Arifureta: Dark Lord


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Lifting Yue off the ground, Reiji swiftly hoisted her onto his shoulders, firmly grasping her hands as she dangled behind him. Their gazes aligned toward the impending clash, and her eyes widened in shock as she witnessed the confrontation between the two colossal beings.

"Seems like it's taken a liking to you, Yue," Reiji remarked, his attention fixed on the creature before them. The monstrosity stretched nearly five meters in length, boasting four arms, each ending in menacing razor-sharp scissors.

Its eight clacking legs propelled it with an eerie rhythm, reminiscent of a scorpion's skittering movements. Two tails, tipped with stingers, completed its formidable appearance. Reiji suspected that the stingers contained potent venom.

This creature surpassed any foe he had encountered thus far, yet a grin crept across his face, fueled by the prospect of a new ally. Nevertheless, there were several factors to consider and experiment with during this encounter, providing a valuable opportunity for observation.

Reiji stole a quick glance at the girl clinging to him. Showing no signs of fear despite the intimidating scorpion's presence, her gaze fixated solely on him. Her eyes exuded tranquility, reflecting an unwavering acceptance of her destiny.

In the depths of her silent gaze, a profound trust was forged, surpassing the need for words. The level of trust she bestowed upon Reiji, a complete stranger, made him question how long she had been trapped in this place.

Reiji reflected, 'Even after my downfall, it seems that positive emotions haven't entirely left me.' He acknowledged the transformation he had undergone and felt gratitude for it. 'However, saving her only to abandon her now would be meaningless.'

Reiji shifted his focus back to the intense confrontation between the Scorpion and his Cyclops Shadow. Taking a moment to evaluate the situation, he examined the stats of his summoned creature, which he had neglected to do earlier.

Elite Grade: Cyclops; Level:1

Reiji thought to himself, 'Not bad.' Although he was the most powerful soldier he had initially reanimated, he was only slightly stronger compared to his more prominent creations like the Claw Bear and Twin-Tailed Wolf right now.

It was a common occurrence for reanimated monsters to be weaker than their living counterparts. The Cyclops bellowed with fury as it charged toward the scorpion-like creature. Its massive fists swung through the air, aiming to crush its opponent with sheer force.

The scorpion retaliated with lightning-fast movements, its scissors clashing against the Cyclops' thick hide. The clash of titans echoed through the chamber, each blow shaking the ground beneath them.

Amidst the battle between the Cyclops and the scorpion-like creature, Yue, who had been observing the fight, couldn't contain her curiosity any longer. She turned to Reiji and asked, "Reiji, what exactly is that Shadow you've summoned? It's unlike anything I've ever seen before."

Reiji cast a quick glance at her and responded, "Who knows? But that shouldn't be your concern right now. The entity's presence won't endure indefinitely. It's currently being pushed back."

The Cyclops lunged at the Scorpion with immense force, its massive fists swinging in a wild display of power. The Scorpion, however, proved to be agile and evasive, dodging the incoming strikes with calculated precision.

The clash of their titanic forms echoed through the chamber, reverberating with each collision. Blows were exchanged, each landing with a thunderous impact.

The Cyclops, with its sheer size and brute strength, managed to land a few hits on the Scorpion, causing gashes in its chitinous armor. But the Scorpion retaliated with its venomous stingers, striking at vulnerable points on the Cyclops' body.

Despite the Cyclops' resilience, the tide of the battle gradually shifted. The Scorpion's agility and venomous attacks began to take their toll. The Cyclops staggered, its movements becoming sluggish as its strength waned.

It fought valiantly, refusing to yield, but it was clear that its defeat was inevitable. With one final strike, the Scorpion pierced through the Cyclops' chest, causing it to let out a thunderous roar of agony.

The mighty creature crumbled to the ground, its body disintegrating into particles of darkness that returned to Reiji's shadow. As the dust settled, Reiji's shadow reformed, reclaiming the essence of the fallen Cyclops.

Observing the Scorpion, Reiji pondered over its abilities and displayed strength. 'Poison needles, formidable defense, decent agility, and powerful claws. A well-rounded creature with exceptional defensive capabilities. It appears to be on par with my current strength. Let's see...'

"Hey, Yue," Reiji called to her, "That thing's defense is tough. I'm going to need some assistance over here."

"Reiji... trust in me," Yue whispered, her lips brushing against the nape of his neck. In a sudden act, she sank her teeth into his flesh, causing him to jolt in surprise.

A tiny, sharp pain pierced his skin, followed by an inexplicable sensation of energy being drained from his body.

Instinctively, he wanted to throw her to the ground, but then he remembered her earlier revelation about being a vampire. It dawned on him that she was feeding on his blood.

Supporting her body, Reiji wrapped his arm around her while she drank his blood. She twitched in surprise, but soon she hugged him even tighter and buried her face into his neck.

Utilizing his Aerodynamic ability, Reiji took to the skies, skillfully evading the Scorpion's venomous needles. With swift precision, he raised his hands toward the Scorpion, causing the shadow beneath it to ripple and sway as if under his command.

The amorphous darkness sharpened into wicked, blade-like appendages that extended from below, aimed directly at the creature's vulnerable underbelly.

