Ascension of the elder

Chapter 106: The golden touch

"He had morning wood? Why didn't you call me!?"

Ah the morning cry of the moron bird otherwise known as Susan Alvarez, master of Maria Powell who is also the mother of the boy they're talking about and who was sitting with Kyle. The same Maria who was now looking over at her master with curiosity while Miranda and Clara who had been speaking to their mothers before Susan had come in like a wrecking ball.

Dylan otherwise known as the other idiot opened his mouth and was about to say something but luckily for him he was sat next to Mavis his girlfriend or keeper depending on whom you speak. Upon seeing Dylan opening his mouth, likely to say or do something that would get him in trouble like usual placed her hand over his mouth.

Dylan looked at Mavis with a confused expression on his face but Mavis only shook her head seeming to say don't. Dylan's eyes quickly passed over everyone and saw a few watching him with smiles and anticipation as they knew that both Dylan and Susan were always good value for money.

Dylan upon seeing these looks decided it would be better to keep his silence this one time and sat back while Mavis took her hand from his mouth and looked back to Kyle who had been watching them while grinning. Kyle didn't care about what the girls were talking about and was actually rather enjoying their embarrassed looks.

Maria however hadn't taken her eyes off of Susan and it seems she had realised they were talking about her baby from the way Clara and Miranda kept looking over at them with scared and shameful eyes. Elena was also with them but like usual she was moving at her own pace and was trying to make pancakes but even this simple recipe seemed to be beyond her.

"So how did it look? How big is he and does it have a good curve to it."

Susan was firing embarrassing questions one after the other and wasn't even letting the girls get a word in. She was in her flow now and would carry on unless she was stopped. Landon looked at Kyle with a sense of vengeance as he knew Kyle had set him up when he was trying to hide, but he didn't get to see a look of embarrassment on Kyle's face as he was proud of what he was packing.

"Come on girls give me an idea is it this big or how about this big?"

Susan was indicating a distance with her hands gradually increasing the distance between them. Clara and Miranda only wished they could disappear into the ground at this point, luckily Elena came to their rescue at this point but not in the way you may think.

"From the tip to the round bulbous things it's about this long."

Elena indicated a distance between her hands which made Susan, Iris and Lauren along with almost all the other women in the room widen their eyes in shock. Out of his girls in the last couple of years Elena had spent the most time with Kyle and due to her lack of boundaries she had walked in on Kyle showering many times, not to mention the times she had crept into his bed when he was sleeping. Clara and Miranda seeing the distance Elena was indicating nodded along before quickly hiding their faces but their bright red ears could still be seen.

"*Splutter* Wait you said that the distance is from the tip to two round things. For your sake I hope you're talking about his ass cheeks."

Kyle broke down at this and started bawling with laughter, the other men in the room looked at him with respect and awe. Suddenly there was a gust of wind and Maria appeared next to Susan and placed her hand on her master's shoulder.

Susan was an entire stage higher than Maria in cultivation but when she turned and looked up at Maria fear flowed through her. She could swear that there was a dark shadow following Maria and it seemed to be holding some type of farming implement which would only be used during the harvest.

"Hello master would you like to share what you were talking about?"

As Maria said this a creaking sound could be heard coming from Susan's shoulder. Susan realized at this point she had royally messed up, you should never talk about stuff like this when someone's mother is in the room it just isn't cricket. Trying to find a way out of this new hole she dug for herself Susan latched onto something she noticed.

"Maria excellent to see you here, from the speed of that movement it looks like you've improved your wind magic."

As part of their training everyone specialised in at least one form of magic as everyone in the household could now practice it with various levels of skill. Maria had focused on the wind branch of magic, as they were focused on a single form they would eventually be able to master it and if Kyle was right they would be considerably stronger than the mages the empire held in reserve.

The usual limitations mages suffered, such as a weaker constitution were not present within Kyle's people as they trained in all of the paths so a warrior could also throw fire from a distance or a mage could use a sorcerers skill like telepathy.

Maria had used her wind magic for hi speed and although she couldn't yet fly she could float rather well meaning she could now move ridiculously fast if she wanted. Susan focused on lightning/energy magic as its destructiveness and versatility appealed to her.

"Yes master my magic control has improved immensely with Kyle's guidance, speaking of Kyle you were saying something I believe. DON'T....LET....ME....INTERRUPT....YOU."

