Arms dealer from Hogwarts

Chapter 26 Low-key

Chapter 26 Low-key
After beating more than a dozen senior students in a row, Jemini lived in the dormitory with confidence and boldness.

It's okay for those guys to come to find fault. I'm afraid they will make some small moves behind the scenes. Although it may not have any major impact, it will be very annoying.

After leaving the common room, we came to an empty corridor. The castle was pitch-black, but in Jemini's opinion, the light was only a little dim.

A spider thread hit the roof of the shed, and Jemini soared into the air, quickly stepped on the ceiling of the corridor, and walked upstairs while hanging upside down.

The castle at night was extremely quiet, and even the stairs that moved around during the day were calmly descended.


A spider thread was shot on the stairs on the third floor, and Jemini yanked it hard, and bounced to the mid-air of the third floor with the spider thread. When flying over the second floor, he even made a face at Mrs. Norris passing by.


Annoyed cat meows sounded in the empty corridor, and old Filch's cursing voice came from the corridor in the distance. Jemini smiled, his figure flashed a few times, and disappeared above the stairs.

Leaping all the way to the eighth floor, Jemini didn't touch the ground, and a series of spider threads dragged him across the corridor. Soon, Jemini found a huge old tapestry.

On the hanging stand is a painting of an unknown strange species and a troll. The unknown species seems to be teaching the troll a ballet.

Jamie is looking for an on-demand home, where he intends to live in the future.

But regarding the Room of Requirement, he only remembered that it was on the eighth floor, and there was a sculpture of a troll opposite it or something. Fortunately, there was only one place on the eighth floor where a troll was painted, and it was easy to find.

"So... the blank wall opposite the tapestry..."

Jemini dropped from the ceiling and walked back and forth three times in front of the blank wall.

Jemini concentrated on thinking: I need a place where I can sleep comfortably, where no one can come in.

When he turned around for the third time, a smooth door appeared on the wall.

Jemini pushed open the door, and a beautiful room appeared in front of him.

The room was tidy, and there was a big round table in the middle, with a few chairs beside the round table.

Colorful hammocks are hung all over the room, the walls are covered with various brightly colored tapestries, and lamps are placed in every corner of the room, illuminating the entire room brightly.

Go into the house and close the door.

In the corridor, the wooden door on the wall slowly disappeared.

Jamie wandered around the room, and he found that all the living facilities in the room could be found. The kitchen, bathroom, and toilet were all cleaned up, as if he had been waiting for Jamie's arrival. .

The Room of Requirement, the most legendary room in Hogwarts since ancient times, Jamie is here at this time.

Jamini remembered that Voldemort's diadem was also hidden in this Room of Requirement, and he planned to find it tomorrow.

As for today...

Jemini undressed, found the largest hammock, covered himself with a blanket, and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, when Jemini appeared in the auditorium, it attracted a lot of attention.

"Where did you sleep last night?" Draco asked in surprise, looking at the refreshed Jemini.

"The principal's office." Jemini panicked without blushing, "Professor Dumbledore generously helped me make a bed."

Draco opened his mouth wide, his face full of disbelief: "You actually spent the night with that old lunatic in the principal's office?"

"I have thought about squeezing with Professor Snape, but I guess he will not be happy." Jemini shrugged and ate the fried egg on the plate: "Also, if Professor Dumbledore is really a If the old lunatic, he would definitely not be able to sit in his current position."

Draco froze, not knowing how to respond.

After breakfast, Snape appeared at the long Slytherin table with a stinking face. With a wave of his wand, school schedules fell in front of students of all grades.

"The first class is History of Magic. I'm going to the classroom first."

Jemini didn't intend to stay for a long time, turned around and left the auditorium with his timetable. Professor Snape's eyes were too hot, and he couldn't bear it.

If you want to understand a country, you must first understand its history. This sentence is also applicable to the wizarding world, so if you want new students to understand the wizarding world, you must first start with the history of the wizarding world.

The teacher of History of Magic is a ghost. The students call him Professor Binns. It is rumored that he was the professor of History of Magic during his lifetime, until one day, when he came to class, he left his body in the office.

Jemini thought the Headmaster of Hogwarts was having a blast - look what I found?A ghost teacher who doesn't need a salary!

Jemini thought with a bit of mischief, Dumbledore knew that Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers had a relatively high attrition rate, but he still recruited people every year, did he just have this plan?

I would rather kill my mistakes than let them go. After a long time, there will always be one or two ghosts...

There is one thing to say, Mr. Binns's class is really unflattering. On the morning of the first day of school, half of the students in the class fell asleep in class.

If Professor Trelawney were here, he might have shouted in horror: Unknown!This is unknown!

Sadly, Trelawney's Divination lessons don't start until the third year.

Fortunately, there is only one History of Magic class on Monday morning, and no other classes, one class for Slytherin and Ravenclaw, one class for Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, and there is only one class a week The history of magic.

But relatively speaking, the teachers are relatively busy. After all, a teacher has to teach seven grades, like the deans of four colleges, at least twelve or thirteen classes a week.

Fortunately, the courses in the sixth and seventh grades are elective. In the sixth and seventh grades, the courses are not divided according to the colleges, but all the students in the whole grade who have taken a course take a big class together.

"Speaking of which, did someone look for me last night?"

At lunch, Jemini asked Draco.

Draco shook his head: "No, I think they should be scared by you...I slept soundly the whole night, are you planning to come back to stay tonight?"

"Not going to." Jamie shook his head.

The two were chatting when a black figure appeared next to Jamie, blocking the sunlight that shone on Jamie's back.

"Good afternoon, Professor Snape." Jemini stood up, and greeted Snape gently: "About us before..."

"Shut up!" Snape interrupted Jemini's words expressionlessly, and turned around: "Follow me."

A few minutes later, Jemini sat in Snape's office, looking around curiously.

The surrounding shelves are full of bottles and jars, inside which are the heads of giant monsters, the brains of unknown things, dead toads, animal offal, and other things that look disgusting, shining green on the shelves. Light.

"Now that you have come into contact with the magnificent and colorful magical world, as your dean, I need to remind you not to get too complacent. Magic is beautiful, but magicians are dangerous. If you don't want to be unknown in a certain month Bai died in an unknown place, so before you grow up, you'd better learn to keep a low profile, understand?"

Snape stared darkly at Jemini.

"I'm a low-key professor."

Snape took a deep breath and said slowly, "Then just shut your mouth."

 Today's update, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation, everyone, burp~
(End of this chapter)

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