Chapter 44: Chapter 42: Took Ill on a Thursday
Gotham City always had an atmosphere that something was amiss and that was no less true when Black Canary was on the hunt on this night.
"So wait….he's been missing for twenty four hours?"
Oracle has popped in on the call. There was some information that she suspected that Nightwing and perhaps Black Canary had that she wasn't completely privy to. That being said, it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Batman being gone for this long was a cause for concern.
"Yes, twenty four hours," Nightwing confirmed, he was sitting back tonight due to his recent injuries, playing that mission control role that normally one of the Alphas would be. His injuries were such that he didn't want to be out on the field.
"The fact that you're so serious means that the big bad bat bit off a bit more than he could chew," Oracle said but then she tried to look on the bright side of the situation. "But you say that you have some way to track him down, don't you?"
"I do, but nothing like this is really foolproof," Harry said, trying to remain calm, despite the obvious fact that things could go pear shaped in a hurry. "His signal….it's in an area where there's a lot of homeless people that are around."
"I've looked into that, not just your standard homeless, basically there have been a lot of people who have done time, whether innocent and guilty, I don't know, but they get put back onto the street," Oracle said to him. "Word around the GCPD is that the gangs are getting very hostile towards the homeless. Not that they're going to expand any resources trying to deal with anyone who is messing with homeless people. The opinion of the mob and the opinion of a lot of the GCPD are about the same, the homeless is considered human garbage"
"And this says that Batman should be around here just about anywhere," Black Canary said, dropping down from the perch. The fact that things were kind of quiet did nothing to ease her tensions. If anything, it unsettled her even more.
Oracle wished that she could access more of this network that Nightwing had set up but the encryption was heavy and it was designed to really do nasty things to anyone's computers who tried to hack it. Plus she had been given an unprecedented level of trust and access right now, so it was unwise not to squander it.
The easiest way to track down Batman would be to track the hardwire in his suit. Which Black Canary was doing, with the guidance of Nightwing and Oracle from afar. Much to her surprise, this actually lead her into a nicer part of town, as opposed to one of the crime ridden parts of town.
"That's really odd," Oracle said, she suspected the tracker to lead to them in one of the slummiest parts of Gotham City. But it was in this area instead.
Black Canary pulled up her bike, making sure to park it safely and secure it. She walked forward.
"About a block east from here," Nightwing chimed in through the link and Black Canary nodded in agreement.
Black Canary showed up under the Solomon Wayne courthouse. The irony of this situation was interesting. She was getting close but this case was getting more baffling by each tick of the clock.
'So any theories?' Black Canary asked, wanting to get some feedback on the matter.
'A few, but I'd like to back them up by concrete evidence,' Harry thought and Faora jumped in for her two cents.
'He could have gotten caught in the middle of something and got wounded, and went somewhere for medical attention….where I don't know,' Faora thought and Karen reminded her of something.
'Well there are places in Gotham City that are discrete, no questions asked,' Karen thought and Black Canary edged forward.
She could have heard sworn that she heard something but it was nothing that she should be concerned with, at least not yet.
"Just stay sharp, there have been some of the homeless who have been hanging around in the alleyway near the courthouse," Oracle advised her. "Which means that some of the mobsters are hanging around….."
"The question is which ones?" Nightwing asked and Oracle remained silent.
"I'll be sure to let you know when I find that out."
Black Canary stopped and stared, the tracker lead her right to the edge of the garbage can. Picking up the trash can lid, she pulled it off.
With a determined look in her eyes, she shifted through the garbage. It was only moments before she found what she was looking for. In the case, it was his belt and his gloves.
"Well, we just hit a dead end," Black Canary said, holding up the belt and the gloves. It was a miracle that no one found them.
"You know, I'm honestly surprised about something," Oracle said and there was a pause in her voice before she continued to chime in. "Well… know, someone like him, I'm honestly surprised that they didn't try and pick up the belt. All of the hardware inside…that would be a gangster's wet dream."
"Maybe," Nightwing said, taking her suggestion into account. "Black Canary, is there any indication that the belt was tampered with?"
"Not that I can see, no," Black Canary said, if she knew Bruce, he would have all kinds of automated defenses on the belt that would discourage any would be robbers from tampering with it. "Better take this with me….because….."
"Yeah, it might be a miracle that no one else found it," Oracle said and she turned around, checking for any sightings of Batman, whether confirmed or otherwise. "And nothing….he was sighted twenty four hours ago, around the time he disappeared, but nothing since."