With a swift and precise thrust, the shadowy tendrils pierced through the Scorpion's thick exoskeleton. The creature's piercing shriek of pain tore through the air, a chilling sound that echoed through the chamber.

The Scorpion writhed and convulsed, its massive form trembling with fury and agony. Its instinctual response to the attack was to retaliate with all its might. Ignoring the pain, it swiftly scuttled towards Reiji, its eight legs propelling it forward in a furious rampage.

"Kshaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" The resounding roar of the scorpion reverberated throughout the chamber, causing the ground to tremble and warp under its influence. It possessed a unique form of magic, granting it control over the surrounding earth.

Reacting swiftly, Reiji raised his hand, summoning a multitude of fireballs that hovered motionless above him and Yue. Meanwhile, the Scorpion unleashed its spiked cones, aiming directly at them.

The scale, strength, and offensive prowess displayed in the scorpion's manipulation of the earth surpassed anything Reiji had encountered thus far in the dungeon.

Using Aerodynamic once more, Reiji shot up into the air near his spell, causing the Scorpion to gaze up at him, unaware of the impending danger that lurked below.

Silently and swiftly, ethereal chains materialized from the shadows, snaking around the Scorpion's torso and body with meticulous precision. The chains hovered in the air, their ghostly forms shimmering with an otherworldly glow.

They remained still for a moment as if teasing the Scorpion with their presence, before slowly starting to tighten, applying gentle pressure against the creature's exoskeleton.

The Scorpion, consumed by the intensity of the battle, remained oblivious to the ethereal restraints that ensnared its form. Oblivious to its impending doom, its projectiles closed in on Reiji and Yue.

But with a flick of his wrist, Reiji directed his finger downwards, causing the fireballs to intensify in heat. A radiant glow emanated from the orbs, illuminating the sky and partially blinding the Scorpion, impairing its sight.

Seizing the opportune moment, Reiji uttered a single incantation: "Explosive Scattershot." With those words, the unleashed spell surged forth, heralding a cascade of explosive energy aimed directly at the Scorpion.

Instincts raging, the Scorpion swiftly recognized the immense threat posed by the impending attack. With the intention of erecting a resilient Earth Wall to mitigate the impact, it found itself abruptly immobilized, pressed forcefully against the ground.

A cloud of dust billowed as the creature thrashed about in a desperate bid for freedom. Gripping the chain tightly, Reiji exerted an additional surge of mana into it. Through clenched teeth, he uttered, "It's proving more resilient than anticipated."

Glancing quickly at the petite figure perched on his back, Reiji inquired, "Yue, are you almost finished? The situation has become more precarious than I initially thought. The creature has revealed its hidden ability, although it seems to be passive."

"It absorbs my mana, strengthening its durability. The chains are weakening, and once I launch my attack, they will break, giving it some respite."

Yue gently withdrew her fangs from Reiji's neck, her flushed face exuding a seductive aura as she sensually licked her lips, removing the last traces of blood. Despite her youthful appearance, her gesture and flushed complexion emitted a captivating allure.

Within moments, her previously emaciated body transformed into a picture of health, radiating vitality. Her once-pale, porcelain skin now glowed with newfound radiance.

Rosy pink hues adorned her once gaunt cheeks, and a warm, gentle light resided within her crimson eyes as she tenderly caressed Reiji's cheek with her slender hand.

"...Thank you for the meal." Descending to the ground, Yue rose to her feet and prepared to unleash her spell upon the scorpion creature.

"Hold on, hold on," Reiji interjected, halting her before she could cast her spell. "You can launch it right after, but let me deliver a decisive blow first. It won't take long."

Confusion etched across Yue's face as she questioned, "I saw your spell earlier, but I don't see it now. Did it fail, or is that chain your spell?"

Without a word, Reiji lifted his hand before Yue, counting down from three to one with each finger gradually closing until his fist clenched, signaling zero.

In an instant, a resounding explosion shook the chamber, accompanied by the scorpion's agonized screech. The initial impact was swiftly followed by a barrage of explosions, creating a symphony of fiery bursts and dazzling flashes of light.

"I guess the saying, 'An explosion is an art,' isn't far from the truth," Reiji murmured to himself as he observed the chains dissipating into nothingness. Turning to Yue, he continued, "You can unleash your spell now. Just hold on for a few more seconds."

Albeit confused by the sudden appearance of the spell, Yue nodded, her expression resolute and unwavering. She focused her mana, her hands radiating a soft, ethereal glow. At that moment, an immense quantity of golden-colored mana surged forth from her petite frame.

Enveloped in a magnificent golden radiance, her lustrous hair billowing around her, Yue uttered a single phrase: "Azure Blaze." Instantly, a colossal blue-white fireball, measuring at least six or seven meters in diameter, materialized directly above the scorpion's head.

Despite not achieving a direct hit, the fireball inflicted substantial damage, causing the beast to recoil and emit agonized screeches. However, the vampire princess of the abyss refused to let it escape.

