Arifureta: Dark Lord

Dark Lord [2]

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With a thunderous roar that reverberated through the air, the Claw Bear lunged at Reiji with unrelenting fury. The ground quaked beneath the sheer force of its charge, its colossal legs pounding the corridor in a display of awe-inspiring power.

"Hahaha! That's right! If you don't want to meet your demise, then fight back!" Despite the foreboding presence of the oncoming Claw Bear, its massive form bearing down on him, Reiji's smirk remained unyielding.

With deft precision, Reiji twirled his spear in a rapid succession of elegant movements. His muscles tensed, ready to spring into action as he charged toward the towering Claw Bear with blinding speed. 

Leaping into the air, Reiji maximized the potential of his {Aerodynamic} skill. With each bound, he propelled himself from platform to platform in a swift and zigzagging pattern, closing in on the imposing Claw Bear. 

The crackling surge of mana enveloped his spear as he infused it with his potent energy. In a seamless motion, he swung the weapon in a wide vertical arc, releasing the energy in a crescent moon, maintaining his momentum while aiming for a decisive strike against the Claw Bear.

Despite Reiji's precise aim at the Claw Bear's torso, the massive creature defied expectations by rolling to the side with surprising agility, even in the midst of its relentless charge. The sheer speed of such a colossal beast was incongruous, defying logic. 

In a thunderous display of power, the Claw Bear closed in on Reiji, extending one of its colossal claws in a sweeping motion. The edges of its claws appeared distorted, giving them an eerie and menacing appearance as they descended.

Recalling the Claw Bear's previous battle with the Twin-Tailed Wolves, Reiji quickly created a platform in front of him and propelled himself backward with all his strength. 

Just as he had anticipated, the bear's colossal claw swiped through the space he had just occupied, accompanied by a violent gust of wind. A wince escaped Reiji's lips as he felt the sting of shallow cuts forming on his chest. The speed of his charge had hindered his ability to dodge completely.

Infuriated that its prey had escaped unscathed, the Claw Bear roared in anger and effortlessly unleashed a second swipe. In the blink of an eye, another set of deadly wind blades descended upon Reiji. 

"You're surprisingly nimble for someone of your size," he commented with a hint of amusement. Reacting effortlessly, he employed his {Aerodynamic} ability, soaring into the air while simultaneously casting an Ice Spell.

Reiji's hand sliced through the air with a graceful and determined gesture, his mana surging through his veins. A chilling aura materialized, cloaking his outstretched hand in a shimmering frost. 

With unwavering focus, he released his power, his voice resounding with authority, "Icy Stone Edge!" In an explosion of icy brilliance, towering pillars of ice burst forth from the earth, hurtling towards the formidable Claw Bear with unparalleled swiftness and unerring accuracy.

In an instant, the Claw Bear defied the laws of inertia, effortlessly changing its trajectory upon catching sight of the red flash emitted by Donner. The beast's ability to pivot effortlessly, utilizing its claws as fulcrums, left deep ruts etched into the ground. Reiji's keen observation revealed the bear's exceptional intelligence and agility, surpassing that of a typical creature.

A thunderous roar reverberated through the air as the Claw Bear swung its formidable foreclaws in a cross-like motion, targeting Reiji who remained suspended in the air. Alarms blared inside Reiji's mind, alerting him to the imminent danger. 

Without a moment's hesitation, he activated both {Aerodynamic} and {Supersonic Step} simultaneously, propelling himself away from the impending strike. Reacting quickly, Reiji contorted his body mid-air, narrowly evading the gust of wind that grazed past his thigh. 

Moments later, the wall behind him displayed a crisscross pattern of furrows, evidence of the bear's power. A sinister glimmer sparked in Reiji's eyes, accompanied by a sadistic smile that crept upon his face. 

With a rapid twirl of his spear, he infused it with a potent combination of kinetic energy and mana. In a fluid motion, he expelled the charged spear in two wide arcs aimed directly at the charging bear.

Despite its unnatural agility, the Claw Bear failed to completely evade both attacks. It narrowly dodged one strike, but the other found its mark, landing a blow on the bear's flank. While the attack wasn't fatal, it disrupted the bear's charging momentum, diverting it from its intended path. 

The interruption had momentarily halted the Claw Bear's onslaught of wind claws. Nevertheless, despite veering slightly off course, the massive creature continued its charge toward Reiji with the velocity of a cannonball. 

Sensing the imminent collision, Reiji quickly raised his spear, infusing it with potent mana as they closed in on each other. With lightning speed and precision, Reiji seamlessly slipped into the depths of the shadows, evading the set of wind blades of the Claw Bear.