"So, we're back to square one," Nightwing said, hoping that Batman was not found floating in a river or buried underneath a cement parking lot a week from now.
'I think that he could be alive though,' Jaime suggested to him.
'Perhaps, but it's baffling…who planted the belt and the gloves there?' Harry asked and there were many questions and not a sufficient amount of answers. Which re-defined the term of going back to square one.
"Let's see if we can retrace his steps then."
Crime Alley was quiet at this time of the evening but the man approaching was not one of the usual residents. He looked homeless by his demeanor but one would not be able to guess that he was homeless by the type of clothes that he wore. A knit cap covered the top of his head. He wore a flannel jacket, a white top, and a pair of faded blue jeans, along with a new pair of shoes. His eyes were widened and there was a smile on his face.
"A blessed day," he said to a couple who had passed them and they nodded, before moving on.
He had just left the church of Deacon Blackfire, and stopped in front of one of the police stations in Crime Alley. It was not one of great significance but at the same time, it was significant enough for him to make a statement. Crossing his arms, his grin got larger over his face as he prepared for his next move.
He committed the building to memory, there were so many memories that he had of this area. They were strong in his mind.
"The house of lies is strong," he commented as he looked it over. He dropped to his knee in front of the building. "Those who are true to the cause, they will be spared. Those who are sinned, deliver them to the arms of those who will make them pay for the sins. Fire should spread over Gotham City, my lord. Please deliver this bounty and please deliver them to your arms, while shielding those who have believed. All who choose not to believe will be cast out, for they have not been devoted to the cause, and then….the world will become a holy place where those who deserve it will get a second chance. Amen."
The man took half of a step back and looked at the nice building that stood in front of him. There were people going inside.
"A blessed day to you officer," the man commented with a smile.
"Yeah, get out of my way, trash," the officer said, roughly, shoving the homeless man.
The man stepped forward, shaking his head, and he walked further off from the building. He made his way down Crime alley, greeting anyone who had come up to him. His demeanor was friendly, but it got more twisted the further that it got away from the police station.
The police station went up in flames, and fire shot up. The screams of terror were heard and he paused long enough to watch it. There was a loud panic and the sounds of sirens followed soon after.
"That's what…..that's what you get, for not believing, children," he whispered, his wicked grin spreading over his face. The man was solemn for a second but as the Deacon told him; they brought it upon themselves by enabling the lies.
At one point, he was a demolitions expert for the Roman, he blew up buildings with people inside it when they didn't pay up. But the Roman sent him up the river when the heat got on him and he needed a patsy. This man was his patsy and when he got out, he was put on the street, cast out like last week's trash.
Now he was putting his talents to good use because he had been saved. He continued the long walk, pleased that he was doing the lord's work. The corrupt institution was being burned out in the flash of an eye.
They panicked but perhaps that would give some who had seen and witnessed what had occurred the necessary wake up call.
He walked forward, past another group of the Deacon's followers who had been waiting for him.
"Let's go home my brothers; the lord's work is done."
The police station continued to burn in the distance, but they walked away with it. More sinners had been punished and it was a sign, a beacon, that righteousness would once again reign supreme in Gotham City.
Black Canary remained on the hunt but she just felt like she was going around in circles, hitting one dead end after another. She stopped for a brief moment in time at the edge of where she stood and there was a long sigh that escaped her lips.
The police radio cackled to life. "This just in….the 509 at Crime Alley has been hit by an explosion…..I repeat the 509 at Crime Alley has been hit by an explosion."
"Well, that's…..that was a surprise," Nightwing commented in an idle voice as he waited for further information.
"Several dead bodies have been removed from the area but the device that caused the blast has not been liberated from the building…..stand by for further information and requesting assistance."
"Well, I guess they don't have too much information, so we have even less to go off of," Black Canary said, stopping at the edge. So far, nothing.
"I don't think it's the Mob…..because normally they don't go against the cops like this," Oracle told them.
"Right, they know too much incriminating information on the various crime syndicates in this city," Nightwing said and the green eyed young man sighed. "But…..I'm looking to see if I can find anything that is not making its way through the radio. Perhaps an eye witness account, a news story, something."
"Right….I'll do likewise, the two of us can cover more ground," Oracle said and then she shifted through everything.
