Ashlani’s Reincarnation [a LitRPG Adventure]

Chapter 143

After days spent with my hosts, I finally felt that the Kha I had convinced to allow me to stay with them were comfortable enough around me that I could finally ask the questions I was most interested in asking. Even so, I had been sure to begin my questioning with more mundane questions, though those answers had been worthy of complete entries on their own. For example, one of the most intriguing aspects of the New Empire’s husbandry is how many predators they raise as livestock and mounts. When I’d asked as to why they raised and bred such difficult to care for creatures, the response had been simple, though the answer had raised many another question for me. The Kha shepherd’s answer? “Because they are dangerous.”

The “Alpha” of this little hamlet had nodded at his answer, as if it were a sage response. His offspring and mate had flared their frills in agreement, a movement I had come to better understand as an equivalent of a nod among their people. The Alpha’s nodding had been a testament of his schooling, that he had been taught somewhat in the mannerisms of the older races. When I questioned his simple answer, he looked to his youngest to answer me further. The little female, whose name I’d never been given, looked severely at me and answered with obviously practiced words:

“We must be more dangerous than what we raise.”

-From the sixth entry from the epistolary travel journal of Kayuktuk the Landlocked.

Though I hadn’t expected or begun to plan for a moment like this, my mind immediately set to spinning. Though I wasn’t sure how exactly to seize control here, I started to flare [True Dominance]. I’d been prepared for Redael’s own [Absolute Dominance], so I hadn’t noticed the [System] notification appearing in the corner of my eye though I knew it had appeared. With the double application of our [Skills], the keelish all spread before me nearly began to cower in fear. Their instincts, though, were sufficient for them to realize that I was standing behind them, and they turned to see me.

I spread my arms as I enjoyed the moment of showmanship, but instead of bowing as a human might have, instead I stood tall. With a deep breath, I began to draw on my sonilphon, not to use a [Skill], but simply to have my voice carry and cut through the whispers and confusion. I had long learned how best to apply my magic to cut through the idle noises of crowded keelish, and as my first words rang out in the den, the gathered creatures, my future subordinates stilled and listened.

“Thank you for the authority to do as the swarm requires of me. Most of you do not know me, and I am the Alpha of the brood that has most recently reached adulthood.” At my proclamation of my youth there were no murmurs, given Redael’s recommendation, but I could see uncomfortable shuffles. I continued, “Before we finished growing, I led my pack to slaughter nearly the entirety of the thunderfang presence in our territory. Of the original one hundred, the mere nine that survived have submitted themselves to me, and are currently training to work hand in hand with the youngest of the swarm. I raised my brood to adulthood with so few casualties that we hunted our grounds to devastation, and we have established ourselves as the true peak predators in the area.” At that, a couple murmurs of approval spread through the gathered body.

“If you have any complaints of being subject to my commands, speak now. Redael will not stop you from speaking.” At my audacious and unconfirmed statement, most of the Alphas present whirled to look at the swarm’s Alpha. He flicked his tail, not disagreeing with my statement. With the implicit permission given, one of the Alphas a couple of rows deeper into the press of bodies than I was, stood tall and spoke up.

“You’re too young. You don’t know enough, and I don’t trust you.”

“And I don’t trust you enough to follow a simple command.” My response was immediate, and I stepped forward, close enough to reach the male who had questioned me. To his credit, he stood his ground as I shoved through the crowd to be near him. “Under my command, a pack of seven slew five of those creatures there, called humans, and only one of ours died. We were able to capture one and interrogate her, gaining further knowledge on their people and their tactics for the benefit of the swarm. Only seven of us, and I know we killed as many as Crea did, with fewer casualties and fewer keelish there. If you can’t follow my directions, then I don’t want you. Stay cowering in your den while the rest of us go to victory and conquest.” Then, I turned away from him. He didn’t deserve my true attention.

“Just as I have led my pack to success and victory, I will lead you to victory.” I continued, “We will slaughter those who dare hunt us!” I felt the descent of the sacred feeling. I continued speaking, the Words of Power flowing from my tongue, “We are keelish, we are the blade bared at the throats of those who dare oppose us!” I disregarded the [System] notification that appeared at my words, but I could feel the attention of the swarm fall on me. I continued with the influence of [Innervating Address], “You will not fear, because we will be victorious! You will not suffer, for we will be the conquerors! Follow me, and I will lead you to the lasting and true victory!”

Then, without another word, I turned and began to walk through the few keelish that had stepped into line behind me after I’d pushed my way into the thick of the gathered keelish. As I stepped forward, different from how I’d needed to push my way into the throng, now the keelish looked up at me with respect and stepped back with bowed heads as I approached and walked past. After just a couple steps, I heard the instinctive steps following behind me, though some obviously hesitated. Even so, I continued walking, and as I did, I heard the growing cadence of more and more feet falling in step. I couldn’t help but allow the grin that had long threatened to cross my face to do so. As I stepped forward, I allowed myself to check my [System] notification.

[The user has discovered the True iteration of the Third of the Words of Power of Nievtala. The user has been blessed with the greater blessing of conquest. The user has been granted the Skill Conqueror’s Rebuke.]

Right as I was about to check the function of my new [Skill], one of the female Alphas strode closer to me, and due to Sybil’s advances from the day before, I immediately recognized the scent that surrounded her. 

“So, Ashlani, can I come visit you later?” A part of me enjoyed the attention, the willingness to approach me like that, her forwardness. After all, I was a superior breed to her, of course she would be enamored with me… But while the attention felt nice, I didn’t care for it or what the female was obviously suggesting by her approach and scent. More importantly than that, she was inferior to me and, more importantly than everything else, to Sybil. I brushed her off, and instead spoke to the body of the keelish following me.

“Now, let’s talk about your packs.”

Thanks for reading!

Join the swarm!

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