Momentarily confused by Reiji's sudden disappearance, the Claw Bear growled in frustration, its keen senses detecting an imminent danger lurking nearby. 

Instinctively, it scanned its surroundings, its eyes darting from shadow to shadow, searching for any sign of movement or threat. The air became heavy with tension as the bear's instincts kicked into overdrive, alerting it to the unseen presence that could strike at any moment.

As the Claw Bear's gaze shifted downward, its eyes widened in alarm and disbelief. There, in its own shadow, it beheld a haunting sight—a pair of pulsating, eerie, glowing amethyst eyes radiating with pure, unbridled killing intent. 

The piercing intensity of the stare sent shivers coursing down the beast's massive frame, triggering a surge of primal instincts that screamed of imminent peril and the urgent need to flee. 

In that fleeting moment of vulnerability, Reiji emerged from the shadows with his spear tightly gripped in his hand, his body contorting midair with fluid grace. With a swift and calculated motion, he swung his spear in a wide horizontal arc, unleashing the dark energy infused within it. 

The spear sliced through the air, giving birth to a malevolent manifestation known as the Dark Crescent Moon. This wickedly empowered projectile surged forward, its trajectory honed towards the Claw Bear's exposed neck, threatening to sever it from its gargantuan frame in a single, fatal strike.

Despite the Claw Bear's initial terror and primal instincts urging it to escape, it's heightened senses and paranoid state allowed it to narrowly evade the Dark Crescent Moon. 

Consumed by anger and driven by fear, the Claw Bear channeled its mana into its massive claws, causing them to pulsate with dangerous energy. With a primal roar, it swung its claws toward Reiji, aiming to cleave through him with sheer force. 

However, Reiji, utilizing his momentum and enhanced aerial maneuverability, found himself positioned above the Claw Bear.

In a split second, as the bear's deadly attack descended upon him, Reiji reacted quickly. He executed an airborne front flip, harnessing the power of kinetic energy as he gathered mana within his spear. 

With a resounding clash, his spear met the Claw Bear's mana-infused strike, creating a brilliant explosion of energy upon impact. The collision sent shockwaves rippling through the air, shaking the surrounding chamber.

Smoke billowed forth from the resulting explosion, shrouding the area in a haze of obscurity. The acrid scent of burnt mana permeated the air, making it difficult for the Claw Bear to discern Reiji’s location. 

Within the smoke-filled haze, the Claw Bear's senses heightened as it desperately sought to locate its elusive adversary. Its keen ears twitched and fluttered, straining to catch any faint sounds that would betray Reiji's presence. Its massive arms remained stiff and poised, ready to react with deadly force.

Amidst the tense silence, the Claw Bear's ears caught a distinct sound—an eerie whisper that sent a chill down its spine. It strained its senses further, trying to discern the source of the whisper. 

As the moments passed, the whispers grew louder, accompanied by the unsettling cracking of bones and the fluttering of running footsteps. The Claw Bear's primal instincts screamed at it to be cautious, to prepare for an imminent attack.

Unable to pinpoint the exact location of the sounds, the beast growled in frustration, its eyes darting from one direction to another within the smoky veil. It became increasingly disoriented, the thick atmosphere playing tricks on its senses. 

Shrouded in a volatile blend of fear, confusion, and the lingering scent of burnt mana, the Claw Bear's aggression reached a crescendo. Driven by frustration and a primal need for self-preservation, the beast unleashed a relentless barrage of wind blades, their lethal edges slicing through the air with a chilling whistle. 

It hoped to ensnare Reiji within this tempest of razor-sharp gusts, but little did it know the depths of darkness that would soon engulf its surroundings. 

In response to the bear's onslaught, silhouettes of shadowy figures materialized amidst the swirling mist, their forms reminiscent of lurking human figures concealed in the abyss. 

The mist thickened, obscuring visibility and muffling sounds, yet the echo of swift footsteps reverberated through the air, betraying the presence of unseen entities. 

It seemed as though ethereal beings moved with unparalleled swiftness and stealth, their existence felt but their appearance was obscured by the enigmatic mist.

The bear's keen instincts propelled it into a state of high alert, a primal survival response. It continued its assault, launching wave after wave of wind blades. However, the mist persisted, an ethereal shroud encroaching upon the bear's domain. 

Sinister tendrils of darkness extended and wove through the air, entwining with the very essence of the battlefield. As the mist drew closer, the once-audible footsteps vanished, swallowed by the veil of darkness that caressed the bear's fur and veiled its sharp eyes.

