Ashlani’s Reincarnation [a LitRPG Adventure]

Chapter 158

“Thank you for following my command to exterminate these,” Redael paused, looking over the dead humans’ bodies with obvious distaste, “vermin. Now, I will be taking back the command of my swarm.”

A surge of defiant pride swelled within me, and suddenly, I knew I could no longer stomach lurking in the shadows, no longer could I brook this arrogant lesser being’s air of superiority. Somehow even sooner than the me of yesterday had thought, I would no longer be subordinate to anyone, much less a mere keelish. Subconsciously, I snorted in derision and looked down my snout at this fool who thought that he could take my place as the true Alpha of the swarm. Redael's eyes flashed as he saw my insubordination, and again, a notification flashed: 

[Absolute Dominance skill is being exerted on you. Due to your System advantages, possession of the True Dominance Skill, and higher evolutionary tier, the effects are nullified.]

I flared my own [True Dominance] in response and stood strong. Redael seemed unsurprised by my unwillingness to bow or weaken my stance and looked up and down the valley, observing the carnage. He nodded appreciatively, then spoke.

"I'll be direct. I am not in the habit of culling the young and weak, but you are no longer juvenile nor weak. Do you plan on submitting or dying?" He was not overtly threatening me (at least, no more than he was by nature and necessity), but his tone was flinty. Involuntarily, a part of me whispered to submit to his experience, his power, but I immediately beat down that weak part of me and instead looked around at my surrounding core elites and then the rest of the keelish that had followed me to battle and glorious victory.

As my eyes wandered over the assembled keelish, I knew that this was the breaking point. Even though I was dying to challenge Redael anyways, I couldn’t back down now. If I did, I would never be able to stand before these keelish as their Swarm Alpha and have them follow me without question. I slowly shook my head and looked him in the eye as I snarled low, in my throat. Rulac's jaw dropped, stunned, as I began to speak. "No. I think that I am better qualified as my swarm's Alpha. Fight me, tomorrow. Before the entire swarm, I will prove my dominance and rightful place as Alpha over every other!" As I finally threw the gauntlet and set a time, date, and place for the challenge, I felt a weight fall from my shoulders. 

Redael slightly dipped his head, and, walking away, said, "Then, tomorrow's dawn will be the last one you ever see." As he jogged off and Rulac followed, most of the most senior and most powerful of the other keelish of the swarm fell in line. They abandoned me, and I would longer count them as potential elites for me. The fury at being spurned by them surged within me, and I couldn't hold back the arrogant snarl of my own as it bubbled in my throat, and I roared defiance at his back.

"It will be a glorious morn in which I paint the grasses before the den with your blood, gorge myself on your viscera, and claim the swarm as my own! Rest as well as you can, because tomorrow your entrails will strengthen the swarm and your eyes will bake in the sun! Count the seconds until then, because they shall be your last!"

As Redael retreated, many of the weaker keelish who had found victory under my banner gathered together and swarmed me. Their voices tumbled over each other and I could only catch maybe one of every ten words.

“You were too–”

“–I couldn’t believe that–”

“–he could never–”

“–stronger than any–”

“With you, I could–”

After just a couple of seconds, I could feel that same arrogance and frustration I’d felt towards Redael swelling inside me towards these keelish, though of a more imperious and haughty than challenging and angry nature than it had been with my old mentor. “Enough!” I shouted, and all around me, every keelish went immediately and completely silent and still.

"You have chosen to follow me today. Good choice, as tomorrow, after Redael’s death, the rest of the pack will not have any choice! Those who have turned their backs on me today will instead be obligated and compelled to follow, and they will be below you, below the faithful and intelligent. The understanding and intelligence to make the choice to follow me is an admirable one, and I will see that you are rewarded for it. For today, recover, return to your dens, and prepare to witness my ascension to becoming the Alpha of our swarm in name as well as in deed!”

With cheers, the keelish all around moved to begin devouring the bounty of flesh all around us. They didn’t care if their meal was human or keelish, just that they fill their bellies. I motioned to those around me, my closest and most trusted lieutenants, my elites. I pointed to the two bodies, Korali and his lover. “Leave them. Don’t allow any of the others to devour them either.”

Sybil bowed in assent, but asked, “Why? I assume that there will be a reason for your command.”

My tail flicked in annoyance without my thinking about it. “Yes.” I snapped, then gathered myself. “It serves as a message. We can and will protect ourselves, we will kill their strongest, but we can control ourselves. We can be irreconcilable enemies, or we can be a forgotten but powerful and dangerous foe that they allow to live and leave. I hope that with this message left, we will be able to escape without much incident.”

“Escape?” Took asked, her head cocked and confused.

“Yes. I’ve mentioned it before, and we’ll talk about it tomorrow. For now, fill your bellies and rest. I’ll return to the den first.”

All of my elites were happy to let me leave just like that. Except for Took. “You need to eat too.”

I flicked my tail, my irritation shifting more to a general sense of tiredness. “I don’t want to eat ‘people’, our own or the humans. Enjoy your meal.” Then, without entertaining any more questions, I began to stride towards the nearest entrance to our den and finally brought up my [System] notifications.

Thanks for reading!

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