Ascension of the elder

Chapter 157: Bath time

"Dad what's a creampie?"

Harris looked at his son with some surprise and an equal measure of embarrassment. He looked at those around him hoping for some help but they all avoided eye contact. Kyle spoke up and Harris hoped it was a lifeline being thrown his way.

"Neil you spent a few years in the imperial army. During that time there must have been some free time your squad went to the city. What did you do when you went there?"

Everyone knows the kind of stuff soldiers do when they're on leave, so Kyle thought that Neil would have at least some experience with a woman but now he didn't know what to think.

"Oh when leave came up it always seem to fall when I had to be on guard duty. I got my time off afterwards so I never missed out. Why do you ask?"

"No reason but just to appease my curiosity, who was it that assigned you to guard duty when the others went to the city?"

"It was our staff sergeant; she was a hardnosed old bat but when she found out I had lost my mother she kind of took me under her wing and looked after me."

Kyle had a picture forming in his mind of this staff sergeant. She seemed to have adopted Neil as a surrogate son and wanted to keep him away from the corruption of the flesh so to speak so he never got to experience what the others in his unit did. Plus she probably kept the others from talking to him about these things so he was still somewhat childish about these things.

"Uncle Harris I think it's overdue for you to tell Neil about the facts of life. My advice to you is treat it like something painful just do it fast and it'll hurt less."

Harris listened to Kyle with a slightly pale face before nodding his head and took Neil apart from the rest to give him the talk. The other men in the crowd watched with sympathetic gazes as they knew how embarrassing the talk between father and son could get, while Beth was red to the tips of her ears while the other ladies began to make fun of her.

"Oh Beth this is a good thing you can train him as you like."

Maria fired the opening shot and it was a hit.

"Yup he's been trained by Kyle as well so his body will have a lot of stamina so you'll have some fun."

Winona followed up with a one, two combo making Beth a little wobbly on her feet.

"Oh will we have a little niece soon, that's nice we'll be able to show her the joys of sweets."

"Yeah we'll have to get the marriage done first though once Neil knows what's to cum he won't be able to hold back for long. Yay for wedding cake."

Finally Elena and Susan pulled a tag team putting Beth out of commission. She looked to her father for help getting out of this situation with her possible baby daddy's family making fun of her. Talen however was hiding on the other side of Bob pretending not to see what was going on.

They carried on walking to Kyle's bastion with Beth looking daggers at her father for not backing her up, but he knew better than to get between women in this situation and could only hope his wife got back soon.

Harris and Neil eventually caught up both sporting embarrassed expressions with Neil looking at Beth from the corner of his eye Leonard and Landon were talking with Talen and Bob about city locations and places where they could expand to easily.

Bruno and Kyle were walking with them but weren't involved in the discussion as this would be decided later and the adults were just brainstorming. Kyle already had a rough plan of action in mind and was simply listening to them for possible ideas to refine the plan he had in mind while Bruno was looking at the clouds.

The girls were still in their own group laughing and talking, Kyle didn't know what they were talking about but with the occasional glances at the men he had a rough guess. Neil, Archie and Clyde were somewhat apart talking with serious looks on their faces which caught Kyle's attention.

He moved to this small group quietly so he could hear what they were discussing.

"Well I'm with Beth now so I plan to ask for her hand as soon as it's convenient. I've already sounded out her father about it; he wants to wait for his wife to return before agreeing. What about you two have you got any ladies in mind?"

"I've been speaking to a lady from one of our subordinate houses. I think she likes me but it's hard to tell as she might be just doing as her parents tell her. I want a wife who will talk to me and be with me through anything. I guess I'll just have to see how it goes."

Archie responded to Neil looking a little down hearted. He was a good guy at heart and wanted a true love and the thought that a girl was with him just because she was told to be went against his own desires.

"Don't worry bro we've got your back right Clyde."

"Yeah if you need help just let us know and we'll be there."

This here was true broism; a friend would help you kill someone while a true bro would help you bury the body.

"Thanks guys but let's focus on Clyde, who are you into I've given mine now you need to share as well."

Clyde looked around quickly and noticed Kyle and Bruno were nearby. Kyle simply smiled and gave him a thumbs up while Bruno was still thinking about something else.

"Well I've been dating a girl from a commoner family; I've had to keep it quiet because if my dad found out he would have caused problems."

Clyde seemed a little down when he spoke about his father but you could also see a little happiness in his eyes now he was free. Neil looked at his cousin for a second before speaking gently.

"Clyde sorry to have to put it this way but does she know who you are?"

"It's fine Neil I know why you are asking, she didn't know who I am until a few days ago. I told her just before the tournament as I would be seen by so many people she may find out anyway."

"How long had you been going out with her before that?"

Archie asked with interest as he hadn't heard this before. Kyle had his senses up and noticed the others were also paying attention now and had quietly moved closer listening to what they were talking about. As cultivators their hearing was much stronger than ordinary people.

"It must be around three years now. I've even had a few dinners with her parent. They are simple people the father is a cobbler and the mother is a housewife, but they've taken care of me whenever I've visited."

Everyone could see the look on Clyde's face when he spoke about them, he looked at them like they were his extended family given they cared more for him than his own father did. Realising what he had Clyde quickly looked around and realised everyone was watching him. This made him slightly nervous, he knew these were good people but they were still nobles and they may take exception to him liking a commoner.

Kyle saw Clyde's nervousness and could only shake his head before reaching up and slapping Clyde around the side of the head.

"What are you worried about, look at my girls they're all of commoner descent and do my parents look down on them. No they don't so don't let your imagination get away with you. If people can't look at others for who they are they will never find the hidden gems all around us."

Clyde looked at Kyle with happiness and checked on the others who were smiling at him. It looked like he could pursue the girl he like openly from now on and his family would support him.

"Dad I think we should invite Clyde's possible in-laws to dinner. How about we invite them to my place first as we have more commoners at my table so they'll feel more comfortable."

Kyle decided to be a matchmaker and push the issue allowing Clyde to have a chance at a love life that may have never been, Landon grinned at this and responded.

"Oh absolutely but as Clyde will be brought up as part of our main branch Maria and I should be there to discuss with his in-laws."

"Winona and I should also be there, you know as moral support."

Bob also invited himself and his wife with a big grin on his face as he was planning on messing with his grandchildren, but with Kyle there he may regret this decision.

"Come on hurry up I want to get in the open air baths."

They were brought out of their family moment by Susan who was bouncing around with impatience like a little Chihuahua. This brought a smile to Kyle who ushered everyone on to keep Susan happy.

I little while later Kyle and the male group were chilling in the warm bath enjoying the open air secure in the knowledge the walls would protect them. Kyle was enjoying some fruit juice when he noticed Neil was acting strangely.

"Cuz what's up?"

"I kind of want to see what's on the other side of the wall but I know it's wrong."

"It's okay that's simple and healthy curiosity, just don't look as that would be wrong wait for the girl to want you to see her."

"Okay I'll heed your advice."

Neil relaxed back into the water when they heard from the other side of the wall some voices.

"Susan what the hell are you doing up there."

"Elena why are you trying to drill a hole through the wall."

"What I wanna have a look and this is the only way."

"What you've never heard of a glory hole?"

Kyle could only sigh and when Neil looked his way he only shook his head then began to countdown.

"3....2....1 and boom."



On the other side of the wall you had a wonderful view of Susan and Elena being blown away in a beautiful arc. Of course Kyle had place arrays on the wall to deny perverts but he always thought they would be on the men's side.

"Why do I have an afro."

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