Ascension of the elder

Chapter 143: Weenie Roast

"Why don't you shut the f*ck up, you little f*cking rat weasel before I shove a melon where the sun don't shine!!"

Everyone froze as this string of obscenities was spewed forth, people were looking between each other unsure of if they should laugh or wince. Due to these insults being delivered by a third stage cultivator it was entirely possible a melon enema would be successful.


"Holy hell."

"What no lube?"

Were some of the comments that came from the surroundings as they decided they could laugh at the overseer's expense. For the overseer's part he was spluttering and had a bright red face at this insult.

"How dare you, I am his majesty's representative. If you don't know my family name is.."

"I don't give a flying f*ck now shut up before I chop off Mr Happy and have a weenie roast, but looking at you there wouldn't be much for dinner."

*Mike drop*

Kyle was watching this with a big smile on his face; it looks like his grandparents were really good at insulting their enemies. Kyle thought for a second before he spoke.

"Sorry gramps but granny has better insults than you. Damn granny can I just ask you don't aim that my way anytime soon."

The beast had also been watching this; he was usually on the receiving end of his wives brutal wit. This time however she was legitimately angry which caused her to use bad language, or perhaps worse language may be more accurate.

"Yes dear I think it makes more sense to aim you at the enemy and they may just kill themselves if you insult them like that."

While the beast may receive the brunt of his wife's acerbic wit, he also loved her dearly and was always proud when she put down those who opposed him. The widow became slightly red at her husband and grandson's joking.

"Listen you two, if you keep this up you'll be in trouble now get to work. I'll keep an eye on this pile of human offal."

Kyle and the beast were grinning before turning back to Edith and Landon, who were standing in a circle formed by Kyle's men. They hadn't moved and were instead watching the widow cutting off the overseer's balls with nothing but words.

Regaining their minds they turned back to each other. Edith was still carrying his bastard sword (rather fitting) while Landon was using his long sword. This was the same long sword Kyle had forged for him several years ago. In the interim Kyle had re-forged it several times as his technique and control became better.

Edith was standing at mid guard with the hilt of his sword at his waist and the blade rising at about 20 degrees. This would allow him to switch to a low or high guard as needed. Edith had been taught in the empire's basic style and he was intending to hit Landon in a contest of strength once their blades made contact.

Landon was also standing at mid guard but the hilt of his sword was closer to the left side of his hip with the blade angled slightly across his body. They watched each other looking for a twitch or tell that would let them know when the other planned to move.

As if given a signal both moved to each other quickly. Edith raised his blade over his head as he approached and swung aiming for Landon's right shoulder. Landon quickly shifted his hold on his blade to his right hip with the blade pointing left and raised it in one fluid motion.

This was a standard guard Kyle had taught and rather than hit and retreat or push, this action would allow the enemy's blade to slide along your own. This would also leave the enemy open to a counter attack.

As Edith and Landon came into contact Edith was surprised by Landon's move and he couldn't control his blade as it slid along Landon's blade before striking the ground. Edith had fully committed to this strike and with his full power behind it he couldn't stop.

Once Edith's sword had passed him by Landon stepped in and then around Edith hitting him with his own shoulder. This strike coupled with Edith overextending caused him to stumble. Landon completed a pirouette slicing around with his blade aiming at Edith's thigh.

Feeling a slight bite at the end of his sword, Landon knew he had made light contact opening a small would on Edith's thigh. This wasn't a deadly wound but it would slow him down a bit. Edith made a wild swing aiming at Landon's mid section.

After training with Kyle this strike seemed slow and clumsy, as the blade approached Landon took a step back and raised his own blade catching the underside of Edith's blade. This strike caused Edith's blade to lift over Landon's head.

Landon used this opportunity and tried to lunge at Edith's chest. Edith leapt back while trying to return with his own sword. Landon had also tried something similar when training before hence he knew not to over commit to the lunge and was able to turn into the strike.