The story hadn't quite hit the press yet, but she wondered if any eye witnesses that were close enough to see anything had not been hit in the blast and taken down.
'So, it's not the Mob, we've figured that out,' Faora said and Kara added her two cents.
'Yes…..but if it isn't….then who is it…..who would be brazen enough to essentially declare war on the GCPD?' Kara asked.
'Your guess is as good as mine,' Harry replied, once again searching. There were a few initial reports chiming in, just breaking news that there was an explosion.
"There's speculation that it could be a revenge for a drug bust that happened a week ago," Nightwing said, pulling up the news article.
"They could stand to be more specific…"
"I think that now people are just grasping at straws," Black Canary said and she looked around, she was close to the area.
"Oh, I found something, actually," Oracle said chiming in and it was the fact that she found something tangible that made her so giddy. She tried not to…..well she tried not to lose her shit for lack of a better term.
Black Canary and Nightwing, despite not being in the same area, were rather amused because of this aspect of Barbara getting more excited than she really should. Never the less, Nightwing chimed in with a few words of his own. "Well, don't leave us in suspense, you know."
"Right, right, I won't," Oracle said and she cleared her throat. "So, you've heard of the name, Jefferson Skeevers, right?"
"Yeah, guy is alleged to be a pimp, a drug dealer, and just a general all around low life," Nightwing said, and Black Canary jumped in after he finished off.
"Yes, I think that describes Skeevers to a tee."
Oracle chimed in with the information. "Well, the police station attack in Crime Alley is only the third such attack. Skeevers's night club last night was the first attack. And the scene was nasty, it looked like something out of a horror movie. You know after the movie monster had been through and killed everyone."
Nightwing paused, he didn't even want to know what that entailed to be honest. His green eyes flashed as he went through.
"They found Skeevers nearby, or what was left of him," Oracle said and she looked at the police pictures. "Yeah, I wouldn't recommend looking at the pictures of what they found on a full stomach of food."
'Yes, I would have to agree,' Karen chimed in through the link, as she had found about the same thing.
'Nothing human could have given him that beating,' Diana thought, aghast, as Karen mentally projected a picture of them.
'HEY, I WAS EATING!' Amanda yelled as she felt her stomach.
'Ah poor thing,' Donna thought with a smile, but she was sure that Amanda was just being dramatic, because that was what she did.
"Okay….what was the second place that there was a bombing?" Nightwing asked, trying to steer this conversation back into this intended purpose.
"The second was a pizzeria," Oracle said and that got a sound of surprise with Black Canary and Nightwing for a few seconds.
"That's…..that's an odd place to attack," Black Canary said, as she approached the location where Alfred last had contact with Batman. This would be the next place where they would have a look around.
"Well, it is….until you figure out pizza is not the only thing that they're selling," Oracle commented. "The police believe the same person is behind the first two attacks, so we should assume that they believe that the other attack is made by the same person."
"Makes perfect sense," Nightwing agreed. "Even though it seems to be relatively tame….compared to the other two attacks."
It was a really dark thought to think that the explosion would have been the tamest attack of the three but given the images he caught of the other two attacks, it was. It looked like some force of nature went through the nightclub in particular.
Black Canary showed up and she gave her observations. "Well I'm here…..and there was certainly been a fight."
"Any kind of evidence there you can see?" Oracle asked.
"There are a lot of footprints but I can't really tell if they were here before Batman was here or after," Black Canary said and she paused. "And some dried up blood strains, nothing too substantial."
"Could be from Batman, could be from the homeless fighting over scraps," Nightwing mused, putting his hand underneath his chin and thinking about it. "Is there anything that you can get, a scan, anything?"
"No, sorry," Black Canary replied as she sighed long and hard. She really wished that she could help.
"We'll have to look into the bombings later, but our number one priority is tracking down Batman, let's not forget that," Nightwing said, but there was no clue there.
These dried up blood stains were inconclusive and it was hard to figure out who they belonged to at all.
Harrison could tell that he was at the edge of something interesting, but what he was at, he had no clue at all. He had a few people here, some of them because he valued their input and others who could give him input on what the hell was going on. There was Circe, Nimue, Morgaine, Lily, Bella, and Andi, and they were all sitting around.
Nimue drew breath. "Well it all started during the time of the witch hunts around the end of the seventeenth century. The Faerie thought that things were too dangerous so…..they sealed the gateways between the two realms and cut off all contact to the mundane world."