Maria said this with fire in her eyes and due to her use of wind magic her hair was now streaming out behind her as if it was in a gale. Kyle who was watching this could only compare his mother's current appearance to a picture he had seen of a banshee. He was only thankful he wasn't on the receiving end of his mother's anger.

Landon loved this as it was usually him being bullied by Susan and seeing her being pushed around by his wife gave him a great feeling of schadenfreude.

"Um well Maria we were just saying that well anyone who marries Kyle will be a very lucky woman, yeah that's it isn't that right girls?"

Iris and Lauren just pretended they couldn't hear anything leaving Susan out to dry while Clara and Miranda were now terrified of Maria's anger. On seeing the girls looks Maria smiled at them while maintaining her grip on Susan's shoulder preventing her from running away.

"Its okay girls I know Kyle cares about you, I'm just dealing with a pervert so you can carry on with what you were doing."

With that Maria activated her magic again and dragged Susan with her leaving everyone with awkward looks for a moment before Kyle called out.

"Okay let's get some food; we've got a lot of training to do."

With that a harmonious breakfast ensued while from the training grounds they could hear the occasional mournful wail or loud thump. Those who had received Kyle's special training now understood where he got his sadistic streak from. Kyle's girls kept their heads down, well all except Elena who was looking around proudly while some of the younger members were trying to get the adults to explain what they had been talking about.

Before they had finished Kyle realised they had visitors at the door. It was the team from the harvest tournament plus the Black siblings but the biggest surprise was that their parents were with them. Kyle tapped Landon on the shoulder and whispered to him about Leonard and his wife being at the entrance so they both headed out to receive them.

Opening the door Kyle greeted his tournament team and shook Archie's hand and gave Ruby a quick hug before she disappeared into the house to find Theo and Chad.

"Good morning Leonard and Gemma it's been a while since I've seen you both."

Kyle greeted them as this was his house and as the host it was proper that he would greet them rather than his father.

"Hi my boy you're looking more like your father every day. Landon you've got a good one here isn't that right Gem?"

"Yes dear but can we get to the point." Gemma, Leonard's wife decided to push on with the reason as to why they were here as she knew that if Leonard got going no one would be able to shut him up.

"Right I know you've started training my boy but he won't say anything about it only that a seal prevents him from telling us anything. I want to know about this seal and if my daughter has had something similar placed on her."

Kyle understood why they were here now as Ruby came by often to play with her friends and her parents were afraid that something untoward had been done to her.

"Come with me and I'll explain everything." Kyle asked as he led the arrivals towards the training grounds.

As they were walking Kyle explained to Gemma about the secret seal and its uses and limitations, Leonard was chatting with Landon as they were now good friends and brothers in arms. Leonard was a good man but his problem solving abilities stopped at hit it hard and if it doesn't work hit it harder. Gemma was the brains in the relationship so Kyle found himself explaining to her about the reason for the seal.

As they were fast approaching the day of reckoning Kyle was now comfortable telling the Black's about his training and his new method plus he believed they weren't fair weather friends. Once Kyle had explained everything and also reassured Gemma that Ruby didn't have a seal placed upon her as she was still too young to decide these things for herself Gemma was placated.

Once Leonard heard the details of the cultivation technique Kyle had developed he became excited before stating much to his wife's annoyance.

"Put a seal on me I want to train as well."

Well at least he's honest with his desires Kyle thought to himself while Gemma could only face palm. She thought about it for a few minutes before she decided this wouldn't be a bad thing. With the strength of the Powell family and the intel she had gathered over the last few weeks she realised they needed this ally.

When they reached the training grounds they were greeted by the sight of Susan being caught in a mini tornado which was flipping her around like some kind of doll while Maria was laughing like a villain. Seeing Kyle with his guests Maria stopped laughing and ceased her tornado. Unluckily for Susan she was still 10 foot in the air.

After making an impromptu landing Susan gathered herself up and without realising Kyle was there with some other people continued an impassioned speech she must have been giving from before.

"It's not my fault I haven't got any for ages; you don't know what it's like not having someone touch you for so long."

Susan suddenly felt a warm hand grasp her exposed forearm followed by a breathy voice sounding in her ear.

"You're welcome."

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