Ascension of the elder

Chapter 155: War never changes??

"I have the weirdest boner right now."





"Okay as bro's I suggest we never discuss this again agreed?"



"Anyway let's see how the girls are getting on."

Kyle said before turning back to the brawl going on in the middle of the hall. It had grown in proportion with many younger members joining one side or another. These clear battle lines were caused by their family's alliances and the youngsters would always stand on the same side as their elders.

None of the older members had made any move or attempt to stop this as they watched how the children dealt with this. Suddenly one of the kids who were attempting to pressure the girls took it a step too far and drew a blade.

This weapon was only ceremonial in nature which was why he was permitted to carry it, but even with a blunted edge a steel weapon could do a lot of damage. Even if the girls would be at no disadvantage even being unarmed Kyle had had enough.

"Oh boys."


They turned to the source of this strange accent and say something coming towards them which didn't make sense.

"What's that?"

"The closer it get's the more it looks like a table."


Yup it was definitely a table which Kyle had grabbed and with a spin had launched at these kids. When it made contact they were carried away with it and ended up in a heap against the wall surrounded by the debris.

"Who hit's someone with a table!?"

A voice from the opposing crowd shouted. The people who had sided with Kyle's girls included Archie Black and Beth Tor along with his cousins and some allied houses, all began to laugh at this while Kyle pondered for a minute before responding.

"Well my mum said I'm not allowed to hit people with chairs."

Miranda and Clara burst out laughing while a few of the older generation had funny faces as they tried to contain their laughter. The older opposing faction didn't take this levity in the proper way and one of them who was apparently one of the boys fathers stalked over.

"How dare you assault my son I demand compensation, we'll take the girls who caused this fracas and they will serve my son."

This moron spoke as if he was in control of the situation. Bob and Winona moved ever so slightly apart as they intended to attack and remove this fool but Landon stopped them.

"Don't worry Kyle can deal with him; we have to watch his back in case the others decide to move."

Bob wasn't happy about this as he didn't want his grandson to be in any kind of danger; Winona moved closer to him and put her hand on his arm before whispering to him.

"It's okay dear if Landon says Kyle can deal with it, let him deal with it."

Bob sighed before nodding and turning back to Kyle. For his part Kyle was looking at this old pervert without a smile and his eyes seemed unfathomable as he didn't respond and simply stared.

"Ha boy to scared to speak, it's good you know your place. Now girls come with me before I have to hurt you."

As the old man reached out towards Clara, Kyle moved faster than those around could register. Grabbing the old pervert's wrist with one hand Kyle flipped over him and using the hand as leverage swung back around and landed both feet in the man's kidney.

With no other option the man bent sideways in pain allowing Kyle even greater leverage which he used to pull the man off of his centre of balance allowing him to throw him using both legs at the same wall his son had ended up at.

*Smash* *Crumble*

The man hadn't simply hit the wall as the kids had but had gone right through it and was now unconscious on the ground. Kyle had rolled as he had launched the man away from himself and was already on his feet ready for the next opponent.

"Kyle we could have dealt with him."

Clara said with a sigh, she like Kyle was there for them and taught them his fighting style but sometimes she wanted to cause some chaos on her own.

"Sorry Clara dear but this was part of a larger political scheme so I had to show some class, plus didn't it get you all hot and bothered when I came in like a wrecking ball?"

Clara went red at this and Miranda was looking at him with a feverish gaze. Elena was looking at the desert table which was stacked with lots of confections she wanted to sample. Alena was standing slightly behind Bruno who was staring at the opposing young members.

Willem was guarding his mother and sister. The situation was getting tense and could kick off at any minute but with the youngsters being here the elders were holding back as they didn't want the kids to get caught up in a fight between them.

"MLG 360 Noscpoe!"

Several cream deserts disappeared from the table much to Elena's horror and ended up in the faces of the front line of the opposition.

"Well Susan has arrived."

Kyle said while wiping some apple topping from the desert that had flown and hit his cheek. It looks like the situation wouldn't deteriorate much further as a few of the elders had laughed at this which broke the tension.

"Susan you wasted perfectly good sweets now you must die."

A desolate voice radiated out and all eyes were drawn to Elena who had somehow appeared next to the desert table and was hefting a custard éclair in her hand.

"Now Elena we can talk about this no need to take it so *splat*."

Elena took an éclair to the face and now had thick creamy goodness dripping down her face. Kyle was laughing about this while everyone else didn't quite know what to make of this turn of events.

"He Suzy that's a really good look for you. I hope you at least got dinner first."

Everyone froze for a second and some seemed to be trying to work out what he meant before Susan snapped.

"Get ready scrub you're gonna get it."

Grabbing a nearby tart she hurled this at Kyle who calmly dodged and the tart exploded over a lower noble showering those nearby in fruit puree. This was all it took, suddenly everyone was grabbing whatever they could lay their hands on and began throwing food at each other.

Nobody had said anything except for an occasional insult but none of the opposing people went for weapons or even the cutlery on the table. This turned into simple good natured fun, a few servants walked in the room and saw noble's old and young running around throwing food at each other while laughing uproariously.

The servants looked at each other before shaking their heads and closing the doors and said to themselves.

"What is wrong with rich people?"

If the general populace had seen this Kyle couldn't help but wonder how they would react. As he was thinking of this he matrix dodged several donuts which came flying his way.


"Stand still so I can hit you with this cake."

"Susan that is a multi tiered cake. You should really try and wear it yourself."

As Susan was holding the large three tiered cake above her head Kyle threw a scone which hit her hand allowing the entire cake to slide off its board and end up completely covering her. This was the signal to stop the great pie fight which would now be forever remembered in the annuls of history.

"Susan looks like a snowman."

Elena said before walking over to the white icing covered Susan and drew her finger through the sweet and tasted it.

"Um not bad Kyle I want one of these when we get a chance."

"Yup no prob anyone else have any preferences?"

Kyle asked his girls who were looking at the wreckage of the feast littering the hall. Kyle thought they may be angry or confused as nothing like this has happened before.

"Hum I quite liked the strawberry éclair."

Miranda said while taking the remains of said éclair from her hair and took a little taste of it.

"I'm partial to the roulade personally."

That was Clara's response which made Kyle raise an eyebrow as it looked like she was wearing the roulade on her growing assets.

"I want a creampie."

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