"There were other circumstances," Morgaine reminded her sister.
"Yes, there were other circumstances," Nimue agreed. "The Witch Hunt was one straw, but the Statute of Secrecy was the straw that broke the camel's back, for lack of a better term. Titania and Oberon, this was the last straw for them, the Ministry was getting quite uppity."
"The more things change in other words, the more they stay the same," Lily said with a sigh and Amelia, Bellatrix, and Andromeda could not really disagree with that statement.
"Yes, pretty much," Amelia said and she sighed at that. The Ministry had been reformed a lot but the problem was, put a wand in someone's hand and the problem remained the same. She couldn't help but think sometimes that the wand wavers should be sealed away from the normal world for everyone's sanity.
"Now, the Gateways are still sealed, I checked," Morgaine said and they were all sensing a but in the offing. "But yet, these rifts are still coming open at random, it doesn't make much sense, unless you come to the sad conclusion that Faerie World is breaking down."
"Then what do you propose we do," Harrison commented, speaking up for the first time in a long time. Sealing themselves away from the world had caused more problems, then good and Harrison was going to blame the Ministry for this, for their stupidity all of those years ago. It might have taken several centuries for the consequences to happen.
"I propose that we head into Faerie World and take care of the problem ourselves," Morgaine said and there was a smile on Harrison's face. Bellatrix spoke for all of them, he thought.
"Oh, that easy, is it?"
"Well it's not going to be easy, but I think that Morgaine and Harrison could be up it better than most," Circe said.
"Perhaps," Harrison conceded, but what options did they have? Unless this was fixed, it was going to get better before it got worse, much worse before it got even the slightest amount better.
"It's simply a matter of seeking an audience with Titania," Morgaine commented icily and there was a sense that she was trying to underplay how difficult that this would be normally. "She's essentially ruling Faerie World now with Oberon having fucked off to God only knows where."
"So, do you think that we can appease her to do what needs to be done, if she's even aware of what is happening….."
"Well, if she's aware…."
"We're going to make her aware soon enough, if she isn't, but I have a feeling that she has to get an inkling what is going on," Morgaine replied and there was no argument that they could have from that one. "The fact that I'm the daughter of Igraine, a member of one of the Fair Folk, that should give us somedegree of leverage."
Harrison noticed that the word some had actually emphasis placed on that and already, he was loving this.
"We do know that…"
"I know you know that, but I'm clarifying for anyone who might not be aware of that fact," Morgaine said in a haughty voice.
Nimue smiled, moments like this, it was borderline difficult to argue with her sister. Perhaps diving into the side of absolutely impossible.
"The darkness is something that you have embraced, but join me, join me in the light, join me in returning Gotham City to its glory, bring it to the promise land, bring it to the promise land where all of the children can be delivered from the darkness and saved from a life of sin."
The man's hand was cupped underneath his chin, holding his captive's head up. Batman looked glassy eyed.
"I'm still in your head, aren't I, Batman? But it's not completely me, it's you….you know what's to be done. They're targeting the forgotten sons of Gotham City, aren't they my brother?"
Batman blinked, his eyes were completely bloodshot. The Deacon continued to hold him in place.
"Understand it Batman, understand what I say. And my words are only gospel, my brother. You look up at me, and you see that I am the one who brings the truth to you, while others in Gotham City enable the lies. But those lies…..they will collapse around them….they will feel true horror, horror that the forsaken, the one's that have cast out as trash have felt in their time."
The Deacon's voice dropped to a hoarse whisper. "You can understand the horror that they feel. The men, the women, and the children, all swept over, and poisoned mentally by the sinners, abused physically. I do the good lord's work, my brother, and time is not on their side, it's not on your side, it's on my side. But if you embrace the words of truth….it will be yours completely. I will deliver them from darkness, and you can be the reaper that deliver the sinners from this cruel, cruel, world."
His words bored into Batman's head and drool dribbled down his chin.
"I believe that you're almost there my brother, just one more step, remember….remember, it's better to spread the winds of change then go up against it, to rip down the machine instead propping it up."
He paused and gave a low laugh that might have caused anyone who was in any state to hear it the collywobbles.
"You're nearly ready."
He dropped Batman's chin and caused his head to slump forward.
Deacon Blackfire allowed his message to sink in just a little bit more, leaving Batman there hanging. He put his hands around a metal door and with a solid clang, pushed it open.
