Arknights Welcome to Terra Continent

Chapter 14 Because I know everything at 1 point, I became a special operator

Melee combat had just been tested, and Beichen came directly to the shooting range.

Beichen looked at the person in charge of the test in front of him. The aperture was really bright, brighter than the indoor lights. I doubt he could even see this bright light at night with a blindfold on.

Can you choose a suitable weapon first? Let me see.

Beichen looked at the weapons rack, which contained bows, arrows, crossbows, muskets, launchers, etc.

Beichen turned around and asked, "Can I use my own weapon?"

Sakota, who was in charge of the test, nodded and said, "Okay, but the weapon needs to be checked by me first."

Beichen took out r8 and Bosek and handed them over, and the other party took them.

First he looked at Bosek, tried to pull it, nodded, gave it back to Beichen, and then took out r8.

Beichen saw that the halo on his head dimmed, and the devout Lateran murmured to himself: "My God, how can there be a gun loaded with eight bullets at the same time."

Then he returned the r8 to Beichen and said: "There is nothing wrong with the weapon. Please go over there to collect the ammunition and bows. Pay attention to the caliber of the bullet to avoid jamming. Come to the shooting room to see me when you are ready."

Beichen received the ammunition and bow and arrows, hid some in his personal warehouse, and then came to the shooting room.

The tester nodded and said: Bows and arrows and muskets will be tested separately, so let’s start now.

There are other operators training in the shooting room, such as the tearful cat Cathead.

Jessica had been practicing all morning without even taking a break at noon. When she came back from Qicheng, she felt even more inadequate.

She wiped the sweat from her head and sat on the chair to rest for a while, but her eyes still glanced at the people who were training.

Bang bang bang!

A burst of rapid shooting sound came, as if with the help of the Gin Cup, Knight's Commandment coin-operated toy and many Origin Stone ingots, Beichen quickly pulled the trigger, and all 8 bullets were poured out in one second. .

And, they all hit the bullseye.

Jessica, who was drinking water, choked immediately.

Magic bullets, boy!

Beichen said that he only aimed before shooting, and the bullets all ran to the target on their own.

The bullet itself is not powered by Originium technology. It is pushed out by Beichen himself using fluid. Then a layer of fluid is put on the bullet, and it has become a reality that the bullet can turn.

Putting away his surprised expression, the tester ticked the watch and said: "Full marks for the use and shooting of the musket. Good boy, I have to wonder if you are the Sakota who took off the aperture."

"Then the next item is bow and arrow. Since your gun shooting skills are so strong, I think the bow and arrow will be even better. Let's make it more difficult."

In front of Beichen, many moving targets with different radii appeared, with the farthest being almost 150 meters away. His goal was to hit all the targets in the shortest time.

Draw the bow, aim, and release the arrow, all in one go.

Beichen drew his bow faster and faster, hitting the targets one after another, but he was still dizzy!

The tester came over and patted Beichen on the shoulder and said: "It's been a long time since I met someone with such a high shooting talent as you. Even better than most Rutlanders who have been holding guns for decades. We are all getting stronger. I am glad that we will become colleagues instead of enemies. Work harder and don’t waste your talents (plug-ins).”

Beichen left the shooting range with a perfect score on his shooting skills, leaving behind a shocked look on his face.

So, the next one is Origin Stone Skill? Does that count as my Origin Stone skill?

I guess I guess, no one will know if I don’t say it, because all Origin Stone techniques (Honkai Energy) are possible (everything is possible)

Beichen came to the place where Origin Stone skills were tested. Compared with other training grounds, there were obviously more protective measures here. There were even two operators from the medical department sitting on the chairs in the distance.

The person in charge of Beichen's testing was Carters, who was on the short side (although Violence was only 160cm, and he wasn't short when looking at the portrait), at least for Beichen.

She raised her head and asked Beichen: "What is your Origin Stone skill? Try to explain it as clearly as possible so that I can better arrange specific tests)"

Beichen thought about it carefully and said seriously: "I have many Origin Stone skills, such as increasing cell activity in a short period of time and improving athletic ability."

"Quick repair of physical damage"

"Unstable material transfer"

"The Disappearance and Reconstruction of Objects"

"Manipulation of Ideal Fluids, etc.....\"

The tester was confused by this long paragraph, and she quickly said: "Stop, stop, stop, is your Origin Stone skill less dangerous?"

