Are You Addicted?

v2 Chapter 83 - Best wishes

It took a long time for Bai Luoyin to turn around and turn around, and the big liar was smiling at him.

Bai Luoyin slammed into Gu Hai’s body and fisted up!

“You **** scared me, did you know? I took it seriously !!! Let you lie to me !! Let you lie to me …”

Scolding cursing and laughing somehow, his arms stuck Gu Hai’s neck, as if to embed him in his own body. Gu Hai dragged him around the house with this posture of Bai Luoyin, taking a few punches every few meters, and a few punches every few meters, and finally stuck Bai Luoyin in a corner and kissed him hard.

The thoughts of more than thirty days passed to each other’s mouth with the fragrance of roses.

The rumbling voice was still hovering in the window. Yang Meng looked at it for a while, then took a look back and patted Liu Chong’s shoulder, “Not ready to withdraw ?!”

Liu Chong blinked, “Isn’t the chief officer yet on the plane?”

“Do you think he came up like that?” Yang Meng couldn’t help but run against Liu Chong. “You are stupid than me?”

Liu Chong, “Are you so boastful?”

Yang Meng hehe laughed.

The two fools left in a helicopter, dropping petals all the way.

After warming up enough, beloin began to sue again.

“You really scared me just now.”

Gu Hai grinned as he touched the back of Bai Luoyin, “Don’t you always tell me that you want to go back in time? I thought you would be very happy to see this!”

“You ca n’t live a good life again! Are you willing to be kept in the tunnel for a few more days? Are you happy to have another car accident? Are you willing to be separated from me for another eight years?”

Gu Hai smiled and went to the top of Bai Luoyin’s forehead. “If I can extend the time with you, I will be happy to do this cycle.”

Bai Luoyin gave a punch to Gu Hai’s stomach. His astringent heart was not uncomfortable, but he was really moved.

It’s been eight years without a birthday. In the years of the army, Beloin’s life has always been three to one. He never mentioned his birthday to anyone, and he didn’t even have a concept for it. Usually when he picks up his mobile phone and sees missed calls and blessing text messages, it is many days later.

“You remember my birthday …” Bai Luoyin couldn’t help but sigh.

“Look at what you said.” Gu Hai pinched Bai Luoyin’s chin in resentment. “I have remembered for so many years. The first two years I just left, I will burn you some paper money on your birthday. Then! “

Beloine was embarrassed first, then laughed cheekily.

Gu Hai watched Bai Luoyin wearing her previous pajamas, with a disheveled black hair laughing recklessly, feeling that time was really going backwards. They really returned to the age of frivolous youth, no sorrow, no fear of danger, and embraced each other with two transparent hearts. All the sufferings of these eight years were cleared at this moment.

“Go home and see!” Gu Hai said, “Your dad has been waiting for you at home!”

“Don’t you say I’m planning to go too!”

After talking about Bai Luoyin, I went to the bedroom to change clothes, and looked in the closet for a long time. I couldn’t find any clothes that I can wear now. Finally I looked out and asked Gu Hai, “Where have you hidden my clothes?” ? “

Gu Hai smiled, “I’m afraid you opened the closet and found a flaw, so you put all your clothes in the car.”

Bai Luoyin had to first wear a suit of that year, followed Gu Hai to take the elevator all the way down to the garage, but found that the garage was empty. “What about the car?” Bai Luoin asked.

Gu Haiting was embarrassed, “I’m afraid you’ll find the flaws in the garage and let people drive away!”

Beloin laughed angrily, “Your plan is so thorough.”

“If this little thing is not well planned, I will be a general manager for so many years.”

Beloin was worried. “What now? I can’t always go back in this suit?”

“What’s wrong?” Gu Hai dragged his uniform, “Isn’t I wearing this too?”

“I always feel a little suspicious.” Beloin touched his chin.

Gu Hai smiled confidently, “How can I say it’s pretend to be tender? I’ve always been tender. Do you think I wore this school uniform the same as that year? I feel like these years have passed, except that I am a little taller, cucumber It’s a little rough, and nothing seems to have changed. “

Beloin sneered, “Yes.”

“What else has changed?”

“His skin is thicker than before.”


Gu Hai had already prepared a bicycle downstairs. It was a bit rusty when I first stepped on it, and I haven’t rode it for many years. Beloin still stood on the rear frame, patted Gu Hai’s shoulder, “Go!”

The streets changed, the scenery changed, and the pedestrians changed.

The only constant is that sincere heart that year.

Bai Luoyin deeply remembered that they graduated together nine years ago, and Gu Hai promised that when he went to college, he took him to and from school on a bicycle. As a result, something changed and he took eight years together.

I missed the worst time in my life.

But it’s no pity to think about it, maybe they really let them go hand in hand for eight years in that situation, they may not be able to persist. It’s time to pick it up. It’s not too late. They are still young and have enough passion to go through this life.

Gu Hai speeded up the car speed.

It was lunch time when it was home. Zou Yong had already prepared the meals. Bai Hanqi went out to order a birthday cake. Just a moment after laying down, he heard a knock on the door.

As soon as the door opened, I saw the two students standing outside.

Bai Hanqi couldn’t help but, “After school, sons?”

“Give me back !!” Bai Luoyin angrily hooked Bai Hanqi’s neck with his arm, and struck him twice in the stomach. “You colluded him to scare me! Who is your pro-son?”

Bai Hanqi shouted two times, and then laughed at Bai Luoyin.

“It’s so old and still so slippery …” Zou Yan snorted beside him.

Gu Hai was afraid that Bai Luoyin would hit Bai Hanqi’s wound, and he quickly dragged him up, angrily saying, “Are you so busy? That’s your dad!”

“We’ve been so troubled for so many years!” Said again.

Bai Hanqi gave Gu Hai a wink. “Let him make trouble. He hasn’t been so tired with me for years.”

Gu Hai silently sighed beside her, her husband is always inferior to his dad! I gave him such a big surprise, he didn’t get bored with me any more, it was so enviable!

Zou Zheng wrapped dumplings in the kitchen, and Gu Hai went in.

“Hey, I’ll give you a bag, just take a break.”

Zou Yan smiled gently, “I’m not tired at all.”

Bai Hanqi went to the bathroom, and Bai Luoyin was left alone in the living room. Bai Luoyin was bored, watching his nails grow, and wanted to cut them, but opened the drawer under the coffee table, but did not see the nail clippers, but instead saw a drawer of medicine.

Bai Luoyin chuckled in his heart, picked up a bottle of medicine and looked at the explanation, and the whole man was stiffened.

Zou Yong just came out of the kitchen, saw Bai Luoyin holding a bottle of medicine in his hand, and then looked at his face, his heart suddenly tightened, and hurried toward Bai Luoyin.

“Hey, this medicine …”

Zou Yan quickly snatched the medicine from the **** and shoved it back into the drawer.

“Factor, you heard my son say, your dad has a heart problem. I went to the hospital for a stent operation a while ago, and it’s okay now.”

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