Chapter 3: CH-3 - THERAPURIC DEVIL!!!


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*____* are used for either background noise or time-skips

[____] are used to switch between POV

'____' are used for thoughts




Being the good devil I am, I decide to fulfill his desire, calling someone to arrange 100 women for Joe. My man Joe passes out from the pleasure of the encounter, leaving all 100 women dissatisfied. Now, I couldn't let that happen, could I?




a door opens, letting in a red haired beauty come inside. The woman looks to be in her early 30s, but her real age is something that no one other than a couple of people know. her hips have a certain vigor in them, making her seduce any man without even trying. as she enters, she sees a bald man with an eyepatch sitting in a desk, sitting in front of the bald eyed black pirate is someone she knows very well.

"Romanoff, turn on Electricity barrier." The pirate, Nick Fury speaks up, his tone rigged but authoritative. Natalia Romanova, or Natasha Romanoff raises her eyebrows, before reaching the switch near the door and flicking it, making the room have a small electric sound.

"It's Electromagnetic Barrier boss, not-" Hawkeye, otherwise known as Clint Barton, speaks up, trying to change the lame ass name that his boss is keeping for the barrier, but Nick Fury cuts him off.

"i will call that 'Electricity barrier' or 'lighting' barrier, or whatever the hell i want. now, Romanoff, sit down." After beating Clint, he points to the seat next to Clint, allowing her to join them. Natasha nods, sitting down in the chair right as the room becomes darker, as the drapes close themselves. 

the table in front of Fury lights up, showing images of someone whom Natasha doesn't recognise. but deep in her mind, she can appropriate this person's beauty.

"Hmm, this is 'him' isn't he? Is he our new target now?" Clint looks towards the image, having a feeling in his gut that this mission is not going to be easy at all, and he is right.

"Yeah, this is a Level 6 Mission, so you both are my weapons for this one." Natasha reaches her hand to the desk, moving the Screen to read the information collected by Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, better known by its acronym S.H.I.E.L.D. Hawkeye always likes to hear information rather than reading them, so Nick Fury debriefs him about it.

"This person is calling himself Lucifer Morningstar- now, I know, it is the devil's name, which is something he is masquerading about. There is no prior detail on our resident 'devil', as his first appearance was in 2011. even his Certificates are fake and made by a high-dealer, which was also in 2011." 

"So, before 2011, he didn't exist then huh?" Clint Ponders about this, trying to have a logical explanation to how Lucifer came to existence in 2011, but he doesn't put much time into this, since further information is going to be revealed.

"He is in Los Angeles, and yes, it is ironic." Nick Fury barely looks at Clint trying to joke about it, before continuing his debrief.

"He runs a Club named Lux, which he uses as an operation to control the entire city of Los Angeles. he controls the entire black market in the city. Drugs, Weapons, anything you need, he has it." Clint narrows his eyes, having a feeling that they need to do a riad in order to catch him. but he knows Fury, so Fury calling him AND Natasha for such a simple raid is unlikely.

Natasha asks the question that Clint has in his mind.

"You didn't call both of us here to do a Raid right? what is it?" Nick Fury smirks, making both Natasha and Clint realise that it was him joking a little bit, as Fury has a terrible sense of humor. Both of them decide to stay silent, since if they comment, Fury might not survive the roasts that follow.

"Nah, I called Only Natasha here for this mission. The only reason you are here is because you are Clearance Level 8, so I needed to debrief you about this as per protocol." Clint has a twitchy eyebrow, annoyed by those so-called "protocols" that made Fury 'call' him here. 

"Why did you call me?" While Natasha is amused at the current situation, she knows that Fury wouldn't call her for joking. She knows herself better than anyone (At Least she thinks she does), and from reading the files about Lucifer, she deduces that it is not A raid, as Fury wouldn't go about this in a weird way.

"We need you on the ground, near him. In just a year, he has dropped the entire crime rate in Los Angeles to 0%. he controls the entire underworld of Los Angeles, while everyone who Lives in Los Angeles Knows who Lucifer is, and he knows them. his Lux is the most popular building in the entire city, with him ruling over it as a-"

"Kingpin." Clint whispers, understanding WHY Natasha was called. IF the raid happens, then it could destroy all the ecosystem that Los Angeles has built upon for the last 5 years, so this mission needs to be done properly. He now understands why HE was brought here, as he has had to deal with a Kingpin before.

systematically tearing down a Kingpin's kingdom is kinda becoming his job now, even though he has only done it twice.

"What do you need me to do sir?" Natasha also comes to the same conclusion as Clint, so she decides to accept this Mission, asking orders from Her leader.

"Well, Lucifer is opening a new Therapy clinic. I want you to approach him, try and talk to him about Being in contact with S.H.I.E.L.D." Natasha raises her eyebrows, since this is not what she expected. She thought it was seduction, but Fury wants her to be a communicator to Lucifer on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

"Do you want ME to go to Therapy? Especially a person who claims to be a Devil?" The bland tone that Natasha uses now makes Clint chuckle. not only that, but he can see the irony of a "devil" being a therapy doctor. According to the files, Lucifer has forged his degree in phycology, so this Clinic is most likely a farce.

and, a therapeutic devil? what's not to laugh about it?

