As a salted fish, I don’t want to make progress, but the system is too strong

Chapter 430 The first person

"In the beginning - breaking the devil." This move is inspired by the law, the all-encompassing mystery and the comprehension of the laws of heaven and earth are first seen in this move.

During Yun Xiao's gentle swipe of the palm, there was no brilliant martial arts color, and no cracking sound spread.

The whole movement is like an old lady doing Tai Chi, leisurely, carelessly, and absent-minded.

It seemed like a funny move to meet the astonishing black lotus.

The power of the beginning of the world, the power of the beginning, everything becomes simple and peaceful, and all kinds of methods are gathered in one body, not moving like a mountain, but shaking the world when moving.

All the people present at this time were from the Yuan Yuan Realm, so naturally they couldn't see through the mystery. If it weren't for the powerful strength Yun Xiao had shown earlier, they would have thought it was just a grandstanding.

Hei Lian's attack came in no time, and Chen Kuang's eyes showed excitement, as if he saw Yun Xiao being blown into a meat paste by the black lotus.

With one hand stretched like a flower branch, the energy of the huge black lotus surged, every inch of it was filled with energy that could destroy a person who had just entered the state of transformation.

But this hand flicked up from the air, not only was it not corroded by Hei Lian's attack, it even reduced the dirty and evil energy on Hei Lian a lot, and the aura that was about to erupt at any time was also a little weaker.

Holding the other hand, and this hand facing the void, Hei Lian showed signs of rioting, something invisible locked Hei Lian firmly, making Hei Lian struggle desperately.

Facing the black lotus with both hands, there was indeed some force compressing the black lotus, the whole lotus body began to twitch violently, and the energy poured out violently.

But it is difficult to move forward just by venting out the palm-length distance. It looks like that space has been locked up, and it is not the same space as this space.

Although the speed at which Yun Xiao's two palms closed was not fast, they were still intersecting continuously.

During the whole process, the black lotus changed from the original size of Zhangxu to the size of a human brain, and the energy on it was also compressed and consumed.

At a certain moment, Yun Xiao's entire palm closed, and the black lotus also eliminated the last touch of black light in space, and the entire lotus body no longer remained.

"This is impossible!"

Chen Kuang was short of breath, and stared dumbfounded at Hei Lian in front of him. He knew how shocking this move was. Could it be that Yun Xiao, who had perfected Yuanyuan Realm, had reached the Realm of Transforming Gods or even better, that he could do it so easily? Just get rid of this black lotus.

For a moment, Chen Kuang was a little crazy, got up and searched for traces of Hei Lian.

"It's over, Chen Kuang." After Yun Xiao finished all this, he gave Chen Kuang a sideways look with an expression almost looking down on all sentient beings.

At this moment, he entered a strange feeling, as if he was no longer Yun Xiao, but a god who despises the common people.

"This feeling is so longing, I really want to have it!" This is Yun Xiao's true inner feelings.

"It's over." As if muttering to himself, Yun Xiao raised his arm in Chen Kuang's direction and pointed at him.


A painful wail came out of Chen Kuang's throat, and Chen Kuang was lying on the ground in a strange posture.

The hands and feet were twisted to the extreme, and it was basically impossible for a human to make a hideous movement.

The throat was scratched by his own hands, and a black line kept emerging and hiding there.

"Come out, you shouldn't appear in this world." Yun Xiao didn't open his mouth, a voice that no one could hear came into Chen Kuang's body.

Hearing this voice, the black energy seemed to be stimulated by something, and began to run wildly in Chen Kuang's body.

"If he can't bear it, it's his destiny." "Yun Xiao" sighed lightly, the strength in his hands increased, and the invisible fluctuations penetrated the space and landed on Chen Kuang's body.

"Ah!!! Let me die!"

For a moment, everyone looked at Yun Xiao in horror, completely unaware of what the other party had done, obviously the two of them were far apart, and they didn't see the existence of any martial arts light, why did Chen Kuang look like this.

Such a terrifying scene made everyone shudder. It turns out that Chen Kuang is just a little witch, and this is the ruthless boss.

Chen Kuang's body twitched for a while, his eyes were full of black blood vessels, his whole body was sometimes as thin as a stick, and sometimes swelled into a fat man full of water.

A sense of vomiting came, and Chen Kuang's mouth grew into an almost impossible arc, and then a black translucent thing spit out from it.

The appearance of that thing is unknown, and it can't be condensed into a descriptive shape at all, and it is scattered and shapeless.

I don't know where the eyes are, I only know to look left and right, when I found Yun Xiao, a scream came from the thing, and then it started to run wildly in the opposite direction of Yun Xiao.

"Leave it." Yun Xiao would never give it a chance.He shook his hand against the object.


There was a crisp cracking sound, and when everyone looked at the object, they found that there had never been anything there, not even a little bit of residue, as if nothing had existed at all.

Chen Kuang, who had lost the thing, no longer went mad with torment, and the many scars left on his body proved that everything just now was not a dream.

The whole person was sluggish and limp on the ground, letting the black blood gushing out of his mouth and nose continuously.

Yun Xiao looked at Chen Kuang, and with just one thought, his body pierced through the void and appeared directly in front of Chen Kuang.

He casually took out a jade bottle from the ring, and took out a pill from it.

In the area of ​​the elixir, the real elixir fragrance filled the surroundings, attracting countless people to inhale it. Even if you can't be late for this level of elixir, smelling the elixir is beneficial to yourself, and everyone completely disregards their image.

"Eat this and cultivate for half a year, and you will be able to recover as before. As for the damage to the meridians in terms of talent, it should not make any difference."

Yun Xiao's words were devoid of any emotion, and Chen Kuang couldn't refuse the order in his tone for a while.

"Also, remember, don't touch that kind of thing in the future. If I didn't take action today, you would not be far from death."

Chen Kuang, who had just swallowed the pill and hadn't swallowed it down his throat, suddenly coughed violently.

"Cough cough cough me. I know"

Yun Xiao nodded lightly, didn't say much, just waved his hand, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Chen Kuang also understood that the opponent defeated him, not only did not insult him, but also helped him solve a major problem, he quickly got up and bowed his hands respectfully, calling his people to leave.

"Yun Xiao, thank you very much. If there is a need in the future, I, Chen Kuang, am willing to contribute a little." Chen Kuang, who was walking a distance away from the supporter, still couldn't help but say these words.

Yun Xiao is the No.1 of his age who convinced him from the bottom of his heart!

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