Locking their guards Landon was able to pull Edith and his blade around his centre of gravity taking Edith off balance, until he let go of his blade and rolled over the floor. Landon flicked his sword and Edith's blade flew over to one of the 'death watch' who caught it by the hilt.

This would be a good memento for Landon and as this man was one of the people who called him a friend the 'death watch' member decided to return it to him later. Landon approached the now unarmed Edith who looked up at him from the ground.

"I surre...."

Edith never managed to finish this sentence as Landon drove his blade through his heart. Edith couldn't believe the good and naive Landon Powell would kill him once he was disarmed. It seemed as though everyone had been influenced by Kyle.

After Kyle had got over his first kills he had begun to preach his philosophy of deterrence. "Be good when you can but leave no enemy behind". This idea had been fully accepted by his forces and family as they understood that their ruthlessness would save them problems later on.

The overseer winced slightly when he saw Edith fall before sneering in the same breath. Dismissing this little piece he focused back to saving his own skin. He looked at the imperial garrison and seemed to draw strength from the men standing around him.

"Okay so now you've killed the head of a noble house. Once I return to the capital I will report your transgression to the emperor."

The overseer stated this with a sneer as if he expected those around him to fall to their knees in fear and reverence. Kyle looked at his father and uncle before turning to look at his grandparents. His father and uncle seemed supremely unconcerned at this while his grandparents looked thoughtful.

"I'm so sorry I didn't realise you could see the emperor so easily."

Kyle said while speaking in a monotone like he was working at a call centre. All his people began snickering at this and even the garrison commander had a smirk on his face.

"What are you laughing at, I can pass my report to my section head and it will be with the emperor in less than a day."

The overseer said with irritation, this isn't how people are supposed to react when he invoked the emperor's name.

"Hum okay I have another question then, when was the last time you saw you section head."

The overseer balked at this as he went red, not in anger but in shame. He was simply another cog and he hadn't even been in contact with the capital in the last few years. As long as they received their taxes they didn't care.

"Oh and just to check you do know the northern territories are about to get cut off from the rest of the empire?"

The overseer's eyes widened as Kyle said this, he of course knew what the empire was planning but these hillbillies shouldn't have a clue. The overseer couldn't hold Kyle's sight and looked to his side at the people there and saw Susan smirking at him.

This made sense as she must have given Kyle and his family knowledge about what was to come. The imperial garrison however was restless at what Kyle said with the commander looking at the overseer in anger.

"We are going to be cut off are we?"

He asked but his eyes showed he believed what Kyle had said. Thinking back on some of the staff changes and military movements that seemed strange at the time made sense now. It looked like the empire was fully intent on abandoning them.

Kyle looked at the commander and felt pity for him as he was just a soldier.

"Commander why are you still following this ferret?"

Kyle asked with genuine curiosity as the details he had gained from 'shadow hand' and 'steel lotus' showed this was a good man. It didn't make sense that he would follow the overseer blindly.

"I gave an oath to the emperor and unfortunately that oath compels me to protect this drivel."

"Hum well what did your oath state what are the words?"

Kyle asked hoping he could find a way to release this man from his oath.

"I give my life to the empire; I will follow all commands given by the emperor or his regent. The emperor then responds that he will protect and lead those in his service to honour or death."

Kyle thought about this wording for a hot second before he realised something.

"Does abandoning you with no orders and notice mean he has led and protected you. I would say it doesn't so the emperor has broken his oath."

The commander opened his eyes wide at this and began thinking, the rest of the garrison were now talking loudly with each other.

"He's broken his oath we're free."

"Does this mean I can go home?"

"Right I'm putting on my dark glasses and going to the brothel."

The commander ignored these comments before looking at Kyle.

"Yes the emperor has broken his oath but what'll we do now. We have no support other than the empire."

The commander was thinking about how to protect his men as they were no longer supported by the empire and if the noble families of the city chose to they could eliminate them.

"Well best options are you can join us or become a merc force, whatever you do though please don't interfere with the overseer."

The commander on hearing this grinned and stepped aside. The overseer looked fearfully as the family forces closed in on him.

"You're boned now."

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