Are You Addicted?

v2 Chapter 99 - Discuss wedding details

“Well, why did you marry me?” Gu Hai frowned, “I even got my engagement gift, and my parents called, so how should I marry you!”

“You don’t come to that set!” Bai Luoyin looked at Gu Hai with a provocative expression. “Don’t think that if I drink too much, I don’t remember anything. I asked you if you could marry me that night, but you promised me For nothing. “

Gu Hai immediately replied, “You can remember when you drink too much, but I don’t remember anything if I drink too much. Who knows if you took the opportunity to blackmail me? I can tell you that you signed it when you were unconscious All agreements are invalid, let alone verbal agreements. “

Bai Luoyin frowned, “Even if the promise of the day is invalid, I should marry you! How can I bow to marry a businessman if I am a military officer?

Gu Hai ignored the provocation of Beroin.

“You are a grand officer, you ca n’t bend down and marry me, you can bend down and scream under me? Last night, I did n’t know which boney officer, holding my second wife, my husband! Husband, husband Come in, hurry up, I can’t stand it … “Gu Hai imitated exaggeratedly.

“You get me !!!” Bai Luoyin scrambled up his head and said, “Say it to me, why don’t I call your husband?”

I don’t know why, the word “husband” popped out of Bai Luoyin’s mouth, stronger than Viagra. Gu Hai felt itchy every time I heard it, which was a particularly indescribable taste. So, after suffering countless fists, Gu Hai held the white **** in his arms with a domineering smirk, and put the white heroin’s hand under his own arm.

“Tell you not to mess with me, you see, just talking about me.”

Bai Luoyin was almost speechless to Gu Hai. Last night, the two of them talked about serious matters, and talked about the coping strategies of the troubled room, and Nima fought half a night. I just got up now, but I haven’t said a few words seriously, and this slaps the subject again.

“Don’t we need to do a pre-marital check first? I suspect you have incontinence syndrome.” Beloin said.

Gu Hai smiled and used a stubble to pinch Beroin’s neck. “I don’t know why. I want to **** you when I see you.”

Bai Luoyin’s big hand clung to Gu Hai’s head fiercely, and said with a cold face, “First talk about business.”

Gu Hai said nothing.

Bai Luoyin gave Gu Hai a black glance, “Putting your mouth out less is useless!”

Gu Hai had to turn his attention back first.

Beloin was still the same, and he asked him to do it.

Gu Hai changed his tone this time, “What’s so good about being a relative? As a groom, you have to get into trouble here. It’s good to plug in red envelopes. In case you do something embarrassing, give more You, the officer, have dropped the price! Let me do this kind of dirty work and tired work. I’m cheeky and can handle any disgusting request. “

“Come here!” Bai Luoyin didn’t listen to Hai Huyou. “He put on a face for my sake. I have a strong tolerance! You still have to worry about it for yourself! Also welcome you? If I drag three men, I will serve you! The all-girl army, have you heard that the groom brought a huge bridesmaid group to welcome him? “

“You don’t understand this.” Gu Hai is still dead. “Think about it. Is it easy for bridesmaids to be made difficult, or is it easy for groomsmen to be made difficult? Of course, it is groomsmen! If I take a group of beautiful women to greet you, you The officers and men in the head must come to open the door; on the contrary, you must come to me to meet the relatives, and my bridesmaids must have killed you. Those officers and soldiers can’t deal with women, or you can’t marry me. Now. “

Bai Luoyin waved his hand, “I don’t want to marry if I don’t want to leave. Whoever loves who wants.”

“What are you talking about?” Gu Hai had to poke Bai Luoyin’s waist and eyes.

Bai Luoyin smiled and hid, and the two of them fought again for a while, and finally stopped to decide their luck.

“Scissors, paper, rock!”

Both of them stuck out the stones in the first round, and Gu Hai continued the stones in the second round, and the white **** was cloth.

As a result, Beloin cheered.

“Three innings and two wins!” Gu Hai played tricks.

Two wins in three innings resulted in two wins in three innings. Beloin still shot and won.

Gu Hainong raised an eyebrow, “Three wins in five innings!”

“Go!” Bai Luoyin was annoyed. “Are you so foolish?”

Gu Hai shook his face and dragged the hand of Bai Luoyin, begging with a temper: “Let ’s go, let ’s marry and marry each other. How about you?”

Gu Hai said that Beloxin thought seriously. Let Gu Haibei be the bride waiting to marry herself. To be honest, it is a bit unrealistic. After all, the conditions are not bad, even better than herself, and there is no reason to marry. But she really let Bai Luoyin marry, and Bai Luoyin was unwilling. He was not willing to be a man.

