His voice was cut short by a crunching of bone, and I watched as the beak of the terrorbird bit through Oncli’s head, the wet spray of his blood splattering out and over the beak that had taken his life. 

As the rest of the pack rallied and tried to take the prey down, with two swift punts it launched Vefir and another of the spawnlings away, giving itself a moment’s space. Then, it lowered itself for just a moment then leapt out of our encirclement. Before we could close back in on the terrorbird, it rushed into the jungle and was swiftly lost among the thick root clusters of burlraizes and the choking underbrush.

Swift and unseen as it had come, the terrorbird had preyed on Oncli and left, with virtually no injuries to show for it. We hadn’t been able to stop it. I hadn’t been able to stop it. I hadn’t been able to do anything to the creature. I was so truly dumbfounded that I found myself simply standing there, the shock having purged every feeling of [Bloodlust] from my body. 

Took approached me as I stood frozen. “What do you want to do?” She asked simply.

I didn’t respond.

She stood in silence, awaiting my response.

After a moment to bring myself back to reality, I felt [Bloodlust] surge up within me without bidding or any concept of control. We’d gone on “one more hunt” before unifying the brood. I wouldn’t hesitate or delay any longer. It was time to unify the brood.

The blood of my racing heart still pounding in my ears, I began to lead the pack back to the den. Hoping for some far flung and impossible confirmation of hope, I looked at my [Status], my eyes immediately running to the bottom, to the possible evolutions. My heart dropped further at the reality as [Bloodlust] finally subverted all my rational control of my mind and left me grieving and enraged. The absolute answer was provided by the [System]:

[Young Bloodletter Brood Alpha: Gain the loyalty of all surviving members of the brood. Progress: 30/49 -> 29/48]

Thanks for reading! A short chapter? Regardless of its length though, I feel like a short chapter for a life cut short is fitting. Let me know what you think.

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