As a Villain I Really Don’t Want To Be Pursued by the Heroine

Chapter 65


Charlotte had not expected to be suddenly pulled into an embrace, the rush of masculine scent threw her into disarray, her body softened, and she found herself pressed directly against him.

Unlike when riding the griffin, this time she was pressed frontally, feeling more profoundly the strong and powerful body unlike her own.

“You! What are you suddenly doing?” Her voice began in protest but softened in the next breath.

There was a hint of coquettishness in her tone.

“Attach your flame to my arrow! Let’s go together!” Roy, focused intently on the prey, had no time for other thoughts, urgently commanding Charlotte as he held her.

He remembered a similar scene in “Angel’s Waltz,” where the transcendent could cooperate, combining each other’s strengths.

“Ah? Can we really do this?” Charlotte was puzzled.

Didn’t she remember that unless there was an excellent compatibility, such high-level cooperation between the transcendent was impossible without years of training?

As they spoke, the plump rabbit had darted far off, leaving almost but a yellow dot amidst the dense greenery.

“Trust me!”

Without further ado, Roy forcefully took Charlotte’s hand, making her prop up her bow and arrow.

Instinctively, the girl wanted to resist, but the heat of Roy’s breath softened her resolve, her mind dizzy, her heart pounding, and she let him have his way.

Hmm, being treated so forcefully didn’t seem too bad?

From behind, a hot and strong heartbeat faintly echoed, giving Charlotte a sense of reliance in the long dark night, calming her down.

She gave up resisting, naturally leaning on Roy, entrusting herself to him completely.

“I trust you!”

The flame refined by Charlotte wrapped tightly around Roy’s arrow like a serpent of blazing fire.

“Now is the time!” Roy shouted as he watched the prey about to dive into the bushes.

With Roy in charge of aiming and Charlotte adding the flame, the girl, under his control, released the bowstring, shooting out an arrow fiercely!

The arrow, like a brilliant meteor, streaked crimson.

In less than a second, lightning burst in the distance, the plump rabbit’s desperate leap met Roy’s anticipated trajectory, and with a flip of its feet, it moved no more.

The two maintained their aiming posture, silent.

After waiting for three seconds to confirm that the big fat rabbit couldn’t get up, Roy finally let out a sigh of relief.

He relaxed and felt a sense of accomplishment.

But Charlotte was even more excited than he thought, suddenly throwing herself at him and hugging him tightly, like a child.

“Roy! Did you see? We did it!”

“We’ve heard that such rare magical beasts can only be hunted by professional superhuman teams, but we did it by ourselves!”

“So we’re awesome!” Roy smiled.

Roy was about to share this joy with her, but suddenly he caught a whiff of osmanthus fragrance.

He only then noticed their awkward pose.

Despite the girl’s slender chest, her body was still soft and warm, like a gentle breeze. She had thrown herself at him, and her legs were almost entwined with his. Her chest was… well, that was a different story. The delicate lips were just a hair’s breadth away from his.

“Wait, wait!”

This was getting too awkward!

Facing Charlotte’s overzealous hug, Roy was at a loss for what to do with his hands and instinctively took a step back.

This was a good thing, but Roy stumbled and fell back with the boy he was holding, causing them both to land on their backs.

“Roy!” The girl’s voice was full of alarm.

A moment of terror.

“It’s okay, I just tripped.”

Roy mumbled vaguely.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Charlotte lying on top of him, looking at him with a concerned expression, her face inches from his.

Her delicate features were almost pressed against his face, and her eyes, which were usually proud and aloof, were now soft and gentle. Their breathing was almost synchronized, and Roy could easily take her lips.

The forest was silent, except for the rustling of leaves.

Neither of them dared to move, afraid of touching the other, and for a moment, they didn’t know what to say.

But Charlotte’s heart was racing like a wild deer.

For a moment, she almost wanted to let her heart beat faster and throw herself at him again.

But looking at the boy’s calm and serene eyes, she ultimately restrained herself.

She didn’t want a passionate, reckless kiss.

She wanted more.

She didn’t know if Roy’s thoughts were the same as hers, only afraid that if they really did that, it would be met with disgust and terror instead of affection.

In fact, every time they hugged, it was just a forced intersection, not what the boy intended.

The usually proud princess couldn’t help but lose confidence in the dark eyes.

“I’m sorry, I got a bit too excited just now,” Charlotte broke the silence first, chuckling dryly as she stood up.

Roy inwardly criticized the princess’s carefree heart, turning his head to avoid the glimpse of her skirt caught between the black stockings.

“Who would have thought Charlotte could be so childish.”

“Hmph! Look who’s talking!”

Though her words were unforgiving, Charlotte still reached out her hand to pull Roy up.

The touch of their palms made them both shiver involuntarily.

As if to mask this tremor, Charlotte put on a stern face, one hand on her hip, and muttered, “I was just overly happy just now, nothing more. Don’t get the wrong idea!”

“What’s there to misunderstand?” Roy teased, raising an eyebrow on purpose.

Charlotte’s pupils shrank, her feigned dominance faltering, and she stammered, “It’s just… just…”

Her heartbeat nearly stopped.

But Roy simply grinned, “That’s why I say you’re childish, imagining things all by yourself.”

“You’re the childish one!”

Charlotte, frustrated, reached out to pinch Roy’s waist but missed, causing her to stumble.

They frolicked and gathered the thunder-light matsutake rabbits and the prey previously left on the ground, making their way back the way they came.

By the time they returned to the thicket where the “Cake” was, the sky had already darkened, with just a glimpse of the sunset visible.

They packed the prey with the ropes and bags they brought, mounted the griffin again, and set off on the return journey.

This time, the griffin flew at a much slower pace.

“Aren’t you in a hurry to get back?”

“No rush. I want to show you something.”

“Look up,” Charlotte hummed proudly.

As the griffin took flight, Roy looked up, the vast forest unfolding before him.

The sky cast a slanting twilight, bathing the originally verdant forest in a faint golden glow. The mountain breeze lifted waves of pale red and gold, as if time stood still, turning this enchanting scene into a painting.

“I often came out here to hunt alone.”

“This has been my favorite view since I was little. Feel honored, I’ve never shared it with anyone else!” Charlotte turned around, her back against the forest bathed in the golden twilight, smiling brilliantly, sharing her treasured view.

Roy no longer needed to wrap his arm around the girl’s waist to keep his balance.

But the girl still leaned in gently, as if everything was so natural.

Infected by the girl’s joy, Roy couldn’t help but smile.

This picturesque moment, just like when they first met, the princess came against the wind, inspiring him not to confine himself.

Just as in Roy’s memory, the crimson was as fiery as ever, so bright that it made the stunning twilight pale in comparison.

“It’s so beautiful.”


Charlotte turned her head, delightfully satisfied by Roy’s amazement.

Unbeknownst to her, the eyes of the person behind her had always been imprinted with the crimson that belonged solely to her.

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