“Okay, that’s it.”

With a high-five, the agreement was completed and a tick was made.

“Next question.” Bai Luoyin looked at the small book intently. “Let’s discuss what’s going on at the wedding banquet. I don’t want to send a candy. I think the candy is very creative.”

Gu Hai watched Bai Luoyin’s eyes flicker, and she was a little cautious in her savvy. Her thinking was especially moving, she couldn’t help but reach up to his face.

“Be honest!”

With no sign of a roar, Gu Hai’s hand quickly flinched back.

Beloin suddenly remembered something, and a wicked smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

“It’s better to send each person a bag of pot-flavoured chicken.”

After speaking, Gu Haijun laughed, Gu Haijun’s face turned black, and he immediately leaped to Bai Luoyin. Bai Luoyin continued to laugh. He laughed at last, and then he was relieved.

Gu Hai patted Bai Luoyin’s **** egg with his hand, and asked angrily: “Are you laughing enough?”

Beloin just nodded and giggled again.

Gu Hai was so annoyed, “You just count on this joke to live forever!”

When Bai Luoyin’s mood stabilized, Gu Hai suddenly had an inspiration.

“Let’s send a pack of **** alone!”

Bai Luoyin twitched. “Can you afford it?”

“Of course it’s not really drugs, it’s just labeled on the packaging.”

Bai Luoyin thought for a while, “It’s quite creative, but you have to say hello to the public security department. Don’t get married at that time, we’ll both go in.”

“Relax, I’m sure I can’t forget this.”

“That’s almost it …” Bai Luoyin poked Gu Hai’s nose with a pen cap. “The layout of the venue will be discussed after I visit the venue.”

Gu Hai nodded, the stars in his eyes were full of lust.

“Then we should do business?”

“The business?” Beloin wondered. “Are there any business matters we can’t do?”

When Gu Hai saw that she had forgotten her, she pressed her to her Majesty.

“Don’t make trouble, don’t make trouble.” Bai Luoyin tried to break free, “I have to go to my parents … alas …” his mouth was full.

Bai Hanqi and Zou Zheng were pouring clothes at home. All the clothes in the cabinet were taken out, but it really came to an important occasion. Only one suitable clothes was missing.

“No …” Zou Yan shook her head in the mirror. “Is this dress too vulgar?”

Bai Hanqi was holding a half-meter-long cucumber, and he was biting vigorously beside him. He didn’t even hear what Zou Ye was saying.

“Old Bai! What about you!” Zou Yan repeated again.

Bai Hanqi remained indifferent.

Zou Yong strode over, hitting the cucumber in the hand of Bai Hanqi to the ground, and said, “I can’t hear you every time I talk to you! It’s a bad practice to put your ear on your head, and you can get it!”

Bai Hanqi grinned twice, “If I could get down, I would have got down!”

Zou Zheng was not very angry, and his clothes were already thin, so he gasped, and the buttons on his stomach were stretched two. With a embarrassed face, Zou Min quickly went back to the bedroom to find other clothes, and his heart was broken and thought: It’s awful. Fortunately, I tried it at home first. If this happens at the wedding, it is really shameful.

I changed my clothes and came back. I saw Bai Hanqi picking up that cucumber and eating it again.

Immediately black face, “How many times have I told you? Don’t eat anything that has fallen to the ground. Your son has given you so much money. Why not spend it?”

“No amount of money can be bad! Isn’t our floor cleaned every day?”

Bai Hanqi came from a hard time. He always advocated thrift and thrift. If he knew that Gu Hai had thrown so much money into his son in order to marry his son, he would have to veto the marriage on the spot.

The two were stunned, and Beroin and Gu Hai pushed in.

“How do you say it is so lively?” Gu Hai smiled and greeted the old couple. “I heard your voice in the corridor.”

Bai Hanqi complained to Gu Hai, “I picked up the cucumber that fell on the ground and ate it, and your son-in-law scolded me.”

Gu Hai finally knew where Bai Luoyin’s non-hygienic style came from, but it happened to Laozhang people, so it’s another matter.

“As long as the floor is clean, there is nothing to pick up and eat. Is it okay to eat or not!”

Bai Luoyin glanced Gu Hai aside, and lowered his voice and warned, “Next time I pick up the things that fell to the ground and eat them, you must not scold me again!”

“You can’t!” Gu Haili immediately changed his tone, “Dare you pick one!”

Shier mother … Bai Luoyin replied in his heart.

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