Archon of Danmachi

Discussion at Folkvangr I

"Even if you are all simply glad to "have me back" as you say, it does not change the fact that there are matters we need to discuss." Freya said, snapping Horn out of her considerations as she paid close attention to her mistress.

"I have heard the basic of the main operation carried out by you all during my . . . indisposition from Ottar and Horn. Namely, your efforts to restore me to my usual self." She continued.

"I would like to hear your thoughts on the deal made with Nox Lyros. More specifically, on how you all think we should proceed." The goddess of beauty declared.

Usually, Freya did not so much as discuss things with them as she gave out commands meant to be followed to the letter but none of them thought anything of it since on occasion, their goddess was known to test them, requesting their opinions on a matter before telling them her own vision and plan.

It was not only a test but a learning opportunity and a bit of a competition as all the executives wished to put forward an opinion as close as possible to Freya's intentions in a show how how much they understood and were close to their goddess.

Still, only some saw that way and others viewed it as an opportunity to give their input, whether they would do things according to said view or not being of secondary importance.

The gulliver brothers were the former while someone like Hedin was the latter. Ottar did not usually give an opinion and just faithfully waited for his goddess' commands while Allen was more of the type to lay his feelings on the table without too much extraneous thought.

Hogni was a bit more quite and not very assertive in such matters while Horn did not even participate in almost everyone of said meetings so she had no particular view or habit in regards to such matters.

Still, everyone with their own thoughts and opinions thought on their answer . . . Except for Allen who had quite strong views on the matter that he felt the need to expose since he had received the go ahead from his goddess.

"It's obvious the bastard took the opportunity, our moment of weakness to squeeze us hard. It was even his fault that this all happened in the first place and our relationship with him is crap either way. I say the best option is to ignore the deal and simply carry on with our usual routines." Allen shared.

"It's not like he can do much since targeting us is not that easy unless he is willing to suffer a major loss of reputation and he can't make the matter public since he was basically exploiting us." He further added.

The latter addition was quite correct as well. Allen Fromel was certainly a hot head and easily riled but but say what you want, he certainly was not completely hopeless in the brains department and could certainly see through some things . . .

Even if his thought process was precisely the one that would lead his familia right into the trap Nox had hidden in their deal.

Freya show no change in expression, be it approval or disapproval, merely waiting for the others to give their take on the matter as well.

As for the Gulliver Brothers, what they wanted to say was not what they thought should be done but instead what they thought their goddess wanted to be done.

Personally, they were much of the same mind as Allen and though they despised him, his point sounded very reasonable to their eras, even if the words came in his rather annoying voice.

However . . . Considering Freya's obsession with Nox which they were not sure was cured or not with this latest stunt, they were hesitant on whether to give an opinion on whether they should go for an attempt on payback like Allen suggested or one at reconciliation.

Still, while these happening were opportunities to give their opinions and earn some recognition from their most beloved goddess, it was not strictly necessary to express one's opinion and since they were quite undecided, the brothers decided to abstain from giving their opinion.

With that being the case, Hedin who was by far the familia's most eloquent speaker, at least if Freya herself was not counted, came forward to share his own thoughts on the matter and, rather predictably considering his general way of carrying himself and his previous attitude, the elf's opinion was opposed to his vice captain Allen's.

"I think we should honor the deal." He declared and before enraged opposition could materialize, he began to explain his reason which shut up Allen who somehow found enough patience to listen.

"Regarding our tenuous relationship, it can be said we struck first so him make things difficult for us now is only natural."

"We should be thankful he did not outright refuse us. As for the deal, though a bit exploitative, we did agree upon it before and he held up his end of the bargain with great efficiency. So I believe we should respond in kind and move towards reconciliation if possible." Hedin continued.

"After all, it is not wise to needlessly make an enemy out of someone of the Archon's caliber. Not when there are better options available. The agreed upon price may be large but it is not beyond our means so he can be said not to have pushed us too far either." He concluded.

Once again, Freya made no moves nor gave away any of her thoughts while waiting if everyone else wanted to say their piece after Allen and Hedin shared their opposing viewpoints.

As for the only one who was still considering to share his opinion, it was the dark elf Hogni.


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