Are You Addicted?

Chapter 27 - The end of the second generation

The first monthly exam results were issued.

Gu Hai looked at his scores in each subject, which was much higher than he expected. When he thought that he had not spent much time studying, he could still get such scores, and he felt bright.

“How many points do you take?”

Gu Hai would like to know what kind of results the guy who sleeps all day can test out.

“Do you mean the total score?”

Gu Hai nodded, “I’m 521, how about you?”

“I didn’t count.”

“You bring it, I’ll help you figure it out.”

Before waiting for Bai Luoyin to agree, Gu Hai grabbed the papers of Bai Luoyin directly. He intended to use this to rid himself of Bai Luoyin. After all, apart from his sports specialties, Gu Hai really didn’t have any comparison. Bloyne is outstanding.

“Mathematics, 150 …”

Gu Hai was surprised to check the name, it was really heroin, and it was a perfect score. Although the mathematics level of science classes is generally high, the students who can get full marks are really minimal.

“Language, 126 …”

Gu Hai froze again, he looked at his Chinese score, 96 points, a full 30 points. Gu Hai flipped through the papers of Beroin and found that the composition was 15 points away. The composition of Beroin was almost perfect.

“It’s not fair …” Gu Hai calmly said, “If you write this composition in my words, it’s definitely not worth 40 points.”

Beloin didn’t bother to care about such people.

“Synthesis 287, English 131 … Total 694?”

This score, can get the Beijing college entrance examination champion! how is this possible? Gu Hai didn’t believe it, and just slept with Bai Luoyin so much in class. Can he get such a score? Is there any truth?

“Copy it?”

“Especially in front of me, behind you, who should I copy?”

In particular, the total score is only over 400 points, which is even worse.

A girl next to him saw Gu Hai’s unbelieving expression, and couldn’t help but interject, “Beloin was admitted to this class in the first place, and his school ranking has always been in the top five.”

Gu Hai now finally understands why Luo Xiaoyu was so obedient to beloin, and the students around him always praised beloin as being very smart. Originally thought that the two were on the same road, one always slept, and one always lost his mind. After a long time in trouble, there was a small abacus in their minds. No matter how tossing, it was you who was delayed in the end.

“You are too bad!”

Gu Hai patted him on the neck of Bai Luoyin.

Am I bad? Beloin thought that if God had eyes, he should have hacked the back.

“Why am I broken?”

“You destroyed my ability to accept genius.”

Bai Luoyin sneered and hit back mercilessly.

“You also destroyed my ability to tolerate Silly B.”

Gu Hai had not yet attacked, and suddenly a loud noise made everyone’s attention reach the back door. A stranger opened his back door with his feet, and even raised up the pieces of shredded paper on the ground. The man looked emaciated, with a wave of Street Fighter hidden in his body.

“Beroin, I care about your uncle!”

A swearing without any warning quieted the noisy classroom for a moment.

Bai Luoyin’s indifferent eyes flew away and saw a face that made him extremely disgusted. This person is called Wu Fang, and since high school, he likes to live with Beloin. The reason is simple. The girl he chases has been secretly in love with white heroin. And he was a bus pick-up all day, he wanted money and money, and a powerful second-generation official. The school’s leaders had to respect him by three points. How could he tolerate a poor boy always resting on his head .

“Beroin, let me tell you, be honest with me. Be careful if I take you out. If I do, I dare you to hang out in this school! Don’t think you can do whatever you want. One day, you’ve gotta mess with Grandpa, you’re the first in the school and you have to get out of it! “

Bai Luoyin stood up and let go of Wu Wu, his tone calm and calm.

“What do I have? You tell me, I want to hear.”

Wu Fang laughed arrogantly, “Make me say it? I’m afraid I said it. You cry on your knees and ask me to let you go.”

Five words that are short and cold, “Say it if you have one!”

“Okay, this is what you asked me to do. Classmates have listened to it. I’ll just say it once. Your Banbailoin is a hybrid with a mother and no mother. Do you know what the **** is? Tell me Frighten you! Wait … you can’t call it that way, now it’s changed and called a stupid girl … hahaha … “

There was a hiss in the class, some expressed surprise, some expressed disgust, and more doubt. No one believed that Beroin would have such a mother. They felt that Wu Fang deliberately fabricated a fact to insult Beroin because of jealousy.

Beloin didn’t say a word from start to finish, his expression was dead, only the violent blood vessels on his arm were beating constantly.

“Look at Beroin, it’s **** wild at first sight! Anyone who doesn’t have a mother, he’s such a counselor!”