He descended a set of stairs, meeting the large Acolyte with the dark hair and beard.
"He's seen the light?" the Acolyte inquired to him gruffly.
"Yes, he's seen the light, my brother," The Deacon whispered harshly. "My largest new friend waits, doesn't he?"
The Acolyte smiled an insidious smile. "He's an interesting plaything. He amuses us."
"Yes, he does serve our purposes quite well," The Deacon agreed in a crisp voice and he motioned for his Acolyte to follow him down the beaten tunnel.
The two men walked in silence, moving further and deeper into the sewer system. This was a location that was mostly lost to Gotham City for many years. Then again, there were many sewer systems that were completely forgot about it.
The Deacon stopped and he saw him standing there before him. The crown jewel of his holy crusade, the man that he unearthed. The epitome of the sacred mission that he had been undergoing, to deliver those who had been undercut by the corrupted force of Gotham City.
Solomon Grundy had struck and would strike again. All he needed was the proper motivation. The book from the Gotham City library told the Deacon all he needed to know about the swamp zombie.
"How are you, my friend?"
Grundy growled and the Deacon could sense that he would need further motivation to keep him underneath control. Looking over his shoulder, he turned to his large Acolyte friend, who was primed and ready to do his master's bidding.
The large man took the knife, and prepared for the word. The monster was in a dazed and the Deacon looked transfixed for a second.
"Do it."
The knife nicked the Deacon's hand and he held the fist up. The blood splashed in Grundy's face, bringing the monster back to state of obedience.
"Today is the day we hold it, may the lord smile down upon our sacred mission, and may the lord understand what we must do. May the lord know that we are doing this, to bring the stragglers from the flock back to his shepherd. All be saved, all be praised, amen."
The Deacon looked up, and waited for the grumbling response to come.
"Took ill on a Thursday."
"Lead him on my brother, I will tend them," Deacon Blackfire said this acolyte and said acolyte inclined his head with a stiff nod.
"Forward," The Acolyte grunted, leading Grundy on for his next action. The two of them made their way forward.
Deacon Blackfire watched and he needed to attend to the herd. It was getting closer to the moment of reckoning.
"The good news is that the repairs on your suit are nearly finished," Faora commented to him, as she worked on it. "It didn't take nearly as much damage as I initially believed it did."
"Well that's fortunate," Harry said as he sat back and things were cooling down in Gotham City. So far, there was nothing on the front that they were investigating, both the primary investigation and the secondary investigation.
Harry thought that matters were going to get really insane rather quickly. The green eyed wizard looked forward at the screen.
"The bad news is….."
"We haven't been able to figure out where Bruce has gone," Dinah commented, as she came in through the door. She gave a full body shudder as she sat herself down next to Harry. "It's very odd….."
"The trail runs cold, doesn't it?" Faora asked, as she did a primary test on the diagnostics of Harry's suit. So far, so good. The suit might be ready to go. Har-Zod on the other hand, was another matter entirely. He was still on the injury reserve list. It reminded her how the watch was necessary, but it runs into more than its few problems.
Dinah gave a grimace. "Yeah….it's kind of frustrating, if you really think about it….."
"Yes, very frustrating," Faora said, she smiled as she looked at the suit. It blinked back to life.
"All is good there?" Harry asked her and Faora nodded.
"Nearly," she confirmed towards him. She didn't want to jinx it by being too positive about the entire situation but at the same time, everything was looking very favorable.
"He was investigating the homeless and the gang angle, with the gangs getting very violent against the homeless….it was a grab for territory as you well know," Dinah said as she got up, putting her gear away and sighing. "He could have gotten caught in the crossfire….."
"Well, I think we could figure out that's a possibility," Faora said, as she gave another check of the suit. She wanted to be completely sure, but the good news is that physically it looked as good as new.
"The real question is….where is he?"
"I don't know, without that other bit of information, I don't think that we're going to find him tonight," Dinah said in an exasperated voice, as she looked out, pretty much absent mindedly.
"After a cool down, gang activity is up to another level," Harry said, looking over the information on the police reports that Barbara sent him about the recent attacks. He was actually trying to figure out if he could find out if Batman's disappearance and these attacks were connected.
He had a feeling that the two of them were connected, but exactly how they were connected, he had no clue whatsoever.
'All we need is one more piece of evidence,' Karen said and she sounded optimistic about doing so.
