As a Villain I Really Don’t Want To Be Pursued by the Heroine

Chapter 28


“Alice, you think this guy is cute too, right?”

“…Not really.”


Roy was puzzled: “But you just…”

“I don’t see anything cute about this creature.” Alice’s gaze was icy cold.

At this point, the shopkeeper came over and chided, “Young lady, that’s not right to say.”

The animal-loving shopkeeper immediately began to enlighten Alice on the virtues of dogs: “Among pets, dogs are the most special.”

“I am special to Master too,” Alice retorted somewhat competitively.

Unaware of Alice’s competitive spirit, the shopkeeper continued, “Dogs are not only cute but also loyal, irreplaceable by any other animal.”

Alice insisted, “I am also cute and loyal, and I won’t be replaced by anyone!”

She fully understood the appeal of the puppy, but it was precisely because of this that she couldn’t tolerate such a beautiful creature usurping her place in her Master’s heart.

I alone should be enough for Master to pet!

The shopkeeper couldn’t quite follow Alice’s train of thought but continued his pitch: “But dogs can not only be pets, they can be friends, and even the closest companions to their owners.”

Hmph! What of it? Whatever a dog can do, I can always do better, Master doesn’t need such a creature!

Alice finally couldn’t bear it any longer and blurted out her thoughts in one breath.

“I can not only be a pet, be a friend, but also be the closest companion to Master! Master’s dog should only be me!”

Suddenly, the pet shop fell silent.

The shop owner stood agape, utterly shocked.

Alice, lacking common sense and learning about the concept of ‘dog’ for the first time, didn’t feel anything amiss—in fact, she was somewhat proud.

Only Roy, enduring the disdainful glances from others, silently covered his face.

He wanted to flee. But he couldn’t escape.

In the end, Roy left the pet shop in disarray with Alice, and the matter of buying a pet naturally fell through.

The sky gradually darkened, and as the last ray of sunset vanished, a silver crescent moon hung in the night sky.

The moon over Visezia was broken. A small part of it, like shattered glass, cracked open, casting a gloomy and sorrowful light.

Roy had a hard time explaining to Alice that such words shouldn’t be spoken carelessly. The blonde girl hung her head, clenched her fists, and apologized dejectedly.

“I’m sorry for causing trouble for my master.”

“Ah, it’s not that I’m blaming you. Just be careful next time.”

Despite feeling a bit socially dead, Roy couldn’t muster a single thought of blame when looking at Alice’s forlorn figure.

After all, he hadn’t managed to buy her a suitable gift.

The original work mentioned Alice’s fondness for small animals, but why did she change her mind in the pet shop?

Roy couldn’t fathom the girl’s thoughts, but he didn’t want to sit idly by and let their first date end in regret.

At the very least, he wanted to give her a perfect gift.

In contemplation, a spark of inspiration struck Roy.

He thought of a perfect substitute.

But time was getting late, and Roy wasn’t sure if that shop was still open.

So, he found a public bench by the street.

“Alice, wait here for me for a while.”

“Eh…” Alice was taken aback, wanting to say more but stopping herself.

“I’ll be right back.” With that, Roy left her with these words and then merged into the night crowd.

The girl was half a beat too slow, reaching out in vain, not even grazing the hem of Roy’s clothes.

That familiar figure disappeared into the night.

Since her master told her to wait, then waiting obediently was the right thing to do.

As a maid, it was only natural to follow her master’s arrangements.

Natural… indeed.

The night wind was slightly chilly. Alice sat on the bench, knees drawn up, hugging her legs, watching the pedestrians thin out before her, feeling the world grow eerily quiet.

Quiet enough to be frightening.

Throughout the day, she had always been cared for by her master, yet she hadn’t fulfilled her duty as a maid, to accompany her master properly, to make him happy. Instead, she had caused him trouble at the end.

If it were Her Royal Highness, she would never be so disheveled.

If it were Charlotte Reinhardt, she would surely wear a gown more splendid than my own, share more luxurious sweets with Roy, become Roy’s friend, a closer companion, bringing more smiles to his face.

At this thought, Alice felt so inferior compared to that crimson princess.

It turns out, I’m not special at all.


Suddenly, a milky whine reached her ears.

Looking towards the source of the sound, Alice caught sight of a puppy.

Under the cover of night, a frail puppy was crammed into a tattered box, its fur matted, eyes lifeless, looking so pitiable.

Was it abandoned by its owner?

Alice felt as if she saw herself.

If one day, I’m no longer special to my master, will I be discarded ruthlessly like this puppy?

This terrifying thought almost stopped Alice’s breath, shaking uncontrollably.

She hated dogs.

And she hated herself, resembling a dog.

Just then, a couple holding hands approached the puppy, whispering and laughing about something.

Then they picked up the puppy and left.

Alice felt a deep envy for that puppy.

Master, why haven’t you come back yet?

Am I also like that puppy, already abandoned by my master?

Compared to Her Royal Highness, I was never special enough.

Perhaps today, is the last tenderness my master has left for me.

As this thought crossed her mind, Alice felt an unsolvable bitterness in her mouth, a bone-deep chill throughout her body.

She was like that puppy just now, curled up, resentful, all alone on this cold night, waiting to be picked up by someone.

But she didn’t want to be picked up by someone else.

She only wanted her master.


Alice’s vision blurred, gradually fogging, and she buried her face in her legs.

As if by doing so, she wouldn’t have to face the world alone anymore.

Alice was not alone for the first time.

But this was the first time she understood what loneliness meant.

Alice had always been accustomed to enduring. Enduring hunger, enduring the cold, even enduring her deep envy of Charlotte.

But now, she realized how unbearable it was to be without her master’s company.

Under the night sky, a sobbing whisper carried away with the wind.

“Master, please come back…”

“What are you doing?”

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Alice suddenly lifted her head, and like a miracle, that gentle face reappeared under the fragmented moonlight.


The girl could no longer suppress her longing and threw herself into Roy’s arms.

She buried her head in Roy’s chest, tightly feeling the warmth she had missed so much, feeling all the cold and loneliness melt away in Roy’s embrace.

It was wonderful.

She hadn’t been abandoned.

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