"Well, if that is how you want to approach this case, then fine by me. you will be given all the information that S.H.I.E.L.D. has Lucifer Morningstar on your device." Nick Fury nods, acting like he has Accepted her "choice", before going to his computer and typing in his computer. Natasha just blankly stares at Fury, who completely ignores her.

"....Yes, Sir." Natasha gets up, leaving the room with Clint accompanying her. She knows that She will be receiving the true reason of why S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to approach Lucifer later. Clint was called to be stationed as a backup in case of Destroying the kingdom that Lucifer had built.

He starts whining about how Fury belittled him once upon a time, while Natasha jokingly teases him. while in the back of her mind, she is curious as to why SHE is selected for THIS mission.



"-Yes, you need to understand that Human emotions change due to their individual thoughts. like, he cheated on you because he thought you cheated on him. now, why did he think like that, only he knows." I look towards a couple who are sitting in the corner of the sofa, having their faces look towards me, trying to ignore each other's presence.

"Look, how am I supposed to know that Adam was Her Long-time cousin? I asked her but she didn't tell me anything about him." The male, Alex, points to the female, evelyn. Evelyn snaps her head to Alex in anger, explaining why she didn't explain who this Adam person was.

"because he was embarrassing me. i did not want both of you to be introduced since that would make you think less of me-"

"How would that make me think less of you, you are the one who hid it from me in the first place. how is it my fault that i naturally thought that you were cheating on me."


"yeah, like you didn't cheat on your EX-boyfriend to come marry me?" Alex whispers, but it is heard clearly in the Room, as Evelyn almost screams in anger, ready to hit Alex. I stop time, sighing as I remove my glasses, rubbing my eyes.

Now, what the hell is happening? Well, Alex cheated on Evelyn with their maid, which Evelyn found out, and they almost divorced. their Lawyers told them to attend a couple therapy session with me. Since I am everyone's favorite in this city, when people heard I opened a couple of clinics all around America, they came or sent other people here.

This is like the fifth Couple session, TODAY.

"Fuck it." While I normally would let them release their anger towards each other as both Couples are screaming, I am just tired of being a couples therapist. I didn't start the therapist clinic for this reason.

"Alex, what is it that you truly desire?" I start time back up again, looking towards Alex with a smile and asking the truth. He looks dazed, as he answers.

"I-I want Emily to be my Wife." Emily, as in the maid who Alex has been sleeping with. I see Evelyn going to slap Alex, so I put a stop to it while asking her the same question that I asked her about becoming an EX-Husband.

"What is it that you truly desire, Evelyn?" Even her own Eyes become dazed, while Alex looks at both of us confused. She opens her mouth, and the answer makes me chuckle.

"Y-You." as she whispers, she regains her control, stammering as she realizes what she said. she tries to hide her face from my amused grin and her Husband's shocked face. I look over to her Husband, who looks shell-shocked.

"There we go. Both of you stopped Loving each other, but due to your Mutual respect for each other, You were angry ( I point to Evelyn ) as you felt betrayed, making you understand how your EX-Boyfriend felt, which caused you to lash out at Alex. Alex, you felt guilty over 'Stealing' Evelyn from her EX-Boyfriend, so you distanced away from her little by little." Alex and Evelyn have their eyes widened as I spill their innermost desire which even they didn't know about.

"You met Emily, and you fell in love with her. Evelyn married you because your cock was the biggest she had ever seen, while you want to marry Emily because she treats you with love, rather than lust." I take out a paper, sliding it to them. Both of them look at it, understanding that it is a divorce paper.

The reason why the Couple's lawyer's sent both of these people to me was because they wanted a clean divorce, rather than a messy one with alimony and shit. Evelyn didn't want a divorce while Alex didn't want to pay Alimony, so convincing Evelyn to take the divorce AND not take Alimony was my job.

I slid another piece of paper to Evelyn. she picks it up, and her eyes widen. Alex tries to peek, but Evelyn puts it inside of her dress and readily signs the Divorce Papers, allowing Alex to do it too.

"tonight at 10." Evelyn whispers, as she and Alex leave. I gave a curt nod, amused by the situation. I look at the counter of my Clinic, seeing an 18 year old girl Interning there. I point to my Therapy Room, making her nod and sending the next patient in, whom I notice has Red hair.

As I sit back in my chair, the woman with red hair sits on the sofa in front of me. I take a good look at her, so fast that she doesn't even see my eyes move. I feel her eyeing me up and down, but rather than lust, it's an observation. i don't know who she is, so i decide to Will the knowledge of who she-

"Hello Doctor, how are you today?" I raise my eyebrow at the small talk that SHE is trying to make. While I would love to play this game, I have an important client coming up, so I need to close this clinic for today and go to Queens, where another one of my clinics is located.

"I am fine, thank you for asking, Natalia Alianovna "Natasha" Romanova. How was your day?" I gave her a polite smile, looking at the File that Natasha brought with her, which was given by the intern. Every Client needs to fill in some details in a registration form, which will be brought by the client when talking with me.