'Well, this is about all what we have right now, Alfred didn't know any more,' Penny reminded them. 'And he was trying to comb through the last transmissions trying to find out something but so far nothing.'
'We'll deal with it, though,' Karen thought to them and everyone was agreement through the bond link.
Dinah sat down, she didn't really run into any trouble. She was just running around, completely frustrated.
"Don't worry, Dinah, we'll find something," Harry told her, placing his strong hands against her shoulders and massaging them.
Dinah opened her mouth but she closed it. It was hard not to get relaxed by what Harry was doing to her. His circular motions went around and around her shoulders, causing her mind to go completely numb with pleasure.
She whimpered with pleasure but Harry was giving her a good working over.
"Yeah, I'm sure that you're right," Dinah said and she could see Faora at her feet, hand placed on it with a smile.
"You did as well as you could do….we're all confused with what happened," Faora said and she removed Dinah's boot, slowly slipping it off. Her fishnet clad legs and feet were exposed. She reached around and removed her left boot as well.
Dinah closed her eyes, Faora's tender attention on her foot caused her to feel a warmth spread through her body. Smirking at her success, Faora continued to massage her foot.
The blonde heroine felt things heating up, in more ways than one. Her nipples stuck out on the other side of her shirt as she inhaled and exhaled.
"What's wrong?" Harry asked her, as if he didn't know.
Faora grinned, as she ran her hands up her legs and she could feel her heat up. Faora's hands teased her center for the briefest of seconds. Actually it was a blink it and you missed it time of moment.
Harry rubbed her shoulders even harder, and then he slipped his hands forward.
"Nothing….oh feels good," Dinah moaned as his hands cupped her front and slowly worked around circles.
Harry grinned, undoing her top as he slowly dove in for the kill.
Faora grabbed the tip of Dinah's toe and planted a kiss on it, before she slowly kissed up her leg.
"Well, you're ready," Faora commented as she pushed her costume off, removing it the rest of her leg. Her vagina was exposed, her slit dripping and pink. The woman kissed Dinah on the inside of her thighs.
Dinah found herself brought into heaven and Harry grabbed her breasts and squeezed them. He kissed the back of her neck, licking her behind the ear.
"HARRY!" she shrieked but Faora rubbed her slit, inserting one finger inside her. Her tender motions were slow at first, but Faora increased speed, and then decreased as needed, causing the woman's pleasure to increase.
Faora then kissed Dinah's belly button, working her way up her body and finding her lips with a solid kiss.
Dinah found her mouth, working her tongue against Faora's. The two worked against each other, dancing with passion and their pleasure increased the more that they fought each other. Their moans increased alongside their pleasure.
She nearly lost herself in the pleasure of their tongues tangling together with each other and Harry took her right breast and squeezed it, before latching his mouth around it and sucking on it. Faora did the same thing to her left breast.
Brother and sister were sucking on her tits and Dinah closed her eyes, as their hands trailed down slowly. Her body heated up, she needed something inside her. They barely skimmed over her pussy, and that caused things to heat up even further.
"Please….I can't stand this…..I need this," she whimpered, practically begging. The heat increased through her body.
"I know that you can't stand this," Harry replied, with a grin over his face, as he brushed his fingers against her dripping hot slit and that caused her to increase with pleasure.
Faora stripped Harry of his clothing, his naked body a treasure to her. Harry did the same thing to Faora, her full breasts coming out first, followed by her flat stomach, then her ample ass, and long delicious legs to be honest. Her triangle was exposed to him and Harry smiled as he looked her over.
"Absolutely amazing," Harry told her and Faora gave him a sharp smile, and she ran over him, grabbing his cock.
She motioned and Dinah slid to her knees before Har-Zod. Faora stroked her brother and then Dinah was prepared to get his cock in her mouth.
Dinah accepted Harry's blessing, wrapping her lips around him, pushing him deep into her mouth. She grasped the part of him that could not fit in her mouth with her hand, her lips forming the delicious amount of suction.
Faora smiled, he saw that her pussy was wet. Getting down to the ground, Faora spread Dinah's legs and dove in, getting her further ready for Har-Zod.
"Don't…..don't stop," Harry grunted and Dinah worked her mouth around him again, pumping his length into her mouth. Her juicy lips wrapped around his tool as she continued to pump him in and out of her mouth.
Dinah had no intention of stopping, in fact, she sped up the effort, in an attempt to drive Harry completely wild. Not that she wasn't being driven wild herself, Faora's talented tongue working into her snatch.
