Arknights Welcome to Terra Continent

Chapter 6 Dark clouds are coming

Ordinary life continued for a few more weeks.

Beichen clearly felt the change in the atmosphere in the city.

Although the flow of people on the street has not changed much, the number of guards at the city gate and patrol police on the street has obviously increased.

The most important thing is that the news that a certain noble visited a certain place that often appeared in newspapers has almost disappeared. Beichen probably has started to collect money and prepare to run away.

Beichen also temporarily stopped communicating with outside the city and began to trace the clues inside the city.

The fall of Qicheng was originally full of doubts.

Even though Qicheng is a city located on the border, it is also an important transportation hub, at least connecting Ursus and Longmen. According to Beichen's observation, Qicheng is also a relatively prosperous mobile city with a relatively large flow of people.

However, when the integrated movement attacked, apart from the locally stationed troops, the only remaining resistance was the police.

Unreasonable, completely unreasonable, just like Usas treated Qicheng as an abandoned piece on the chessboard and actively gave it to the Integration Movement.

Beichen had reason to suspect that this was a play put on by the old guy from Black Snake and the top brass of Ursus, in order to stir up conflicts between the people of Ursus and the infected, and then use this to start a war.

Imagine that if there is no Rhode Island and Qicheng really hits Longmen, what should Wei Yanwu do and declare war on Ursus? Or ask for help from the Yan Kingdom.

Although Beichen felt that this old guy must have a back-up plan. Even without Rhode Island, he could still find a way to stop Qicheng or think of other solutions.

But Beichen didn't want to be one of the discarded pieces, unable to dominate the chess game, and unable to jump out of the chessboard. At least he wanted to join the side with the advantage.

Gotta start making some preparations.

The first is the purchase of necessities. There is nothing to say about this. High-calorie and storable food and purified water. It is still summer, at least there is no need to prepare cold-proof supplies.

Naturally, you should carry the commonly used medical drugs with you, and the last step is to find a safe hiding place.

Beichen also found an abandoned basement, tidied it up and dug out a dark room and a safe passage. A safe house was also created.

The necessary preparations have been made, and it’s time to collect some information.

Let’s start with those noble lords first.

At night, the lights of the surrounding houses have long been extinguished. Only the mansion in front of it still shines with dazzling lights, which seems to show its nobility and extraordinaryness like its owner.

Beichen has been here before. He is an old customer and has bought a lot of contraband. Naturally, he has to provide some special services to an old friend, right?

Beichen easily climbed up to the window where he usually delivered goods. It was the butler's room, and he usually changed hands of the goods.

Maybe the housekeeper secretly hid a lot of it himself.

Beichen knocked on the window in a certain pattern, and the housekeeper in the room naturally opened the window without hesitation. What greeted him was naturally Beichen's physical hypnosis.

Putting the unconscious housekeeper on the bed, Beichen carefully opened the door and walked to the corridor.

Gee, there are red carpets everywhere. Walking at home is like a catwalk. Anyway, Beichen personally feels that walking on it is not as comfortable as a normal floor.

Beichen found the nobleman's room effortlessly. You asked how he found it. Beichen walked around and only this door was inlaid with gold.

Beichen knocked on the door first and made sure there was no one in the room before going in rashly.

He came to the yard again and climbed in through the window.

Although these two methods of entry are not safe, entering through the window can at least ensure that the window is open, making it easier to escape if discovered.

A relatively normal-looking office, and the structure of the room does not look like there is such a thing as a darkroom.

Are there really idiots who would put documents directly on their desks?

There really is!

Various documents were placed in disorder on the desk. Beichen looked through them, his expression gradually becoming serious.

There is a lot of information about asset sales and customs clearance procedures. It seems that this company has received notices or hints from the top that it is indeed going to run away.

Beichen began to wonder again. If this was the case, why didn't Sister Zaozi's family run away? They wouldn't have become sacrifices in the political struggle. They probably offended the people above.

It can only be said that they are unlucky. Beichen does not want to interfere in these matters. He can only say that I will take good care of your daughter after you leave.

It seems that this has confirmed the fact that the integration movement is about to enter the city. Well, the exit time indicated in the exit procedures is three days later.

We were leaving in such a hurry, it seemed like we were running out of time.

Beichen threw all the documents on the ground, then climbed out of the window and slipped out of the mansion.

Go back and get a good night's sleep first. The first step in integrating movement penetration should be areas where infected people gather.

In other words, the slums will be the focus of Beichen Tomorrow’s information collection.

Back at the bridge cave, Nan Xi was waiting for her on the sofa.

Seeing Beichen coming back, Nan Xi stood up and asked, "Where have you been? Why did you come back so late?"

Beichen lay down on the bed and said, "I went to hang out with my old friend. By the way, don't go out recently. If you encounter someone wearing a mask, run away."

"Wearing a mask?" Nan Xi asked doubtfully.

"Yes, people wearing masks, if you see it, you must tell me."

Beichen turned over on the bed and continued: If there is nothing else, just turn off the lights and go to sleep.

Christmas Eve (bushi)

The next morning, Beichen got up early, put the breakfast he bought on the table, and then walked towards the slums.

Entering the slums, the environment suddenly became gloomy, which was different from the usual slums.

Broken houses, crowded housing, but there are many people.

But today's slums are unnervingly quiet. Looking into the houses through the dilapidated windows, no one is inside.

Strange, where have these people gone? They have all been tricked into joining the integration movement, right?

Beichen continued to walk deeper into the slum. He did not deliberately hide his figure, but deliberately walked in a conspicuous place with a swagger.

But still didn't meet anyone.

Beichen thought to himself that it was bad, he might have fallen into a den of thieves.

Beichen walked around the slum twice and found no one, whether infected or non-infected.

The infected may have joined the integration movement, but the non-infected...

It has to be said that the integration movement has something to offer. It can hide so many people under the surveillance of Ursus military police and make so many people disappear out of thin air.

Although the slums are also a gray area, there is usually no one to monitor them.

Without any clues or signs, Beichen could only return home without any gain.

Lying on the rocking chair, he began to think about his next move.

Apart from the ghettos, the most likely places where the integration movement hides out....

outside the city.

The smuggling gang that often cooperated with Beichen was hiding in a forest outside the city.

There are only two large-scale woods outside the city, and there is a high probability of hiding in them.

If there is still no trace of the integration movement after going there, that is also a good thing. It means that the large force of the integration movement has not arrived yet, so there will be enough time to prepare other things.

Since so many people can be sent outside the city or hidden within the city, it seems that Qicheng has been almost infiltrated by the integration movement.

Beichen got ready and walked out of the city.

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