Ascension of the elder

Chapter 138: Genealogy 101

"Hey f*ckers Daddy's back!"

A few people seemed to recognise this voice particularly Harris and Landon who became visibly pale at that utterance. Kyle looked around and then up and saw one of his falcons hovering above them with two people on its back.

The man was nothing short of a giant, if Kyle was to guess he would say the man was closing in on 7 feet tall. He was covered in beast skins and carrying a massive double bladed war axe, he looked like he had escaped from some Viking saga.

The woman on the other hand was smaller in stature but due to the size of her compatriot it was hard to tell. She was wearing what appeared to be a black mourning dress and had a cold and scary face.

As Kyle was looking at them a sense of familiarity was felt by him until he saw the woman's hand lash out fast as a rattlesnake and slap the back of the Vikings head.

"Ouch what you do that for you crazy old witch."

"Watch your language you old bastard there are children down there."

"My language what about yours you old bat?"

"You want to go I'll kick your balls into next month!"

The Viking immediately covered his groin with his hand and it appeared as though that wouldn't be the first time this had occurred between these two.

The imperial overseer saw these two and like Landon and Harris his face lost all colour and he began to stutter.

"T..the B...Beast and t..the oh god it can't be why is the widow here as well!!??"

Edith didn't know who these people were and seeing how they were acting he didn't really care but the fear in the overseer made him pay attention and he asked the overseer about them.

"Hey who are they and why are you so scared?"

"They're third stage cultivators but either of them is scary enough but both of them here could mean the destruction of all of us."

"They've come from the capital so maybe they're here to help us, you know maybe the situation has changed and our backer has come to our aid."

"No not a chance, they may live in the capital but the emperor can barely control them and with both of them here it can't mean good things."

On Kyle's side Landon was looking at them aghast before the words he feared to speak, the words he never thought he would say again passed his lips while a trembling Harris looked on.

"Mum, Dad why are you back?"

So his voice could be heard he had to shout this and with the silence around the battlefield at this moment everyone heard this. The overseer and Edith both quickly looked at their enemy's side and the single thought in their minds was 'oh shit'.

The overseer knew this pair operated fairly closely but he didn't have any real contact with them so he didn't know they were a married couple or what their origins were, he only saw them a couple of times and knew of their reputations.

The widow appeared when she was an early second stage mage and was summoned to the capital. Due to her great power and fearsome mind she was unusually blackmailed from leaving the capital with threats made against her family or at least that was the rumour he had heard.

The beast however was a warrior through and through, using his amazing strength and a brutal fighting style he had made all people fear him. He had a small group of guards personally trained by him who would follow him anywhere and would give their lives without remorse and a grin on their faces.

"Yo brat what have you been f*cking around at look at the state you left my city in!"

*Smack* once more around the back of the head with a fist being held in front of his nose.

"I told you watch your f*ckin language."

The Beast cowered at the fist in front of his face before sighing and jumping off the falcon which was still hovering around 100 feet in the air. Kyle watched as his 'grandfather' plummeted down and did an attempt at a super hero landing.

Unfortunately for the ground the Beast was much more powerful than it and he created a crater when he impacted. Pulling his feet out of the ground one at a time he climbed out of the crater and grabbed both Harris and Landon by the neck before drawing them into a hug.

Kyle was sure he heard some bones at least creaking during this manly hug before the Beast let them go and looked around.

"Where's my grandson let gramps have a look at you."

Kyle could only sigh and step towards his grandfather. Being this close to him Kyle realised how intimidating a presence his grandfather presented.

"Hello grandfather I'm Kyle, Landon and Maria's son."

"Alrighty there boy you ain't got a hug for the old man?"

"Sorry I don't know you and mom always to watch out for strange old men."

"Why you little shit I've got half a mind *Smack*."

It looked like while they were speaking the widow had landed the falcon and alighted from it and approached them.

"Don't talk to our grandson like that or you'll be sleeping on the floor."

"*Sigh* Yes dear."

"Good now Kyle let me have a look at you. You've certainly inherited your looks from my side of the family. Your form is a bit unusual are you training as a mage, fighter or sorcerer?"

His grandmother seemed very much like an old school teacher or maybe like one of those governess's from those period dramas. Having her look at him like she could see through him would have been a little unnerving but he could see his grandfather over her shoulder and he had grabbed Landon and Harris in a headlock and was getting updated on the current situation.

"Well with regards to my path it would be best to discuss that in private but publicly I'm a mixed fighter and mage."

"Oh if you can train that fully you would be truly powerful. Oi old man stop playing with the kids and let's get this sorted we can find out the situation once we deal with these scum."

"Yes dear they wanted to hurt our family it's time to show them the price."

At this point the older generation seemed to change and with a scary focus they looked at the army arrayed before them. There was no fear or trepidation in their gaze rather it was a predatory hunger with which they surveyed their incoming victims.

"Who is leading our forces?"

The beast asked in a serious tone while quickly looking around. While some of the forces could do with some training he noticed a smaller group who must have been the elites were ignoring him and watching for Kyle's lead.

"Harris and I are leading the main force while Kyle is leading his special unit."

Landon responded while the Beast raised an eyebrow at this. It was unusual for command to be split in two let alone in three but he decided to see how their tactics would unfold and would aid wherever it was needed.

The widow was also surprised that they would give command of a unit to a child of Kyle's age but when she saw the men around her grandson and the team of children around her grandson she realised the situation may be stranger than they originally thought.

The other falcons that were with them also landed and deposited few more people amongst them. Leonard was crying when he saw his own father was amongst them while Landon greeted another old man who was the father of Harris's wife.

Harris was ashamed and couldn't bring himself to greet him; Kyle put a hand on Harris's shoulder and simply said.

"You need to rebuild your relationships but now at least you have that chance."

Harris nodded at this and greeted his father in law. Kyle looked over his newly expanded force and while it would be a rough battle with the addition of several third stage cultivators the scales were now tipped heavily in their favour.

Edith and the overseer were know looking at this assemblage and could only think that they were screwed now. Edith was thinking of how he could save himself, if he threw all their forces in a suicide charge then he may have a chance to escape.

The overseer instead was talking to his garrison commander or it would be better to say he was speaking at him.

"You need to protect me no matter what you must do your duty do you understand me."

The commander was instead looking at the beast with stars in his eyes. He was fan girling at his hero who he had seen battle before and he tried to get a place in his personal force but failed due to the harsh requirements.

"Yeah, yeah I can hear you."

"Hey if you guys aren't coming we'll move first!"

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