Faora slurped the juices from Dinah, getting more and more excited the more she delved into her pretty young pussy. The blonde woman closed her eyes and felt Faora continue to delve deeper into her.
Just a little bit closer and she would have had it. Dinah felt like her legs were on fire as Faora continued to dig her tongue deep into her molten snatch.
She panted heavily, with Harry about ready to unleash his load into her. His cock really was about ready to explode, his muscles tightened.
His load unleashed down her throat but Dinah held onto him, tipping her mouth back and sucking him down. She brought every last single drop of cum down her throat that the heroine could spare.
He pulled out of her mouth, his cum rolling down her face and cheeks. Dinah pulled away from him.
Dinah's mouth was still full of Harry's juices and Faora's mouth was still full of Dinah's, so the two met in the center for a hot kiss, their breasts pressed together. Their arms wrapped tightly around each other as well, pushing themselves together, and rubbing their hot pussies together.
That caused Harry great pleasure and now Dinah grabbed his cock, hard.
"I'm ready for you," Dinah whispered, giving him a teasing kiss on the head as she then put herself in position.
"Well, you know I'm ready for you," Harry grunted and Faora rested on the bed, her nipples hard from the teasing.
A Harry dupe appeared with a pop behind her and she closed her eyes, as he teased her pussy and breasts.
"Oh Har, don't tease me like that," Faora whined, rubbing her dripping hot slit.
"It's fun," Harry told her, kissing his way down her back from the back of her neck.
Dinah pushed herself down onto Harry, sheathing his manhood in that sinfully lovely flesh. She tightened around him, like a vice, clamping down onto him hard.
"Oooh, that's amazing," Harry grunted, as Dinah used her vaginal muscles to pump him up and down. He marveled how tight and toned her body was, but then again, she kept herself in good shape. The blonde sped up, working her tight walls around his large cock, and pushing herself up and down against him, his prick shoved hard into her.
"Oh, you're amazing, you know that," Dinah said and she hugged him into her, with a grin on her face. His face was pressed against her breast and Dinah threw her head back, screaming in pleasure as his mouth treated her to its talents.
Speaking of screams of pleasure, Faora was pushed into the bed, and Harry slammed into her over and over again.
"Oh rougher, treat me rougher, oh that's it!" Faora screamed at the top of her lungs. She knew that Har-Zod could only go at a reduced rate but he still worked well with what he really had to work with.
His hands roamed her body and channeled energy through them, stopping at her breasts, which he massaged them.
Faora groaned as he pushed himself deeper into her body, stretching her out. This action gave her even more pleasure than she could handle. Her eyes closed as Harry pushed himself into her body, working his large length into her body.
"Fuck," Faora whispered as all twelve inches pushed deeper into her body then ever before.
It was at that moment, where Dinah quickened her stride. She had Harry trapped between her hot thighs and she loved every single moment of it. The blonde squeezed his member with her hot package, and worked him up and down.
Her slick center allowed Harry to work into her with the greatest of ease and his balls throbbed as he worked even further into her. The wonderful snatch beneath him squeezed him, working him over.
"Fuck," Dinah moaned and Harry grabbed those glorious breasts, squeezing them. She tightened herself down onto him once more and bounced up and down, going higher and faster. The blonde quickened an intense pace, and both of them were hitting a certain stride.
"Yes, that's what we're doing, Dinah," Harry told her, grabbing her ass and forcing it down onto his tool. She wiggled her hot center around his pole as she bounced higher and higher.
"Fuck me….oh harder, that's it, harder," Dinah moaned at the top of her lungs, as she continued to ride him with reckless abandon. Her tight center squeezing him, and milking his manhood
Harry pushed up into her body, her slick walls squeezing him. The action was getting hot and heavy as they reached the final stretch on the first round.
The duplicate, being a weaker version of Harry, pushed into Faora a few more times. Her tight center proved to be his undoing, with Harry's balls clenching as he pushed into her from behind. He unleashed a flood of cum into her body, splattering the inside of her walls with his hot sticky seed as he injected his way into her body.
Dinah wrapped her tight walls around him and milked Harry, he was getting closer to reaching completion.
His balls tightened, and his brought his seed into her body. All three parties and many others who had been watching in on the bond link and diddling themselves to their sinful display to flesh, felt the climax of pleasure.
The three indulged themselves further as the night pressed on.