While Natasha had written her name as Natalin, I decided to play a small game with her. When I looked over the file, I wanted it to have Natasha's real name, along with her background. Natasha's eyes widened in shock, her training almost slipping out of control, before controlling herself.

" do you know that Name?" a Name that no one knows, except for Nick Fury and Clint Barton. Natasha is already on Guard, sounding suspicious of me. i just innocently blink at her, giving my best acting while Willing her to not pick up on my suspicious actions.

" that what you have written in your registration?" I narrowed my eyes at her in confusion, showing her the Registration file. She snatches it, reading the name which states "Natalia Alianovna "Natasha" Romanova" , along with some of her background, which states that she was from Russia, under the "Black Widow - Ops Program". Many other things have been mentioned, like her having an Husband named Alexei Shostakov.

"....i-i didn't-" for the first time in her life, Natasha becomes flustered, not remembering how and when she wrote all her private details, that only she, Nick Fury and Clint Barton. I sigh loudly, catching her attention. She notices a notepad on my thigh, where I mumble and write an observation I found.

"Delusional." I click my pen, before reaching and taking back the file. This allows her to compose herself, her suspicion on me returning back. She feels that I am playing a game on her, so she decides to play it, finding out all that she can about me.

"Well, Natasha'. What is it you want to talk about?" She looks into my eyes, while I don't use my charm to seduce her. While I could, I didn't. I want to see how she will act as I destroy all of her plans regarding me. I do have the ability to use my Charm manually or not, so it's easier for me to seduce people of MY Choice.

"i-uh, i had a messy divorce recently, so i decided to come to therapy." I raised my eyebrow once again, using my notepad to write an observation that I saw in natasha.

"so, a Schizotypal personality , along with a small case of amnesia." I mumble, finishing my notes before turning to her with an encouraging smile. I take a look at the file, doing it super slowly so That Natasha can watch my movements. 

"ah, yes. Alexei was the one who 'Died'. so, why did you refer to his death as divorce might I ask?" her expression doesn't get out of control, but her eyes widen a little bit, as she didn't expect the curve ball i threw at her. She waits a few seconds, trying to answer it as normally as possible.

"because We were fighting a lot, so as we were going to divorce, he died." I nod, as this is a perfectly reasonable answer. I take a look at the time, noticing that it is 5:55 PM, knowing that I have another Therapy Session in Queens, something that I absolutely cannot miss. I decided to speed things up a little.

"so, what is it that caused this divorce?" 

"He was away for a long time, never having time for me. Eventually, I felt that I didn't love him anymore, and when I tried to finalise the divorce, he....." she stays silent, brilliantly acting like a remorseful housewife being heartbroken over her Husband's death. I nod, 'sympathizing' with her.

"Yes, I do understand. you did write that due to you being part of the KGB, before defecting to America and S.H.I.E.L.D., you didn't spend a lot of time with-" 

"How did you know that, i didn't even write-" Natasha interrupts me, making me smirk. she realises this, her being played in the palm of my hands. she uses the Sofa as a handle to jump up, kicking me in the face. I thank it, not at all flinching, even my Glasses do not break.

"Intermittent explosive disorder too huh?" I whisper, writing it in my notepad. Natasha stands properly, before spinning and kicking me in the neck, doing absolutely nothing. I sigh audibly, as I remove my glasses and put My notepad, File and My glasses on a small table near to me.

"Let's get this over with." I got up, standing in front Of Natasha, putting my hand behind my back. I look at her, wearing an annoyed expression.

"I have a Meeting in Four Minutes, so I suggest you do all your fancy Moves on me before then." Natasha remains stoic, but she takes me up on my offer, throwing a punch which hits me in the chest. She follows it up with a swing to the Rib, which hits me without any damage.

he goes a little bit behind before Jumping and landing a spinning kick in my neck, doing absolutely nothing. She starts a lot more combos, like leg-sweeping, trying to choke me to unconsciousness, trying Judo etc. nothing works. I don't move a single foot from my original spot, while I absorb all of her hits like a sponge, so that she doesn't hurt herself.

"Okay, that's it." I see the time being 5:59 PM, so I decide to end it. as she takes out her Baton from her dress, i grab onto her neck so fast that she didn't even have a single macro-second to react to it. I make sure I don't squeeze, even a little. I don't want her to pop like a watermelon.

"Y-You-" I dragged her outside the Clinic, my intern already gone home. As I open the backdoor, I toss her out like garbage, telling her something.

"If you want an appointment, book it as early as possible. The clinic opens from 8:00 AM to 5:59 PM every single day." I gave her a polite nod with a smile, like I didn't just toss her out. i close the door, before Willing all the lights to be off, the clinic to be closed and locked and-

moving the world, allowing me to be shifted into the Clinic which is located in Queens. I walk to my seat in this room, sitting on it and waiting for their client to arrive. After a few minutes, the door chimes with the indication that the client opened it.

"Hello there Doc." a young man, in his early 20s sits on the couch. I nod at him, giving him a polite smile.

"Hello there, Peter Parker."




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