Suddenly, a gruesome explosion of blood erupted from the Claw Bear's torso, splattering the surroundings with a crimson spray. The wound carved into its flesh formed a grotesque X-shaped gash, revealing the raw, oozing meat beneath. 

Blood welled up from the wound, trickling down its fur in a macabre display. The assailant's intent was not to end the bear's life swiftly but to inflict pain and suffering, prolonging its torment. As the crimson droplets stained its fur, the bear's instincts ignited, surging through its primal being. 

Agony gripped its senses, and the creature let out a roar of anguish, its voice a symphony of pain that reverberated through the surrounding air. 

As the dissipating smoke unveiled Reiji's form, his presence exuded an aura of malevolence. His cold smile sent shivers down the spines of all who witnessed his arrival, and his eyes, pulsating with an amethyst glow and a swirl of darkness, held an unsettling power.

Reiji's voice, dripping with a twisted sense of pleasure, pierced through the symphony of pain. "Ah, dear Claw Bear, how delightful it is to witness your suffering," he taunted, his words resonating with a chilling echo. “However, you did ask for this, no?”

Touching the claw mark on his bloodied armor and shirt, Reiji contemplated the wound he had sustained during their previous encounter. 

The Claw Bear had unleashed a ferocious gale of wind at point-blank range, a deadly assault that would have claimed his life if not for Reiji's utilization of {Lightning Field} and {Body Augmentation}. The thought of this near-fatal encounter fueled his sadistic smile as he declared, "I am compelled to repay you for your actions."

"Your claws inflicted a deep gash upon my chest, and now I shall unleash a series of devastating strikes that will grant me immense satisfaction. Prepare yourself, for only four more strikes are remaining!"

The Claw Bear roared in anger, its massive form towering on its hind legs as it prepared to launch a furious attack at Reiji. But to its astonishment, as the beast lunged forward with its razor-sharp claws, Reiji vanished into thin air, leaving behind a fleeting afterimage. The bear's claws swiped through empty space, meeting nothing but the chilling wind.

Reiji reappeared a short distance away, his figure flickering in and out of view with ethereal grace. With a wicked grin, he taunted, "Is that the best you can do?" His voice echoed mockingly through the chamber, further fueling the bear's fury.

The enraged Claw Bear shifted its attention toward Reiji's new position, its fury driving it to charge once again with renewed determination. 

However, before it could even take a step, Reiji unleashed the full potential of his {Supersonic Step} and {Aerodynamics}, tapping into his maximum speed and heightened perception. 

With unparalleled speed and precision, Reiji closed in on the Claw Bear, his spear radiating a malevolent aura in his grasp. In a seamless motion, he unleashed a devastating horizontal arc, his weapon slicing through the air with a chilling swiftness. 

The spear cleaved through the bear's leg with a sickening crunch, severing flesh and bone in a gruesome display of violence. A guttural roar of agony tore from the bear's maw as it collapsed to the ground, its severed limb spurting dark crimson blood in a grotesque fountain. 

The beast thrashed and writhed, desperate to regain its footing, but the pain and shock overwhelmed its primal instincts. Its futile struggle only intensified the gruesome scene unfolding before them.

"Three more to go," Reiji uttered with a cold detachment, his gaze fixed upon the diminishing life force of the Claw Bear.

The mangled body of the Claw Bear lay on the ground, a gruesome sight that sent shivers down the spine. Limbs were missing, and the body riddled with deep slashes, puncture wounds, and burn marks. Reiji sat next to the lifeless carcass, his expression calm and calculated as he indulged in a macabre feast, devouring one of its severed arms.

As he relished the taste, Reiji meticulously examined his Status, analyzing the changes and enhancements gained from the intense battle:


Name: Reiji Sukehiro — Age: 17 — Gender: Male — Level: 21

Job: Dark Lord

Strength: 530

Vitality: 440

Defense: 420

Agility: 530

Magic: 710

Magic Defense: 710

Skills: Language Comprehension — Physical Resistance — Dark Magic Efficiency — Spear Proficiency — Darkness Affinity — Darkness Manipulation — Spell Melding — Increased Mana Recovery — Stealth — [+Image Composition] — Necromancy — Shadow Manipulation — Detect Presence — Detect Magic — Dark Lord's Haki — [+Mana Manipulation] — [+Tri Elemental Affinities] — Iron Stomach — Lightning Field — [+Air Dance] — Gale Claw.


Spitting the bone out, Reiji rose and stretched his entire body, savoring the victorious sensation coursing through his veins. With calculated steps, he approached the scene of carnage, standing before the mangled remains of the bear he had mercilessly vanquished. 

In a solemn and commanding tone, he uttered a single word that reverberated through the blood-stained air:


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