Beloin had already reached Wu Fang’s side and raised his arm.

Just that second, Beroin was sprayed with blood.

Wu Fang hadn’t understood what was going on, Bai Luoyin was also shocked, Gu Hai’s fist raised again, another punch, and Wu Fang’s half face was out of shape. A large stream of blood came out of the nose and eyes, flowing into the teeth, and the pain was soaring.

“I care about your mother … how dare you hit me?”

Wu Fang rushed towards Gu Hai, and Gu Hai kicked Wu Fang’s knee bone with accuracy and fierceness, and the sound of bone fracture was terrifying in his ears. Wu Fang screamed and fell to the ground again, Gu Hai dragged his neck collar and dragged him from the back door of the class to the front door.


A mouth drew down and everyone in the corridor heard it.

At first, there were still people running here, trying to persuade the fight, but when they saw the scene on the ground, they were all scared. Wu Hai’s entire face was beaten by Gu Hai as the same pile of tattered cotton, her jaw was crooked, Gu Hai swept her two fists, Wu let go of her four teeth, and she had difficulty breathing when she spit it out.


Gu Hai pointed to the heroin.

Wu Fang cried, “Why apologize to me? Why hit me again? I’ll let you in tomorrow! Don’t believe you try it.”

Wu Fang’s words are not unreasonable. If Gu Haizhen is a high school student without an identity background, it is inevitable to squat into the second generation of officials.

Gu Hai’s fist was covered with blood. He held Wu Fang’s head in his left hand, and swiped a dull punch in his right hand.


Wu Fang’s half face collapsed.

Several passing girls were screaming in fright. Even a teacher passing here didn’t dare to stop directly, but hurried to call the security office.


Wu Fang’s tears burst into tears, and my aunt was crying.

A boy in the class really couldn’t stand it anymore. When he came to Gu Hai, he kindly reminded him, “Gu Hai, don’t hit him like this, it will cause trouble!”

Gu Hai couldn’t hear it at all, and kicked Wu Bang’s thigh.


Wu Fang was so painful that he shrank, twitching like a shrimp on the ground.

Bai Luoyin stood silently, shocked and speechless. He didn’t understand why Gu Hai was so mad at himself.

In particular, she pushed Bai Luoyin, “You go to persuade it, and go on like this, something is wrong.”

Bai Luoyin walked over without saying a word, and Gu Hai held up three fingers.

“I counted to three, and you don’t apologize any more. I just threw you out of the window. If you don’t believe me, try it.”

“One, two …”

Wu Fang suddenly hugged Gu Hai’s legs, his entire face was already blurred, and he could not see his original appearance.

“I’m … sorry …”

Wu Fang opened his mouth, and a large mass of thick blood flowed from his mouth. The people around him looked very palpitated, and all took a step back.

Gu Hai suddenly pulled Wu Fang up, forcing him to kneel on his knees, and pressed his head under the feet of Bai Luoyin.

“Say, you are his grandson, you are a hybrid!”

Wu Fang paused.

Knowing that things were bad, Bai Luoyin wanted to stop Gu Hai and stop him from playing. As a result, Gu Hai’s fist went off, and Wu Fang’s gums ran out of his lips.

“Enough!” Bai Luoyin grabbed Gu Hai, “hurry him to the hospital.”

“stand up!”

Gu Hai roared at Bai Luoyin.

Since Bai Luoyin knew Gu Hai, he has never seen Gu Hai’s expression, all cruel and terrible words can’t be overstated.


Gu Hai’s anger sounded throughout the corridor, and the sun outside did not dare to shine into this dark and cold corner.

Wu Fang’s face was on Bai Luoyin’s feet, and he was crying and panting, and the dirt on the ground was spit out from his mouth.

“I’m … you … grandson … wow … I’m a hybrid … hybrid … wow …”

Gu Hai threw off Wu Fang and stood up, the front of the entire school uniform was stained with blood.

Beloin stood quietly between them, his heart was empty.

The alarm sound of the 120 ambulance came in, and a group of onlookers were almost all walking back to the classroom with soft legs, and the medical staff hurried to the classroom door and lifted Wu Fang, who was in shock, onto the stretcher.

After ten minutes, everything was calm.

The outside blood had been carefully brushed by the sweepers, and the fishy smell still floated into the classroom through the window, and everyone’s heart was cold.

“Gu Hai, come out a bit.”

When Bai Luoyin looked back at Gu Hai, his position was already vacant, and many students were discussing. Gu Hai was out this time, I’m afraid he would never come back.

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