Extending her elegant finger, she wielded it like a conductor's baton, guiding the fireball with precision. The blazing sphere dutifully pursued the retreating scorpion, crashing into its form. "Gagyaaaaaa!?" The creature let out a shrill cry, a sound that Reiji had not heard in quite some time.

The scorpion visibly suffered under the onslaught. As the fireball collided with its target, the entire chamber was engulfed in a blinding white light, momentarily stealing away everyone's vision.

Reiji shielded his eyes with his arm, marveling at the awe-inspiring spectacle of magic. Gradually, the enchantment subsided, and the pale blue fireball vanished into thin air.

As the flames dissipated, Reiji's gaze fell upon the scorpion, now convulsing in agonizing pain. Its shell pulsated with an angry red hue, and he noticed that certain parts had fused together due to the intense heat.

In awe, he couldn't help but ponder the implications if they were to become adversaries. Her unmatched proficiency and formidable firepower in magic far surpassed his own. Despite his ability to inflict some damage on the monster, it paled in comparison to her prowess.

Taking into account the scorpion's augmented state from absorbing Reiji's mana, it was evident that she held the advantage in a magical confrontation. Overall, Reiji harbored doubts about his chances of emerging victorious in such a scenario.

Coming out of his reverie, Reiji's attention was drawn to a soft thumping sound. He turned his gaze away from the spectacle to find Yue slumped on the ground, her breathing labored. It was apparent that she had exhausted all of her mana. "Yue, are you alright?" Reiji asked.

Nodding weakly, she responded between breaths, "Mm... Just... very tired..."

Grinning, Reiji grabbed his spear and swung it over his shoulder as he replied, "Well then, once I'm done here, let's make our way out. For now, just rest. It won't take too long, I assure you."

"Kshaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" The scorpion roared once more, its thunderous cry echoing throughout the chamber. Reiji activated his Supersonic ability, propelling himself with incredible speed to close the distance between him and the formidable monster in a single bound.

Despite the scorpion's visible signs of pain and rage, its shell fused together from Yue's powerful attack, it was still surprisingly resilient. As Reiji approached, the scorpion immediately retaliated by unleashing a barrage of needle buckshot toward him.

Continuing his charge, Reiji skillfully anticipated the trajectory of the moving projectiles, narrowly evading them with calculated precision. Utilizing his Aerodynamics ability, he swiftly created an air-compressed platform beneath him, propelling himself into the sky with a graceful backflip.

As he soared through the air, a sense of tranquility washed over him, his body and mind harmonizing in perfect unity. Gripping his spear tightly, he focused his gaze on the scorpion's weakened spot, inflicted by Yue's earlier attack.

Infusing his weapon with a substantial amount of mana, his eyes sharpened, his heightened senses reached their peak, and his entire being pulsated with unrestrained energy as the surging mana enveloped both him and his spear.

And finally, with a mixture of excitement and exhilaration, he bellowed the words that marked the culmination of his preparation, "GAE BOLG!"

The atmosphere crackled with an intense surge of mana as it swirled and converged into a singular point at the tip of Reiji's spear. With impeccable timing, he thrust his weapon forward, channeling the concentrated mana into a devastating attack.

The spear shot forth like a bolt of lightning, leaving behind a trail of shimmering energy that marked its path. Its trajectory displayed unwavering accuracy and destructive power.

The scorpion, caught off guard by the sudden surge of power, desperately tried to evade the impending assault, but its efforts were in vain.

The spear struck its weakened spot with pinpoint precision, unleashing a violent explosion of energy upon impact. The shockwave reverberated through the battlefield, causing the ground beneath their feet to tremble.

As the dust gradually settled, revealing the aftermath of Reiji's devastating attack, a gruesome scene came into view. Reiji sat atop the scorpion's head, his expression a mix of exhaustion and triumph.

The spear, Longinus, remained firmly implanted within the creature's skull, pulsating with residual energy. Blood oozed from the scorpion's head, mixing with the thick ichor that dripped from its segmented body. The creature's exoskeleton was shattered, revealing torn flesh and organs beneath.

The impact had left a gaping hole where the weakened spot once existed, the surrounding area charred and mangled. The ground around the fallen beast was a chaotic display of destruction.

Deep gouges marred the earth, created by the scorpion's thrashing attempts to escape its impending doom. Shards of rock and debris littered the area, thrown into disarray by the violent shockwave unleashed upon impact.

Yue looked upon the aftermath with a sense of awe and mesmerization. One reason was the sheer magnitude of the attack, unlike anything she had witnessed before. The other reason was the dramatic transformation in Reiji's appearance.

His once jet-black hair had turned snow white, now marred by streaks of blood. The exhaustion of his mana had caused the illusion and color to dissipate, revealing his true hair color.

Reiji let out a deep sigh and turned his gaze toward Yue. "It's time to leave this place. I have some questions I want to ask you, and in return, you can ask me anything. But for now, let's rest."

Reiji took a sip of Ambrosia, feeling his stamina and mana gradually replenish. He stood up from his position and approached Yue. "We can rest here. The immediate threats have been neutralized, and this appears to be the safest spot within the Labyrinth."

Getting a nod in agreement, Reiji settled down beside her. Exhausted, she leaned her back against him as they both took a moment to rest.

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