Beichen nodded, and the tester breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Then just show it here briefly."

Beichen glanced at the tester and said awkwardly: "Isn't this... inappropriate?"

"What's appropriate or inappropriate, isn't it not very dangerous?"

The testers also became curious as to what Beichen's Origin Stone skills were.

Beichen scratched his head and said, "That's offending."

Stretching his hand towards the tester, stealing! launch!

A white light flashed in his hand, and the indescribable thing did not appear. The communicator in the tester's pocket appeared in Beichen's hand.

The tester asked: Is this your unstable material transfer?

Beichen nodded and said, "Yes, it's unstable because I don't know which one will be transferred."

The tester wrote a few lines on the test form and asked, "Are there any others?"

Beichen thought for a while, stimulants would only be regarded as experimental products, and quick repairs were not easy to demonstrate. He couldn't stab himself with a knife, so he could only demonstrate the control of ideal fluids.

Beichen stretched out his hand again, and the tester felt something was wrong. He seemed to be wrapped in something, as if he was still... flying?

When he came back to his senses, he had already floated on Beichen's head.

After slowly placing the tester on the ground, Beichen said, "How's it going? Have you figured out how to test it?"

The tester nodded and said: "I have already conceived a test project for the manipulation of ideal fluids. The unstable material transfer will not be considered for the time being due to uncertainty."

After getting ready, Beichen came to the test room. The tester picked up the test form and said: "The test is mainly conducted from three aspects, strength, precision and duration. You first try to attack the target in front of you. "

Beichen looked at the dummy in front of him, raised his hand and launched a wind blade, cutting off its head, and said, "What next?"


"Let's start the precision movement test." The tester picked up the test form and started writing, while talking to Beichen.

Beichen heard her muttering in a low voice: The last time I saw this situation was when Miss Tianhuo was testing. She directly used the Origin Stone technique to smash the entire dummy to pieces, and even burned it into a pile of ashes.

The precision test is also very simple, because the ideal fluid is like an extension of Beichen's hands, and it can be used just like using a part of the body. However, the farther away it is, the harder it is to control. At the extreme distance, it is almost impossible to control at all. .

The last item, duration, took a long time, and the final data was very surprising. Through simple tests and computer simulations, we roughly estimated the usage time of the ability in different situations. For example, the temperature is different, the humidity is different, and the weight and quantity of the lifted objects are different.

In the end, Beichen also passed the test on the use of Origin Stone skills with full marks (?)

Medical? Beichen didn't know anything about that stuff, and only had some basic common sense about life, so Beichen didn't test it.

The reinstallation test made Beichen very curious.

The operator in charge of the reinstallation test picked up the test form and looked at it. Good guy, the physiological tolerance is excellent. Give this guy something difficult.

First, I told Beichen about the role of the reloaded operator, and then introduced the test items. The physiological tolerance test has been completed, and there are two more items.

One is to protect the dummy behind you without knowing the specific movements of the enemy, and the score is based on the degree of damage to the dummy. The other is to hold a shield to block the opponent's attacks. The fewer times the body is attacked, the higher the score.

Then the tester saw how to stand still and block all incoming arrows and bullets, and use the airflow as a shield to deflect all attacks.

Full of faintness!

Next is the vanguard test. The main test is rapid reconnaissance of unknown terrain and mastery of enemy movements. It also focuses on concealment, speed, observation, psychological quality and the ability to adapt to changes.

It was also during this test that Beichen discovered a new use of fluid, which is used to detect terrain and enemies. When there is an object blocking the airflow, Beichen can feel it in real time and know its rough outline.

The speed requirement in the test is Beichen's strength.

Full of faintness!

The auxiliary test mainly examines the ability to limit the enemy and enhance our operators. This is even better. When the fluid is applied to the body, the enemy slows down and we accelerate. It is the enemy's movement speed reduction in the game. Increased attack speed.

Full of faintness!

After some testing, except for medical operators, the recommendation rates for other professions were all 100%. The person in charge of the final summary also had a problem. What kind of operator should this be?

In the end, following the principle of choosing a special operator if you don’t know what kind of operator to produce, Beichen successfully added a line to his file.

"This operator is very proficient in various professions and is recommended to be incorporated into the combat team as a special operator."

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